USD121146S - Design fob a dress ensemble - Google Patents

Design fob a dress ensemble Download PDF


Publication number
USD121146S US D121146 S USD121146 S US D121146S
United States
Prior art keywords
dress ensemble
design fob
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Margaret Hobgood
Filing date
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M. HOBGOOD Des. 121,146
June 18, 1940.
Filed May 29, 1940 Patented June 18, 1940 De 121,146
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A DRESS ENSEMBLE Margaret Hobgood, New York, N. Y. Amilication May 29, 1940, Serial No. 92,670 Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: a Fig. 2 is a rear view thereof.
Be it known that I, Margaret Hobgood, a citi- Fig. 3 is a fragmentary front View of the dress zen of the United States of America, residing in member ofthe ensemble. the city of New York, county of New York, and i Fig. 4 is a rear view of Fig. 3. State of New York, have invented a new, original, I claim: and ornamental Design for a Dress Ensemble, of The ornamental design for a dress ensemble, which the following is a specification, reference substantially as shown. being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof. MARGARET HOBGOOD,
Fig. 1 is a front view of a dress ensemble showing my new design,



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