USD121133S - Design for a confectionery product - Google Patents

Design for a confectionery product Download PDF


Publication number
USD121133S US D121133 S USD121133 S US D121133S
United States
Prior art keywords
confectionery product
Prior art date
Application number
Norman M. Thomas
Original Assignee
Joe Lowe Corporation
Filing date
Publication date




June 18, 1940.
N. M. THOMAS CONFECTIONERY PRODUCT Filed April 16, 1940 Des. 121,133 Q INVENTOR jvw'man M 17mm BY ATT RNEY Patented June 18, 1940 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR, A CONFECTIONERY PRODUCT Norman M. Thomas, Pelham, N. Y., assignor to (Q Joe Lowe Corporation, New York, N. Y., a corporation of Delaware Application April 16, 1940, Serial No. 91,826
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front elevational view;
Be it known that I, Norman M. Thomas, a Fig. 2 is a side elevational View; and citizen of the United States and resident of Pel- Fig. 3 is a top plan view of the confectionery ham, New York, have invented a certain new, product embodying my new design. original, and ornamental Design for a ConfeC- What I claim is: tionery Product, of which the following is a speci- The ornamental design for a confectionery fication, reference being had to the accompany product, substantially as shown. ing drawing, forming part thereof. NORMAN M. THOMAS.



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