USD121057S - Design fob a ribbon fabric - Google Patents

Design fob a ribbon fabric Download PDF


Publication number
USD121057S US D121057 S USD121057 S US D121057S
United States
Prior art keywords
ribbon fabric
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
Irwin B. Simon
Filing date
Publication date




June 11, 1940. Des. 121,057
l. B. SIMON ARIBBON FABRIC Filed Feb. 2, 1940 INVENTOR WW/V5 SIMON ATTORNEYS Patented June 11, 1940 i Des, 121,057
DESIGN FOB A RIBBON FABRIC Irwin B. Simon, San Francisco, Calif. *Q Applieation February z, 1940, serial 111.1821955J Terni of patent 7 years To all whom zt-may concern: Figure 1 is a plan view of the ribbon fabric Be it known that I, Irwin B. Simon, a citizen showing my new design; and of the United States and a resident of the city Figure 2 is a perspective view of a section yof and county of San Francisco and State of Calithe ribbon fabric. fornia, have invented a new, original, and orna- I claim:
mental Design for a Ribbon Fabric, of which 'I'he ornamental design for a ribbon fabric, the following is a specication, reference being substantially as shown.
had to the accompanying drawing, forming part IRWIN B. SIMON. thereof, in which:



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