USD120757S - Design foe a broiler grill - Google Patents

Design foe a broiler grill Download PDF


Publication number
USD120757S US D120757 S USD120757 S US D120757S
United States
Prior art keywords
design foe
broiler grill
Prior art date
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Stanley H. Hobson
Original Assignee
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May 28, 1940. g, HOBSON Des. 120,757
BRO ILER GRILL Filed March 16, 1940 Patented May 28, 1940 I Des. 120,757
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A BROILER GRILL Stanley H. Hobson, Rockford, 111., assignor to Gee. 1). Repeat Corporation, Rockford, 111., a connotation of Illinois Application March 16, 1940, Serial No. 903%2 Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: 1 Fig. l is a plan View of a broiler grill, showing Be it known that I, Stanley H. Hobson, a citimy new design, and
Zen of the United States, residing at Rockford, Figs. 2 and 3 are longitudinal sections taken in the county of Winnebago and State of Illinois, on the lines 22 and 3 3 of Fig. 1.
have invented a new, original, and ornamental I claim:
Design for a Broiler Grill, of which the following The ornamental design for a broiler grill, subis a specification, reference being had to the stantially as shown.
accompanying drawing, forming part thereof, STANLEY I-I. HOBSON.
In the drawing:



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