USD119950S - Design for a lace tablecloth - Google Patents

Design for a lace tablecloth Download PDF


Publication number
USD119950S US D119950 S USD119950 S US D119950S
United States
Prior art keywords
lace tablecloth
Prior art date
Application number
James Waterfleld
Original Assignee
Quaker Lace Company Inc
Filing date
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April 16, 1940. J wATERFlELD Des. 119,950
LACE TABLECLOTH Filed March 9, 1940 1N VENTOR.
Patented Apr. 16, 1940 UNITED STATES Des. 119,950
PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A LAC E TABLECLOTH James Waterfield, Philadelphia, Pa., assignor to Quaker Lace Company Inc., Philadelphia, Pa.
Application March 9, 1940, Serial No. 90,804
' Term of patent 3 /2 years Toall whom it may concern:
Be it known that James Waterfield, a citizen of the United States of America, residing at 5333 Wakefield Street, Philadelphia, in the county of Philadelphia and State of Pennsylvania, has invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Lace Tablecloth, of which the following is a specification, reference being bad to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof, in which the figure is a face View of a quarter section of the lace tablecloth showing my new de-' sign, the other three sections being identical with that here disclosed, arranged in proper relation to complete the lace tablecloth. The quarter section of the cloth is shown over a dark background to bring out the details of the lace design.
I claim:
The ornamental design for a lace tablecloth, substantially as shown and described.



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