USD118975S - Design for a doll - Google Patents

Design for a doll Download PDF


Publication number
USD118975S US D118975 S USD118975 S US D118975S
United States
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Oilie Mae Jay
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Des. 118,975
0. M. JAY
Feb. 13, 1940.
Filed Dec. 1, 1959 Patented Feb. 13, 1940. E
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A DOLL Ollie, Mae Jay, San Antonio, Tex. Application December 1, 1939, Serial No. 88,617
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a front elevation of a. doll, showing Be it known that I, Ollie Mae Jay, a citizen my new design. of the United States and a resident of San An- Figure 2 is a side elevationof said doll. tonio, in the county of Bexar and State of Texas, Figure 3 is a. plan thereof. have invented the new, original, and ornamental I claim: Design for Dolls, of which the following is a The ornamental design for a doll, as shown. specification.
Reference is had to the accompanying draw- OLLIE MAE JAY. ing forming part thereof, in which:



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