USD118643S - Design for display card - Google Patents

Design for display card Download PDF


Publication number
USD118643S US D118643 S USD118643 S US D118643S
United States
Prior art keywords
display card
Prior art date
Application number
William C. Mckenna
Original Assignee
The Emerson Drug Company of Baltimore
Filing date
Publication date




Jan. 23, 1940. w. c. MCKENNA Des. 118,543
DISPLAY CARD Filed Nov- 10, 1959 ,zama.
Patented Jan. 23, 1940 Des,
UNITED STATES iATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR DISfLAY CARD William C. MoKenna, Baltimore, Md., assignor to The Emerson Drug Company of Baltimore City, Baltimore, Md., a corporation of Maryland Application November 10, 1939, Serial No. 88,199
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may cloncem: Figure 2 is a top plan view thereof.
Be it known that I, William C. McKenna, a The dominant features of my design reside in citizen of the United States, residing at Baltithe portions shown in full lines. more City, State of Maryland, have invented a I claim: new, original, and ornamental Design for a Dis- The ornamental design for display card, subplay Card, of which the following is a specificastantially as shown and described. tion, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof. WILLLAM C. McKENNA.
Figure l is a front elevational view of a display card, showing my design, and



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