USD117941S - Design for a fish bait - Google Patents

Design for a fish bait Download PDF


Publication number
USD117941S US D117941 S USD117941 S US D117941S
United States
Prior art keywords
fish bait
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John M. Withey
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J. M. WITHEY Des. 117,941
'FISH BAIT Dec. 5, 1939.
Filed Sept. 15, 1959 Patented Dec. 5, 1 939 I I Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A FISH BAIT I John M. Withey, Howell, Mich. Application September 15, 1939, Serial No. 87,242
Term of patent 14 years Toallit may concern: Figure 1 is a side elevational view of a fish 'Be it known that I, John M. Withey, a citizen bait, showing my new design; of the United States, residing at Howell, in the Fig. 2 is a top plan view of the same; and county of Livingston and State of Michigan, Fig. 3 is a front elevational view thereof.
have invented a new, original, and ornamental I claim: Design for Fish Baits, of which the following is av The ornamental design for a fish bait, as specification, reference being had to the accomshown. panying drawing, forming part thereof. JOHN M. WITI-IEY.



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