USD117784S - Design for a toy - Google Patents

Design for a toy Download PDF


Publication number
USD117784S US D117784 S USD117784 S US D117784S
United States
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M. H. Bubbles
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3 G. M. H. DUBBLES 1388- 117,784
Filed Jan. 30, 1939 mce MHDaM/es 55 I @M if KMYZHWJ To all whom it may concern.
Patented Nov. 28; 1939 t ,v UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE g a I 117,784
DESIGN FOR A TOY Grace M, 11. Dubbles, Lincoln, Nebr. Application January 30, 1939, Serial No. 82,660 Term of patent 7 years I I Figure 1 is a view in side elevation and Figure Be it known that I, Grace M. H. Bubbles, a 2 is a View in front perspective of a toy, showing citizen of the United States, residing at Lincoln, my new design.
in the county of Lancaster and State of Nebraska, I claim:
have invented a new, original, and ornamental The ornamental designfor a toy, as shown. Design for Toys, of which the following isa specification, reference being had. to the accom- GRACE M. H. DUBBLES.
panying drawing, forming part thereof,



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