USD117625S - Design for a culinary spoon or sim - Google Patents

Design for a culinary spoon or sim Download PDF


Publication number
USD117625S US D117625 S USD117625 S US D117625S
United States
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Max Brandt
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Nov. 14, 1939. M. BRANDT Des. 117,625
CULINARY SPOON OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed July 28, 1939 l 7%@ //Qalsmoxz. BY
Patented Nov. 14, 1939 UNITED STATES Des. 117,625
PATENT OFFICE Max Brandt, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Application July 28, 1939, Serial No. 86,288
To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, Max Brandt, a citizen of Germany, but having declared my intention of becoming a citizen of the United States, and resident oi New York city, Borough of Brooklyn, in the county of Kings and State of New York, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Culinary Spoon or Similar Article, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof, and in which Fig. l is a side elevational View of a culinary spoon or sim- Term of patent 7 years ilar article showing my new design; Fig. 2 is a top plan view thereof; Fig. 3 is a bottom plan view thereof; and Fig. 4 is an end elevational view thereof.
The dominant feature of the design resides in the handle portion shown in full lines,
The ornamental design for a culinary spoon or similar article, substantially as shown and described.



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