USD115860S - Design for a baseball game device - Google Patents

Design for a baseball game device Download PDF


Publication number
USD115860S US D115860 S USD115860 S US D115860S
United States
Prior art keywords
baseball game
game device
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Harry K. Surbeck
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July 25, 1939. K, SURBECK Des. 115,860
BASEBALL GAME DEVICE Filed Oct. 6, 1938 oooooo pooooc:oooooo 'oooo Patented July 25, 1939 Des. 115,860
UNITED STATES PATENT ()FFICE DESIGN FOR A BASEBALL GAME DEVICE Harry K. Surbeck, Cleveland, Ohio Application October 6, 1938, Serial No. 80,290
Term of patent 3 /2 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front perspective View of a baseball Be it known that I, Harry K. Surbeck, a citigame device, showing my new design. zen of the United States, residing at Cleveland, Fig. 2 is a fragmentary perspective View of the in the county of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, rear portion of the device on an enlarged scale. have invented a new, original, and ornamental I claim: Design for a Baseball Game Device, of which the The ornamental design for a baseball game following is a specification, reference being had device, as shown. to the accompanying drawing, forming part HARRY K. SURBECK. thereof.



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