USD115549S - Design for a street sign - Google Patents

Design for a street sign Download PDF


Publication number
USD115549S US D115549 S USD115549 S US D115549S
United States
Prior art keywords
street sign
Prior art date
Application number
Jesse Le Roy Greer
Filing date
Publication date




July 4, 1939. J. LE R. GREER Des.` 115,549
STREET SIGN 4 Filed OCL. 20, 1958 gmc/who@ JsseL.Gi1eel1 Patented July 4, 1939 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE .4 Jesse Le Roy Greer, Dallas, Tex.
Application October 20, 1938, Serial No. 80,577
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern.' Figure 1 is a front elevation of a street sign Be it known that I, Jesse L. Greer, a citizen of showing my new design.
the United States, residing at Dallas, in the coun- Figure 2 is a side elevation thereof.
ty of Dallas and State of Texas, have invented a I claim:-
neW, original, and ornamental Design for a Street 'Ihe ornamental design for a street sign, as
Sign, of `which the following is a specification, shown. Y
reference being had to the accompanying draW- JESSE LE ROY GREER.
ing, forming part thereof.



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