USD115438S - Design for a shoe sole - Google Patents

Design for a shoe sole Download PDF


Publication number
USD115438S US D115438 S USD115438 S US D115438S
United States
Prior art keywords
shoe sole
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Walter H. Wirries
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June 27, 1939. w, H, WIRRIES Des. 115,438
SHOE SOLE Filed April 26, 1939 INVENTOR WALTER H. W/RR/Es BY WW ATTORNEYS Patented June 27, 1939 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A SHOE SOLE Walter H. Wirries, Lima, Ohio, assignor to The Lima. Cord Sole and Heel Company, Lima, Ohio, a corporation of Ohio Application April 26, 1939, Serial No. 84,560
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a plan view of a shoe sole, showing Be it known that I, Walter H. Wirries, a citizen my new design; and
of the United States, residing at Lima, in the Figure 2 is a cross-section on the line 2-2 of county of Allen and State of Ohio, have invented Fig. 1.
a new, original, and ornamental Design for a Iclaim:
Shoe Sole, of which the following is a specifica- The ornamental design for ashoe sole, as shown. tion, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof. WALTER H. WIRRIES.



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