USD114904S - Design fob a coat - Google Patents

Design fob a coat Download PDF


Publication number
USD114904S US D114904 S USD114904 S US D114904S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
Adolph Oppenheimer
Filing date
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may Z3, 1939- NH R Des. 114,904
Filed March 18, 1939 IN V EN TOR. 170 0 4 OflaenJe/Merr (7 ATTORNEY P e e y 9 Des. 114,904
DESIGN FOR. A COAT Adolph Oppenheimer, New York, N. Y. D Application March 18, 1939, Serial No. 83,661
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a front view of a coat showing my Be it known that I, Adolph Oppenheimer, a. new design.
citizen of the United States and residing in Man- Fig. 2 is a rear view thereof. hattan, in the city, county, and State of New I claim: York, have invented a new, original, and orna- The ornamental design for a coat, substanmental Design for a Coat, of which the following tially as shown. is a. specification, reference being had to the ADOLPI-I OPPENI-IEIMER. accompanying drawing, forming part thereof, where n



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