USD114783S - Design fob a flower basket - Google Patents

Design fob a flower basket Download PDF


Publication number
USD114783S US D114783 S USD114783 S US D114783S
United States
Prior art keywords
flower basket
design fob
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Application number
Edward A. Bittel
Original Assignee
George B
Filing date
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E. A. BITTEL v13% 114,733
FLOWER BASKET May 16, 1939.
Filed June 24, 1938 Edwa rd AEWZ F ATTORNEY Patented May 16, 1939 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE 114,783 DESIGN FOR A FLOWER BASKET Edward A. Bittel, Rochester, N. Y., assignor to I George B. Hart, 1110., Rochester, N. Y., a. corporation of New York Application June 24, 1938, Serial No. 78,035
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: In the drawing:
Be it known that I, Edward A. Bittel, a. citizen Figure 1 is a front elevation of the flower of the United States, residing at Rochester, in the basket, showing my new design. county of Monroe and State of New York, have Figure 2 is a side elevational view thereof. invented a new, original, and ornamental Design I claim: for Flower Baskets, of which the following is a. The ornamental design for a flower basket, as specification, reference being had to the accomshown. panying drawing, forming part thereof. I EDWARD A. BIT'I'EL.



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