USD114186S - Design for a magazine rack or - Google Patents

Design for a magazine rack or Download PDF


Publication number
USD114186S US D114186 S USD114186 S US D114186S
United States
Prior art keywords
magazine rack
Prior art date
Application number
Ota O. Hobson
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April 1939- 0.0. HOBSON Des. 114,186
MAGAZINE RACK OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed Aug. 8, 1938 a n. a o 2:22;:,.2032562322223.
N MOH OMOMOMOMO 00000090 vlncunvavvanauonlbaanzaonflbolo HOHOMOHOHOMOHO OHOHOHOHO 00 0, Zen 3 0. on 9 INVENTOR. UDHUBSUN ATTORNE Patented Apr-. 11, 1939 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A MAGAZINE RACK OR SILIILAR ARTICLE Ota 0. Hobson, Chariton, Iowa Application August 8, 1938, Serial No. 79,195
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: The figure is a perspective view of the maga- Be it known that I. Ota O. Hobson, a citizen of zine rack or similar article, showing my design.
the United States, resident of Chariton, Lucas I claim:
County, Iowa, have invented a new, original, and The ornamental design for a magazine rack ornamental Design for a Magazine Rack or Simior similar article, substantially as shown.
lar Article, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying OTA O. HOBSON.
drawing, forming a part thereof.



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