USD112752S - Design for a finger guard - Google Patents

Design for a finger guard Download PDF


Publication number
USD112752S US D112752 S USD112752 S US D112752S
United States
Prior art keywords
finger guard
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Maggie Holden
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Dec, 27, 1938. o. M, DOUGLAS ET AL 1365- 112,752
' FINGER GUARD Filed Aug. 5, 1938 In ventor Osmer Mjozo Zas- M y z'e H01 820 A fiorneys Patented Dec. 27, 1938 I g a it t UNITED STATES PATENT-,- orrice DESIGN FOR A FINGER GUARD Osmer M. Douglas and Maggie Holden, Salt Lake City, Utah Application August 5, 1938, Serial No. 79,139
Term of patent 14 years 7 To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a top plan view of a finger guard,
Be it known that we, Osmer M. Douglas and showing our new design.
Maggie Holden, citizens of the United States, Figure 2 is aview in side elevation thereof.
residing at Salt Lake City, in the county of Salt Figure 3 is an end elevatlonal view.
Lake and State of Utah, have invented a new, We claim:
original, and ornamental Design for a Finger The ornamental design for a finger guard, as
Guard, of which the following is a specification, shown.
reference being had to the accompanying drawv OSMER M. DOUGLAS.
ing, forming part thereof. MAGGIE HOLDEN.



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