USD112197S - Design for a hair curler - Google Patents

Design for a hair curler Download PDF


Publication number
USD112197S US D112197 S USD112197 S US D112197S
United States
Prior art keywords
hair curler
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Frances M. Jones
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Nov. 15, 1938. JONES Des. 112,197
HAIR CURLER Filed Aug. 16, 1937 IN V EN TOR;
Patented Nov. 15, 1938 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A HAIR CURLER Frances M. Jones, Burlington, Iowa Application August 16, 1937, Serial No. 71,122
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a perspective view of a hair curler Be it known that I, Frances M. Jones, a citizen showing my new design. of the United States and a resident of the city of Fig. 2 is a top plan View; and,
Burlington, in the county of Des Moines and Fig. 3 is a side elevational view thereof. State of Iowa, have invented a new, original, and I claim:
ornamental Design foraI-Iair Curler, or" which the The ornamental design for a hair curler, as following is the specification, and reference being shown.
had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part FRANCES M. JONES, thereof.



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