USD109479S - Design for a ventilator - Google Patents

Design for a ventilator Download PDF


Publication number
USD109479S US D109479 S USD109479 S US D109479S
United States
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Jacob M. Goldberg
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May 3, 1938. J. M. GOLDBERG Des. 109,479
VENTILATOR Filed Feb. 28 1938 I Emu 1 Patented May 3, 1938 Q Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A VENTILAT'OR Jacob M. Goldberg, Denver, Colo. Application February 28, 1938, Serial No. 75,479
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a. front elevation 01' a ventilator,
Be it known that I, Jacob M. Goldberg, a citishowing my new design; zen of the United States, residing at the city Figure 2 is a side elevation thereof; and and county of Denver and State of Colorado, Figure 3 is a rear view of the ventilator. have invented a new, original, and ornamental I claim: Design for Ventilators, of which the following is The ornamental design for a ventilator, as a specification, reference being had to the acshown. companying drawing, forming part thereof. J'ACOB M. GOLDBERG.
In the drawing:



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