USD108303S - Design for a coat - Google Patents

Design for a coat Download PDF


Publication number
USD108303S US D108303 S USD108303 S US D108303S
United States
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new york
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Application number
Jacob A. Silverman
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Feb. 1, 1938. slLVERMAN Des. 108,303
Filed D90. 1937 INVENTQF? Patented Feb. 1, 1938 Des,
DESIGN FOR. A COAT Jacob A. Silverman, New York, N. Y.
Application December 17, 1937, Serial No. 73,673
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern. Figure 1 is a front view of a coat showing my Be it known that I, Jacob A. Silverman, a citinew design. zen of the United States of America, residing in Figure 2 is a rear View of the coat shown in New York city, in the Borough of Manhattan, Figure 1. county and State of New York, have invented a I claim: n w, ornamental Design f r t, The ornamental design for a coat, substanof which the following is a specification, refertially as shown. ence being had to the accompanying drawing, JACOB A. SILVERMAN.
forming part thereof, wherein,



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