USD108281S - Design for a facsimile recorder or - Google Patents

Design for a facsimile recorder or Download PDF


Publication number
USD108281S US D108281 S USD108281 S US D108281S
United States
Prior art keywords
facsimile recorder
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Application number
William G. H. Finch
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Feb. 1, 1938, w. e. H. FlNCH Des. 108,281
FACSIMILERECORDER OR THE LIKE FilXed Dec'. 27, 1937 INVENTOK william g.jl'.,ginch 44/ ATTORNEYS Patented Feb. 1, 1938 f Des.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A FAGSIMILE RECORDER OR THE LIKE William G. H. Finch, New York, N. Y. Application December 27, 1937, Serial No. 73,885
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a, perspective view taken from the Be it known that I, William G. H. Finch, a front of the facsimile recorder showing my new citizen of the United States, residing at New design.
York, in the county of Bronx and State of New Figure 2 is a perspective view taken from the York, have invented a new, original, and ornarear of the unit.
mental Design for Facsimile Recorder or the I claim:
like, of which the following is a specification, The ornamental design for a facsimile recorder reference being had to the accompanying drawor the like, as shown. ing, forming a. part thereof.



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