USD107780S - Design for an illuminated sign - Google Patents

Design for an illuminated sign Download PDF


Publication number
USD107780S US D107780 S USD107780 S US D107780S
United States
Prior art keywords
illuminated sign
Prior art date
Application number
William A. Lintern
Original Assignee
The Lintern Corporation
Filing date
Publication date




Jan. 4, 1938. I w. A. LlNTERN Des. 107,780
ILLUMINATED SIGN Filed Aug. 20, 1957 fi i INVENTOR. WILLIAM A. LINTERN Patented Jan. 4, 1938 UNITED STATES Des. 107,780
PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR AN ILLUMINATED SIGN William A. Lintern, Cleveland, Ohio, assignor to The Lintern Corporation, Cleveland, Ohio, a
corporation of Ohio Application August 20, 1937, Serial No. 71,218
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, William A. Lintern, a citizen of the United States, residing at Cleveland, in the county of Cuyahoga and State of Ohio, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for an Illuminated Sign, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.
Fig. 1 is a perspective view of an illuminated sign showing my new design; and
Fig. 2 is a vertical sectional View taken on the line 22 of Fig. l.
I claim:
The ornamental design for an illuminated sign, as shown.



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