USD106301S - Design for a bedstead - Google Patents

Design for a bedstead Download PDF


Publication number
USD106301S US D106301 S USD106301 S US D106301S
United States
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George Krick
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Oct. 5, 1937. KRlcK 7 Des. 106,301
BEDSTEAD Filed Aug. 9, 1937 Patented Oct. 5, 1937 I Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A BEDSTEAD George Krick, Portland, 0reg., assignor to B. P. John Furniture Corporation, Portland, 0reg., a p corporation of Oregon Application August 9, 1937, Serial No. 70,927
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: Figure 1 is a side elevation of a bedstead show- Be it known that I, George Krick, a citizen of ing my new design.
the United States and a, resident of Portland, in Figure 2 is a perspective view taken from the the county of Multnomah, State of Oregon, have right of Figure 1.
invented a new, original, and ornamental Design I claim:
for a Bed d, O which the following iS a spe The ornamental design for a bedstead substanfication, reference being had to the accompanying tially as shown.
drawing, forming a part thereof. GEORGE KRICK.



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