USD106001S - Design for a sadiron or similar - Google Patents

Design for a sadiron or similar Download PDF


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USD106001S US D106001 S USD106001 S US D106001S
United States
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Howard A. Smith
Original Assignee
n the above numbered patent was erroneously described and specified as
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Sept. 7, 1937. H. A. SMITH Des. 106,001
SADIRON 0R SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed Jan. 12, 1937 ted sept. 7., 1937 i Des. 106,001
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A SADIRON OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Howard A. Smith, St. Louis, Mo., assignor to Knopp-Monarch Company, St. Louis, Mo., a corporation of Missouri Application January 12, 1937, Serial No. 67,019
Term of patent 7 .years To all whom it may concern: Figure 2 is a side elevational View of the same.
Be it known that I, Howard A. Smith, a citize Figure 3 is a rear elevation thereof; and of the United States and a resident of the city Figure 4 is a side fragmentary elevational view of St. Louis and State of Missouri, have invented of the rear end of the iron looking in a. direction a new, original, and ornamental Design for a opposite that of Figure 2.
Sadiron or Similar Article, of which the follow- I claim: ing is a specification, reference being had to the The ornamental design for sadiron or similar accompanying drawing, forming part thereof. article as shown and described.
Figure 1 is a top plan view of a sadiron or similar article showing my new design. HOWARD A. SMITH.
CERTFICATE OF CORECTION. Design No. 106,001. September 7,' 1957.
1t is hereby certified that the name oi4 the assignee in the above numbered patent w'as erroneously described and specified as "Knopp- Monarch Company" whereas said name should have been described and specified as Knapp-Monarch Company, of St. Louis, Missouri, a corporation of Missouri, as shownby the records of assignments in this office, that the said Letters Patent should be read with this correction therein that the same may conform to the record of the case in the Patent Office.
Signed and sealed this 19th day of October, A. D. 1957.
Henry Van Arsdale.
(Seal) Acting Commissioner of Patents.



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