USD105909S - Design for a knitted fabric - Google Patents

Design for a knitted fabric Download PDF


Publication number
USD105909S US D105909 S USD105909 S US D105909S
United States
Prior art keywords
knitted fabric
Prior art date
Application number
Herman L. Weisler
Filing date
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Aug. 31, 1937.
Patented Aug. 31, 1931 Des, 105,909
DESIGN FOR A KNITTED FABRIC Herman L. Weisler, Petersburg, Va., assignor to Tubize Chatillon Corporation, a corporation of Delaware Application June 23, 1937, Serial No. 70,004
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: The gure is a plan view of the fabric showing Be it known that I, Herman L. Weisler, a citimy new design.
zen of the United States and resident of Peters- I claim:
burg, in the county of Dinwiddie, State of Vir- The ornamental design for a knitted fabric as ginia, have invented a new, original, and ornashown.
mental Design for a Knitted Fabric of Which the HERMAN L. WEISLER.
following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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