USD105814S - Design for an article-dispensing - Google Patents

Design for an article-dispensing Download PDF


Publication number
USD105814S US D105814 S USD105814 S US D105814S
United States
Prior art keywords
dispensing machine
Prior art date
Application number
Herbert Steiglitz
Original Assignee
Peerless Weighing a Vending Machine Corpo
Filing date
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Aug. 24, 1937. HQST Des. 105,814
-ARTICLE. DISPENSING MACHINE Filed July 10, 1937 Patented Aug. 24, 1937 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR AN ARTICLE-DISPENSING MACHINE Herbert Steiglitz, Brooklyn, N. Y., assignor to Q Peerless Weighing & Vending Machine Corporation, Long Island City, N. Y., a corporation of Delaware Application July 10, 1937, Serial No. 70,360
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.
Be it known that I, Herbert Steiglitz, a citizen The figure is a front perspective view of an of the United States, residing at Brooklyn, county article-dispensing machine embodying my design. of Kings, and State of New York, have invented a I claim:
new, original, and ornamental Design for an The ornamental design! for an article-dis- Article-Dispensing Machine, of which the followpensing machine, substantially as shown. ing is a specification: reference being had to the HERBERT STEIGLITZ.



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