USD105577S - Design for a garter - Google Patents

Design for a garter Download PDF


Publication number
USD105577S US D105577 S USD105577 S US D105577S
United States
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Application number
Joseph B. Federico
Original Assignee
Condor Products
Filing date
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Aug. 10, 1937. J. B. FEDERICO 1365- 105,577 Q GARTER Filed March 13, 1937 IN VENTOR.
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A GARTER Joseph B. Federico, Niagara Falls, N. Y., assignor to Condor Products, Inc., Buifalo, N. Y.
Application March 13, 1937, Serial No. 68,149
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: The figure is a perspective view of a garter Be it known that 1, Joseph B. Federico, a citishowing my new design. zen of the United States, residing at Niagara The characteristic feature of my design re- Falis, Niagara County, State of New York, have sides in the pad thereof as shown.
invented a new, original, and ornamental De- I Claim:
sign for Garters, of which the following is a The ornamental design for a garter as shown specification, reference being had to the accomand described.
panying drawing, forming a part thereof. JOSEPH B. FEDERICO.
In said drawing:



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