USD105575S - Design for a seat cover - Google Patents

Design for a seat cover Download PDF


Publication number
USD105575S US D105575 S USD105575 S US D105575S
United States
Prior art keywords
seat cover
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Leo Easterman
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Des 7 SEAT COVER lled Ma 29 1937 uw... A 000 000000000 4 a 0000000000 00 $000 0 o 0 00N0 BY A e INVE o NT Ease/g'af;
Patented Aug. 10, 1937 I Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A SEAT COVER Leo Easterman, Detroit, Mich., assignor to Fry Products, Inc., Detroit, Mich., a corporation ,n of Michigan Application May 29, 1937, Serial No. 69,617
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front View, in perspective, of a seat Be it known that'I, Leo Easterrnan, a citizen of cover showing my new design.
the United States, residing at 5910 Audubon Fig. 2 is areal' perspective view thereof.
Street, city of Detroit, county of Wayne, in the I claim:
State 0f Michigan, haVe invented HSW, Original, The ornamental design for a seat cover as and ornamental Design for a Seat Cover, of which Shown.
the following is a specification, reference being LEO EASTERMAN. made to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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