USD104915S - Design for an electric heater - Google Patents

Design for an electric heater Download PDF


Publication number
USD104915S US D104915 S USD104915 S US D104915S
United States
Prior art keywords
electric heater
Prior art date
Application number
George R. Coss
Original Assignee
The Swartzbaugh Manufacturing Company
Filing date
Publication date




June 15, 1937. G. R. coss Des. 104,915
ELECTRIC HEATER Filed March 22, 1937 Patented June 15, 1937 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR AN ELECTRIC HEATER George R, 0055, Toledo, Ohio, assignor to The Swartzbaugh Manufacturing Company, Toledo,
Ohio, a corporation of Ohio Application March 22, 1937, Serial No. 68,330
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a front perspective elevation of an Be it known that I, George B. G055, a citizen electric heater showing my new design, and Fig. 2 of the United States and resident of Toledo, in is a side elevation thereof.
the county of Lucas and State of Ohio, have in- I claim:
vented a new, original, and ornamental Design The ornamental design for an electric heater, for an Electric Heater, of which the following is substantially as shown.
a specification, reference being had to the ac- GEORGE R. COSS.
companying drawing, forming a part thereof.



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