USD104880S - Design for a gaiter or similar - Google Patents

Design for a gaiter or similar Download PDF


Publication number
USD104880S US D104880 S USD104880 S US D104880S
United States
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Application number
Lewis L. Rosenfield
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June 8, 1937. L, R ENHELD Des. 104,880 0 GAITER OR SIMILAR ARTICLE Filed April 16, 1937 inventor! Iewis LRasenfieZd, V
Patented June 8, 1937 I Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE Lewis L. Rose ri i i z a lflt fiattapan, Mass.
Application April 16, 1937, Serial No. 68,824
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: The drawing represents a side elevation of the Be it known that I, Lewis L. Rosenfield, a citarticle showing my new design. izen of the United States, residing at Mattapan I claim:
(Boston) in the County o sufiolk, State Of MaS- The ornamental design for a gaiter or similar sachusetts, have invented a new, original, and article, as shown. ornamental Design for a Gaiter or Similar Ar- LEWIS L. ROSENFIELD.
ticle, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof.



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