USD104859S - Design for a textile fabric - Google Patents

Design for a textile fabric Download PDF


Publication number
USD104859S US D104859 S USD104859 S US D104859S
United States
Prior art keywords
textile fabric
Prior art date
Application number
Walter F. Kaplan
Filing date
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w. F. KAPLAN Des. 104,859
TEXTILE FABRIC June 8, 1937.
Filed April 14, 1957 INVENTO fafiww ATTORNEY Patented June 8, 1937 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE I. wiiiiiiilli$315132;
Application April 14, 1937, Serial No. 68,771
Term of patent 3% years T 0 all whom it y concern. The figure is a plan View of a textile fabric Be it known that I, Walter F. Kaplan, a citizen embodying my invention.
of the United States, residing in the city and I claim: county of San Francisco, and State of California, The ornamental design for a textile fabric as have invented a new, original, and ornamental shown, Design for a Textile Fabric, of which the follow- WALTER; F. KAPLAN. ing is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming a part thereof.
In the accompanying drawing:



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