USD104461S - Design for a handbag - Google Patents

Design for a handbag Download PDF


Publication number
USD104461S US D104461 S USD104461 S US D104461S
United States
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Edward Lowy
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May 11, 1937. E, Low 4 Des. 104,461
HANDBAG Filed April 15, 1937 INVENTOR.
, BY W Patented May 11, 1937 D 104,461
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A HANDBAG Edward Lowy, Brighton Beach, N. Y. Application April 15, 1937, Serial No. 68,795
Term 01' patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: part thereof, and of which Figure 1 is a view in Be it known that I, Edward Lowy, a citizen of side elevation, and Fig. 2 is a view in end elevathe United States and resident of Brighton tion of a handbag showing my new design.
Beach, Brooklyn, in the county of Kings and Iclaim:
ta o N w Y k, av invent d a n w, inal. The ornamental design for a. handbag substanand ornamental Design for Handbags, of which tially as h the following is a specification, reference being EDWARD Y had to the accompanying drawing, forming a



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