USD103899S - Design for a curtain - Google Patents

Design for a curtain Download PDF


Publication number
USD103899S US D103899 S USD103899 S US D103899S
United States
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Application number
Aaron Steinberg
Filing date
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Des. 103,899"
March 30, 1937. A. ISITEINBERG GURTA-IN 'Eiled Feb. 20, 1937 INVENTOR Patented Mar. 30, 1937 D 103,899
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE Aaron Steinberg, Passaic, N. J.
Application February 20, 1937, Serial No. 67,759
Term of patent 3% years To all whom it may concern: The curtain comprises two sections joined to- Be it known that I, Aaron Steinberg, a citizen gether at the top with a single knitted border as of the United States of America, residing in Passhown.
saic, in the county of Passaic and State of New I claim:
Jersey, have invented a new, original, and orna- The ornamental design for a curtain, substanmental Design for a Curtain, of which the foltially as shown and described.
lowing is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof, AARON STEDIBERG.
wherein the figure is a plan view of a curtain showing my new design.



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