USD103898S - Design for an atomizer cap - Google Patents

Design for an atomizer cap Download PDF


Publication number
USD103898S US D103898 S USD103898 S US D103898S
United States
Prior art keywords
atomizer cap
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Application number
Fernande Varlet Robinson
Filing date
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March 30, 1937. F. v. ROBINSON DCS 103,398
ATOMI ZER CAP Filed Jan. 18, 4193'? MJL Wulf fw* .lNVENTOR"` Patented Mar. 3o, 1937 Des, 103,898
DESIGN FOR AN 'ATOMIZER CAP Fernande Varlet Robinson, Richmond, Va.,
. Application January 18, 1937, Serial No. 67,140
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. 1 is a side elevational view of an atomizer Be it known that I, Fernande Varlet Robinson, cap showing my new design;
a citizen of the United States, residing at Rich- Fig. 2 is a top plan View thereof.
mond, in the State of Virginia, have invented a I c1aim:
REW, original, and Ornamental Design for an The ornamental design for an atomizer cap,
Atomizer Cap, of which the following* is a speoi- Substantially as Shown. cation, reference being made to the aooornpany ing drawing, forming a part thereof.



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