USD103580S - Design for a display back - Google Patents

Design for a display back Download PDF


Publication number
USD103580S US D103580 S USD103580 S US D103580S
United States
Prior art keywords
display back
Prior art date
Application number
Bernard C. Howell
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Patented Mar. 16, 1937 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT oFFlcE DESIGN FOR A DISPLAY RACK Francis F. Melvin and Bernard C. Howell, I, Elwood, Ind.
Application May 19, 1936, Serial No. 62,733
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: In the drawing the figure is a perspective view Be it known that we, Francis F. Melvin and of the article showing our design.
Bernard C. Howell, citizens of the United States, We claim:
residing at Elwood, i'n the county of Madison and The ornamental design for a display rack, as
State of Indiana, have invented a new, original, shown,
and ornamental Design for a Display Rack, of
which the following is a specication, reference FRANCIS F. MELVIN. being had to the accompanying drawing, forming BERNARD C. HOWELL. part thereof.



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