USD102662S - Design for a vehicle wheel - Google Patents

Design for a vehicle wheel Download PDF


Publication number
USD102662S US D102662 S USD102662 S US D102662S
United States
Prior art keywords
vehicle wheel
Prior art date
Application number
Carolus L. Eksergian
Original Assignee
Budd Wheel Company
Filing date
Publication date




Jan. 5, 1937. c. EKSERGIAN VEHICLE WHEEL Filed 001;. l2, 1935 Des. 102,662 f' IN V EN TOR.
Patented Jan. 5, 1937 UNITED STATES Des. 102,662
PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A VEHICLE WHEEL Carolus L. Eksergian, Detroit, Mich., assigner to Budd Wheel Company, Philadelphia, Pa., a corporation of Pennsylvania Application October 12, 1933, Serial No. 49,469
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, Carolus L. Eksergian, a citizen of the United States, residing at Detroit, in the county of Wayne and State of Michigan, have invented a new, original, and ornamental Design for Vehicle Wheel, of which the following is a specification, reference being had to the accompanying drawing which forms a part hereof.
Figure 1 is a perspective view of a wheel embodying my new design.
Figure 2 is a fragmentary sideI elevation of the same.



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