USD102231S - Design for a pen stand - Google Patents

Design for a pen stand Download PDF


Publication number
USD102231S US D102231 S USD102231 S US D102231S
United States
Prior art keywords
pen stand
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Application number
Sidney M. Masse
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Dec. 1, 1936. s M, MASSE Des. 102,231
PEN STAND Filed Nov. 9, 1953 INVENTOR 1 61262 0)! MHJSB.
BY j
Patented Dec. 1, 1936 Des,
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A PEN STAND Sidney M. Masse, Cleveland, Ohio Application November 9, 1933, Serial No. 49,679
Term of patent 14 years To all whom it may concern: The figure is a perspective view of a pen stand Be it known that I, Sidney M. Masse, a citizen showing my new design.
of the United States, residing at 807 Cuyahoga. I claim:
Building, in the city of Cleveland, county of The ornamental design for a pen stand sub- Cuyahoga, and State of Ohio, have invented. a stantially as shown.
new, original, and ornamental Design for Pen SIDNEY M. MASSE. Stands, of which the following is a specification,
reference being had to the accompanying drawing, constituting a part thereof:



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