USD102191S - Design for - Google Patents

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Publication number
USD102191S US D102191 S USD102191 S US D102191S
United States
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Isabel Marshall
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I. MARSHALL Des. 102,191
Dec. 1, 1936.
ANDIRON Filed Sept. 22, 1956 u C Hs 1. 1 E
nug umu mummmnnmw INVENTOR Isael marafiall BY W W ATTORNEYS WITNESSES Patented Dec. 1, 1936 lDes UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE Isabel Marshall, Ridgefield, Conn.
Application September 22, 1936, Serial No. 64,956
Term of patent 3 /2 years To all whom it may concern: Fig. l is a perspective view of an andiron em- Be it known that I, Isabel Marshall, a, citizen bodying my ornamental design; and of the United States and aresident of Ridgefield, Fig. 2 is a, side elevation of the andircn.
in the county of Fairfield and State of Connecti- I claim:
out, have invented the new, original, and orna- The ornamental design for an andiron as mental Design for an Andiron, of which the folshown.
lowing is a specification, reference being had to ISABEL MARSHALL. the accompanying drawing, forming part thereof in which



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