USD100366S - Design fob a bottle - Google Patents

Design fob a bottle Download PDF


Publication number
USD100366S US D100366 S USD100366 S US D100366S
United States
Prior art keywords
design fob
Prior art date
Application number
Edwin W. Fuerst
Original Assignee
Filing date
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July 14, 1936 w, FUERST Des. 100,366
BOTTLE Filed May 15, 1956 INVENTOR.
awapzw ATTORNEY.
Patented July 14, 1936 Des. 100,366
UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE DESIGN FOR A BOTTLE Edwin W. Fuerst, Toledo, Ohio, assignor to S. C. .tliollilnggrwcggisiinlnc Racine, Wis., a corpora- Application May 13, 1936, Serial No. 62,611
Term of patent 7 years To all whom it may concern: Figure l is a front elevational view of a bottle,
Be it known that I, Edwin W. Fuerst, a citishowing my new design; zen of the United States, residing at Toledo, Fig, 2 is aside elevational View;
county of Lucas, and State of Ohio, have in- Fig, 3 is a, rear elevational view; and vented a new, original, and ornamental Design Fig. 4 is a top plan view thereof. for a Bottle, of which the following is a speci- I claim; ficati reference being had to the mp y- The ornamental design for a bottle as shown. ing drawing, forming a part thereof:
In the drawing, EDWIN W. FUERST.



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