US975770A - Type-writing machine. - Google Patents

Type-writing machine. Download PDF


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US975770A US20947404A US1904209474A US975770A US 975770 A US975770 A US 975770A US 20947404 A US20947404 A US 20947404A US 1904209474 A US1904209474 A US 1904209474A US 975770 A US975770 A US 975770A
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type bars
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Nelson F Knox
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    • B41J7/00Type-selecting or type-actuating mechanisms
    • B41J7/02Type-lever actuating mechanisms
    • B41J7/24Construction of type-levers


  • One object of the invention is to provide a hanger which shall attord a wide bearing for the type bar and which is substantial in character and capable of manufactureA at small cost.
  • Another object is ⁇ to so arrange the typebar hangers upon their support that they may be very compactly assembled and, that any. type bar hanger may be placed upon, removed from, or secured to said support without disturbing or interfering with any other type bar hanger.
  • the invention consists in certain features of construction and combinations of devices, all as will be hereinafter larged side elevati'on described and particularly pointed out in the appended claims.
  • Figure l is a vertical i'ront to rear sectional view, taken centrally of the typewriting machine to which the invention has been applied, parts ot s* id typewriting machine being omitted in tharder that the invention may be more clearly disclosed;
  • Fig. 2 is a' front?.
  • Fig. 3 is an enand Fig. t an enlarged and partly sectional
  • FIG. 5 and G are corresponding views of one ot the hangers ot the'rear set lor series; and Fig. 7 is van enlarged side elevation of a front hanger and a rear hanger, and parts of their type bars. as the said hangers appear when'assembled on the segment, a section of the latter also being shown.
  • ⁇ Key levers 5 each provided with the usual key button 6 and restoring springA 7 'arepivoted at 8 in the rear ot the base ot the machine.
  • Each key lever has pivoted to' 1t at 9 -a sub-lever 10, the lower part of which is formed with a slot 11 receiving a fixed tulcrum bar 12, which extends from side to side of the machine beneath the key vlevers and is supported in the base of the trame.
  • Pivoted to the upper end of each sub-lever at 13 is the rear end of a connecting link 14, the forward end of said connecting link being pivoted at 15 to type bars 16.
  • outer or type ends of the type bars are each provided with two types and are sustained in normal or rest position by a segmental rest or pad 17 supported by several arms,
  • the support 19, as herein shown, is of the form commonly known as a segment, and will be so described hereinafter.
  • segment of the shift order thatis, one which is bodily moved when it is desired to change from upper to lower case or the reverse
  • the particular style of segment is immaterialA for the purposes of this invention, andlthat a stationary segment and a shiftable platen might be employedl or that neither platen nor segment should be shiftable and each type bar have but a single type, and that either of these latter constructions would still be within the scope of the invention.
  • any mechanism desired may be employed for the purpose, such, for example, as that used in the Monarch typewril ing machine.
  • the type bar hangers which are supported or mounted upon the segment 19 and. in which the type bars 16 are pivotedrare of two forms; those of one form, that illustrated most clearly in vFigs. 3 and 4, are assembled upon the segment in ⁇ one row or series, lwhich 'is they forward row. and the hangers of tbe ⁇ other form. that illustrated mostclearly in Figs. 5 and 6, are'assembled l the latter carrying the platen 4. which 1s diagrammatically illustrated in'Fig..
  • Eachhan er 20 of the forward set or series is prearably stamped out of sheet metal, and the blank so stamped or punched out is thereafter folded or bent up so as to form two bearing walls which, with the turns 22 at the bottom of each, form a part which is substantially U-shaped in cross-section.
  • the U is a shank or stern 23 formed of two plies or folds of metal, the
  • each hanger is provided, just above the eye 24, with a short, forwardly projecting lug 27,- which is perforated to receive one end of a type bar restoring spring 28, the other end of the said spring being connected with the underside of the associated type bar 16 at about its longitudinal center.
  • the bearing walls 21 are held in a fixed relation to each other by a shouldered rivet 29, the ends of which are inserted in perforations near the bottoms of the bearing walls while the hanger is in process of being folded or shaped into its final form. After the shouldered rivet29 has been dropped into place, the bearing walls are pressed toward each other until they are substantially in parallelism.
  • Each type bar 16 is provided near its, rear end with a perforation 30 into which a pivot 31 with conoidal ends is driven or pressed, and the type bar pvot 31 is thereafter inserted in the conical arin s 32 which have been previously forme in the side walls 21 of the hanger, the latter having sutlicient spring or -give to allow of the seating of the pivot, without permanently altering their set.
  • the ends of the shoulderedr rivet are then headed, or, as it is termed, up-set, the bearing walls being thusl brought into a fixed relation as previously determined by the length of the rivet 29. It will be noted upon an inspection of Fig. 4 that vthe body portion or the distance between the shoulders of the shoulin the type bar bearing.
  • a lug 37 for the type bar restoring spring 38 is formed on the right hand ply of the shank 35, below the eye 34 and near the end o f said shank, and the said lug 37 is longer 'than the lug 27 of the/hanger 20, sor that when assembled in then/iachnehthe ends of said lugs are' in substantiallyfthe same vertical plane as best appears in Figs. 1 and 7.
  • vthe hanger 33 is not provided with a part corresponding to the rearward portion 26 of the type bars'are bent or recessed near their pivots so thatthe -rear barsf/will clear the hangers of the forward set.
  • the rear set or seri s composed o hangers 33 are secured against the surfacev of the side or face 39 of the said segmenty by the headed screws 36, the stems of which pass through the eyes 34 and are screwed into holes 40 in the segment, the said holes being tapped to receive the said set screws.
  • the front or forward series composed of the hangers 20 are secured to the front face 'of the segment by set screws 25, which pass through the .eyes 24 and screw into tapped holes 41 inthe segment.
  • the set screws 25 are longer than the' set screws 36, since the mareo will be remembered, are double stood that after the ty Je bars and hangers are thus -in place, the ormer are connected lin the usual manner with their associate .,is adequately depressed the type bar is actuated to swing' it to the printplane rlinlirs 14, which extend over the "series of lset through of all t e type bars of both series. Y be further noted that the form and open seginentand are connected as has been previously described with the key levers 5 by the sub-levers l0, sothat when a iinger hey corresponding ing position, machine.
  • rThe curved openingofsegment 19 con formato an arc of a circle, the center whereofis approximatel the printing point on as is common in this style of the platen. It wil lbe noted on an inspec tion of Fig. 2 that the centers of the holes 40 are in an arc of a circle of which the printing point isalso the center;y that the centersof-the 'holes el are in an arc of a greater circle7 struck about the same center; and thaty the said holes'of the two sets or l series are staggered relatively. to each other,
  • I provide a full complement 'of typebar hangers arranged in two segmental rows, one row being behind the other, the adjacent arms of adjacent hangers of each row vbeing close the adjacent arms of adjacent hangers of the rear row being opposite the spaces between the hanger arms of the for- Ward row and the adjacent hanger arms of the front row being opposite the spaces be- Atween the hanger arms of the rear row, the type bars beinggpivotally mounted in the hanger arms of each row, the hanger arms of the front row of hangers lying between the pivots and the type bearing ends of the type.
  • a front-strike typewriting machine the combination of a substantially vertically disposed segment, a set of typefbars mounted in individual hangers secured at one side of said segment, and another set of type bars mounted in individual hangers secured at the same side of said segment, the pivots o f the type bars of one set being contained in a single plane and the pivots of the type bars of the other set being contained in another and different plane, the
  • a substantially vertically disposed segment a set of type bars mounted in individual hangers at one side of said segment, another set of type bars mounted in individual hangers at the same side of said se ment, and means by which the two sets o? hangers are secured to the segment, said means having a staggered arrangement, the securing means for one set of hangers being arrangedA between the stemsv of the hangers of the other set, said hangers being arranged so that they overlap and the type bars of one set being bent or recessed near their pivots so that in normal position they arch over the tops of thevhangers of the other set.
  • a typewriting machine the combination of a segment, a set of type bars mounted in individual hangers secured to thesurface ofthe front face of said segment, and an ⁇ other set of type bars mounted in individual hangers also secured to the surfacev of the' 75. front face of said segment, the pivots of all the type bars of one set'being in one substantially vertical, plane and the pivots of all the type bars of the otherset being in another and different substantially vertical plane, and the bars of one set being bent or recessed near their pivots so that in normal position they larch over the tops of the hangers ofthe other set..
  • the'combi- Wardly and rearwardly strikin type bars mounted in a set of hangers which differ in dimensions from the hangers of the irst set and are secured to the front face of the said segment, the pivots of all the type bars of one set being inone vertical plane and the pivots ot' all the type bars of the other set being in another and different vertical plane. and the bars of one set being bent or recessed near their pivots so that in normal position they clear the hangers of the other set.
  • type bar pivots beine' arranged 1n two' parallel planes,' and allJ of said pivots being equidistant from the printing point, the pivotal ends of the hangers being U-shaped and f terminating in centrali disposed Shanks, the Shanks of one set of iangers having eyes arranged in .one arc and the Shanks of the other set of hangers having eyes arranged in another arc, and a segment or support to f which said hangers are secured.
  • proximate arms close together andthe type bars of thel first set being arched over the 'the adjacent hangers of each set khaving their tops of the hangers of the second set so that* y the type bars of the first set when normallyV at rest clear the, tops of the hangers of thel second seti 17.
  • a front-strike tvpewriting machine the combination of a segment, a series of type bars, individual hangers for said type bars arranged in two sets both mounted onA 1 the same side of said segment, the. hangers of the'first set having theirpivot points ar-' ranged in one plane and the hangers of thelsecond set having their pivot points arranged in another planein front of the, rst
  • each hanger comprising a part adapted to be secured yto said segment and two arms spaced apart to afford a wide pivotal bearing for the'corresponding type bar, the adjacent hangers of each having their proximaterarms close together and thety e i bars of the first set being arched over tie iso.
  • theI type bar hangers being arranged in two segmental rows, one row being behind the other, the adjacent arms of adjacent .hangers of each row being close together, the adjacent varms of adjacent hangers of the rear row being opposite the spaces between the hanger arms of the forward row and the adjacent hanger arms of the front row being opposite the spaces between the hanger arms of the rear row, the type bars being pivotally mounted in the hanger arms of each row, and the type bars of the rear row being formed to arch or reach over the said adjacent arms of the hangers of the front row so, that when normally at rest the type bars of the rear row clear the hangers of the front row.
  • the combination of type bars, type bar hangers, and a supporting segment being arranged in two sets one behind the other, those of one set alternating with those of the other, the adjacent hanger arms of the front set being close together and the type bars of the rear set being-formed to ⁇ arch over the tops of said adjacent hanger arms of the front set.
  • a front-strike typewriting machine the combination of a supporting segment, two rows of forked hangers secured to the front face thereof, the adjacent arms of adjacent hangers of the the hanger arms of the rear row, type bars pivotally mounted on the hangers of both rows, the rear ends of the type bars of the rear row being constructed to arch over the free ends of the adjacent hanger-arms of the front row, the type bars of the two rows alternating in the normal positions of the type bars, a set of substantially horizontal pull links, the forward ends of which are pivotally connected to the type bars of each row forward of their pivots, a set of sublevers to which the rear ends of the pull links are pivotally connected, and key actuated levers operatively connected with said sub-levers.
  • type-bar segment and each having a pair of divergent pivot-sustaining arms, the arms of said hangers being overlap ed and arranged on opposite sides of a p ane tangent to the printing point of the platen, said type# bars being pivoted between the arms of said hangers and the pivots being at .v secured at ne side o said segment and another set of type bars mounted in individual hangers secured at the same side of the said segment, the pivots of all the type bars of one set being in a singleplane and the pivots of all the type bars of the other set being in a different plane, and the bars of one set being bent ⁇ or recessed near their pivots so that in normal position they arch over the tops of the hangers of the other set.
  • a type bar segment In a'typewriting machine, the combination of a type bar segment, a plurality of sets of type bar hangers mounted thereon ⁇ type bars pivoted in vsaid hangers, and a type rest which sustains the type ends of said type bars, the pivots of all the type bars in the machine being equidistant'from the printing point, and the pivots of the type bars of each set being in a single plane, the type bars o one set when sustained by the type rest arching over the tops-of the hangers of the other set. and the'type bearingl ends of all the type bars being staggered on the type rest.
  • the combif nation with a platen, of a series of type bars having a common printing point at the front of the platen, a type bar segment, a series of hangers mounted on the same fiat side of said.
  • type bar segment and each having a pair ⁇ of. divergent pivot sustaining arms, .the 'arins of said hangers being overlappe land ar# ranged on opposite sides of the plane tangent to the printing point and the platen, said type bars being pivoted betweenthel arms of said hangers and the type bar pivots being at the same radial distance from the printing point.


  • Holders For Apparel And Elements Relating To Apparel (AREA)


Patented Nov. 15,1910.
Patented N0v.15,'191o.
HIS Mmm.
UNITED s'rAfrns rarnN'r ENCE,
Specification. of Letters Patent.
Patented Nov. 15, 1910.
e n Application a1edMay'24,19oe. saranno. 209,474.
To all whom it may concern:
i' Brooklyn,
Be it known that '1, NELSON F. KNOX, citizen of the United States, and resident'of in the county of Kings and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in 'Iype-"Viriting May chines,'o:t which the following is a specification. l This invention relates to typewriting machines of the class known as type bar maand more especially to that stylein and individual hanger;Vl
One object of the invention is to provide a hanger which shall attord a wide bearing for the type bar and which is substantial in character and capable of manufactureA at small cost.
. Another object is `to so arrange the typebar hangers upon their support that they may be very compactly assembled and, that any. type bar hanger may be placed upon, removed from, or secured to said support without disturbing or interfering with any other type bar hanger.
To these and other ends, which will subsequently appear, the invention consists in certain features of construction and combinations of devices, all as will be hereinafter larged side elevati'on described and particularly pointed out in the appended claims.
In the accompanying drawings` Figure l is a vertical i'ront to rear sectional view, taken centrally of the typewriting machine to which the invention has been applied, parts ot s* id typewriting machine being omitted in tharder that the invention may be more clearly disclosed; Fig. 2 is a' front?.
elevation of the type bar hanger support or segment, a number of ,type bar hangers being shown assembled thereont Fig. 3 is an enand Fig. t an enlarged and partly sectional,
' ot' the hangers ot the forward series;y a part of the type bar also being shown; Figs.
5 and G are corresponding views of one ot the hangers ot the'rear set lor series; and Fig. 7 is van enlarged side elevation of a front hanger and a rear hanger, and parts of their type bars. as the said hangers appear when'assembled on the segment, a section of the latter also being shown.
Like parts are designated by like numerals throughout the several views, wherein- 1 indicates. .the base g of thjomachme, 2
front elevation ot one corner posts supporting the top plate 3,
which in turn sustains the carriage (not shown),
1. `Key levers 5, each provided with the usual key button 6 and restoring springA 7 'arepivoted at 8 in the rear ot the base ot the machine. Each key lever has pivoted to' 1t at 9 -a sub-lever 10, the lower part of which is formed with a slot 11 receiving a fixed tulcrum bar 12, which extends from side to side of the machine beneath the key vlevers and is supported in the base of the trame. Pivoted to the upper end of each sub-lever at 13 is the rear end of a connecting link 14, the forward end of said connecting link being pivoted at 15 to type bars 16. The
outer or type ends of the type bars are each provided with two types and are sustained in normal or rest position by a segmental rest or pad 17 supported by several arms,
. of wliiclronly'the left-hand arm 18 is shown,
the said arms extending forwardly from the support 19 to which they are attached.
The support 19, as herein shown, is of the form commonly known as a segment, and will be so described hereinafter. Although the drawings disclose a segment of the shift order, thatis, one which is bodily moved when it is desired to change from upper to lower case or the reverse, it is to be understood that the particular style of segment is immaterialA for the purposes of this invention, andlthat a stationary segment and a shiftable platen might be employedl or that neither platen nor segment should be shiftable and each type bar have but a single type, and that either of these latter constructions would still be within the scope of the invention. It is not deemed necessary to describe a mechanism for shifting the segment 19, since the invention is not concerned with this feature', any mechanism desired may be employed for the purpose, such, for example, as that used in the Monarch typewril ing machine.
,The type bar hangers which are supported or mounted upon the segment 19 and. in which the type bars 16 are pivotedrare of two forms; those of one form, that illustrated most clearly in vFigs. 3 and 4, are assembled upon the segment in` one row or series, lwhich 'is they forward row. and the hangers of tbe` other form. that illustrated mostclearly in Figs. 5 and 6, are'assembled l the latter carrying the platen 4. which 1s diagrammatically illustrated in'Fig..
upon a machine in a second row or series, that is, the rearrow or the one wherein the pivot bearings are the closer to the face of the segment. Though the form of the hangers composing these series differs somewhat, the method employed in manufactur.
lng them is preferably the same. Eachhan er 20 of the forward set or series is prearably stamped out of sheet metal, and the blank so stamped or punched out is thereafter folded or bent up so as to form two bearing walls which, with the turns 22 at the bottom of each, form a part which is substantially U-shaped in cross-section. Depending from the bottom of, and preferably centrally from, the U is a shank or stern 23 formed of two plies or folds of metal, the
continuations of said plies or folds forming the bearing walls 21, the lower end of the shankor stem 23 terminating in an eye 24 which is reamed out suiciently t'o receive the stem of a headed screw 25 by which it is secured to the segment 19. The part ofthe metal blank which is to compose the shank or stem 23 and the eye 24 is twice as wide as the art to compose the walls 21, so that when tlie hanger 20 is folded into shape the shank and eye portion is substantially twice as deep as the bearing wall portion, the former portion having a rearwardly projecting part 26, as appears most clearly in Fig. 3. The right hand ply of the stem 23 of each hanger is provided, just above the eye 24, with a short, forwardly projecting lug 27,- which is perforated to receive one end of a type bar restoring spring 28, the other end of the said spring being connected with the underside of the associated type bar 16 at about its longitudinal center. The bearing walls 21 are held in a fixed relation to each other by a shouldered rivet 29, the ends of which are inserted in perforations near the bottoms of the bearing walls while the hanger is in process of being folded or shaped into its final form. After the shouldered rivet29 has been dropped into place, the bearing walls are pressed toward each other until they are substantially in parallelism. Each type bar 16 is provided near its, rear end with a perforation 30 into which a pivot 31 with conoidal ends is driven or pressed, and the type bar pvot 31 is thereafter inserted in the conical arin s 32 which have been previously forme in the side walls 21 of the hanger, the latter having sutlicient spring or -give to allow of the seating of the pivot, without permanently altering their set. The ends of the shoulderedr rivet are then headed, or, as it is termed, up-set, the bearing walls being thusl brought into a fixed relation as previously determined by the length of the rivet 29. It will be noted upon an inspection of Fig. 4 that vthe body portion or the distance between the shoulders of the shoulin the type bar bearing. One reason for employing a shouldered rivet is that this form of -rivet is more conveniently headed in the lhanger than is an ordinary rivet of uniform diameterthroughout, which would be liable to drop 'iit of the hanger before the heading" operation was performed. The method of assembling each type barof the rear set with its associate hanger 33,
which with its fellows composes the rear or inner series when mounted 1n the segment 19, is the same as that just described for the forward hangers 20. fin-inspection of Figs. 5 and 6 will disclose certain differences be tween the two forms of hangers,.however. The eye 34, ywhich is provided in the twoply depending shank or stem 35 for the purpose of receiving the stem of a headed set screw 36, whereby the hanger 33 is secured to the segment 19, is in this case formed near the upper end of the said shank 35. Furthermore a lug 37 for the type bar restoring spring 38, is formed on the right hand ply of the shank 35, below the eye 34 and near the end o f said shank, and the said lug 37 is longer 'than the lug 27 of the/hanger 20, sor that when assembled in then/iachnehthe ends of said lugs are' in substantiallyfthe same vertical plane as best appears in Figs. 1 and 7. It will also be noted that vthe hanger 33 is not provided with a part corresponding to the rearward portion 26 of the type bars'are bent or recessed near their pivots so thatthe -rear barsf/will clear the hangers of the forward set.
In assembling the hangers'upon the segment 19, the rear set or seri s composed o hangers 33 are secured against the surfacev of the side or face 39 of the said segmenty by the headed screws 36, the stems of which pass through the eyes 34 and are screwed into holes 40 in the segment, the said holes being tapped to receive the said set screws. The front or forward series composed of the hangers 20 are secured to the front face 'of the segment by set screws 25, which pass through the .eyes 24 and screw into tapped holes 41 inthe segment. The set screws 25 are longer than the' set screws 36, since the mareo will be remembered, are double stood that after the ty Je bars and hangers are thus -in place, the ormer are connected lin the usual manner with their associate .,is adequately depressed the type bar is actuated to swing' it to the printplane rlinlirs 14, which extend over the "series of lset through of all t e type bars of both series. Y be further noted that the form and open seginentand are connected as has been previously described with the key levers 5 by the sub-levers l0, sothat when a iinger hey corresponding ing position, machine.
rThe curved openingofsegment 19 con formato an arc of a circle, the center whereofis approximatel the printing point on as is common in this style of the platen. It wil lbe noted on an inspec tion of Fig. 2 that the centers of the holes 40 are in an arc of a circle of which the printing point isalso the center;y that the centersof-the 'holes el are in an arc of a greater circle7 struck about the same center; and thaty the said holes'of the two sets or l series are staggered relatively. to each other,
a statementvwhich also applies to the two the' said holes to secure the sets or series of hangers in place.
`The position of the segment 19 with relation to theA printing point on the platen 4 and the relative depths of the two series of hangers `are such that a plane passed the pivots of the forward series of ars would be parallel to a vertical vpassed through the printing line on the platen, (said last named plane being indicatedfin Fig. 1, by the dotted line er) and would :be the same distance from such a plane aswould be a similar plane'passed through the'pivots ofthe rearseries of type bars,r which latter plane would also be parallel to the other two; in other words, the printing point is equidistant from the pivots 1t will disposition of the hangersis such that when they type 'are assembled on the segment they are in two @Walls of any hanger in the forward series, except, 'of course, in the case of the end hangers, overlap one wall of each of the hangers at either side of it in the rear series;
( that by means of this overlapping or staggered arrangement of the hangers in respect of each other,
a broader bearing is secured for each type bar than would beA possible with a single series of hangers on the segment'19; that the securing screw of each hanger of the rear series passes between the .Shanks 23 of the adjacent hangers of the screws, soY that all forward series and does not interfere with said forward hangers or their securing of the hangers are sepascrew's which are screwedV intov together,
inating with those rately adjustable and anyone may vbe re-1 moved or replaced or rassembled upon the machine without in any way disturbing any other one; that the construction admits of a of the type bars adjacent to it7 both the latter bars being pivoted in hangers ofthe rear sefries; and that the hangers near the ends o der that the connection between each type bar and its associate key lever may be Vertically arranged, thus adording more room land enabling relatively wider hangers to be used near the ends of-each series than are used inv theY neighborhood of the center. of each series. Moreover it, will be seen that I provide a full complement 'of typebar hangers arranged in two segmental rows, one row being behind the other, the adjacent arms of adjacent hangers of each row vbeing close the adjacent arms of adjacent hangers of the rear row being opposite the spaces between the hanger arms of the for- Ward row and the adjacent hanger arms of the front row being opposite the spaces be- Atween the hanger arms of the rear row, the type bars beinggpivotally mounted in the hanger arms of each row, the hanger arms of the front row of hangers lying between the pivots and the type bearing ends of the type. bars of the rear row, and the type bars of therear i'ow'being formedto arch or reach over the tops or free ends of adjacent hanger arms of the front row; that the type bar hangers in one row or set alternate with those ofthe other row `or set; that the type bars of the two rows when in normal po* sition are alternately arranged; that the hangers are formed or arranged with their hanger arms projecting upi Yardly and in the direction of the printing point; that the Shanks or stems of the two rows of hangers are provided with eyes for the passage of the securing screws, said eyes being arranged in two arcs, the eyes in one arc alterof the other; and that a set' of substantially horizontal pull links are pivotally comilec'ted at their forward ends to the type bars of the two rows forward of the type bai' pivots, the rear ends of said pull links being pivot-ally connected to a set of sub-levers which in turn are operatively each series are spaced wider apart in ore than does the corresponding type of either as the number of forms or series or bcth mightbe varied and still be within the scope of this lnventlon, when considered from certain aspects thereof. i
What I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is :1-`
1. In a front-strike typewriting machine, the combination of a substantially vertically disposed segment, a set of typefbars mounted in individual hangers secured at one side of said segment, and another set of type bars mounted in individual hangers secured at the same side of said segment, the pivots o f the type bars of one set being contained in a single plane and the pivots of the type bars of the other set being contained in another and different plane, the
mounted in individual hangers at one side of said segment, another set of type bars i mounted in individual hangers at the same side of said segment, and screws securin said sets of hangers to said segment, said screws having a staggered arrangement, the screws of one set being arranged between the stems of the hangers of the other set, the type bars of one set being bent or recessed near their pivots so l.that in normal position they arch over the tops of the hangers of the other set.
3. In a front-strike typewriting machine, the combination of a substantially vertically disposed segment, a set of type bars mounted in individual hangers at one side of said segment, another set of type bars mounted in individual hangers at the same side of said se ment, and means by which the two sets o? hangers are secured to the segment, said means having a staggered arrangement, the securing means for one set of hangers being arrangedA between the stemsv of the hangers of the other set, said hangers being arranged so that they overlap and the type bars of one set being bent or recessed near their pivots so that in normal position they arch over the tops of thevhangers of the other set.
4. In front strike typewriting machine, the combination of a substantially vertically disposed segment, a set of type bars mounted in individual hangers secured at one side of said segment and another set of type bars mounted in individual hangers secured at the same'side ofthe said segment. the pivots of all the tvpe bars ot .one set being in one substantially vertical plane and the pivots of all the type bars of the other set being in another and di'erent substantiallyvertical plane, and the bars of one -set being bent or recessed near their pivots n so that in normal position they arch over the tops ofthe hangers vof the other set.
5. ln a typewriting machine, the combination of a segment, a set of type bars mounted in individual hangers secured to thesurface ofthe front face of said segment, and an` other set of type bars mounted in individual hangers also secured to the surfacev of the' 75. front face of said segment, the pivots of all the type bars of one set'being in one substantially vertical, plane and the pivots of all the type bars of the otherset being in another and different substantially vertical plane, and the bars of one set being bent or recessed near their pivots so that in normal position they larch over the tops of the hangers ofthe other set..
6. In a typewriting machine, the combina- 35 tion of a substantially vertical type bar segment, a plurality of sets of type bar hangers mounted thereon, type bars pivoted in said hangers, and a type rest which sustains the type ends of's'aid type bars, the pivots of all 9o the type bars in the machine belug equidistant from the printing point and the pivots of the type bars of each set being in a substantially Vertical plane, the type bars of one set when sustained by thel type rest arching over the tops of the hangers of the other set and the'type bearing ends of all the bars being staggered on the type rest.,
7. In a typewriting machine, the combination of a segment, and a series of individual type bar hangers each carrying only one type bar, the hangers being secured at the same side of the segment by screws set staggered, the said series of hangers being so arranged that each hanger overlaps the hanger adjacent to it oneithe'r side and certain of said type bars being bent or recessed so that when at rest they `arch over the topsgof the hangers. l y
S. In a typewriting machine, the combination of a support, a set of hangers mounts ed on said support, lugs on said hangers, a set of type bars mounted in said hangers, individual restoring springs havingvtheir ends another set of hangers mount d on said support, lugs on said hanger diering in length from the lugs on the tirst set, another set of type bars 'mounted in said second set having their ends connected to the type bars j of said second set and to the lugs of the second set of hangers, the points of connection of both sets of restoring springs withtheir same plane.
9. In a front strike typewriting machine, the combination of a segment. a.' st of upwardlv andfrearwardly striking tvpe bars mounted in j hangers secured to the front 1,39
connected to said type bars land said lugs,
of hangers. and individual restoring springs 12C'- respective lugsl being in substantially the face of said segment, and another set of upl i 14. In 'a typewriting machine, the'combi- Wardly and rearwardly strikin type bars mounted in a set of hangers which differ in dimensions from the hangers of the irst set and are secured to the front face of the said segment, the pivots of all the type bars of one set being inone vertical plane and the pivots ot' all the type bars of the other set being in another and different vertical plane. and the bars of one set being bent or recessed near their pivots so that in normal position they clear the hangers of the other set.
lt). In afront strike typewriting machine,
the combination of a substantially vertically disposed segment, a set of upwardly andA rearwardly striking type bars mounted in individual hangers secured on the surface of one of the faces of 'said segment, and another setl of lupwardly and rearwardly' striking type bars mounted in another set ot' individual hangers differing in dimensions from the hangers of the first set and secured on the same surface of the said segment as the first set, the pivots of all the type bars of one set being in one substantially vertical plane and the pivotsoi" all of the type bars of the other set being in another and difterent substantially vertical plane, the bars carried by the rear set of hangers being bent or recessed near their pivots so that in normal position 'they clear the Ahangers of the front set.
11. In a typewriting machine, two sets of type bar hangers arranged in diderent planes, the hangers of each set having Shanks and the Shanks of each sethaving eyes, the eyes being dierently 'located for each set of Shanks, and the type bar bearings in all the hangers of both` sets heilig equidistant from the printing point, while the bearings in each set of hangers' are in a plane different from that of the other set, y f
12. Ina typewri'ting machine, the combination of a hanger support, two sets of type bar` hangers vhaving centrally arranged -Shanks attached to the same face of said support, the Shanks of one set having eyes between their ends and the shanks of the` other set having eyes at their lower ends, and the type bar bearings in all the hangers of both sets being equdistant from` the printing point, while each set of bearings is embraced in a plane different from that of the other set. l' A 13. In a typewriting machine, two sets of U-shaped hangers having centrally projecting stems, the stems of' one set having eyes intermediate the ends of the stems and the stems of the` other set. having eyes at the outer ends of the stems,fthe type bar-bearings in all the hangers being equidistant.from the printing point, while veach set o,bear ings is embraced in' a planemdiiferent from that of the other set.
nation ot two sets of type bar hangers, the
type bar pivots beine' arranged 1n two' parallel planes,' and allJ of said pivots being equidistant from the printing point, the pivotal ends of the hangers being U-shaped and f terminating in centrali disposed Shanks, the Shanks of one set of iangers having eyes arranged in .one arc and the Shanks of the other set of hangers having eyes arranged in another arc, and a segment or support to f which said hangers are secured.
15. lin atypewriting machine, the combination of 4a type bar segment or support having two parallel arc-shaped rows of per` forations` the perforations of one row being staggered relatively to' the, other, two sets of type bar hangers secured to saidsegment ori support by twoai'oshaped rows of screws, the hangers o f each set beingU-shapedy at their type bar pivot portions and having centrally arranged shanks, the Shanks ofvone set having eyes which register with one set j of the perforations in the segment or support and the Shanks of the other set of hang' ers having eyes that register with the other A set of holes or perforations in the segment,
the type bar bearings in both sets of hangers being equidistant from the printing point.
16. In a front-strike typewriting machine, the combination of a segment, 'a series of type bars, a series of individual hangers for said type barslmounted on said segmentin two sets, the hangers of the first set having their pivot points in one plane and'fthe ico hangers of the second set having their pivot points in another plane in front 'of the Iirst plane, each of said hangers having a part adapted to be secured to said segment and two arms spaced apart to afford a widepiv-v etal bearing for the corresponding type bar,
proximate arms close together andthe type bars of thel first set being arched over the 'the adjacent hangers of each set khaving their tops of the hangers of the second set so that* y the type bars of the first set when normallyV at rest clear the, tops of the hangers of thel second seti 17. ln a front-strike tvpewriting machine, the combination of a segment, a series of type bars, individual hangers for said type bars arranged in two sets both mounted onA 1 the same side of said segment, the. hangers of the'first set having theirpivot points ar-' ranged in one plane and the hangers of thelsecond set having their pivot points arranged in another planein front of the, rst
plane, each hanger comprising a part adapted to be secured yto said segment and two arms spaced apart to afford a wide pivotal bearing for the'corresponding type bar, the adjacent hangers of each having their proximaterarms close together and thety e i bars of the first set being arched over tie iso.
the rst set when normally at rest clear the tops of the hangers of the hangers,
Second set.
18. In a front-strike typewriting machine, the combination of type bars,
and a su porting segment; theI type bar hangers being arranged in two segmental rows, one row being behind the other, the adjacent arms of adjacent .hangers of each row being close together, the adjacent varms of adjacent hangers of the rear row being opposite the spaces between the hanger arms of the forward row and the adjacent hanger arms of the front row being opposite the spaces between the hanger arms of the rear row, the type bars being pivotally mounted in the hanger arms of each row, and the type bars of the rear row being formed to arch or reach over the said adjacent arms of the hangers of the front row so, that when normally at rest the type bars of the rear row clear the hangers of the front row.
19. In a front-strike typewriting machine, the combination of type bars, type bar hangers, and a supporting segment; the type bar hangers being arranged in two sets one behind the other, those of one set alternating with those of the other, the adjacent hanger arms of the front set being close together and the type bars of the rear set being-formed to `arch over the tops of said adjacent hanger arms of the front set.
20. In a front-strike typewriting machine, the combination of a supporting segment having a vertical face, a full complement of type bar hangers secured to said face and arran ed in two rows one behind the other, the adjacent arms of adjacent hangers being close together and said adjacent arms of one row registering ywith the spaces be tween the arms of the hangers in the other row, type bars pivotally mounted in the Aarms of the hangers of each row and the type bars of the rearrow arching over adjacent hangerarms of the front row and arranged to alternate between successive type row so that when normally at rest the type bars of the rear row clear the hangers of the front row.
21. In a front-strike typewriting machine, the Combination of -a supporting segment having a vertical face, a full complement of 'ype" bar hangers secured by screws to said ace and arranged intwo rows one behind the other, the said hangers being forked and arranged with their hanger arms projecting upwardly and inthe direction of the printing point, fthe hangers of each row being sert. closeto other and so that adjacent'hanger arms of adjacent hangers of the front row lie opposite the spaces between the hanger type bartarms of the rear row, the Shanks,V 6,5 ,or stems of the two rows of hangers beingq .provided with eyesfor the passage of the securing screws, said eyes being arran ed in two arcs, the eyes of one are alternating with those ofthe other, type bars pivotally mounted in the spaces between the hanger arms and the type barsof the rear row being constructed to arch over the ends or tops of adjacent hanger arms of the front row so that when normally at rest the type bars of the rear row clear the hangers of the front row.
22. In a front-strike typewriting machine, the combination of a supporting segment, two rows of forked hangers secured to the front face thereof, the adjacent arms of adjacent hangers of the the hanger arms of the rear row, type bars pivotally mounted on the hangers of both rows, the rear ends of the type bars of the rear row being constructed to arch over the free ends of the adjacent hanger-arms of the front row, the type bars of the two rows alternating in the normal positions of the type bars, a set of substantially horizontal pull links, the forward ends of which are pivotally connected to the type bars of each row forward of their pivots, a set of sublevers to which the rear ends of the pull links are pivotally connected, and key actuated levers operatively connected with said sub-levers.
23. In a front-strike typewriting machine, the combination of a supporting segment, two rows of forked hangers secured' to said segment, type bars pivotally mounted in both rows of hangers, the hanger arms of the front row lying between the pivots and the type bearing ends of the type bars of the rear row and the type bars of the rear row being arched to clear when normally at rest the ends of the hanger arms of the front row.
24. In a typewriting machine, the combination with the platen, of a type-bar segment, a series of hangersV mounted on said segment and each having a pair of divergent pivot-sustaining arms, hangers being overlapped, a series of uniform type-bars pivoted between the arms of said hangers, each of said type-bars having a front row being close together and opposite the spaces between the arms of adjacent recess to overlap the arm of the .adjacent hanger.
25. In a typewriting machine, the combination 4with the platen, of a series of typebars having a common printing point at the front of the platen, atype-bar segment, a
series of hangers mounted on one side of said.
type-bar segment and each having a pair of divergent pivot-sustaining arms, the arms of said hangers being overlap ed and arranged on opposite sides of a p ane tangent to the printing point of the platen, said type# bars being pivoted between the arms of said hangers and the pivots being at .v secured at ne side o said segment and another set of type bars mounted in individual hangers secured at the same side of the said segment, the pivots of all the type bars of one set being in a singleplane and the pivots of all the type bars of the other set being in a different plane, and the bars of one set being bent` or recessed near their pivots so that in normal position they arch over the tops of the hangers of the other set.
27. In a typewriting machine.- the combination of a segment, a set of type bars mounted in individual hangers secured to the surface of the front face of said segment, and another set of type bars mounted in individual hangers also secured to the surface of the frontl face of said segment, the pivots of all the type bars otone set being in a single plane and the pivots of all the type bars of the other set being in a different plane, and the bars of one set being bent or recessed near their pivots so that in normal position they arch over the tops of the hangers of the other set.
28. In a'typewriting machine, the combination of a type bar segment, a plurality of sets of type bar hangers mounted thereon` type bars pivoted in vsaid hangers, and a type rest which sustains the type ends of said type bars, the pivots of all the type bars in the machine being equidistant'from the printing point, and the pivots of the type bars of each set being in a single plane, the type bars o one set when sustained by the type rest arching over the tops-of the hangers of the other set. and the'type bearingl ends of all the type bars being staggered on the type rest.
` 29. In a visible writing typewriting machine, the combination of a segment, aset of upwardly and rearwardly striking ty'pe bars mounted in hangers secured to the front face of the segment, and another set of upwardly and rearwardly striking type bars mounted in a set of hangers which differ in dimensions from the hangers of the iirst set and are secured to the front face of the said segment, the pivots of all the type bars of one set being in a single plane, and the pivots of all the type bars of the other set being in a different plane, and the bars of one set being bent or recessed near their pivots so that in normal position they clear the hangers of the other set.
30. In"a visible writing typ'ewriting machinerthe combination of a se ment, a set of upwardly and rearwardly stri ing type bars mounted in individual hangers secured on the surface of one of the faces of the seg ment, and another set of upwardly and rearwardly striking type bars mounted in 'another set of individual hangers differing in dimensions from the hangers of the first set, and secured on the same surface of the said segment as the' iirst set, the pivots of all the type bars of onerset being in one plane andthe pivots of all the type bars of the other set being in a different plane, the bars carried by the rear set of hangers being bent or recessed near their pivots so that in normal position they clear the hangers of the front set.
31. In a typewriting machine, the combif nation with a platen, of a series of type bars having a common printing point at the front of the platen, a type bar segment, a series of hangers mounted on the same fiat side of said.
type bar segment and each having a pair` of. divergent pivot sustaining arms, .the 'arins of said hangers being overlappe land ar# ranged on opposite sides of the plane tangent to the printing point and the platen, said type bars being pivoted betweenthel arms of said hangers and the type bar pivots being at the same radial distance from the printing point.
32. In a typewriting machine, the combination with the platen, of a type-baFseg-,
ment, a series of hangers arranged side by side on the same flat side of said,segment and having divergent overlapping pivot-snstaining arms and a series o l uniform typebars pivoted between the arms of said,hang` ers, the pivots' of said type-bars bein'gt` arranged at' practically the same radial distance from the 'printing oint of .the platen, substantially as describe Signed at the borough of Manhattan, cit of New York, in the county of New Yor and State of New York, this 23rd day of May A. I). 1904. y
` NELSON Fl KNOX. YVitnesses:
US20947404A 1904-05-24 1904-05-24 Type-writing machine. Expired - Lifetime US975770A (en)

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US20947404A US975770A (en) 1904-05-24 1904-05-24 Type-writing machine.

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US20947404A US975770A (en) 1904-05-24 1904-05-24 Type-writing machine.

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US20947404A Expired - Lifetime US975770A (en) 1904-05-24 1904-05-24 Type-writing machine.

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