US928591A - Type-writing machine. - Google Patents

Type-writing machine. Download PDF


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US928591A US43464908A US1908434649A US928591A US 928591 A US928591 A US 928591A US 43464908 A US43464908 A US 43464908A US 1908434649 A US1908434649 A US 1908434649A US 928591 A US928591 A US 928591A
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Charles Delvigne
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Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict
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Priority to US43464908A priority Critical patent/US928591A/en
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Publication of US928591A publication Critical patent/US928591A/en
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    • B41J19/00Character- or line-spacing mechanisms
    • B41J19/18Character-spacing or back-spacing mechanisms; Carriage return or release devices therefor
    • B41J19/60Auxiliary feed or adjustment devices
    • B41J19/62Auxiliary feed or adjustment devices for back spacing


  • My invention relates to back spacing mechanism for the carriages of typewriting lmachines, and its object, generally stated, is to provide improved devices of the class specified, although it will be understood that various features of the invention maybe used in connection with devices of To the above and other ends-the invention consists in the features of construction, combinations of devices and arrangements of parts hereinafter described and particu: larly pointed out in the claims.
  • back devices have usually been operated to sp the carriage backward step-by-step a slngle letter space distance at a time.
  • the operator is enabled to move the carriage backward either a single ace distance or a plurality of letter space rality of letter space distances be-in variable and depending on the numloer ofetters in the Word just Written. In other Words, if
  • this continuous removement may be,
  • I have provided back spacing or feeding mechanism and, associatedtherewith, certain stop devices which can beset by operating a certa-hi key when the carriage is-at any letter-space position-in the line of writing.
  • the Writin may then be continned and when it is r es'ired to bring the cardifiercnt spacing istances at one operation, the pln example, when it is desired to underscore the word, my lmbe arrested at the letter space po-t' riage'hackward step-hy-step a letter space.
  • Figure 1 is a vertical front Remington typewriter showing my invention applied thereto, parts of the machine being omitted and parts broken away;
  • Fig. 2 is a fragmentary rear elevation of the machine partly in section.
  • Fig-s33 to Tincl-u'sivc are de'tai ed--vicws of various parts of my improvements to he hereinafter descrihedrnore specifically.
  • FIG. l-O is a view corresponding to Fig. 9 but showing various of the parts in di-flerent relations from those in which they appear in said Fig 9..
  • the-main frame of the 'IHELCh'lHR coniprises a base 1, corner posts 2 and a top plate" 3.
  • Key levers (not shown) are tu-lcrn-Ined m: 4 in the rear of the baseand are connected in spacing wheel or to rear sectional View of a Fig. 8 is a fragmentary side 85 the usual Way to type hers (not'shown) circularly arranged on the top'plate, said type bars cooperating with a platen a platen frame or carrier '6, said platen carrier being provided with a roller? which runs on a shift rail 8.
  • the platen carrieris pivota-lly connected bymeans comprisinga-rock shaft 9 and arms in which are mounted rolleisiz. the-latter cooperating with a track-way 1'3 liX-edahove tin top plate. ldhe'piaten carrier-and carriage ll) with a carriage truck I].
  • a feed rack 16 is sup ported on arms 17.pivoted at 18 on the carria e truck. said feed rack normally meshing with a feed-pinion 19 fixed at the forward end of a horizontally disposed shaft 20, said shaft being mounted on-a beai ing bracket 21 spring drum .14 as well as for various parts of my improvements.
  • Fixed to the horizontally disposed arm 26 of the dog'carrier is an extension 27 provided at its ends with notches which are engaged by the hook-like 'of which only is shown.
  • the universal bar underlies the set of key levers and the usualspacing frame, the latter comprising spacing levers 30, one at each side of the base and fulcrumed at 4 and also comprising a space bar or key 31 connecting the spacing levers at their forward ends and located in front of and below the usual set of printingke s.
  • the spacing frame is provided with the usual restoring springs 32, one
  • the gear wheel 33 cooperates with a rotary element or stop wheel, the details where-- of are most clearly shown in i igs. 3 to 7 in-- elusive.
  • This rotary element or sto wheel comprises an annulus 41 (figs. 3 an 7), the
  • lugs 45 diametrically disdose two on" each disk are adapted to .fit etween the pairs of radial lugs 44 on the annulus 41 so as to revent relative rotary movement between t ie disks and the annu- Screws 46 connect the disks, the construction being such that when said screws are tight theannulus and the two' disks are maintained in a fixed relation and operate as a smgle piece or member.
  • the periphcries of the disks 42 and 43 are formed with rounded notches or cut-aways 47, these be ing arranged at regular intervals and the notches of one disk registering with those of the other, there being inthe resentinstance 24 notches in each disk.
  • member is cut away as indicated at 49 to fit in its associate bearing opening.
  • the pins 48 are rictionally held in the bearing openings in the stop wheel and are capable or being moved lengthwise in said wheel, the extent of such move- 7 from the front fa e of the supporting bracket Y This pin or 25.
  • the rear end portion of the shaft 50 is it is in register, longitudinally rea ward to stepped down and squared as indicated at the position illustrated in Fig. 8, the move- 02 and 53 (Fig. 7). 52 and 53- coiperate with corresponding squared openings formed respectively in the disks43 and 42;.
  • a headed screw 54 serves to secure the stop wheel to the shaft 50.
  • zr'gear wheel 55 (Figs. 1 and 2) having a hub 56 which receives a set screw 57, said set screw abutting against the shaft and maintaining the gear wheel in a fixed relation therewith.
  • spacing pins 48 are arranged as shown in Fig. 1 with their rear heads in;
  • the spacing pins from norto rearmost position are connected with the spacing key and comprise a cylindrical pin or plunger 58 (Figs. 1 and 8),-which bears in an opening in the bracket 25 and is normally maintained in the position shown in Fig. 1 by a coiled spring 59.
  • a ug 60 Projecting laterall from the forward end of the plunger 58 is 'a ug 60 which cooperates with an o )811 slot 61 formed in the downwardly exten ing arm of abell crank lever 62 pivoted at 63-on an car 64 on the bracket 25.
  • the i'orwardl extending arm of the hell crank lever 62 is connected by a link 65 with the middle portion of a cross bar 66 (Figs. 1 and 2), said cross bar extending from side to side. of the machine above the key levers andbeing con-- nected by straps 67 with thespacing levers 3,0.
  • the construction is such that the plunger or projecting device 58 is always in ine or register with one of the spacing pins 48L When the spacing bar 31 is depressed to Space betweenwords or for any other urposethe link 65 is pulled downward, rocfiing the bell; crank lever 62 and forcing the plunger'58 rearward, causing said plungerto.
  • the lever 69 is arranged at an angle to the rear face of the stop wheel, so that the adjacent face of said lever may act as a cam to cooperate with the pins 48 during the rotary movements of the spacing wheel, with the result that during their passage downwardv behind the lever 69 from the tom thereof any of such I been projected previous y by the plunger 58 will be restored automatically to normal, position.
  • the lowerend portion of the memeror lever 69 is cut-away as indicated at 74 to provide an opening through which the.
  • crank arm 85, rock shaft 88 and arms 93 and 95 will remain motionless. If at'any time it is desired to space the carriage bachward a single letter space the operator presses the finger piece 96 toward the right, (viewed from the front of the machine) causing the arm 95 to turn until the screw 98 contacts with the lip 3 of the top platen Because of the finger portion 96 overla ping the crank arnr93, said crank arm will participate in this movement of the arm 95 and will rock the shaft 88 and through the aln ve described connections will swing the gear segment 78 into engagement with the gear wheel 55, turning the latter and the spacing wheel and causing a baclnvard spacing movement The extent of this make-- ment will depend on the point at which "the screw or stop 98 contacts with the top late, and is preferably limited to a single otte space distance.
  • a typewriting machine the combination of a carriage, means for feeding the carriage step-by-step in printing direction, and a key operated back spacing meehanism'ineluding means for feeding the carriage back ward and means tor arresting said carriage after it has been fed backward a variable distance and prior to its reaching the beginning of the line of writing; a single key being operative to feed the carriage backward varying extents prior to its arrest.
  • a typewriting machine the combination of a carriage, means for feeding the earriage step-by-step in vprinting direction, and
  • a back spacing mechanism including means for feedingthe carriage backward by a continuous mot-ionnntil the first letter of the last ord printed has been brought oplposite the prining point and then "positive y arresting tie carriage.
  • a carriage In a typewriting machine, the combination of a carriage, means for feeding the. carri ge step-b-'-step in printing direction, and a nick spacing mechanism including means forfeeding the carriage backward and means for arrestingsaid carriage after it has been so fed a single letter space and also after it has been so fed a variable number of letter spaces. either extent of back feeding being selected at 4.
  • a carriage in a, typewriting machine, the combination of a carriage, means for feeding the carriage step-by-step in printing direction, and a back spacing'mechanism' including means for feeding the carriage backward and means for arresting said carriage after it has heei'i so step-by-step'in printing direction, said beginning fed, a single letter space and also after it has been so fer a variable number of letter spaces de ending on the number-of letters in the word ast printed I 5.
  • a carriage In a'typewriting machine, the combination of a carriage, means for feeding the earriage etep-by-step in printing direction, and back spacing mechanism including a rotary back spacing element connected with the carriage so as to rotate as the carriage is fed stepby-step in printing; direction, said rotary element being rotatable in the opposite or back spacing directionfor Varying the extent o ack spacing rota; tion of said rotaryeleinentinde enc lently of the marginal positionrol arrest 0 the carr age and of said rotary element.
  • eo lnbi na tion. of a carriage means for feeding t is earriage stepby-step in printing direction, and a back spacing mechanism including a rotary back spacingelelnent connected with the carriage so as to rotate as the carriage is fed rotary element being rotatable in the opposite or bacl-I spacing direction by hand.
  • egrd means 0 erating automatically to varia ly control t 1e extent of back spacing rotation of said rotar element ivherebytl ie carriage may by continuous movement bev moved, to the of the word last Written.
  • a carriage means for feeding the carriage step-by-step in prin tingdirection, hack spacing mechanism including a rotary back spacing element connected with the carriage so as to, rotate as the carriage is fed step-bystep in printing direction, said rotary element being rotatable in the opposite or back s acing direction by hand, and a stop on said e ement adjustable to limit its increment in baclc spacing direction.
  • a carriage means for feeding the carriage step-by st'ep in printing direction
  • back spacing mechanism including a rotary back spacing element connected with the carriage so as to rotate as the carriage is fed step-bystep in printing direction, said rotary element being rotatable in the opposite or back spacing direction by hand, and a plurality of stops on said element, said stops beingvindependentiy adjustable to "vary the extent of movement of said element in back spacing" direction.
  • the combination acarriage means tor feedingthe carriage step-bystey in printing direction
  • an; means a, stop device controlled by said key and moving with the carriage, means for moving the carriage backward, and a stop device copporating with the first recited stop device to arrest such backward rotation of the carria e.
  • said carriagesin" printing direction of a key which may be operated in the course of the 10 printing, a stop dcvice set by said key, means 4 nation with a carriage and means for feeding said carriage. in printing direction, of a key that can be operated when the carriage IS in letter space position, means for feeding the carriage backward, and a stop device con.
  • the combi nation with a carriage, means forfcedingjhe carriage step-by-step in printing direction and a space key connected with said means, of back spacing mechanism including a rotary elen'icnt, hand controlled means for rotating said element in back spacing, direction, and means set by said' space key for limiting the extentof such rotation.
  • the combi- -.nation with a carriage means for feeding the carriage step-by-step in printing direction and a space key connected with said means, of back spacing mechanism including a rotary element, hand controlled means for ro- 0 rating said element in back spacing direction,
  • a plurality 'of stops adapted to limit the extent of back spacing rotation of said element, said stops being normally in inoperative position, and means operative by said space tion.
  • a typewriting machine the combination with acarriage, means for feeding the carriage stc -by-step in printing direction, and a space ey connected with said means, of back spacing mechanism including a rotary element, hand controlled means for rotating said element in back spacing direction, a plurality of stops on said clement, said stops being normally in inoperative position, and means operative by said space key for moving said stops one at 'a time to operative position.
  • a carriage, back spacing mechanism therefor including a-rotary back spacing element, and connections between said carriage and said element, said connections comprising a shaft, a gear wheel and a pawl and key for moving said stops operative posiratchet connecting said gear wheel and said shaft.
  • back spacing mechanism including a rotary element, hand controlled means for rotating said element in back spacing direction, a plurality of stops normally in inoperalivc position but adapted to limit the ex lent of hack spacing rotation of said ele ment. he controlled means for moving said stops relatively to said element into operie,
  • back spacing mechanism including-a back spacing element connected with said carriage and carrying relatively movable stop devices, means for moving said devices from normal position one at a time and relalively to said element, and a mim'operating auton'iatically to move said dcviccs back to normal position.
  • the combination with a-carriage and means for feeding said carriage step by-step in printing direction, of'baclr spacing mechanism including a back spacing element connected with said carriage and carrying relatively inovable stop devices, means for moving said devices from normal position one at a time and.relatively to said element, and a member cooperative with said devices when said element IS- moved in one direction toarrest said element and operating when said element is moved in the opposite direction to automatically move said devices back to normal position.
  • back spacing mcchanism including a back spacing element connected with said carriage and carrying relatively movable stop devices, means for moving said devices from normal position one at a time and relatively to said element, and a spring pressed lever pivotally mounted. on the machine frame and cooperating with said devices to arrest said element and also cooperating with said devices to move them relatively to said clement back to normal position.
  • the combi nation with a carriage and means for-feeding the carriage step-hystep in printing direction, of back spacing mechanism including a rotary hack spacing element connected to turn with the carriage as the carriage is fed in printing direct-ion and hand controlled means for turning said element in the opposite direction, said hand controlled means including a rock-shaft, a (JRILlC arm rigid with said rock shaft, a stop arm loose on said rock shaft and overlying said crank arm, said crank arm being adapted to be moved by said stop arm a predetermined extent and being adapted to he moved independently of said stop arm variable extents.
  • a typewriting machine the combination with a carriage, means for feeding the carriage step-by-step in printing direction and a space key connected with said means, ol'a rotary back spacing element, a set of stop pins mounted on said element and movahle relatively thereto into and out of operative position, said pins being normally inoperative, and a plunger connected with said space key and operated thereby to move said stop pins one at a time to operative position.
  • a typewriting machine the combination of a carriage, a series of settable stops connected to move with the carriage, a key operated setting device for setting In operative position that stop which happens to be in register with said setting device when its key is operated, a movably mounted cooperating'stop arran ed to move when the carriage feeds forwart after the operation of said key and to drop in behindithe 'set sto and means for moving the carriage bac ward, the arrangement being such that said cooperating stop will arrest the set stop at a letter space position in advance of that at which it was set. Signed at Brussels, of May A. D. 1908.,


  • Character Spaces And Line Spaces In Printers (AREA)


Patented July 20, 1909. a SHEETS-SHEET a;
Patented July 20. 1909.
HISATTEIRNFV letter s character.
Spepification of Letters Patent Patented July 20, 1908.
' Application filedfmay 23, 1908. Serial No. sees is.
To all whom it may ponder/t:
Be it known that I, CHARLES DELVIGNE, sub'ect of the King of Belgium, and resident of russels, Bel ium, have invented certain new and usefu Improvements in Typeof which the following is a specification.
"My invention relates to back spacing mechanism for the carriages of typewriting lmachines, and its object, generally stated, is to provide improved devices of the class specified, although it will be understood that various features of the invention maybe used in connection with devices of To the above and other ends-the invention consists in the features of construction, combinations of devices and arrangements of parts hereinafter described and particu: larly pointed out in the claims.
As heretofore constructed, back devices have usually been operated to sp the carriage backward step-by-step a slngle letter space distance at a time. By my improved -devices' the operator is enabled to move the carriage backward either a single ace distance or a plurality of letter space rality of letter space distances be-in variable and depending on the numloer ofetters in the Word just Written. In other Words, if
in the-course of the Writing it is desired to re turn to the heginn-ing'or initial letterof the last written word, as, 'for provenients enable this to gle operation Whatever the spaces to he covered byturn limits.
In carrying out he done ay a sinnumber of letter this continuous removement may be, Within certain my invention in the presentinstance I have provided back spacing or feeding mechanism and, associatedtherewith, certain stop devices which can beset by operating a certa-hi key when the carriage is-at any letter-space position-in the line of writing. The Writin may then be continned and when it is r es'ired to bring the cardifiercnt spacing istances at one operation, the pln example, when it is desired to underscore the word, my lmbe arrested at the letter space po-t' riage'hackward step-hy-step a letter space.
distance at a time.
In carrying out my invention in the present case 'I-have applied it to a--'Re1nington t' pewriting machine, but the character of the invention is such that it maybe readily ap lied to other styles of writing machines. n the accompanyingdrawings, Figure 1 is a vertical front Remington typewriter showing my invention applied thereto, parts of the machine being omitted and parts broken away; Fig. 2 is a fragmentary rear elevation of the machine partly in section. Fig-s33 to Tincl-u'sivc are de'tai ed--vicws of various parts of my improvements to he hereinafter descrihedrnore specifically. e-evation, partly in section, showing some of the mechanism for controlling a part- -he1"einatter referred to as the'loa'ck element. *Fig. '9 isa frag-mentary'rear-elevw tion of certain of thepar-ts shown in Fig. 8. Fig. l-O is a view corresponding to Fig. 9 but showing various of the parts in di-flerent relations from those in which they appear in said Fig 9..
'eterr-ing first more especially to Figs. 1 and '2, the-main frame of the 'IHELCh'lHR coniprises a base 1, corner posts 2 and a top plate" 3. Key levers (not shown) are tu-lcrn-Ined m: 4 in the rear of the baseand are connected in spacing wheel or to rear sectional View of a Fig. 8 is a fragmentary side 85 the usual Way to type hers (not'shown) circularly arranged on the top'plate, said type bars cooperating with a platen a platen frame or carrier '6, said platen carrier being provided with a roller? which runs on a shift rail 8. The platen carrieris pivota-lly connected bymeans comprisinga-rock shaft 9 and arms in which are mounted rolleisiz. the-latter cooperating with a track-way 1'3 liX-edahove tin top plate. ldhe'piaten carrier-and carriage ll) with a carriage truck I].
5 mounted in truck compose the carriage of the machine, the carriage being constantly urged leftward across the top plate by a spring drum 14 which is connected with the carriage truck by a band or strap 15. A feed rack 16 is sup ported on arms 17.pivoted at 18 on the carria e truck. said feed rack normally meshing with a feed-pinion 19 fixed at the forward end of a horizontally disposed shaft 20, said shaft being mounted on-a beai ing bracket 21 spring drum .14 as well as for various parts of my improvements. Fixed to the horizontally disposed arm 26 of the dog'carrier is an extension 27 provided at its ends with notches which are engaged by the hook-like 'of which only is shown.
upper ends of arms or links 28, said arms depending from the extension 27 and carrying at their lower ends a universal bar 29. The universal bar underlies the set of key levers and the usualspacing frame, the latter comprising spacing levers 30, one at each side of the base and fulcrumed at 4 and also comprising a space bar or key 31 connecting the spacing levers at their forward ends and located in front of and below the usual set of printingke s. The spacing frame is provided with the usual restoring springs 32, one
It will be understood that when the space bar 31 or any one of the printing keys is suitably depressed, it acts on the universal bar 29, causing the escapement devices to cooperate in the usual manner to permit a letter space movement of the carriage in' rinting or leftward direction under the niil of the spring drum 14. The parts thus far described are or may be of the usual construction and amore extended description is therefore not considered 11 80958 ELl'y.
.which receives set screws 37, the latter engaging the shaft 20 and maintaining the housing in a fixed rclat ion therewith. VVithin the housing are pawls 38 ivoted on said housing at 39 and constant y pressed into engagement with the teeth of the ratchet whcel 34 by springs 40. The construction of the ratchet wheel, housing and springpressed pawls just described is well known and is the same as that employed in connecturn therewith.
tion with the escapement wheel 22 both in construction and action. The arrangement is such that when the carriage feeds in letter space direction the shaft 20 turns in the direction of the arrow in 5, causing the housing .35, which -is fixed to said shaft, to As the housing turns, the pawls 38 carried thereby cooperate with the ratchet wheel 34 to cause it and'the gear wheel 33 to turn also. \Vhen the carriage is drawn baclnvard or in return direction independently of the back-spacing device, however, the ratchet wheel and pawls co.- operate to permit rotary movements of the shaft 20 without affecting the gear wheel 33.
The gear wheel 33 cooperates with a rotary element or stop wheel, the details where-- of are most clearly shown in i igs. 3 to 7 in-- elusive.
This rotary element or sto wheel comprises an annulus 41 (figs. 3 an 7), the
periphery of which is toothed to mesh with the gear wheel 33, -l i,tted in the central opening of the annulus 41 are two disks 42 and 43 igs. 4 and 7). it adiallugs 44 projecting inwardly from the annulus 41 maintain the disks 42 and ,43 separated or apart as showir in Pig. 'Z, and lugs 45 diametrically disdose two on" each disk, are adapted to .fit etween the pairs of radial lugs 44 on the annulus 41 so as to revent relative rotary movement between t ie disks and the annu- Screws 46 connect the disks, the construction being such that when said screws are tight theannulus and the two' disks are maintained in a fixed relation and operate as a smgle piece or member. The periphcries of the disks 42 and 43 are formed with rounded notches or cut-aways 47, these be ing arranged at regular intervals and the notches of one disk registering with those of the other, there being inthe resentinstance 24 notches in each disk. sated movably in the opening formed by each pair of notches and the annulus is a stop device or pin 48 shown detached in Fig. 6. member is cut away as indicated at 49 to fit in its associate bearing opening. The cutaway 49 of each pin'leaves a head at each end thereof,,the length of the cut-away being greater than the width of the annulus 41 as will be understood from an ins ection of Figs. 7 and 1. The pins 48 are rictionally held in the bearing openings in the stop wheel and are capable or being moved lengthwise in said wheel, the extent of such move- 7 from the front fa e of the supporting bracket Y This pin or 25. The rear end portion of the shaft 50 is it is in register, longitudinally rea ward to stepped down and squared as indicated at the position illustrated in Fig. 8, the move- 02 and 53 (Fig. 7). 52 and 53- coiperate with corresponding squared openings formed respectively in the disks43 and 42;. A headed screw 54 serves to secure the stop wheel to the shaft 50.
' Mountedon the forward end of said shaft is zr'gear wheel 55 (Figs. 1 and 2) having a hub 56 which receives a set screw 57, said set screw abutting against the shaft and maintaining the gear wheel in a fixed relation therewith.
It will be understood that when the carriage isted in letter space direction the gear wheel 33 will. operate to turn the stop wheel in'the direction of the arrow in iig. 2. The parts are so' pl'oportioneilthat the distance that the stop wheel. is fed'at each letter space moveniient 0f the carriage corresponds to the distance'between the centers of anyjtwo of thespacingpins 48,- said pins of course being equaly s aced, apart. 11 other words, at the endo each letter space, movement each gw t at t e pini nmediately n advance of it Qccu ied ust prior to said movement.
Normally the spacing pins 48 are arranged as shown in Fig. 1 with their rear heads in;
contact with the rear face of the annulus 41. Each of these nins, when pushed rearward to the position illustrated in Fig. 8, is adapted to control the extent of back spacing movement of the carriage, as will be hereinafter explained] In the present instance the means for pushing. the spacing pins from norto rearmost position are connected with the spacing key and comprise a cylindrical pin or plunger 58 (Figs. 1 and 8),-which bears in an opening in the bracket 25 and is normally maintained in the position shown in Fig. 1 bya coiled spring 59. Projecting laterall from the forward end of the plunger 58 is 'a ug 60 which cooperates with an o )811 slot 61 formed in the downwardly exten ing arm of abell crank lever 62 pivoted at 63-on an car 64 on the bracket 25. The i'orwardl extending arm of the hell crank lever 62 is connected by a link 65 with the middle portion of a cross bar 66 (Figs. 1 and 2), said cross bar extending from side to side. of the machine above the key levers andbeing con-- nected by straps 67 with thespacing levers 3,0. strap 67, the straps being clamped or loc by nuts 68 on the end portions of the cross bar -The construction is such that the plunger or projecting device 58 is always in ine or register with one of the spacing pins 48L When the spacing bar 31 is depressed to Space betweenwords or for any other urposethe link 65 is pulled downward, rocfiing the bell; crank lever 62 and forcing the plunger'58 rearward, causing said plungerto.
rhove'the spacing pin or'stop 48 with'which pin will occupy the same position.
Each spacing lover is embraced by a ed The squared portions j l.
"in reverse ment'of said pin .48 being arrested when its forward head contacts with the front face of the stop wheel.
When the spacing pins are in their projected or rearmost positions they are adapted for reasons hereinafter explained. to cooperate with a combined stopor abutment and cam member, said combined abutment and cam inemberin the present instance being in the form of a lever 69 pivoted on a shouldered screw 70, the latter being supported on a block 71 secured by screws 72 to a lug 73 extending rearward from the bracket 25 (Figs. 2 and 8). Viewed from the side (Figs. 1 and 8) the lever 69 is arranged at an angle to the rear face of the stop wheel, so that the adjacent face of said lever may act as a cam to cooperate with the pins 48 during the rotary movements of the spacing wheel, with the result that during their passage downwardv behind the lever 69 from the tom thereof any of such I been projected previous y by the plunger 58 will be restored automatically to normal, position. The lowerend portion of the memeror lever 69 is cut-away as indicated at 74 to provide an opening through which the.
pins 48 asthey are brought opposite to or in register with the plunger 58 maybe projected by said glungcr when the space key 31 is operated. slow the opening 74 the lever terminates in a nose or stop lug 75. A leaf spring 76, held by the screws 72', cooperates with the upper arm of the lever 69 to maintain it normally in the position shown in cutting away or depressing the front face of the block 71 i ever' 69.' WVhen the p unger Figs. 2 and 9, in which position said-lever is arrested by a shoulder or ledge 77 formed by 10,5 ad Iacent to the screw 7 0 t form a seat for said 58 operates to project one'of the pins t8 said pin will be pressed rearward in or through the opening 74 in the lever 69. letter space movement of the carriage thereafter, t 1e rear head of the projected pin will act against the nose 75 and turn the lever 69 on its pivot against the tension of the-s )ring 76 (Fig. 10). Toward the end of this letter space movement the pro'ectedpin moves away from the nose 75 an permits the lever 69 to return to normal position with the next following pin inv register with the opening74 and so that the nose or stop lug '7 5 will be in position to contact with the head of the rejected pin and arrest the back spacing, w eel should the latter be moved in reversedirection by any backward spacing movement which ma e communicated to the carriage by the wheeh i I i In order to space the capriageoacaward or direction, devices are provided comprisin an internally toothed ear so; ment 78 igs. l and 2), said geai segnient At the first being adapted to cooperate with the gear wheel 55 at the to thereof, but being normally disengaged t erefrom. The ear segment 78 is secured by screws 79 to t 1e upper triangularly shaped arm of a lever 80, said lever being pivoted on a shouldered screw 81 received in a boss or lug 82 pro'ecting forward from the supporting bracket 9 wire spring 83 is COll6d around the boss 82 and tends constantly to press the upper arm of the lever 80 toward the left as viewed from the rear and to move the gear segment '78 leftward ver the top of the gear wheel '55,
maintaining a projection 80" on said lever normally in contact with a lug 80 depending from the top plate. I
It will be understood that when the gear segment 78 is moved rightward as viewed from the rear, it will engage with the gear wheel 55, turning the latter and through it the stop wheel, causing the teeth of-the annulus 41 to cooperate with the gear wheel 33 to turn thelattei backward so that the teeth or the ratchet wheel 34, acting against the pawls 38, will turn the housing 35 backward and, through it and the shaft 20, inion 19 and rack 16, move the carriage bac ward or in reverse direction. The means for moving the gear segment 78 in the manner just described are illustrated in Figs. 1 and 2 and comprise a link 84 pivotally connected at one end with the lower arm of the lever and at the opposite end with the lower end of a crank arm 85 said crank arm at its upper end prevented by the cooperation of the hub 86 with the rear lug 89 and in the opposite direc tion by the cooperation of the forward lug 89 with a collar 90 fixed to the shaft by a set screw 9 The forward end of the rock shaft is slightly reduced in diameter, as indicated at 88, and terminates just in rear of the de pending lip 3 of the top late 3. Fixed to the reduced end of the rec shaft by a pin 92 is a crank arm or handle 93 which extends downward in front of the right-hand front corner post and terminates in a finger piece 94 a short distance above the base of the machine. Loosely mounted on the reduced end portion of the rock shaft 88, behind the crank arm 93, a sho ter arm or stop member 95,
' said arm or member being confined between the crank arm 93 and the shoulder formed between the body of the rock shaft and the reduced end 88 thereof. The lower end of the arm 95 terminates ina linger portion 96 which overlies the crank arm 93 above the wheel or element backward in adirection finger portion 94 thereon. A lug 97 pro ects E oppositeto the arrow in Fig. 2. The extent of the carriage. The rock shaft extends forward.
laterally from the arm 95 near the upper end thereof and receives an adjustable thumb screw 98 which underlies the li 3 of the top plate, the point of said screw ,eing adapted to contact with the lower ed e of said lip and serving as a stop to arrest t e arm 95,
Certain features of the operation of my invention not hereinbefore explained may now be. referred to. It will be understood that when the printing keys are operated, the associate type bars will be caused to print and the carriage will be moved step-by-step in printing or letter feeding direction; that is, toward the left viewed from the front of the machine. During this movement, the stop wheel and connected parts will turn in the direction of the arrow (Fig. 2) while the handoperated devices for controlling said spacing wheel (said hand-operated devices comprising the gear segment 78, the lever 80, link 84,
crank arm 85, rock shaft 88 and arms 93 and 95) will remain motionless. If at'any time it is desired to space the carriage bachward a single letter space the operator presses the finger piece 96 toward the right, (viewed from the front of the machine) causing the arm 95 to turn until the screw 98 contacts with the lip 3 of the top platen Because of the finger portion 96 overla ping the crank arnr93, said crank arm will participate in this movement of the arm 95 and will rock the shaft 88 and through the aln ve described connections will swing the gear segment 78 into engagement with the gear wheel 55, turning the latter and the spacing wheel and causing a baclnvard spacing movement The extent of this make-- ment will depend on the point at which "the screw or stop 98 contacts with the top late, and is preferably limited to a single otte space distance.
It will be understood that each time the space bar or key'31 is operated to space be tween words or for any other purpose, one of the spacing or stop pins 48 will'be projected and that during subsequent letter feeding movements of the carriage said projected pin will travel with the spacing wheel in the direction of the arrow in Fig. 2 ur til said pin has completed nearly a full revolution and engages with the inclined or cam face of the cam member or lever 69 which automatically pushes the pin forward and restores it] to normal position. to the pro ection of said )in and during the course of the printing of tlie followingwordit is desired to backspace the carriage until the first lette. of said word is oppositetl printing point, the finger piece 94 is pressed righ tward ("iewed from the front of the machine),
causing the gear segment 78 to cooperate with the gear wheel 55 and turn the spacing 1f, however, subsequent tors printed in the word and will 94, the arm am fi i tiiigi of this backward rotation of the s acing wheel and consequently the extent oi back spacing of the carriage will depend on the number of'ste )s the projected pin .3 has moved from the noseor stop 75. As has been stated, each letter space movement of the carriage causes the spacing pins 48 to move a distance corresponding to the distance between the centers of adjacent spacing pins. it will be evident therefore that the continuous backward movement of the spacing wheel and; carriage imparted by the arm 93 will correspond to the numbcr of letequal the letter space feed movements imparted to the carriage in writing said letters. When the crank arm )3 is 0 )erated by the finger piece l the stop QSthe-reon do not cooperate with the crank arm 93 to arrest it, but permit the crank arm 93 to be moved away from the arm 95 until said crank arm is arrested by the projected stop in 48. After any back spacing movement t e gear segment 78 and connected partsLWill be re: stored to normal position'by the operation of the sprin 83.
What I c airn as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is
1. In a typewriting machine, the combination of a carriage, means for feeding the carriage step-by-step in printing direction, and a key operated back spacing meehanism'ineluding means for feeding the carriage back ward and means tor arresting said carriage after it has been fed backward a variable distance and prior to its reaching the beginning of the line of writing; a single key being operative to feed the carriage backward varying extents prior to its arrest.
2. a typewriting machine, the combination of a carriage, means for feeding the earriage step-by-step in vprinting direction, and
a back spacing mechanism including means for feedingthe carriage backward by a continuous mot-ionnntil the first letter of the last ord printed has been brought oplposite the prining point and then "positive y arresting tie carriage.
' 3. In a typewriting machine, the combination of a carriage, means for feeding the. carri ge step-b-'-step in printing direction, and a nick spacing mechanism including means forfeeding the carriage backward and means for arrestingsaid carriage after it has been so fed a single letter space and also after it has been so fed a variable number of letter spaces. either extent of back feeding being selected at 4. in a, typewriting machine, the combination of a carriage, means for feeding the carriage step-by-step in printing direction, and a back spacing'mechanism' including means for feeding the carriage backward and means for arresting said carriage after it has heei'i so step-by-step'in printing direction, said beginning fed, a single letter space and also after it has been so fer a variable number of letter spaces de ending on the number-of letters in the word ast printed I 5. In a'typewriting machine, the combination of a carriage, means for feeding the earriage etep-by-step in printing direction, and back spacing mechanism including a rotary back spacing element connected with the carriage so as to rotate as the carriage is fed stepby-step in printing; direction, said rotary element being rotatable in the opposite or back spacing directionfor Varying the extent o ack spacing rota; tion of said rotaryeleinentinde enc lently of the marginal positionrol arrest 0 the carr age and of said rotary element. i
6. In a typewriting machine'the. eo lnbi na tion. of a carriage, means for feeding t is earriage stepby-step in printing direction, and a back spacing mechanism including a rotary back spacingelelnent connected with the carriage so as to rotate as the carriage is fed rotary element being rotatable in the opposite or bacl-I spacing direction by hand. egrd means 0 erating automatically to varia ly control t 1e extent of back spacing rotation of said rotar element ivherebytl ie carriage may by continuous movement bev moved, to the of the word last Written. 7Q In a typewriting machine, the combination of a carriage, means for feeding the carriage step-by-step in prin tingdirection, hack spacing mechanism including a rotary back spacing element connected with the carriage so as to, rotate as the carriage is fed step-bystep in printing direction, said rotary element being rotatable in the opposite or back s acing direction by hand, and a stop on said e ement adjustable to limit its increment in baclc spacing direction.
8. In a typewritii ig machine, the combination of a carriage, means for feeding the carriage step-by st'ep in printing direction, back spacing mechanism including a rotary back spacing element connected with the carriage so as to rotate as the carriage is fed step-bystep in printing direction, said rotary element being rotatable in the opposite or back spacing direction by hand, and a plurality of stops on said element, said stops beingvindependentiy adjustable to "vary the extent of movement of said element in back spacing" direction. 3
9, in a typewriting machine, the combination acarriage, means tor feedingthe carriage step-bystey in printing direction,
ll hand, an; means a, stop device controlled by said key and moving with the carriage, means for moving the carriage backward, and a stop device copporating with the first recited stop device to arrest such backward rotation of the carria e.
H. In a typewriting machine, thc com ination witha carriage'and means for feeding.-
said carriagesin" printing direction, of a key which may be operated in the course of the 10 printing, a stop dcvice set by said key, means 4 nation with a carriage and means for feeding said carriage. in printing direction, of a key that can be operated when the carriage IS in letter space position, means for feeding the carriage backward, and a stop device con.
trolled by said key for arresting the backward feed of the carriage at a letter space posltion bearing a predetermined relation to that at which said key was operated.
13. In a typcwriting machine, the combination with a carriage, means for feeding the carriage step-by-stcp in printing direction 3 and a space key connected with said means,
of back spacing mechanism for said carriage, and means set by said space key for limiting the extent of motion of said back spacing mechanism.
3 14. In a typewriting machine, the combi nation with a carriage, means forfcedingjhe carriage step-by-step in printing direction and a space key connected with said means, of back spacing mechanism including a rotary elen'icnt, hand controlled means for rotating said element in back spacing, direction, and means set by said' space key for limiting the extentof such rotation.
]5. In a typcwriting machine, the combination witha carriage, means for feeding the carriage step-by-step in ,printingdirection and a space'key connected with said means, of back spacing mechanism including a rotary element, hand controlled means for rotating said element in back spacing direction, and means on said element for varying the extent of its backward rotation, saidlast -pained means being set by said space key.
' 16. In a typewriting machine, the combi- -.nation with a carriage, means for feeding the carriage step-by-step in printing direction and a space key connected with said means, of back spacing mechanism including a rotary element, hand controlled means for ro- 0 rating said element in back spacing direction,
a plurality 'of stops adapted to limit the extent of back spacing rotation of said element, said stops being normally in inoperative position, and means operative by said space tion.
17-." In a typewriting machine, the combination with acarriage, means for feeding the carriage stc -by-step in printing direction, and a space ey connected with said means, of back spacing mechanism including a rotary element, hand controlled means for rotating said element in back spacing direction, a plurality of stops on said clement, said stops being normally in inoperative position, and means operative by said space key for moving said stops one at 'a time to operative position. 3
i8. In a typewriting machine, the combination of a carriage, back spacing mechanism therefor including a-rotary back spacing element, and connections between said carriage and said element, said connections comprising a shaft, a gear wheel and a pawl and key for moving said stops operative posiratchet connecting said gear wheel and said shaft.
19. In a typewritin machine, the combination with a power dl'iven carriage and escapement devicestherefor including an cscapement wheel and an escapement whccl shaft, of back spacin devices comprising a rotary back spacing element and a pawl and ratchet connection between said element and said escapcmcnt wheel shaft.
20. In a typewriting machine, the combinatioxrwith a power driven carriage and is c-apemcnt devices therel -or including an cscapement wheel and an escapemcnt wheel shaft, of a back spacing clcment provided with a gear and connections between said back spacing element and said escapement wheel shaft including a gear wheel meshin with said gear, a ratchet rigidly connecter with said gear, and a pawl engaging with said ratchet and mounted to turir bodily with said escapemcnt wheel shaft:
2]. In a typcwriting machine, the combination with a carriage and means for feeding the carriage step by-step in printing direction, of back spacing mechanism com )rising a back spacing element, a set of stop devices movably mounted thereon at letter space distances apart, said devices being normally in inoperative position, and means for moving said stop devices one at a time relatively to said element to operative position.
22. In a typcwritmg machine, the coinbination with a carriage and means for feeding the carriage step-by-step in printing direction, of back spacing mechanism including a back spacing wheel, a set of stop pins circu larly arranged thereon at letter space intervals, said pins being normally in inoperative position, and means for-"moving said pins one at a time relatively to said wheel to operative position. H
23. In a typewriting machine, the combi- I nation with a cai riage and means for feeding sthe carriage stepby-step in printing direc- Ill Ill)
tion, of back spacing mechanism including a rotary element, hand controlled means for rotating said element in back spacing direction, a plurality of stops normally in inoperalivc position but adapted to limit the ex lent of hack spacing rotation of said ele ment. he controlled means for moving said stops relatively to said element into operie,
live position, and automatic means for restoring said stops to normal position.
34. in a. lypmvritins machine, the combination with a carriage. means for feeding the carriage step-by-step in. printing, direction, and a space key connei tcd with said means, of backspacing mechanism-including a 1'0- tary element, hand controlled means for rotating said element in back spacing direction, a set of stops adapted to limit the extent of back spacing rotation of said element, said stops being normally in inoperative position, means operated-by said space key for moving said stops to operative position, and means operating automaticallyto restore said stops to normal or inoperative position during roracv movements of said element.
25. In a typevriting machine. the combination with a carriage and means for feeding .said carriage step-by-step in printing direction, of back spacing mechanism including a back spacing element connected with said carria e and carrying relatively movable stop devices, means for moving said devices from normal position one at atime and rela tively to said element, and means operating automatically during the movements of said element to move said devices back to normal position. i
26. In a typewritin'g machine, the combination with a cal-rinse and means i or feeding said carriage step-,b'y-stepin printing direc-.
tion, of back spacing mechanism including-a back spacing element connected with said carriage and carrying relatively movable stop devices, means for moving said devices from normal position one at a time and relalively to said element, and a mim'operating auton'iatically to move said dcviccs back to normal position.
27. In a typewriting machine, the combination with a carriage and means for feeding said carriage step-by-step in printing direction, of back spacing mechanism including a back spacing element connected with said carriage and carrying relatively movable stop devices, means for moving said devices from normal position one at a time and relatively to said element, and a stop cooperative with 'said devices to arrest said element.
28. In a typewriting machine, the combination with a-carriage and means for feeding said carriage step by-step in printing direction, of'baclr spacing mechanism including a back spacing element connected with said carriage and carrying relatively inovable stop devices, means for moving said devices from normal position one at a time and.relatively to said element, and a member cooperative with said devices when said element IS- moved in one direction toarrest said element and operating when said element is moved in the opposite direction to automatically move said devices back to normal position.
29. In a typ'ewriting machine, the combination with a carriage and means for feeding said carriage step-by step in printing direction, of back spacing mechanism including a back spacing element connected with said darriage and carrying relatively movable stop devices, means for moving said devices from normal position one at atime and relatively to said element, andia combined cam and stop- 0 )erative at one time to cor'ipcrate with said evices to arrest said element ,and
.at another time to cam said devices hack to normal position.
30. la atypewriting. machine, the combination with a carriage and means for feeding said carriage step-by-step in printing direction, of back spacing mcchanism including a back spacing element connected with said carriage and carrying relatively movable stop devices, means for moving said devices from normal position one at a time and relatively to said element, and a spring pressed lever pivotally mounted. on the machine frame and cooperating with said devices to arrest said element and also cooperating with said devices to move them relatively to said clement back to normal position.
31. In a typewriting machine, the combinationwith a carriage and means for feeding the carriage sicp-hvsicp in printing direction, of back spacing mechanism including a rotary back spacing element. connected lo turn with the carriagc as the carriage is l'cd in prin'tin direction, and hand controlled means in turning said element in the oppo site direction, said hand controlled means including-a gear wheel rigid withsaid element, a gear segment adapted to mesh with said gear whccl, a rock shaft, a link connecting saidgcar segment with said rock shaft, and a crank arm rigid with said rock shaft and provided with a finger piece.
32. In a typewriting machine, the combination with a carriage and means for feeding t the carriage step-by-step in printing direc- 7 tion, of back spacing mechanism including a rotary back spacing clement connepted to turn'with the carriage as the'carriage isfed in printing direction, and hand controlled means for turning said element in the -opposite direction, said hand controlled means 1nchiding a rock shaft, a crank arm rigid thereon, andastop arm loosely mounted on said rock shaft and adapted to control said crank arm.
33.- in a typewriting machine, the combi nation with a carriage and means for-feeding the carriage step-hystep in printing direction, of back spacing mechanism including a rotary hack spacing element connected to turn with the carriage as the carriage is fed in printing direct-ion and hand controlled means for turning said element in the opposite direction, said hand controlled means including a rock-shaft, a (JRILlC arm rigid with said rock shaft, a stop arm loose on said rock shaft and overlying said crank arm, said crank arm being adapted to be moved by said stop arm a predetermined extent and being adapted to he moved independently of said stop arm variable extents.
' 34. In a typewriting machine, the combination with a carriage, means for feeding the carriage ste )-by-step in printing direction and a space rcy connected with said means, of back s acing mechanism including a movable bacr spacing element connected with the carriage, stop devices on said element, and a device operated by said space key for moving said stop devices one at a time relatively to said element.
35. In a typewriting machine, the combination with a carriage, means for feeding the carriage step-by-step in printing direction and a space key connected with said means, ol'a rotary back spacing element, a set of stop pins mounted on said element and movahle relatively thereto into and out of operative position, said pins being normally inoperative, and a plunger connected with said space key and operated thereby to move said stop pins one at a time to operative position.
36. in a typewriting machine, the combination of a frame; a carriage movable across said frame for letter spacing; a row of settable stops and 1 setting device for said stops, one of the last recited parts being connected to move past the other as the carriage moves across the frame a key connected with said setting device to set the stop that happens to be in register With said setting device when the key is operated; and a stop cooperative with said settable stops.
37. In a typewriting machine, the combination of a frame, a carriage mounted for letter space rn tipn across said frame, a device connected witirsaid carriage and carrv ing a series of settable stops, a setting device mounted on the frame, a key for operating said setting device to set to operative position Whichever settable stop happens to be in register with said setting device when the key is operated, and a stop cooperative with said set'table stops.
38. In a typewriting machine, the combination with a carriage, a wheel geared to said carriage, a series of settable stops mounted on said wheel, a setting device for said stops, a key connected with said setting device for settin to operative position whichever one of sai( settable stops happens 'to be in register with said set-ting device. when the key is operated, and a stop cooperative with said settable stops.
39. in a typewriting machine, the combination with a traveling carriage, of stop dcvices, means for setting one or another of said step devices when the carriage is in any letter space position in its travel across the ma- -hine, means for moving said carriage hackward, and a stop cooperative with'the set stop device to arrest the carriage in its backward motion at a letter space positionin advance ol' thatat which said stop device was set differing from but hearing a redetermined relation to that at which sai stop device was set. i
40. In a typewriting machine, the combination of a carriage, a series of settable stops connected to move with the carriage, a key operated setting device for setting In operative position that stop which happens to be in register with said setting device when its key is operated, a movably mounted cooperating'stop arran ed to move when the carriage feeds forwart after the operation of said key and to drop in behindithe 'set sto and means for moving the carriage bac ward, the arrangement being such that said cooperating stop will arrest the set stop at a letter space position in advance of that at which it was set. Signed at Brussels, of May A. D. 1908.,
Belgium, thisiSth day
US43464908A 1908-05-23 1908-05-23 Type-writing machine. Expired - Lifetime US928591A (en)

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US43464908A US928591A (en) 1908-05-23 1908-05-23 Type-writing machine.

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US43464908A US928591A (en) 1908-05-23 1908-05-23 Type-writing machine.

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US43464908A Expired - Lifetime US928591A (en) 1908-05-23 1908-05-23 Type-writing machine.

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Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3346086A (en) * 1963-09-25 1967-10-10 Ibm Proportional escapement apparatus for a single element typewriter
US3417849A (en) * 1964-01-04 1968-12-24 Olivetti & Co Spa Backspacing device for a proportionally spacing typewriter
DE1808451B1 (en) * 1967-11-15 1969-10-23 Ibm Equipment on power-driven typewriters and similar machines for storing the switching paths

Cited By (3)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3346086A (en) * 1963-09-25 1967-10-10 Ibm Proportional escapement apparatus for a single element typewriter
US3417849A (en) * 1964-01-04 1968-12-24 Olivetti & Co Spa Backspacing device for a proportionally spacing typewriter
DE1808451B1 (en) * 1967-11-15 1969-10-23 Ibm Equipment on power-driven typewriters and similar machines for storing the switching paths

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