US884124A - Process for the electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds. - Google Patents

Process for the electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds. Download PDF


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US884124A US35041907A US1907350419A US884124A US 884124 A US884124 A US 884124A US 35041907 A US35041907 A US 35041907A US 1907350419 A US1907350419 A US 1907350419A US 884124 A US884124 A US 884124A
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Henry Spencer Blackmore
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    • C25B1/00Electrolytic production of inorganic compounds or non-metals
    • C25B1/01Products
    • C25B1/34Simultaneous production of alkali metal hydroxides and chlorine, oxyacids or salts of chlorine, e.g. by chlor-alkali electrolysis
    • C25B1/46Simultaneous production of alkali metal hydroxides and chlorine, oxyacids or salts of chlorine, e.g. by chlor-alkali electrolysis in diaphragm cells


  • liquid salts may be supplied or submitted to the electween the electrolyte and products of, elec trolysis a heavier liquid diaphragm provided with a connnunicatingelastic dialytic septum to prevent the difi usion of the heavier liquid diaphra m into or through the electrolyte or prodhcts thereof.
  • My invention consists in employing a body or bodies of liquid electrolyte or solution of salts to be dissociated and an other independent body or bodies of liquid; in separating the bodies of electrolyte from the m- ;dependent bodies of liquid through the agency of a liquid diaphragm of greater density than either of the said bodies and by the Walls or partitions between the oleotrolyte and theindependent bodies which extend below the surface of the said heavier liquid diaphragm or conveyor of ions; in providing the heavier liquid diaphragm at its point pf communication with the liquld electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid with an elastic pervious dialytic septum or other means for preventing the dif- 'withdrawing the liquid electro yte and fusion of the heavy liquid of the diaphragm into the electrolyte or independent bodies of liquid or vice .versa, whereby the density of the liquid diaphragm mav be reduced or it may be contaminated with the electrm lyte
  • Thisinvention is an improvement on that forming the subject matter of my British Patent No. 24,630 of 1894, and includes new and novel features over those claimed in the aforesaid atent whereby the difficulties met with in re 'erenceto the diffusion of the liquid diaphragm and various liquids employed,-
  • the apparatus for producing caustic potash (potassium hydronid) from potassium chlorid consists of a main or common tan A divided transversely by the partitions B, B, into three compartments communicating through the slotted openings 1), c, c, Fig. 3, the space within the tank between the partitions B, B, being longitudinally divided into three compartments by the partitions (.3, (7", Fig. 4, and extending nearly to the bottom thereof, sufiiciout space being left heneath the same for the communicating heavy liquid diaphragm which separates the electrolyte from the independent bodies of liquid during the operation of the process. These their ends with the handles If dividing partitions C, C, divide the tank into three compartments ,viz. anode compartment D and the cathode compartments E, E.
  • the domes F which consist preferably of sheet lead and rest upon oblong and sectionally angular frames or peripheral shoulders G secured to the projections and tothe sides of the tank near the top and provided with a continuous upwardly projecting flange G thereon, the said domes bein provided at whereby the same may be readily removed or replaced from or over the various compartments D-E, or E, the bottom of the domes being sealed by a fluid such as carbon tetrachlorid located in the channel I within'which it rests, thus rendering the compartments D'E, E, substantially closed when the domes are in position except as to their regular inlet or outlet ducts.
  • a fluid such as carbon tetrachlorid located in the channel I within'which it rests
  • anode K Located within the anode compartment D is the anode K which consists of a number of strips of carbon fastened together with carbon connections in such manner as to form a grid the space between each carbon strip of which allows the gaseous products evolved during the process of electrolysis to escape in an upward direction.
  • These carbon grids are placed in the anode com artment D transversely and rest upon the e ectrical conductor consisting of two longitudinal strips k, k, resting upon the supports Z, Z, Fig. 4, which electrical-conductor communicates at one end with the electrical conductor K, Fig. 2.
  • a grid M, M which consists of strips of copper located longitudinally of the compartment and communicating with the electrical connections 1V which copper grid constitutes the cathode during the process of electrolysis.
  • Communicating with the cathode compartments are the outlet pipes or ducts N, i ⁇ ", through which the hydrogen or other gaseous products evolved in the cathode compartment during the process of electrolysis are discharged, while communieating with the anode compartment is the outlet pipe or duct O through which chlorin or other gaseous electroi1egative product evolved in the anode compartment is discharged,
  • Communicating with the cathode compartments E, E, through the slotted openings 0, c is the supply and discharge compartment P, Fig.
  • the balance float U consists of a metal air-tube provided with a cap and loaded or weighted by introducing a substance
  • This float valve may be regulated in such a manner as to be actuated by any heavy fluid of a predetermined density with relation to it.
  • Communicating with the anode compartment D through the slotted openings 1) is the supply and discharge compartment W, Fig. 2, provided with the overflow pipe X communicating with the conduit X, and the electrolyte supply pipe Y controlled by the valve Y actuated by the balance float valve Z, which float valve is so regulated that, as the density of the solution of electrolyte, such as potassium chlorid supplied to the anode compartment from the compartment W through the slotted openings 5, becomes depleted by electrolytic action, resulting in the discharge of chlorin.
  • electrolyte such as potassium chlorid supplied to the anode compartment from the compartment W through the slotted openings 5
  • a'ndthe conduit X tion of electrolyte of uniform density is mainftai'ned inthe anode com artment with the simultaneous discharge of the depleted eleeelectrolyte solution, the depleted or weakcued electrolyte solution is automatically discharged through the overflow pipe or duct X
  • a solution of potassium chlorid of about 24 B, is then supplied to the anode com artment and a solution of caustic potash of li e density supplied to the cathode
  • This .film of substance resting upon the heavy liquid caustic potash diaphragm forms I a sort of skin or elastic medium whereby the diffusion of the separate liquids into each other is prevented or largely obviated.
  • This thin skin or film of dialytic substance merely constitutes a means whereby the osmosis of the various liquids isprevented or largely obviated whereby their density is substantially uniformly maintained.
  • This dialytic film is more or less elastic in its character so that: any disturbance of the fluids by agitation'lar ely prevents them from mixing withfeac other.
  • electrolyte supply pipe Y is put in com- 'munication with the tank containing a supply of electrolyte of uniform density while the supply pipe Q is put in communication with a' Water supply. A current of electricity is then passed through the apparatus, through the electric connections M" and K in such a manner that the electrode K will constitute'theanode and the electrodes M, M,
  • valve Y drops or falls by reason of the decreasing density of the fluid therein and by so doing-automatically opens the valve Y and allows a por tion of solution of potassium chlorid to enter the compartment W through the'supply pipe Y from the reservoir with which it communicates until the density has become so increased that the float valve again rises and shuts off the supply of potassium chlorid solution. Simultaneously with the supply of fresh electrolyte solution the lighter depleted remaining electrolyte is discharged through overflow pipe X and the conduit X to a reservoir where it can be recharged with more potassium chlorid for the further continuance of the process.
  • This is controlled and regulated in the compartment P communicating with the cathode compartments through the slotted openings 0, c, by the balance float valve U controlling the valve T.
  • the caustic potash solution accumulates in the cathode compartment it passes out into the communicating aompartment P, and being of increasing density it raises the float valve U, thereby opening the valve T .and allowing the heavy caustic potash solution to be discharged through the pipe S and conduit S.
  • the level of the liquid in the cathode compartment P is simultaneously lowered and with such lowering the float r falls and opens the valve R thus admittinga portion of water in volume equal to that of the caustic potash solution discharged, there- ,by maintaining an automatic discharge of the caustic potash solution as electrically produced and an automatic supply of water therefor to maintain the level of the liquid therein.
  • septum or septi employed for the purpose of preventing the diffusion of the electrolyte, independent 1 body or bodies of liquid, or heavy li uid diaphragm from diffusing ,into each ot er,
  • tum or septi which may be located betweenthe heavy liquid diaphragm and the liquid in the cathode compartment, the heavy liquid diaphragm and the liquid in the anode compartment, or both as the case may be, or may consistonly of a few interpoised part1- cles of a substance which will interrupt, neutralize, or destroy any vibratory or undulating motion communicated to the fluids;
  • the-septum or septi as employed is in no. sense to be considered as a separate and manner that the surface of t e heavy 1i uid in communication with the lighter liqui is so proportionallyre'ducedthat any movement of the lighter liquids will not agitate the heavier separating li uid diaphragm to any injurious degree, an which septum or scpti while allowing fluid communication be-:
  • the material hich I prefer to employ as septum or septi, between the fluids of varying density, for prevention of agitation, circulation, or diffusion thereof, is pulverulent carbon, or carbon containing substance such as, lignite, cannel coal, or other bituminous variety or anthracite, or other coal (preferably anthracite or the grade of bituminous known as cannel coal) for the reason that it is practically inert to the electrolyte or electrolytic products, or by-products thereof, or other fluidsor substances present, a nonconductor of electricity, and is naturally of such selective density, as to remain normally interpoised between the fluids of lesser and greater density.
  • coal 1 can employ inert carbids, animal or bone charcoal, or other carbon containing substance, the carbon of which may be either chemically or physically combined, or both, which may be available for use under the existing conditions or character of the substance employed, or formed during the operation of the process.
  • the apparatus and process therefore includes as an important and distinguishing feature a fluidor liquid diaphragm consisting of an ionconveying fluid provided with a means such as a normally interpoised pervious septum or septi ccntaining solid, semi-solid, or inert substance preferably of pulverulent or elastic nature, suspended, interposed-pr interpoised, be-
  • the movable or its elastic nature of the septum orsepti, when solids are employed, may be designated as a. fluid solid, oranti-osmosic or anti diffusion fluidtforthe reason that the inertpartlcles may niove or flow on or about each other seaiae wlthin the anti-osmosic or anti-diflusion zone, without material interference, While absorbing, dispersing, or neutralizing the circulatory energy of the electrolyte or other fluid pr sent, whereby diffusion of the compatible, or mixable fluids or liquids present,
  • liquid used in this specification and claims, with relation to the character of the materials employed, is intended to include any fluid form of the substance which may exist normally, under ordinary circumstances or conditions, as fluid, or which is or has been liquefied by pressure, refrigeration, solution in solvent menstruum, heat or otherwise, wl'iich may be adaptable or employed for the purpose set forth.
  • the process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independentbody of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the "buds into each other, and passing a current of electricity remand to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating mix able fluid of greater density and its intervening antidif fusion septum or sopti.
  • municating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the'diflusion of the fluids'mto eachother, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, vthrough ortions of the electrolyte, the independent ody or bodies "of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti diflusion's'eptum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, separating-the bodies of fluid from each other by a body or bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyor ofions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte, and the independent bodies of fluid, through ortions of the electrolyte, "the independent ody or 'bodies of fluid, and the separating mixable fluid of greater density and its intervening antidiflusion septum or septi,
  • the process for electrolysis oi fluid salts or com ounds which consists in providing a ho y of electrolyte and an inde-v pendent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a fluid of greaterdensity, capable of acting as a conveyor of ions, and a communicating of intervening permeable septum or septi or preventing the diffusion of the fluids mto each other, and passin a current of electricity from and to suite le electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-difl'usion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of fluidj salts or compounds which consists in providing a lurality ofbodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid'fromeach other y a body or bodies of fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyor of ions, and a communicating or intervening permeable septum or septi for preventing the diflusion of the fluids into each other and passing a current ofelectricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or so t1 8.
  • lhe process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in providing a lurality of bodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid from each other y a bodyor bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening permeable septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of'fluid and the separating fluld of greater density and its intervening anti-difl'usion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of fluid see-nee salts or compounds which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid from each other y a body or bodies of fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening elastic septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the flulds into each other and passing a current of electricity from and to suitableelectrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid from each other y a body or bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capable of actingasa conveyer of ions, and a communicating onintervening elastic septum or septifo'r preventing the diflusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes,
  • the "process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communication or intervening carbonaceous septum or septi for'preventing the diflusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating. with the electrolyte and the independent body “of fluid, through portions of the'electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis oi fluid salts or'com ounds which consists in providing a plura ity of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, separating the bodies of fluidfrom each other by a bod I or bodies of fluid of greater density, capab eof acting as aconveyer'oi ions, and a communicating or intervening carbonaceous septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes,
  • the process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and 1 independent bodies of fluid, separating the bodies of fluid from each other by a body'or bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer 9f ions, and a communicating or intervening carbonaceous septum or septi for preventing the diflusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a body of fluid, separating said fluids from current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating mixable fluid of greater densitv and its inter yening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent fluid of greater density and-its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
  • septi capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening carbon containing septum. or septi for preventing the diflusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity "from and to su' able electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the
  • the process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and in dependent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid from each other by a body or bodies of fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating of intervening septum or septi of pervious carbon for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current otelectricity from and to-suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the inde endent bodies of fluid, through portionsof t e electrolyte, the'independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, separating the bodies of fluid from each other by a body or bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating of intervening septum or septi of pervious carbon for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent bodies of fluid, and the separating mixable fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
  • independent bodyof fluid and the separatbodies of fluid, of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening pervious septum.
  • septi containin coal for preventing the diffusion of the flui s into eac other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the elec-' trolyte and the inde endent bodies of fluid, through portions of t e electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of fluid salts or com ounds which consists in providing a plura ity of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid from each other y-a body or bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening pervious septum or septi containing coal for preventing thediffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and tosuitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of fluid, and the separating mixable fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containing cannel coal for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusionseptum or septi.
  • the process 'for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in providing a lurality of bodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid from each other y a body or bodies of fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containing cannel coal for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the inde endent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in providing a lurality of bodies of electrolyte and indepen fluid from each other y a body or bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capa'ble'of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containing cannel coal for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body or bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of fluid, and the-separating mixable fluid of reater density and its intervening anti-difusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in'providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a fluid of greater density, capable of acting asaconveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containing an electrically non-conductive substance for reventing the diliusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the inde endent body of-fluid, through ortions of t e electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of reater density and its intervening anti-difusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, separating the bodies of fluid from each other by a body or bodies of miXable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containing an electrically non-conductive substance for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the indepenc ent body or bodies of fluid, and the separating mixable fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or sefpti.
  • Theprocessfor electrolysiso fluid salts or com ounds which consists in providing a body 0 electrolyte and an inde endent body of fluid, separating said flui( s from each other by a fluid of greaterdensity, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communieating or intervening se turn or septi for preventing the diffusion o the fluids into each other, supplying fresh electrolyte from time to time, and passing a current of electricity through the electrolyte and bodies of fluid from and to suitable communicating electrodes.
  • the processior electrolysis of fluid salts or com ounds which consists in providing a body 0 electrolyte and an inde endent body s from each of fluid, separating said flui other by a fluid of'greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion or the fluids into each other, supplyin fresh fluid to the independent body or bo ies of fluid and withdrawin the said fluid with absorbed or combined ions continuously or from time to time, as reuired, ,and assing a current of electricity, t roug h the odies of electrolyte and independent body or bodies of fluid from and to suitable communicating electrodes.
  • the process for the electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds which consists in employin a circulating body or bodies of fluid 'electro yte and a circulating independent body or bodies of fluid, separating said circulating fluids from-each other by a substantially quiescent body of fluid having greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and an intervening se turn or septi for preventing the diffusion o the circulating and quiescent fluids into each other and passing a current of electricity through the electrolyte and bodies of fluid from and to suitable communicating electrodes.
  • the process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and, an independent body of liquid, separating said liquids from each other by a mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of liquid and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds which consists of pro- 'viding a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, separating the bodies of liquid from each otherby a body or bodies of liquid of greater density capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communieating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds which consists of providing a pluralit of bodies of electrolyte and independent odies oi liquid, separating the bodies of liquid from each other by a body or bodiesof mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, co nunicating with the electrolyte and the mdependent bodies of liquid,
  • salts or compounds which consists in provid ing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of liquid, separating said liquids from each other by a mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening permeable se tum or septi for preventing the diffusion of t e liquids into each other, andpassim a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the inde endent body of liquid, through portions the electrolyte, the independent body of liquid, and the separating mixableliquid of greater density and its intervening anti-difiusion septum or se ti.
  • the process for electrolysis of iquid salts or compounds which consists in providing a. plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of ii uid, se arating the .bodies of liquid from eac other y a body or bodies of liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervenin permeable septum or segti for preventing t 'e diffusion of the liqui s into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the ortions of the electrolyte, the indepen ent body of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion se turn or septi.
  • he process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds which consists in providing a lurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, separating the bodies of liquid from eachother by a body or bodies of mixable liquid of greater density, capableof acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening permeable septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or se ti.
  • the process for electrolysis of iquid salts or compounds which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of liquid, separating said liquids from each other by a liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening elastic septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a'current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the inde endent body of liquid, and the separating iquid of greater density and it's' intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds which consists in provid- I ing a body of electrolyte and an independent body ofliquid, separating said liquids from each other by a mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening elastic septum or se ti for preventing the diffusion of the liqui s into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the inde endent body of liquid, through portions 0 the electrolyte, th'e independentbody of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or se ti.
  • the process for electrolysis of iquid salts or compounds which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of li uid, se arating the bodies of liquid from eac other by a body or bodies of liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening elastic septum or se ti for preventing the diffusionot the liqui s into each other and passin a current of electricity from and to suitab e electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the indepen ent body ofliquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion se tum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of liquid salts or com ounds which consists in providing a plura ity of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, separating the bodies of liquid from each other by a body or bodies of mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening elastic septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent ody of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, se arating the bodies of liquid from each other y "a body or bodies of liquid of greater density, capableot acting as a conveyor of ions, andva com municating or intervening carbonaceous septum or septi for preventing the diflusion of the liquids into each Otll61,'&1'1d passing a current of electricity trom and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electro lyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte, the indeendent body of liquid, and the separating Equid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds which consist in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, se arating the each other by a capable ofvacting as a conveyor of 10315,;gfif1 bodies of liquid from each other y a body or bodies of mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a convever of ions, and a communicating or intervening carbonaceous septum or'septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passin a current of electricity from and to suite is electrodes, communicating with the electro- 'lyte and the independent bodies of liquids through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or sepu.
  • the process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds which consists in providing arbody of electrolyte and an independent body of liquid, separating said liquids from each other by a mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyor of ions, and a communicating or intervening carbon containing septum or se ti for preventing the diffusion of the liqui s into each other, and passin a current of electricity from and to suite le electrodes, communieating with the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent ody of liquid,
  • the process lfor electrolysis of liquid salts orcompoundsf' which consists in providing abody ol electroly-te and anindependent body of liquid, separating said liquids from each other by a liquid of greater density capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating orintervening septum or sepfti of pervious carbon for preventing the di viding a body of electrolyte, and an independent body of liquid, separating said iquids from each other by a mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating of intervening septum or septi of pervious carbon for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicatingwith the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the indepen ent body of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, separating the bodies of liquid from each other by a body or bodies of liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a 'conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi of pervious carbon for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into. each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte .and the independent bodies of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septumor septi.
  • the process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds which consists in providing a lurality of bodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies of liquid, separating the bodies of liquid from each other by a body or bodies of mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating of intervening septum or septi of pervious carbon for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte,
  • the process for electrolysis of liquid salts or com ounds which consists in providing a plura 'ty of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, se aratin the bodies of liquid from each other iiy a ho y or bodies of mlxable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening pervious septum or septi containin coal for preventing e diffusion of the liqui s into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of are liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent ody or bodies of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater densityand its 1ntervening antr-diflusmn septum or septi.
  • sep'ti containing cannel coal for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into eachother, and passin a'current of electricity from and to suitab e electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent, body of liquid, throu h portions of the electrolyte,
  • salts or compounds which consists in the indepen ent body of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum orsept1.
  • the process for electrolysis of liquid which consists in providing a luralit of bodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies of liquid, se aratin the bodies of liquid from each other by a bo y or bodies of miXable liquid of greater-density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containin cannel coal for preventing the diffusion 0t he liquids into each other,
  • a communicating or intervening septum or septi-containing an electrically non-conductive substance for preventing the difiusionof the liquids into eachother and pass- 1n acurrent of electricity from and to suitabde electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and theindependent body of fliquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent ody of liquid, and the sepa- J rating liquid of greater density and its intervening antidiffusion septumor septi.
  • ent body of liquid separatin bodies of ii uid from each other by a body sity, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or-intervenmg septum or septi containing an electrically non-conductive substance for preventing the difim si'on of the liquids into each other, and passin a current of electricity from and to suitab e electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through" ortions' of the electrolyte, the independent ody or bodies of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.


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PATENTED APR. '7, 1908.
I No. 884,124.
.7 V. D, T /z L C v B Z Q .3 \D i cl: m Q a 7/ a outrun snares Parana HENRY SPENGE B. 'BLACKMORE, OF MOUNT VERNON, NEW YORK.
rnoo'nss son rm nnnornomrsrs or more SALTS on conrrow as.
Specification of Letters Patent.
Patented April 7, 1903.
Application filed January 2, 1907. Serial No. 356,419.
. b all whom it may concern:
Be it known that I, HENRY SPENCER BLACKMORE, a citizen of the United States, residing at Mount Vernon, in the county oi Westchester and State of New York, have invented certain new and useful lmprove ments in Processes for the Electrolysis of Fluid Salts or Compounds, of whichthe following is a specification- My invention. relates to a pneeessisr dis;
sociating alkali salts or compounds into their acid and basic constituents or elements by electrolysis, and has, for its object to provide improved methods for effecting this resuit in such amanner that the said elements Wlll not be contaminated by the salts being dissociated, and so that the ions or other products may be Withdrawn from time to time without stopping the operation; to
provide methods whereby the liquid salts may be supplied or submitted to the electween the electrolyte and products of, elec trolysis a heavier liquid diaphragm provided with a connnunicatingelastic dialytic septum to prevent the difi usion of the heavier liquid diaphra m into or through the electrolyte or prodhcts thereof.
My invention consists in employing a body or bodies of liquid electrolyte or solution of salts to be dissociated and an other independent body or bodies of liquid; in separating the bodies of electrolyte from the m- ;dependent bodies of liquid through the agency of a liquid diaphragm of greater density than either of the said bodies and by the Walls or partitions between the oleotrolyte and theindependent bodies which extend below the surface of the said heavier liquid diaphragm or conveyor of ions; in providing the heavier liquid diaphragm at its point pf communication with the liquld electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid with an elastic pervious dialytic septum or other means for preventing the dif- 'withdrawing the liquid electro yte and fusion of the heavy liquid of the diaphragm into the electrolyte or independent bodies of liquid or vice .versa, whereby the density of the liquid diaphragm mav be reduced or it may be contaminated with the electrm lyte' or its products, and in exposing the liquid electrolyte and the independent body 'or bodies of liquil the action of. an elec tric current through communicating, electrodes, and automatically sunplymgfland dependent liquid bodies'with the absorbed or combined ions, by the action of the elec tric current actuated by change in density of the fluids employed and produced Without stopping the operation.
' Thisinvention is an improvement on that forming the subject matter of my British Patent No. 24,630 of 1894, and includes new and novel features over those claimed in the aforesaid atent whereby the difficulties met with in re 'erenceto the diffusion of the liquid diaphragm and various liquids employed,-
and the contamination of products are obviated in a practical manner, and the continuous operation rendered sible, actuated automatically by the clout. current employed and the changes in. do tv of the electrolyte and products produced during the operation.
The apparatus which I have employed tocarry out this process is illustrated in the accompanying drawings in which like characters of reference designate corresponding parts throughout, and in which Figure 1 is a top plan view; Fig. 2 is a longitudinal vertical section on the lines -;"0', Fig. 1; Fig. 3 is a transverse vertical section on the lines gay, Fig. 1 and Fig. 4 is a transverse vertical section on the lines z-z, Fig. 1.
The apparatus for producing caustic potash (potassium hydronid) from potassium chlorid, consists of a main or common tan A divided transversely by the partitions B, B, into three compartments communicating through the slotted openings 1), c, c, Fig. 3, the space within the tank between the partitions B, B, being longitudinally divided into three compartments by the partitions (.3, (7", Fig. 4, and extending nearly to the bottom thereof, sufiiciout space being left heneath the same for the communicating heavy liquid diaphragm which separates the electrolyte from the independent bodies of liquid during the operation of the process. These their ends with the handles If dividing partitions C, C, divide the tank into three compartments ,viz. anode compartment D and the cathode compartments E, E.
Over the anode com artment D and the cathode compartments E are placed the domes F which consist preferably of sheet lead and rest upon oblong and sectionally angular frames or peripheral shoulders G secured to the projections and tothe sides of the tank near the top and provided with a continuous upwardly projecting flange G thereon, the said domes bein provided at whereby the same may be readily removed or replaced from or over the various compartments D-E, or E, the bottom of the domes being sealed by a fluid such as carbon tetrachlorid located in the channel I within'which it rests, thus rendering the compartments D'E, E, substantially closed when the domes are in position except as to their regular inlet or outlet ducts.
Located within the anode compartment D is the anode K which consists of a number of strips of carbon fastened together with carbon connections in such manner as to form a grid the space between each carbon strip of which allows the gaseous products evolved during the process of electrolysis to escape in an upward direction. These carbon grids are placed in the anode com artment D transversely and rest upon the e ectrical conductor consisting of two longitudinal strips k, k, resting upon the supports Z, Z, Fig. 4, which electrical-conductor communicates at one end with the electrical conductor K, Fig. 2. Within the cathode compartments E, E, is located a grid M, M, which consists of strips of copper located longitudinally of the compartment and communicating with the electrical connections 1V which copper grid constitutes the cathode during the process of electrolysis. Communicating with the cathode compartments are the outlet pipes or ducts N, i\", through which the hydrogen or other gaseous products evolved in the cathode compartment during the process of electrolysis are discharged, while communieating with the anode compartment is the outlet pipe or duct O through which chlorin or other gaseous electroi1egative product evolved in the anode compartment is discharged, Communicating with the cathode compartments E, E, through the slotted openings 0, c, is the supply and discharge compartment P, Fig. 2, communicating with which is the water inlet Q controlled by the float valve r and the discharge Valve S con trolled by the valve T actuated by the balance float U, the supply and discharge valves being so regulated that as the liquid in the lower part of the compartment P increases in density by reason of the formation of canstic potash which accumulates therein, the balance fioat U risesand opens thevalveT, allowesarea ing the heavy caustic potash solution to pass outthrough the discharge pipe S and through the conduit S; at thesame time the heavy caustic potashsolution is discharged from the compartment P, the level of the liquid in the compartment is lowered, which results in the dropping of the float 1" which opens the valve R and admits a supply of water, thus automatically maintaining the level of the fluid in the compartment, as the heavier caustic potash solution is automatically with drawn. When the caustic potash solution has been withdrawn to its normal level, the balance float U will again have fallen, thus reclosing the discharge valve T. By the ac tuation of thedischarge and supply valves T, 1*, the liquid is maintained in the cathode compartments at a uniform level while the caustic potash solution formed is automatically discharged therefrom as it forms? The balance float valve U consists of a metal air-tube provided with a cap and loaded or weighted by introducing a substance,
such as shot or mercury, in such proportion. that when submerged in the liquid it will float upon a caustic potash solution of calculated density and sink below the surrounding fluid of less density while carrying the arm which actuates the opening and closing of the valve T. This float valve may be regulated in such a manner as to be actuated by any heavy fluid of a predetermined density with relation to it.
Communicating with the anode compartment D through the slotted openings 1) is the supply and discharge compartment W, Fig. 2, provided with the overflow pipe X communicating with the conduit X, and the electrolyte supply pipe Y controlled by the valve Y actuated by the balance float valve Z, which float valve is so regulated that, as the density of the solution of electrolyte, such as potassium chlorid supplied to the anode compartment from the compartment W through the slotted openings 5, becomes depleted by electrolytic action, resulting in the discharge of chlorin. at the anode which passes up through the liquid and off through the discharge pipe or duct 0, and the formation of caustic potash at the cathode by the electrolytic separation of potassium from the electrolyte, resulting in the lowering of the density of the electrolyte solution in the compartment W, ,the said balance float falls, thereby o ening the valve Y, and allowinga graduate portion of the electrolyte or potassium chlorid solution to enter the compartment and thereby supply fresh electrolyte for .that removed by electrolytic dissociation.- As the fresh electrolyte solution enters the compartment W', thereby increasing its density, the graduated float valve naturally rises and automatically shuts off the supply of electrolyte solution as the density increases. Simultaneously with the supply of the fresh.
a'ndthe conduit X. tion of electrolyte of uniform density is mainftai'ned inthe anode com artment with the simultaneous discharge of the depleted eleeelectrolyte solution, the depleted or weakcued electrolyte solution is automatically discharged through the overflow pipe or duct X By this means a" solu 'trol'yte solution autumii lically with the process of electrolytic dissociation.
In carrying out my invention for the production of caustic potash and chlorin from potassium chlorid, I proceed as follows: I
first make a solution of caustic potash'ap- "proximately 48113., and lace the same in the lower part of the tan A, as shown in Fi 4, until it shall have reached apoint just be ow the level of the slotted inlets of the "anodeand cathode compartmentsb, c, 0.
U on solution of caustic potash I place a m of'powdered cannel coal'or carbonized silicon or silicon carbid the gravity of which has been reduced by heating with carbonaceous material. This heavy caustic potash solution in the bottom of the tank A forms a liquid diaphragm and seal between the anode and cathode compartments by reason of the partitions C, C, terminating below the surface thereof. A solution of potassium chlorid of about 24 B,, is then supplied to the anode com artment and a solution of caustic potash of li e density supplied to the cathode This .film of substance resting upon the heavy liquid caustic potash diaphragm forms I a sort of skin or elastic medium whereby the diffusion of the separate liquids into each other is prevented or largely obviated. This thin skin or film of dialytic substance merely constitutes a means whereby the osmosis of the various liquids isprevented or largely obviated whereby their density is substantially uniformly maintained. This dialytic film is more or less elastic in its character so that: any disturbance of the fluids by agitation'lar ely prevents them from mixing withfeac other. When the various fluids have been intro- 'duced into the apparatus as aforesaid, the.
"electrolyte supply pipe Y is put in com- 'munication with the tank containing a supply of electrolyte of uniform density while the supply pipe Q is put in communication with a' Water supply. A current of electricity is then passed through the apparatus, through the electric connections M" and K in such a manner that the electrode K will constitute'theanode and the electrodes M, M,
will constitute the cathode. Electrolytic action then at once starts and chlorin is hberated in the anode compartment, which,
passing up through the electrolyte accumulates above .the liquid'between it and the dome F over the anode compartment and passes out through the discharge pipe 0 through which it is conveyed to a gasometer or bleach chamber. At the same time the potassium ion passes through the heavy caustic potash diaphragmto thecathodes M, M, where it forms caustic potash with the liberation of hydrogen gas, which hydrogen gas passes up through the liquid and accumulates between it and the domes F over the cathode compartments, passing out through the discharge pipes N, N, to a gasometer (not shown).
' As the processof electrolysis proceeds the caustic potash produced in the cathode compartments naturally increases the density of the liquid'therein while the continuous decomposition or depletion of the potassium chlorid .in the anode compartment reduces its density. As this process proceeds and the electrolyte solution in the anode compart- -ment becomes depleted, the balance valved float Z in compartment W, Fig. 2, drops or falls by reason of the decreasing density of the fluid therein and by so doing-automatically opens the valve Y and allows a por tion of solution of potassium chlorid to enter the compartment W through the'supply pipe Y from the reservoir with which it communicates until the density has become so increased that the float valve again rises and shuts off the supply of potassium chlorid solution. Simultaneously with the supply of fresh electrolyte solution the lighter depleted remaining electrolyte is discharged through overflow pipe X and the conduit X to a reservoir where it can be recharged with more potassium chlorid for the further continuance of the process. Simultaneously with the supply of fresh electrolyte for the depleted solution in the anode compartment, is the discharge of the caustic potash solution formed in the cathode compartment and supply thereto of fresh water as the heavier solution of caustic is discharged. This is controlled and regulated in the compartment P communicating with the cathode compartments through the slotted openings 0, c, by the balance float valve U controlling the valve T. As the caustic potash solution accumulates in the cathode compartment it passes out into the communicating aompartment P, and being of increasing density it raises the float valve U, thereby opening the valve T .and allowing the heavy caustic potash solution to be discharged through the pipe S and conduit S. As the else-- trically produced caustic potash solution is thus, discharged thelevel of the liquid in the cathode compartment P is simultaneously lowered and with such lowering the float r falls and opens the valve R thus admittinga portion of water in volume equal to that of the caustic potash solution discharged, there- ,by maintaining an automatic discharge of the caustic potash solution as electrically produced and an automatic supply of water therefor to maintain the level of the liquid therein.
Theopenings between the cathode compartment and the supply and discharge compartment P, and the anode compartment and i -the supply and discharge compartment W,
plying and discharging. the electrolyte and the products produced, automatically with and by the amount of electric current supplied, actuated by the varying densities of the electrolyte and products of electrolytic. dissociation, through the medium of graduated mechanical devices so located and adjusted that the varying densities of the fluids, supply and discharge, the electrolyte thereto and the products of dissociation therefrom, automatically with the electrolytic action.
It should be noted that the septum or septi employed for the purpose of preventing the diffusion of the electrolyte, independent 1 body or bodies of liquid, or heavy li uid diaphragm from diffusing ,into each ot er,
whereby the products might become contaminated, or the gravity of the various liquids so reduced or altered that the process could not be successfully carried on without producing contaminated products, consists of a thin film of elastic substance located between the liquids in such a manner that an outside disturbance of the fluids would not cause the diffusion of the various liquids mto This sepeach other to an injurious degree.
tum or septi, which may be located betweenthe heavy liquid diaphragm and the liquid in the cathode compartment, the heavy liquid diaphragm and the liquid in the anode compartment, or both as the case may be, or may consistonly of a few interpoised part1- cles of a substance which will interrupt, neutralize, or destroy any vibratory or undulating motion communicated to the fluids;
and the-septum or septi as employed is in no. sense to be considered as a separate and manner that the surface of t e heavy 1i uid in communication with the lighter liqui is so proportionallyre'ducedthat any movement of the lighter liquids will not agitate the heavier separating li uid diaphragm to any injurious degree, an which septum or scpti while allowing fluid communication be-:
tween the liquids of different density, acts as a medium to interrupt, neutralize or destroy any vibratory, undulating or other movement between the fluids whereby the density of either might be altered or injuriously changed.
The material hich I prefer to employ as septum or septi, between the fluids of varying density, for prevention of agitation, circulation, or diffusion thereof, is pulverulent carbon, or carbon containing substance such as, lignite, cannel coal, or other bituminous variety or anthracite, or other coal (preferably anthracite or the grade of bituminous known as cannel coal) for the reason that it is practically inert to the electrolyte or electrolytic products, or by-products thereof, or other fluidsor substances present, a nonconductor of electricity, and is naturally of such selective density, as to remain normally interpoised between the fluids of lesser and greater density. Instead of coal 1 can employ inert carbids, animal or bone charcoal, or other carbon containing substance, the carbon of which may be either chemically or physically combined, or both, which may be available for use under the existing conditions or character of the substance employed, or formed during the operation of the process. The apparatus and process therefore includes as an important and distinguishing feature a fluidor liquid diaphragm consisting of an ionconveying fluid provided with a means such as a normally interpoised pervious septum or septi ccntaining solid, semi-solid, or inert substance preferably of pulverulent or elastic nature, suspended, interposed-pr interpoised, be-
tween the fluids of varying density to prevent circulatory diffusion, or osmosis, during the process of electrolysis. The movable or its elastic nature of the septum orsepti, when solids are employed, may be designated as a. fluid solid, oranti-osmosic or anti diffusion fluidtforthe reason that the inertpartlcles may niove or flow on or about each other seaiae wlthin the anti-osmosic or anti-diflusion zone, without material interference, While absorbing, dispersing, or neutralizing the circulatory energy of the electrolyte or other fluid pr sent, whereby diffusion of the compatible, or mixable fluids or liquids present,
such as the liquefiedsalts employed as electrelyte or products produced, of solvent menstruum in which liquefied, either employed as electrolyte or obtained as produ t produced, with the mixable separating fluid or liquid diaphragm is largely prevented, thus admitting of the ready employment of mixable liquids or fluids of varying density without increasing or decreasing the density of either by diflusion or contamination of the product during the operation of the process.
The term liquid used in this specification and claims, with relation to the character of the materials employed, is intended to include any fluid form of the substance which may exist normally, under ordinary circumstances or conditions, as fluid, or which is or has been liquefied by pressure, refrigeration, solution in solvent menstruum, heat or otherwise, wl'iich may be adaptable or employed for the purpose set forth.
Having thus descril'ied my invention, what I claim as new and desire to secure by Letters Patent is 2* p l. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent-body of fluid, separating said fluids from each pther by'a fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyor of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid,
and the separating lluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
2. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independentbody of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the "buds into each other, and passing a current of electricity remand to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating mix able fluid of greater density and its intervening antidif fusion septum or sopti.
3. The process for electrolysis ol' fluid salts oncompounds, which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, separatin the bodies of fluid from each other by a bocly or bodies of fluid of greater density capable of acting as a oonveyer of ions, and a corn.'
municating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the'diflusion of the fluids'mto eachother, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, vthrough ortions of the electrolyte, the independent ody or bodies "of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti diflusion's'eptum or septi.
4;. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, separating-the bodies of fluid from each other by a body or bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyor ofions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte, and the independent bodies of fluid, through ortions of the electrolyte, "the independent ody or 'bodies of fluid, and the separating mixable fluid of greater density and its intervening antidiflusion septum or septi,
5. The process for electrolysis oi fluid salts or com ounds, which consists in providing a ho y of electrolyte and an inde-v pendent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a fluid of greaterdensity, capable of acting as a conveyor of ions, and a communicating of intervening permeable septum or septi or preventing the diffusion of the fluids mto each other, and passin a current of electricity from and to suite le electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-difl'usion septum or septi.
6. The process for electrolysis of fluid, salts or compounds, which consists in pro viding a body of electrolyte and an independent body of fluid, separating said fluids lrom each other by a mixable fluid of greater density, capable of actingas a conveyor of ions, and a communicating or intervening permeable septum or septi for preventing the 7. The process for electrolysis of fluidj salts or compounds, which consists in providing a lurality ofbodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid'fromeach other y a body or bodies of fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyor of ions, and a communicating or intervening permeable septum or septi for preventing the diflusion of the fluids into each other and passing a current ofelectricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or so t1 8. lhe process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a lurality of bodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid from each other y a bodyor bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening permeable septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of'fluid and the separating fluld of greater density and its intervening anti-difl'usion septum or septi.
9. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body .and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
r 10. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a inixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions,
and a communicating or intervening elastic septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolylte and the independent body of fluid t rough portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid and the separating mixable fluid of greater density and its inter- .vening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
11. The process for electrolysis of fluid see-nee salts or compounds, which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid from each other y a body or bodies of fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening elastic septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the flulds into each other and passing a current of electricity from and to suitableelectrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
12. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid from each other y a body or bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capable of actingasa conveyer of ions, and a communicating onintervening elastic septum or septifo'r preventing the diflusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes,
communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion, septum or septi.
-13. The "process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communication or intervening carbonaceous septum or septi for'preventing the diflusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating. with the electrolyte and the independent body "of fluid, through portions of the'electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
14. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a inixable fluid of greater density,
capable of-acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating of intervening carbonaceous septum or septi for preventing the diflusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the inde- .pe ndent body of fluid and the separating miXable fluid of greater density and its intervemng anti-diflusion septum or septi-.:-
es-aiaa 15. The process for electrolysis oi fluid salts or'com ounds, which consists in providing a plura ity of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, separating the bodies of fluidfrom each other by a bod I or bodies of fluid of greater density, capab eof acting as aconveyer'oi ions, and a communicating or intervening carbonaceous septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes,
communicating with the electrolyte and they independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum.
or septi.
16; The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and 1 independent bodies of fluid, separating the bodies of fluid from each other by a body'or bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer 9f ions, and a communicating or intervening carbonaceous septum or septi for preventing the diflusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a body of fluid, separating said fluids from current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating mixable fluid of greater densitv and its inter yening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
- 17. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent fluid of greater density and-its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
18. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or com ounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent bod of fluid, separating said fluids from each ot er by a mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening carbon containing septum or septi for preventing. the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, commun1-.
' eating with the electrolyte and the independent body of fluid, through portions of the electrol te, the independent body of greater density and its' intervening antidiflusion septum or septi.
' 19. The process for electrolysis-pf fluid salts or compounds,which consists in pro viding a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and .1 independent bodies offluid, se 'arating the bodies of fluid from each other y a body or bodies of fluid of greater. density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervenmg; carbon containing septum or septi for preventing the diffusion "of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitableelectrodes, communicating with'the electrolyte and the inde endent bodies of fluid, through portions pf t e electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater densityand its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
20 The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a lurality of bodies of electrolyte and indepencibnt bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid from each other y a body or bodies of mixable fluid of greater density,
capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening carbon containing septum. or septi for preventing the diflusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity "from and to su' able electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the
independent body or bodies of fluid,and the separating mixable fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
.21. The process for electrolysis of fluid saltsor com ounds, which consists'in providing a ho y oielectrolyte and an independent bod of fluid, separating said fluids from each 0t er by a fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a gz'ornmunicating or intervening septum or septi of pervious carbon for. prev nting the diffusion of the fluids into each ot er, and
passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes,communicating with the electrol to and the independent body of fluid, t rough portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
22. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a mixable fluid of greater density,
capable of acting as a conveyer of ionsfand a communicating or intervening septum or septi of pervious carbon for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into eachother, and passing a current of electricity from:and to suitable electrodes, ,oommunicating'with the 65fluid, and t e separating mixable fluid of electrolyte and the independent body of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating mixable fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-difl'usion septum or septi.
' 23. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and in dependent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid from each other by a body or bodies of fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating of intervening septum or septi of pervious carbon for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current otelectricity from and to-suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the inde endent bodies of fluid, through portionsof t e electrolyte, the'independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
24. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, separating the bodies of fluid from each other by a body or bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating of intervening septum or septi of pervious carbon for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent bodies of fluid, and the separating mixable fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
25.The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in provid-- ing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a comm unicating or intervening pervious septum or septi containing coal for preventing the diflusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-difl'usion septum or septi.
26. The process for electrolysis of fluid :Sfl-llS or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a mixablc fluid of greater density,
capable o'l' acting as a conveyor of ions, and a conununicating or intervening pervious septum or septi containing coal for preventing the difl'usion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the inde endent body of fluid, through portions of t e electrolyte, the
independent bodyof fluid, and the separatbodies of fluid, of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening pervious septum. or septi containin coal for preventing the diffusion of the flui s into eac other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the elec-' trolyte and the inde endent bodies of fluid, through portions of t e electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
28. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or com ounds, which consists in providing a plura ity of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid from each other y-a body or bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening pervious septum or septi containing coal for preventing thediffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and tosuitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of fluid, and the separating mixable fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
29.v The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containing cannel coal for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusionseptum or septi.
30. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing abody of electrolyte and an independent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containing cannel coal for preventing the difl'usion of the fluids into each other,
bodies of cause and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodyof fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent bod of fluid, and theseparating mixable flui of greater density and its intervening anti-'diflusionseptum or septi.
31. The process 'for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a lurality of bodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies of fluid, se arating the bodies of fluid from each other y a body or bodies of fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containing cannel coal for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the inde endent bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of fluid, and the separating fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
32. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a lurality of bodies of electrolyte and indepen fluid from each other y a body or bodies of mixable fluid of greater density, capa'ble'of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containing cannel coal for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body or bodies of fluid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of fluid, and the-separating mixable fluid of reater density and its intervening anti-difusion septum or septi.
33. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in'providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of fluid, separating said fluids from each other by a fluid of greater density, capable of acting asaconveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containing an electrically non-conductive substance for reventing the diliusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the inde endent body of-fluid, through ortions of t e electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating fluid of reater density and its intervening anti-difusion septum or septi.
34. The processfor electrolysis oi fluid salts or com ounds, which consists in providing a body 0 electrolyte and an inde endentbody offluid, separating saidflui s from each other by a mixable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as-a conveyer of ions, and a ent bodies of fluid, se arating the.
communicating or intervening septum or septi containing an electrically non-conductive substance for reventing the diffusion of the fluids ,into eac other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the inde endent body of fluid, through portions of t e electrolyte, the independent body of fluid, and the separating mixable fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-'diiiusion septum or septi.
35. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providin' a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, separatin the bodies of fluid from each other by a boriy or bodies of fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containing an electrically non-conductive substance for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid,-throu h portions of the electrolyte, the indepenc ent body or bodies of fluid, and the separating fluid of reater density and its intervening anti-difusion septum or 'septi.
36. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of fluid, separating the bodies of fluid from each other by a body or bodies of miXable fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containing an electrically non-conductive substance for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of fluid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the indepenc ent body or bodies of fluid, and the separating mixable fluid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or sefpti.
37. Theprocessfor electrolysiso fluid salts or com ounds, which consists in providing a body 0 electrolyte and an inde endent body of fluid, separating said flui( s from each other by a fluid of greaterdensity, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communieating or intervening se turn or septi for preventing the diffusion o the fluids into each other, supplying fresh electrolyte from time to time, and passing a current of electricity through the electrolyte and bodies of fluid from and to suitable communicating electrodes.
38. The processior electrolysis of fluid salts or com ounds, which consists in providing a body 0 electrolyte and an inde endent body s from each of fluid, separating said flui other by a fluid of'greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion or the fluids into each other, supplyin fresh fluid to the independent body or bo ies of fluid and withdrawin the said fluid with absorbed or combined ions continuously or from time to time, as reuired, ,and assing a current of electricity, t roug h the odies of electrolyte and independent body or bodies of fluid from and to suitable communicating electrodes.
39. The process for electrolysis of fluid salts or com ounds, which consists in providing a body 0 electrolyte and an inde endent body of fluid, separating said fluid; from each other by a fluid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communieating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the fluids into each other, su plying fresh electrolyte and fresh fluid to t 6 independent body or bodies of fluid continuously or from time to time, as
required, and passing a current of electricity through the e ectrolyte and bodies of fluid from and to' suitable communicating electrodes.
' 40. The process for the electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds, which consists in employin a circulating body or bodies of fluid 'electro yte and a circulating independent body or bodies of fluid, separating said circulating fluids from-each other by a substantially quiescent body of fluid having greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and an intervening se turn or septi for preventing the diffusion o the circulating and quiescent fluids into each other and passing a current of electricity through the electrolyte and bodies of fluid from and to suitable communicating electrodes.
- 41. The process for the electrolysis of liqor liquefied salts or compounds, which consists in employing a liquid 'or liquefied electrolyte and an independent liquid, separating the fluids thus employed from each other by a fluid having greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and an f intervening septum or septi for preventing the diflusion of the liquid or liquefied substances into'each other, and assing a current of electricity, through t e electrolyte and fluid substances, to and from suitable communicating electrodes.
42. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or com ounds, which consists in providing a bo y of electrolyte and an independent body of liquid, separating said liquids from each other by a liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the li uids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid,
throughportions of the electrolyte, the independent body of liquid and the separating liquid of greaterdiensity and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
43. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and, an independent body of liquid, separating said liquids from each other by a mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of liquid and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or septi.
44. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists of pro- 'viding a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, separating the bodies of liquid from each otherby a body or bodies of liquid of greater density capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communieating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
45. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists of providing a pluralit of bodies of electrolyte and independent odies oi liquid, separating the bodies of liquid from each other by a body or bodiesof mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, co nunicating with the electrolyte and the mdependent bodies of liquid,
through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflusion septum or se ti.
16. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in pro-- viding a body of electrolyte and an independ ent body of liquid, separating said liquids from' each other by a liquid of greater den sity, capable ofacting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening per-' meable septum or septi for preventing thediffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current-oi electricity from. and toindependent bodies of liquid, through seems 1ft,
suitable electrodes, communicating with the,
salts or compounds, which consists in provid ing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of liquid, separating said liquids from each other by a mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening permeable se tum or septi for preventing the diffusion of t e liquids into each other, andpassim a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the inde endent body of liquid, through portions the electrolyte, the independent body of liquid, and the separating mixableliquid of greater density and its intervening anti-difiusion septum or se ti.
48. The process for electrolysis of iquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a. plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of ii uid, se arating the .bodies of liquid from eac other y a body or bodies of liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervenin permeable septum or segti for preventing t 'e diffusion of the liqui s into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the ortions of the electrolyte, the indepen ent body of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion se turn or septi.
he process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a lurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, separating the bodies of liquid from eachother by a body or bodies of mixable liquid of greater density, capableof acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening permeable septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or se ti.
50. The process for electrolysis of iquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of liquid, separating said liquids from each other by a liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening elastic septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a'current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the inde endent body of liquid, and the separating iquid of greater density and it's' intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi. Y
51. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in provid- I ing a body of electrolyte and an independent body ofliquid, separating said liquids from each other by a mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening elastic septum or se ti for preventing the diffusion of the liqui s into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the inde endent body of liquid, through portions 0 the electrolyte, th'e independentbody of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or se ti.
52. The process for electrolysis of iquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of li uid, se arating the bodies of liquid from eac other by a body or bodies of liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening elastic septum or se ti for preventing the diffusionot the liqui s into each other and passin a current of electricity from and to suitab e electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the indepen ent body ofliquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion se tum or septi.
53. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or com ounds, which consists in providing a plura ity of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, separating the bodies of liquid from each other by a body or bodies of mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening elastic septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent ody of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
54. The process for electrolysis of liquid saltsor compounds, which consists in provid ing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of liquid, separating said liquids from each other by liquid of greater density, capaable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communication or intervening carbonaceous septum or septi for preventing the diffusion 5 ions, and a communicating or intervening carbonaceous septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other,
and passing a current of electricity from and" to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening an'ti-diifusion septum or septi.
56. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, se arating the bodies of liquid from each other y "a body or bodies of liquid of greater density, capableot acting as a conveyor of ions, andva com municating or intervening carbonaceous septum or septi for preventing the diflusion of the liquids into each Otll61,'&1'1d passing a current of electricity trom and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electro lyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte, the indeendent body of liquid, and the separating Equid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
5'7. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consist in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, se arating the each other by a capable ofvacting as a conveyor of 10315,;gfif1 bodies of liquid from each other y a body or bodies of mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a convever of ions, and a communicating or intervening carbonaceous septum or'septi for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passin a current of electricity from and to suite is electrodes, communicating with the electro- 'lyte and the independent bodies of liquids through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or sepu.
58. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and'an independent body of liquid, se )arating said liquids from liquid 10f greater density,
the bodies of liquid from 'each other b body or bodies of liquid'of greater density,
seems a communicating or intervening carbon containing septum or septi for preventing the dillusionoi' the liquids into each other, and passin a current of electricityirom and to suitab e electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
59. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing arbody of electrolyte and an independent body of liquid, separating said liquids from each other by a mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyor of ions, and a communicating or intervening carbon containing septum or se ti for preventing the diffusion of the liqui s into each other, and passin a current of electricity from and to suite le electrodes, communieating with the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent ody of liquid,
and the separating mixable liquidof greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
60. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in ro- ,viding a plurality of bodies of electro yte and independent bodies of liquid, separating a,
capable of acting as a'conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening carbon containing septum or se ti for preventing the difi'usion ofthe liquid; into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitab e electrodes, communicating wit 1 the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body or bodies liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-difiusiin septum or septi.
6}. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing-a lurality of bodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies ofliquid, separating the bodies of liquid from each other by a body or bodies of inixable liquid of greater density,
capable of acting as a conveyor of ions, a communicating or intervening carbon containing septum or se ti for preventing the difiusion of the liqui s into each other, and passin a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of'liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi. I
62. The process lfor electrolysis of liquid salts orcompoundsf'which consists in providing abody ol electroly-te and anindependent body of liquid, separating said liquids from each other by a liquid of greater density capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating orintervening septum or sepfti of pervious carbon for preventing the di viding a body of electrolyte, and an independent body of liquid, separating said iquids from each other by a mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating of intervening septum or septi of pervious carbon for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicatingwith the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the indepen ent body of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
64. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a plurality of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, separating the bodies of liquid from each other by a body or bodies of liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a 'conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi of pervious carbon for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into. each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte .and the independent bodies of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septumor septi.
' 65. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a lurality of bodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies of liquid, separating the bodies of liquid from each other by a body or bodies of mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating of intervening septum or septi of pervious carbon for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte,
the independent bodies of liquid, and the separating mixable liquids of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
66. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of liquid, se arating said liquids from each other by a iquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening pervious septum or septi containing coal for preventin the diflusion of the liquids into each ot er, and passin a current of electricity from and to suitab e electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, through portions of the electrolyte, the independent body of liquid,-and the separating liquid of gfreater density and its intervening antidi usion septum or septi. r
67. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of liquid, separating said liquids from each other by a mixable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyor of ions, and a communicating or intervening pervious septum or septi containing coal for preventing the diifusion of-the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes com-,
municating with the electrolyte and dependent body of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent ody of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of the ingreater density and its intervening antidifl'usion septum or septi.
68. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in ro viding a plurality of bodies of electro yte and independent bodies of liquid, separating the bodies of liquid from each other by a body or bodies of liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervenin pervi'o'u's'; septum or septi containing coal f r preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent ody or bodies of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening antidifi'usion septum or septi.
69. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or com ounds, which consists in providing a plura 'ty of bodies of electrolyte and independent bodies of liquid, se aratin the bodies of liquid from each other iiy a ho y or bodies of mlxable liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening pervious septum or septi containin coal for preventing e diffusion of the liqui s into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of are liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent ody or bodies of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater densityand its 1ntervening antr-diflusmn septum or septi.
, sep'ti containing cannel coal for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into eachother, and passin a'current of electricity from and to suitab e electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent, body of liquid, throu h portions of the electrolyte,
, salts or compounds, Which consists in the indepen ent body of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum orsept1.
71. The process for electrolysis of iquid providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of liquid, separatin said liquids from each other by a mixa le liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containing cannel coal for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent body of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent body of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or'septi.
' salts or compounds,
72. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in pro-/- viding a lurality of bodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies of liquid, se arating the bodies of liquid from each other y a body or bodies of liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyor of ions, and a communi eating or intervening septum or septi containing cannel coal for preventing the diffusion 0 the liquids into each other, andpassing a current of electricity-from and to suitab e electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent ody or bodies of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or so ti.
73. The process for electrolysis of liquid which consists in providing a luralit of bodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies of liquid, se aratin the bodies of liquid from each other by a bo y or bodies of miXable liquid of greater-density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or septi containin cannel coal for preventing the diffusion 0t he liquids into each other,
. es eiae and passing a current of electricity from and to suitable electrodes, communicating with the electrol te and the independent body'and bodies of liquid, throu h portions of the electrolyte, the independent body or bodies of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diflufor electrolysis of liquid from each other by a liquid of greater densi-ty, capable of acting'as a conveyer of ions,
and a communicating or intervening septum or septi-containing an electrically non-conductive substance for preventing the difiusionof the liquids into eachother and pass- 1n acurrent of electricity from and to suitabde electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and theindependent body of fliquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the independent ody of liquid, and the sepa- J rating liquid of greater density and its intervening antidiffusion septumor septi.
7 5; The process for electrolysis of liquid salts; or compounds, whichconsists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of'liquid, s'eparatin said liquids from each'i other a mixa le liquid of greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and afeommunicating or intervenin septum or septi containing an electrical y non-con'diiot ye substance for preventing the CllffllSlOIT of the liquids into each other, and passin a current oli electricity from and to suita le electrodes,
'commumcating With the electrolyte and the independe ent body of liquid, through ortions of the I 5 electrolyte, theindependent ody of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion j septum or septi:
76. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds; which consists in providingia lurality of bodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies of liquid, separatin the bodies} ofliquid from each oth bodies of liquid of greater density, capable of, acting as a conveyer of ions, and a commu nicating or intervening septum or septi con taining an electrically non-conductive"jsubstance for preventing the diffusion of the liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity from andto suitable electrodes, communlcating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of'liquid, through ortions of the electrolyte, the indepen ent body or bodies of liquid, and the separating liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
77. The-processdor electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing adpluralit of bodies of electrolyte and indepen ent bodies of liquid, separating the yabo yor' or bodies mixable liquid of greater den-.
. ent body of liquid, separatin bodies of ii uid from each other by a body sity, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or-intervenmg septum or septi containing an electrically non-conductive substance for preventing the difim si'on of the liquids into each other, and passin a current of electricity from and to suitab e electrodes, communicating with the electrolyte and the independent bodies of liquid, through" ortions' of the electrolyte, the independent ody or bodies of liquid, and the separating mixable liquid of greater density and its intervening anti-diffusion septum or septi.
78. The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independent body of liquid, 'separatin said liquids from each other by a llquid 0% greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions,
into each other, supplying fresh electrolyte from t' e,to time, and passing a current of elec-tiric'ty t rough the electrolyte and bodies of liqiiir r pand to suitable communicating elect odes. v i
79. The p-'ocess for electrolysis of liquid salts OTCOID ounds, which consists in providing a body of electrolyte and an independfrom each other by a liquid 0? greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and a communicating or intervening septum or so ti for preventing the diffusion of the liquid; into each other, supplyin fresh liquid to the independent body or bodies of liquid and withdrawing the said liquid with absorbed or combined ions continuously vor from time to time, as required, and passing said liquids of ii uid from and to suitable communicating e ectrodes. a
.8( The process for electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in pro- 'viding a bod of electrolyte, and an independent bodyl 0 liquid, separat' said liquids from each other by a liquid 0 greater density, capableof abtiifgas'a conveyer of ions, and'a communicating or-intervemng septum or se ti forpreventmg'the diffusion of the liquidb into each other, supplying fresh electrolyte and fresh liquid to the independent body or bodies of liquid continuously or from time. to time, as required, and passing a current of electricit through the electrolyte and bodies of liquid fr municating electrodes.
'81. The process for the electrolysis of liquid salts or compounds, which consists in employing a circulating body or bodies ofliquid electrolyte and a circulating independent'bodyor bodies of liquid, se arating said circulating liquids from each ot er by a substantially quiescent body of liquid having greater density, capable of acting as a conveyer of ions, and aniintervening septum or septi for preventing the diffusion of the circu ating and quiescent liquids into each other, and passing a current of electricity through the electrol te and bodies of liqluid from and to suitab e communicating e ectrodes. a In testimony whereof I aflix my signature in'presence of two Witnesses.
Witnesses: p i H. N. JENKINS, O. M. FORREST.
om and to suitable com-
US35041907A 1907-01-02 1907-01-02 Process for the electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds. Expired - Lifetime US884124A (en)

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US35041907A US884124A (en) 1907-01-02 1907-01-02 Process for the electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds.

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US35041907A US884124A (en) 1907-01-02 1907-01-02 Process for the electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds.

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US35041907A Expired - Lifetime US884124A (en) 1907-01-02 1907-01-02 Process for the electrolysis of fluid salts or compounds.

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3235479A (en) * 1961-02-17 1966-02-15 Chlormetals Inc Electrolytic cell

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US3235479A (en) * 1961-02-17 1966-02-15 Chlormetals Inc Electrolytic cell

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