US359442A - Oscillating-cylinder printing-machine - Google Patents

Oscillating-cylinder printing-machine Download PDF


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US359442A US359442DA US359442A US 359442 A US359442 A US 359442A US 359442D A US359442D A US 359442DA US 359442 A US359442 A US 359442A
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    • B41F3/00Cylinder presses, i.e. presses essentially comprising at least one cylinder co-operating with at least one flat type-bed


  • V Inventor a 4%@ torn-ey.
  • the object of this invention is toprovide a cheap, simple, and effective printing-press having an oscillating cylinder and reciprocating type-bed, actuated by means of theordinary crank by either hand or steam power, the machine delivering the sheets without con tact of the freshly-printed mat-ter with any part of its operative mechanism.
  • lt is also its object to effect a cheap form of bed-and-cylinder movement by locating and arranging the several parts so as to transfer all principal strains to one of the main frames, thus avoiding the use of inside longitudinal girders, ribs, or ties.
  • lt is further its object to obtain a crank and an oscillating sector for imparting the proper motion to the impression-cylinder and bed, ⁇
  • Figure 1 is a longitudinal elevation of the side of the press carrying the actuating mechanism;
  • Fig. 2 an end elevation, partly iu section, as seen from the feed-board end of the machine, with the feed-board and its attachments omitted;
  • Fig. 3 an end elevation from the fly-board end with the fly and ily-board removed.
  • Fig.- 4 is, on an enlarged scale, an elevation, partly in section, of one end of the impression-cylin- ⁇ der and part of the adjoining side frame and the parts constituting the gripper mechanism.
  • Fig. 5 is an end elevation ofthe same end ofthe impression-cylinder, with side frame broken away to show the parts more clearly.
  • Figs. 6 and 7 illustrate details, hereinafter described.
  • a A are the main frames, carrying each a series of rollers, a, on their inner sides, upon The central part of the type-bed A2 is sustained immediately under the impression-cylinder by two rollers, a', carried in bifurcated stands a?, which are secured to the upper side of the main crossgirder or stay A.
  • the type-bed A2 carries on its upper face, on the side adjoining the main frame A, a toothed rack, B, engaging a corresponding spur-gear, B', secured to one end of the impression-cylinder C.
  • the cylinder C is journaled in eccentric bushes C', which are in turn journaled in the main frames A A.
  • a flanged spur-gear Upon the axis of the cylinder C is secured, outside of the main frame A, a flanged spur-gear, B2.
  • VVibrating upon astud, b, near thebot-v tom of frame A is a spur-sector, b', engaging the vflanged spur-gear B2.
  • Journaled in the frames A A is a shaft, c. Secured to shaft c is a spur crank-gear, c', carrying a crank-pin, c.
  • the spur-sector b carries a similar crank-pin, b2, and the-two crank-pins c2 bA are connected by the connecting-rod D.
  • In the frames A A is also journaled a shaft, d, carrying on one end a spurpinion, d', engaging the crank-gear c', and upon the other end a pair of tight and loose pulleys, cl2, and a ily-wheel, cl3, which latter may be furnished with a crank-handle, S, where required to be run by hand.
  • the pulleys d2 receive a belt from any source of power when so driven.
  • a roclcshaft E, to which is secured at either end an arm, E.
  • the eccentric bushes G each have projecting arms G,and a pair of links, C3, passing partly through the frames A A', are pivoted each to the projecting arm C2 of the eccentric bushes C at the top and to the arms E' at the bottom ends.
  • Pivoted at one end to the arm E? is a rod, F.
  • the other end of rod F is slotted to embrace the shaft c, and carries two rollers, ff.
  • the rollers ff engage a suitably-formed cam, f, secured to shaft c, to
  • rlhe links C3 are in two pieces, joined by nuts 19, which have a Aright-hand ICC thread in one end and a left-hand thread in the other end, (or the threads may be of the same hand, but of different pitehes,) so that by rotating the nuts p, and securing them in place by the jam-nutsp', the links C will be lengthened or shortened, as desired, as a means of adjusting the pressure of the impressioncylinder upon the form.
  • G is the feed-board; G', the ily-board.
  • the feed-board G rests on the short arm C7 of the lever 05,' and by means o1" said arm and lever said feed-board is slightly raised and lowered at the proper times, it being jointed at the point G, Fig. 1.
  • a rod, 11' Secured in projections II from the frames A A is a rod, 11', to which are secured curved guards H2, for the purpose of insuring that the sheet is not elevated from the cylinder on its non-printing or delivering rotation bythe air getting under the tail of the sheet, (which then becomes the advancing edge,) particularly with short sheets.
  • a series of ily-fingers, 1' which lingers, when their free ends rest on the rod i, as shown in broken lines, Fig. 1, receive the sheet tail first from the stripl'ier-iingers hIz during the first portion of the non-printing or delivering ⁇ rotation of the impressioncylinder C.
  • a pulley, 12 partially inwrapped by a belt, 1, which is secured at one end tothe pulley 1*.
  • the belt 13 is secured at the other end to a lever, 1*, pivoted to the frame A at 15.
  • lever 1 carries a roller, 1, engaging a suitably-formed cam, 17, so located on and secured to the shaft c as to impart motion to the flyngers 1', through the mechanism just described, froin the position shown in Fig. l in full lines to that shown in dotted lines in the same iigure.
  • a spring (not shown) coiled on the rock-shaft I serves to return the fly-iingers 1' from the position shown in dotted 1i nes to that shown in full lines, Fig. l, as permitted by the appropriate form of the cam 17. Said return commences as soon as the whole or nearly the whole ofthe sheet has run upon the ily-lingers I'.
  • R R are the forni-rollers, and R R' R' the distributing angle-rollers.
  • Theletter i indicates the ink-plate.
  • a lever, z" is ful- G2 are sheet-guides carried on a rod, Gi, carcrumed to the inside ofthe frames A A' at 2, carrying rollers i, which engage inclines i* on the sides ofthe ink-plate In the free ends of the lever t" is journaled the ink ductorroller (Seenin Fig. 3 only.)
  • the letterj indicates theink-fountain.
  • a pulley,j On one end ofthe ink-roller shat'tj' is secured a ratchet, jl', and running freely on its shaft is a pulley,j, carrying a pawl, j, which engages the ratchet j2.
  • Inwrapping and secured atone end to thepulleyj" is a belt, jl.
  • the lower end of beltj3 is looped over a stud adjustably secured in a slot in the face of a cam, 17, whichiinparts motion, through the mechanism just described, tothe ink-fountain roller.
  • K is the usual rock-shaft,journaled in the ends of cylinder C and carrying a series of grippers, K.
  • L is a lever secured at its center tothe gripper rock-shaft K, carrying on one end a roller, L.
  • a rod, L2 encircled by a helical spring, La, acting against a lug, L, projecting from the head of the cylinder Gto close the grippers K', as limited by the stop L'", also projecting from the head of the cylinder C.
  • a stud, M upon which is fnlcrumed a canilever, M', whose lower motion is limited by a stud, M, Fig. 6, also secured to the frame A.
  • Fig. 7 shows the cylinder C rotating in the direction of the arrow, nearly at the termination ot' thenon-printing or delivering rotation, and the grippers K' forced open to their widest open position by the roller N4 depressing the cam M', and at the same time the roller L engaging the curved contour of the lower side ofcam-lever M.
  • cam N3 through the operationof lifting the cylinder C from the form by the rotation of the bushes C', is movedin the direction indicated by the arrow, Fig. 6, until the parts all assume the positionshown in said figure, corresponding to the termination of the printing stroke.
  • cam-lever N' will be raised to the position to act upon the roller L during the non-printing stroke and at the proper time to open the grippers partially, allowing the flyfingers l' to draw the sheet out from them, the said fly-fingers beingmoved by mechanism already described at the proper time.
  • the letters g indicate the gages or front guides, adjustable crosswise of the press upon a dovetailed bar, g. yThe bar g is made ad*- justable to and from the cylinder C, for changing the width of margin or gripper-hold upon the sheet where the ends are secured to the frames A A,'but not shown.
  • O is athin plate of metal, forming the front edge of the feed-board G.
  • the general operation of the machine is as follows: Power, being applied to the shaft d,is transmitted by the pinion d to the crank-gear c', which latter, acting as acrank, through the connecting-rod D, communicates an oscillating motion to the sector b'.
  • the sector b in turnv causes the cylinder C to rotate in either direction, and the cylinder C being geared directly to the bed A2, the latter is reciprocated coincident] y with its oscillation.
  • the sheet is taken from the feed-board G by the grippers K', as already described, printed, and the tail of a full sheet (the impressionsurface occupying a portion of the periphery of thecylinder C onlyin this case) brought to a height sufficient to make it enter upon the strippers h2 at the commencement of the nonprinting stroke.
  • the sheet having then passed down the Hy-tingers I' during the non-printing stroke the proper distance, said fingers carry it over and deposit it on the yfly-board G', the unprinted side coming in contact with the flyfingers l', and thesheets being laid last-printed vside down on the iiy-board.
  • vIt is also evident that the grippers K may be Yclosed by any suitably-formed spring other than the coiled spring L3, shown in connection with an inclosed rod, L2.
  • An actuating mechanism for oscillating the impression-cylinder and reciprocating the type-bed of a printing-machine consisting of a crank-gear, as c', a connecting-rod, as D, a bell-crank toothed sector, as b', vibrating upon a fixed fulcrum and gearing directly with a gear-Wheel, as B", secured to the impressioncylinder, and a gear-wheel, as B', secured to said cylinder and gearing directly with a rack.
  • an oscillating impression-cylinder provided with sheet-grippers and mechanism for opening and closing thc same for the reception of the sheet, consisting of a lever, as L, secured to a gripper rock-shaft and carrying 011 one end a roller, as L', and provided at its other end with a spring for closing said grippers, a roller, as N 4, carried on an automatically-oscillated cam, as N, and a cam-lever, as M', pivoted at one end to a fixed stud, as M, and engaging on its under and upper sides, respectively, said rollers L' and N*, whereby the oscillation of said cam causes thegrippers to be opened and again partially closed during the latter part otthe non-impression rotation of said cylinder, and iinally closed during the first part of the succeeding impression rotation of said cylinder, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.
  • an oscillating impression-cylinder provided with sheet-grippers and mechanism for opening and closing the same for the reception ofthe sheet, consisting ofa lever,as L,secu red to the gripper roekshaft of said impression-cylinder, carrying at one end a roller, as L', and provided at its other end with a rod and spring as L2 L, for closing said grippers, a roller, as Nt, carried on a cam, as N, mounted on a bushing in which the axis of theimpression-cylinder is eccentrically journaled, and a cam-lever, as M', pivoted at one end on a fixed stud, as M, engaging on its under and upper sides, respectively, said rollers Ll and N, whereby the oscillation of said cam causes said grippers to be opened and again partially closed during the latter part ot' the non-impression rotation of said cylinder, and finally closed during the first part of the succeeding impression rotation ot' said cylinder, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.
  • a priming-machine in combination with an oscillating impression-cylinder provided with sheetgrippers, mechanism for opening the same for the delivery ofthe sheet, consisting of a lever, as L, secured to a gripper rock-shaft and carrying at one end a roller, as L', and provided at its other end with a spring for closing said grippers,an automatically-oscillatcd cam, as N, a cam-lever, as N', pivoted at one end to a iixed stud, as N, and carrying on its other end a roller, as N2, engaging the said oscillating cam, the whole proportioned and operating so as to cause the upper edge ot" said cam-lever N' to engage said roller L' at the proper point in the non-impression rotation of said cylinder and to escape it during its impression rotation, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.
  • mechanism for opening the same for the delivery of the sheet consisting of a lever, as L, secured to a gripper rock-shaft and carrying at one end a roller, as L', and provided at its otherend with a rod and spring, as L2 L, for closing said grippers, a cam, as N3, mounted on a bushing in which the axis of the impression-cylinder is eccentricallyjournaled, a cam-lever, as N', pivoted at one end to a iixed stud, as N, and carrying on its other end a roller, as N2, engaging said cam N3, the whole proportioned and operating so as to cause the upper edge of said camlever N' to engage said roller L' at the proper point in the non-impression rotation of said cylinder and to escape it during its impression rotation, substantially asand for the purposes set forth.
  • a printing-machine in combination with an oscillating impression-cylinder provided with sheet-grippers, mechanism for operating the same both for gripping and releasing the sheet, consisting of a lever, as L, secured to a gripper rock-shaft and carrying at one end a roller, as L', and provided at its other end with a spring for closing said grippers, an automatically-oscillated cam, as N, carrying a roller, as N, a cam-lever, as li' pivoted at one end to a iixed stud, as M, and engaging on its under and upper sides, respectively, said rollers L' and N, a cam-lever, as N', pivoted at one end on a fixed stud, as N, and carrying on its other end a roller, as
  • a printing-machine in combination with an oscillating impression-cylinder provided with sheet-grippers, mechanism for operating the same both for gripping and releasing the sheet, consisting of a lever, as L, secured to a gripper rock-shaft and carrying at one end a roller, as L', and provided at its other end with a rod and spring, as L2 L, for closing said grippers, a cam, as N3, carrying a roller, as N4, and mounted on a bushing in which the axis of the impression-cylinder is eccentrically journaled, a cam-lever, as M', pivoted at one end to a fixed stud, as M, and engaging on its under and upper sides, respectively, said rollers Ll and N", a cam-lcver, as N', pivoted at one end on a Iixed stud, as N, and carrying on its other end a roller, as NZ, engaging said cam N", and engaging on its upper face said roller L', the whole proportioned and operating to open and close


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Supply, Installation And Extraction Of Printed Sheets Or Plates (AREA)


(No Model.) 2 Sheetsv-Sheet 1.
No. 359,442. I Patented Mar. 15, 1887.
LQN I (No Model.) 2 Sheets-Sheet 2.
No. 359,442. Patented Mar. 15, 1887.
V Inventor: a 4%@ torn-ey.
Lilhugnpher. wma
OSClLLATING-CY'LINDER PRINTING-MACHINEr SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 359,442, dated March 15, 1887., Application filed February 11, 188:?. Serial No. 155,581. (No model.)
T 0 @ZZ whom, it may concern.-
Be it known that l, JoHN`T. Hawkins, of Taunton, in the county of Bristol and State of Massachusetts, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Oscillating-Cylinder Printing-Machines, which invention is fully set forth and illustrated in the following specification and accompanying drawings.
The object of this invention is toprovide a cheap, simple, and effective printing-press having an oscillating cylinder and reciprocating type-bed, actuated by means of theordinary crank by either hand or steam power, the machine delivering the sheets without con tact of the freshly-printed mat-ter with any part of its operative mechanism.
lt is also its object to effect a cheap form of bed-and-cylinder movement by locating and arranging the several parts so as to transfer all principal strains to one of the main frames, thus avoiding the use of inside longitudinal girders, ribs, or ties.
lt is further its object to obtain a crank and an oscillating sector for imparting the proper motion to the impression-cylinder and bed,`
each of large comparative radins, by placing said crank and sector on the outer side of the machine.
The invention consist of the combination of parts, as set forth in the claims.
In the accompanying drawings, Figure 1 is a longitudinal elevation of the side of the press carrying the actuating mechanism; Fig. 2, an end elevation, partly iu section, as seen from the feed-board end of the machine, with the feed-board and its attachments omitted; Fig. 3, an end elevation from the fly-board end with the fly and ily-board removed. Fig.- 4 is, on an enlarged scale, an elevation, partly in section, of one end of the impression-cylin-` der and part of the adjoining side frame and the parts constituting the gripper mechanism. Fig. 5 is an end elevation ofthe same end ofthe impression-cylinder, with side frame broken away to show the parts more clearly. Figs. 6 and 7 illustrate details, hereinafter described.
In said figures the respective parts are indicated by letters as follows:
which the type-bed vASe runs.
A A are the main frames, carrying each a series of rollers, a, on their inner sides, upon The central part of the type-bed A2 is sustained immediately under the impression-cylinder by two rollers, a', carried in bifurcated stands a?, which are secured to the upper side of the main crossgirder or stay A. The type-bed A2 carries on its upper face, on the side adjoining the main frame A, a toothed rack, B, engaging a corresponding spur-gear, B', secured to one end of the impression-cylinder C. The cylinder C is journaled in eccentric bushes C', which are in turn journaled in the main frames A A. Upon the axis of the cylinder C is secured, outside of the main frame A, a flanged spur-gear, B2.. VVibrating upon astud, b, near thebot-v tom of frame A is a spur-sector, b', engaging the vflanged spur-gear B2.
Journaled in the frames A A is a shaft, c. Secured to shaft c is a spur crank-gear, c', carrying a crank-pin, c. The spur-sector b carries a similar crank-pin, b2, and the-two crank-pins c2 bA are connected by the connecting-rod D. In the frames A A is also journaled a shaft, d, carrying on one end a spurpinion, d', engaging the crank-gear c', and upon the other end a pair of tight and loose pulleys, cl2, and a ily-wheel, cl3, which latter may be furnished with a crank-handle, S, where required to be run by hand. The pulleys d2 receive a belt from any source of power when so driven.
In the frames AA is journalcd a roclcshaft, E, to which is secured at either end an arm, E. The eccentric bushes G each have projecting arms G,and a pair of links, C3, passing partly through the frames A A', are pivoted each to the projecting arm C2 of the eccentric bushes C at the top and to the arms E' at the bottom ends. On rock-shaft E, near one end, is secured an arm, E2. Pivoted at one end to the arm E? is a rod, F. The other end of rod F is slotted to embrace the shaft c, and carries two rollers, ff. The rollers ff engage a suitably-formed cam, f, secured to shaft c, to
impart the necessary motion at the proper times, through the parts-last described, to the eccentric bushes C', to elevate the cylinder C from contact with the type-bed through the non-printing stroke of the bed, and to holdit in contact with the type-bed during the printing stroke. rlhe links C3 are in two pieces, joined by nuts 19, which have a Aright-hand ICC thread in one end and a left-hand thread in the other end, (or the threads may be of the same hand, but of different pitehes,) so that by rotating the nuts p, and securing them in place by the jam-nutsp', the links C will be lengthened or shortened, as desired, as a means of adjusting the pressure of the impressioncylinder upon the form.
G is the feed-board; G', the ily-board.
ried in columns G4,attached to the feed-board G, so that when adjusted to allow the sheet to pass under them freely said guides rise and fall with the feed-board G. A projection, G5,
from each of the eccentric bushes C'engages a roller, C8, on the long` arm ofa lever, C, vibrating on a stud, C, secured in the frames A A'.
The feed-board G rests on the short arm C7 of the lever 05,' and by means o1" said arm and lever said feed-board is slightly raised and lowered at the proper times, it being jointed at the point G, Fig. 1.
Secured in projections II from the frames A A is a rod, 11', to which are secured curved guards H2, for the purpose of insuring that the sheet is not elevated from the cylinder on its non-printing or delivering rotation bythe air getting under the tail of the sheet, (which then becomes the advancing edge,) particularly with short sheets.
rlhe rods H and Giare shown in position in Fig. 2, but unsupported at the ends, the feedboard G and its supporting-columns G4 being removed and the projections H being broken away in ordcrto show the central upper parts of the machine in section.
ln the projections 7L from the side frames, A Aare secured a rod, 7i', to which are secured a series ofstripper-fingers,It?. Pasted orotherwise secured to the covering of cylinder Cisa series ofloops of paper or other suitable elast-ic material, It, so situated as to escape contact with the strippers Iii, as fully described and claimed in an application Iiled by nie Deceniber 27, 1884, bearing the Serial No. 151,282.
To a rock-shaft, I, journaled in the frame A A', is secured, in the usual way, a series of ily-fingers, 1', which lingers, when their free ends rest on the rod i, as shown in broken lines, Fig. 1, receive the sheet tail first from the stripl'ier-iingers hIz during the first portion of the non-printing or delivering` rotation of the impressioncylinder C. On one end of the rock-shaft I is secured a pulley, 12, partially inwrapped by a belt, 1, which is secured at one end tothe pulley 1*. The belt 13 is secured at the other end to a lever, 1*, pivoted to the frame A at 15. The other end of lever 1 carries a roller, 1, engaging a suitably-formed cam, 17, so located on and secured to the shaft c as to impart motion to the flyngers 1', through the mechanism just described, froin the position shown in Fig. l in full lines to that shown in dotted lines in the same iigure. A spring (not shown) coiled on the rock-shaft I serves to return the fly-iingers 1' from the position shown in dotted 1i nes to that shown in full lines, Fig. l, as permitted by the appropriate form of the cam 17. Said return commences as soon as the whole or nearly the whole ofthe sheet has run upon the ily-lingers I'.
R R are the forni-rollers, and R R' R' the distributing angle-rollers.
Theletter i indicates the ink-plate. (Seen in dotted lilies in Fig. 1 only.) A lever, z", is ful- G2 are sheet-guides carried on a rod, Gi, carcrumed to the inside ofthe frames A A' at 2, carrying rollers i, which engage inclines i* on the sides ofthe ink-plate In the free ends of the lever t" is journaled the ink ductorroller (Seenin Fig. 3 only.) The letterj indicates theink-fountain. On one end ofthe ink-roller shat'tj' is secured a ratchet, jl', and running freely on its shaft is a pulley,j, carrying a pawl, j, which engages the ratchet j2. Inwrapping and secured atone end to thepulleyj" is a belt, jl. The lower end of beltj3 is looped over a stud adjustably secured in a slot in the face of a cam, 17, whichiinparts motion, through the mechanism just described, tothe ink-fountain roller.
K is the usual rock-shaft,journaled in the ends of cylinder C and carrying a series of grippers, K.
L is a lever secured at its center tothe gripper rock-shaft K, carrying on one end a roller, L. To the other 4end is pivoted a rod, L2, encircled by a helical spring, La, acting against a lug, L, projecting from the head of the cylinder Gto close the grippers K', as limited by the stop L'", also projecting from the head of the cylinder C. Secured in lhe side fraaie, A', is a stud, M, upon which is fnlcrumed a canilever, M', whose lower motion is limited by a stud, M, Fig. 6, also secured to the frame A. Fulcrumed upon another stud, N, secured to the side frame, A', is another cam-lever, N', carrying a roller, N2. Secured to one of the eccentric bushes C', which is journaled in the frame A', isa cam, N, carrying opposite its principal enlargementaroller, Nl. The roller N* engages the upper, and the roller L' the lower, side oi" the cam-lever M'. The principal enlargement of the cam N engages the roller N, and the roller L' engages the upper edge of the cam-lever N'. In the rotation of the bush C', to raise and lower the cylinder, it carries with it the cam N 3, and causes the two cam-levers M'andNto operate upon the roller Lto effect the openingand closing of the grippers at the proper times.
Fig. 7 shows the cylinder C rotating in the direction of the arrow, nearly at the termination ot' thenon-printing or delivering rotation, and the grippers K' forced open to their widest open position by the roller N4 depressing the cam M', and at the same time the roller L engaging the curved contour of the lower side ofcam-lever M. By a continuation of the motion of said lever until the exact end ofthe non-printing rotation of the cylinder the parts arrive at the position shown in Fig. 5, in which the roller N has passed to the deepest part of the upper edge of the cani-lever M', partially IUC releasing it upward, `while the4 roller L" has still farther'advanced tothe convex portion of the under edge ofthe cam-lever M'. In this position the grippers K' have become nearly closed again; but, as will be seen by the posi- Fronrthe positions of the parts shown in Fig. 5, owing to the form of the lower edge of cam-lever M', the grippers close finally during a very short first part of the succeeding printing rotation ofthe cylinder C. This construction and the action of closing the grippers for the last small part of their closing,while moving in the direction of the printing rotation of the cylinder C, insures that the grippers shall close at precisely the same place every time relatively to the cylinder and sheet, and therefore insures also correct register.
In the positions shown in Fig. 7 the roller N2, carried on the cam-lever N', is passing down the inclined part of the cam M3, due to the motion of the buslrC' in the contrary dif -rection to the cylinder C, until, in the position shown in Fig. 5, the endof the non-printing rotation is reached, when the cam-lever is therebyv allowed to fall into such position as to allow the roller L to escape contact with its upper edge'as the cylinder C makes its printing rotation. 'Ihus the grippers K' remain closed until the entire printing rotation of the cylinder is performed andthe parts arrive at the positions shown in Fig. 6. During the early part of this rotation the cam-lever M' drops down upon thestud M, so as to be out of the way of roller L' at the completion of the printing` stroke, the cylinder C making about one entire revolution each way. Continuing the printing rotation until the roller L' has passed-by the cam-lever N' and the form has f passed entirely through the impression, the
cam N3, through the operationof lifting the cylinder C from the form by the rotation of the bushes C', is movedin the direction indicated by the arrow, Fig. 6, until the parts all assume the positionshown in said figure, corresponding to the termination of the printing stroke. rlhe cam-lever N' will be raised to the position to act upon the roller L during the non-printing stroke and at the proper time to open the grippers partially, allowing the flyfingers l' to draw the sheet out from them, the said fly-fingers beingmoved by mechanism already described at the proper time.
The letters g indicate the gages or front guides, adjustable crosswise of the press upon a dovetailed bar, g. yThe bar g is made ad*- justable to and from the cylinder C, for changing the width of margin or gripper-hold upon the sheet where the ends are secured to the frames A A,'but not shown.
O is athin plate of metal, forming the front edge of the feed-board G. The general operation of the machine is as follows: Power, being applied to the shaft d,is transmitted by the pinion d to the crank-gear c', which latter, acting as acrank, through the connecting-rod D, communicates an oscillating motion to the sector b'. The sector b in turnv causes the cylinder C to rotate in either direction, and the cylinder C being geared directly to the bed A2, the latter is reciprocated coincident] y with its oscillation. During the first part of the printing stroke of the bed A2 the sheet is taken from the feed-board G by the grippers K', as already described, printed, and the tail of a full sheet (the impressionsurface occupying a portion of the periphery of thecylinder C onlyin this case) brought to a height sufficient to make it enter upon the strippers h2 at the commencement of the nonprinting stroke. The sheet having then passed down the Hy-tingers I' during the non-printing stroke the proper distance, said fingers carry it over and deposit it on the yfly-board G', the unprinted side coming in contact with the flyfingers l', and thesheets being laid last-printed vside down on the iiy-board. The remaining operation of the parts--as of the impressioncylinder, the iiy, the fountain, and the gripper motion-has already been sufficiently described.
I do not confine myself to the method shown of mounting the cam N3 upon the bushes in which the cylinder is journaled, as it is evident that said cam may be elsewhere mounted, if preferred, and oscillated by motion taken from any suitable moving part of themachine.
vIt is also evident that the grippers K may be Yclosed by any suitably-formed spring other than the coiled spring L3, shown in connection with an inclosed rod, L2.
I do not herein claim the method ofsupporting the sheet at the tail margin, so as to insure its entrance upon the strippers hi, nor the com- IOC bination of the paper loops h3 for that purpose with the cylinder G, stripper-fingers h, or iiyfingers I', as this has been made the subject of a separate application for Letters Patent, as above mentioned.
Having thus fully described my said improvements, as of my invention I claim- 1. An actuating mechanism for oscillating the impression-cylinder and reciprocating the type-bed of a printing-machine, consisting of a crank-gear, as c', a connecting-rod, as D, a bell-crank toothed sector, as b', vibrating upon a fixed fulcrum and gearing directly with a gear-Wheel, as B", secured to the impressioncylinder, and a gear-wheel, as B', secured to said cylinder and gearing directly with a rack.
as B, secured to the type-bed, all combined and operating substantially as and for the purposes set forth.
2. In a printing-machine, in combination with a crank or crank-gear, as c', an oscillating bell-crank toothed sector, as b', actuated therefrom upon a iixed fulcrum by means of a connecting-rod, as D, each journaled in and situated outside of one of the side frames of AlIO the machine, and a spur-gear, as B2, meshing with said sector and 'secured to the shaft of an impression-cylinder, as C, geared to a reciproeating type-bed, as A2, by a spur-gear, as
B', and a rack, as B, whereby said cylinder is caused to oscillate in its bearings and said bed reciprocated by said cylinder, and the principal strains due to such operation al1 transmitted to thc side frame nearest to which said crank or crank-gear and sector are situated, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.
3. In a printing-machine, an oscillating impression-cylinder provided with sheet-grippers and mechanism for opening and closing thc same for the reception of the sheet, consisting of a lever, as L, secured to a gripper rock-shaft and carrying 011 one end a roller, as L', and provided at its other end with a spring for closing said grippers, a roller, as N 4, carried on an automatically-oscillated cam, as N, and a cam-lever, as M', pivoted at one end to a fixed stud, as M, and engaging on its under and upper sides, respectively, said rollers L' and N*, whereby the oscillation of said cam causes thegrippers to be opened and again partially closed during the latter part otthe non-impression rotation of said cylinder, and iinally closed during the first part of the succeeding impression rotation of said cylinder, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.
4. In a printing-machine, an oscillating impression-cylinder provided with sheet-grippers and mechanism for opening and closing the same for the reception ofthe sheet, consisting ofa lever,as L,secu red to the gripper roekshaft of said impression-cylinder, carrying at one end a roller, as L', and provided at its other end with a rod and spring as L2 L, for closing said grippers, a roller, as Nt, carried on a cam, as N, mounted on a bushing in which the axis of theimpression-cylinder is eccentrically journaled, and a cam-lever, as M', pivoted at one end on a fixed stud, as M, engaging on its under and upper sides, respectively, said rollers Ll and N, whereby the oscillation of said cam causes said grippers to be opened and again partially closed during the latter part ot' the non-impression rotation of said cylinder, and finally closed during the first part of the succeeding impression rotation ot' said cylinder, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.
5. In a priming-machine, in combination with an oscillating impression-cylinder provided with sheetgrippers, mechanism for opening the same for the delivery ofthe sheet, consisting of a lever, as L, secured to a gripper rock-shaft and carrying at one end a roller, as L', and provided at its other end with a spring for closing said grippers,an automatically-oscillatcd cam, as N, a cam-lever, as N', pivoted at one end to a iixed stud, as N, and carrying on its other end a roller, as N2, engaging the said oscillating cam, the whole proportioned and operating so as to cause the upper edge ot" said cam-lever N' to engage said roller L' at the proper point in the non-impression rotation of said cylinder and to escape it during its impression rotation, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.
6. In a printing-machine, in combination with an oscillating impression-cylinder provided with sheet grippcrs, mechanism for opening the same for the delivery of the sheet, consisting of a lever, as L, secured to a gripper rock-shaft and carrying at one end a roller, as L', and provided at its otherend with a rod and spring, as L2 L, for closing said grippers, a cam, as N3, mounted on a bushing in which the axis of the impression-cylinder is eccentricallyjournaled, a cam-lever, as N', pivoted at one end to a iixed stud, as N, and carrying on its other end a roller, as N2, engaging said cam N3, the whole proportioned and operating so as to cause the upper edge of said camlever N' to engage said roller L' at the proper point in the non-impression rotation of said cylinder and to escape it during its impression rotation, substantially asand for the purposes set forth.
7. In a printing-machine, in combination with an oscillating impression-cylinder provided with sheet-grippers, mechanism for operating the same both for gripping and releasing the sheet, consisting of a lever, as L, secured to a gripper rock-shaft and carrying at one end a roller, as L', and provided at its other end with a spring for closing said grippers, an automatically-oscillated cam, as N, carrying a roller, as N, a cam-lever, as li' pivoted at one end to a iixed stud, as M, and engaging on its under and upper sides, respectively, said rollers L' and N, a cam-lever, as N', pivoted at one end on a fixed stud, as N, and carrying on its other end a roller, as
` N2, engaging said oscillating cam N3, and engaging on its upper face said roller L', the whole proportioned and operating to open and close the cylindcr-grippers for the reception and delivery of the sheet at the proper times, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.
8. In a printing-machine, in combination with an oscillating impression-cylinder provided with sheet-grippers, mechanism for operating the same both for gripping and releasing the sheet, consisting of a lever, as L, secured to a gripper rock-shaft and carrying at one end a roller, as L', and provided at its other end with a rod and spring, as L2 L, for closing said grippers, a cam, as N3, carrying a roller, as N4, and mounted on a bushing in which the axis of the impression-cylinder is eccentrically journaled, a cam-lever, as M', pivoted at one end to a fixed stud, as M, and engaging on its under and upper sides, respectively, said rollers Ll and N", a cam-lcver, as N', pivoted at one end on a Iixed stud, as N, and carrying on its other end a roller, as NZ, engaging said cam N", and engaging on its upper face said roller L', the whole proportioned and operating to open and close the cylinder-grippers for the reception and delivery of the sheet at the proper times, substantially as and for the purposes set forth.
9. In a printing-machine, in combination with an oscillating impression-cylinder, receiving an under-fed sheet head first at the commencement of its impression rotation and I OO IIO
delivering such sheet tail first during'its nonof the sheet is guided to said strippers by said impression rotation, a series of sheet-guards, guards, substantially as and for the purposes as H2, partially surrounding said cylinder, set forth.
and a series of sheet-strippers, as h2, in ady JOHN T. HAYKINS. Vance of said guards, near the top of said cyl- Writnesses: indexwhereby when said cylinder is` re- ELIsHA T. JACKSON,
versed ou its non-impression rotation the tail J. F. HALEY.
US359442D Oscillating-cylinder printing-machine Expired - Lifetime US359442A (en)

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US359442A true US359442A (en) 1887-03-15



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US359442D Expired - Lifetime US359442A (en) Oscillating-cylinder printing-machine

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