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US266976A US266976DA US266976A US 266976 A US266976 A US 266976A US 266976D A US266976D A US 266976DA US 266976 A US266976 A US 266976A
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    • B21D17/00Forming single grooves in sheet metal or tubular or hollow articles
    • B21D17/04Forming single grooves in sheet metal or tubular or hollow articles by rolling


  • cam-disks-K or equivalent cam-plates, and u nu.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Shaping Of Tube Ends By Bending Or Straightening (AREA)
  • Folding Of Thin Sheet-Like Materials, Special Discharging Devices, And Others (AREA)


(No Model.) l 3 sheeieu' 2.
. l V. B. DAELEN..
No. 266,976. Patented Nov. 7, 1882.
v many, have invented certainA new and useful` The corrugatingrings DD D 1) D2 D2 are l ments is represented on the annexed three so that either ringDmay alwaysremain oppo- 6 UNITED 'STATES l ATENT trice. s
SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent VNo. 266,976, dated November '7, 1882.
Y* .Application filed June 9,1882. (Nonicdel.) i I To all whom it may concern: the screws c', c2, and ciarefrotated uniformly the Be itknown that LVHAL BERNHARD DAE- distance lbetween any two neighboring rings LEN, engineer and manufacturer,residing in will be diminished or increased by the same the city of Berlin, Kingdom of Prussia., Ger-4 amount. 5
Improvements in Gorrugating- Machines, ot arranged on 'the roller B, and combined with which the following is a speeiication. the screws ci d d d' d2 d2 in the like manner;
M y invention relatesto machines for eorrubut there is no fixed ring, as all' the rings exgating plates and tubes by means of a process cept G must be adjusted toward or away from 6r. `ot'rolling, or plates alone-by pressing or stampthe center of the whole system, which is the ing; 'and the improvements consist in the convertical central plane ofthe ring C. VThe rings struction hereinafter described and claimed. 1);D must, however, be shifted on the roller A rollin g-machine comprising my improve with but one-half the speed of the rings C( C',
sheets of drawings, Figure l being `a secsite to or in the middle ot' the space between tionalfrontelevation;Fig:2, an end viewfrom C and C'. Consequently the pitch of the the left-hand side;`Fig.3, a vertical section on threads et the screws cl d, belonging to `the line :c fr, Fig. l, .looking toward the standard` rings D D, mustbe equal to but one-halt'the 4 N; Fig. 4, a sectional view of the rollerswith pitch of the threads on c c'. For similar 7o the corrugating-Arings close together; Fig. l5, a reasons, the pitch of the threads on ci d and d2 l plan ot part of the machine, and Fig. '6 a secdZ must respectively be in proportion to the tional view ot' an arrangement for corrugating pitch ot' th'e threads on c c ,as :.5 :1. These and at the same time bending plates. proportions of pitch` necessarily .require an The machine shown by Figs. l to consists, equ-alrotative speed for all the screws. 75
in'the first place., ot' the roller A, mounted in Thelower' roller,-A,isdriven byapinion, (not tilted bearings, and ofthe rollerB, rotat-iugin shown inthe dra\vings,) which gears with the hearings L L, which are vertically adjustable. spur-wheel E, keyed on the prolongation ot' The former carries the corrugating-ring C, the roller-journal. On the same journal is,v keyed .on theroller, and the like rings C" C moreover, tired the wheel F, from which rota- 8o U2` C2 C3 G3, which, while being free to slide tive motion is transferred by means ot' theinterthereon, are caused to rotate with the roller mediate wheels, F' and F2, tothe wheel F3, tlxed by means ot' feathers. The distance ot' the on thejournaloi'roller B. rlhe wheel F2 turns movable rings from each other and from the ou a pivot terminating in a slide-block, which `tired ring C is regulated by the screws `c' c' is free te slide horizontally in K'a slit in the S5 c2 c2 c? c3, which are `mounted with their ends hracketl). Besides, the said pivotis connected in the disks m m, attached to the roller. f llhe by a eouplingbar, a, to the journal ot' roller B. said screws are rotated by a combination ot' Thisarrangementcauses F2 to remain in proper wheels, to bedescribed hereinafter. The screws lgear with F3, as well as with F', when the roller c`v belonging to. the rings C C', and of which Bis raised' or lowered. rlhe vertical adjust# 9o there are two, one 'on-either side ot' the roller, ment oi' the roller B is produced by two camwork with right-hand and lett-hand threads in disks, K K, keyed on the shafts ll J ot the the corresponding holes of thel said rings, worm-wheels J' J', which are driven-by the ywhereas they pass with acertain play through worms H' H', carried by a common shat't, Il.
holes in the rings C, U2, and C3. In a similar The said cam-disks have on either side a rib, 9 manner the screws cZ are putin relation to the forming a spiral curve, and engaging Vwith arings G2, while they pass freely through -the slip cut into the end ot either ofthe two pins rings U, C', and C3; but the threads of' these or rotative blocks 7c 7c, mounted 'in the upper screws have double theA pitch ot' the threads of part ofthe adjustable bearing L. Vlhe'camc'. f'lhe third rpair otl screws, c3, acts on the disks being turned, the ribs ot the same will `roc rings G3, but withthreads of treble the pitch -slide in the pins k, and by the medium ot' the of c. It is evident herefrom that when all' latter depress or raise the bearings L. The
said bearings must be provided lwith an oblong when the-latter turns, and
hole for the shaft J to pass through, as otherwise'this shaft would prevent themfrom being moved..
will now proceed ,to describe the manner 111 which the srews'c c' c2 c3 d d' d2 and the cam-disks K K .are driven, without, howev`"er, at present taking into account the reversing of motion ofthe machine.v
0n the end ofon'e ofthe journals of the roller A it fixed the pinion a, which gears with the wheel b on the counter-shaft o, (see-v Fig. 5,) while the wheel b', keyed on the same shaft, is in gear with thev pinion u', placed loose'on the roller A.' The wheels band bbeing of different diameter, as also the pinions a and a', the said pinion a' will rotate on the roller will consequently cause the rotation of the pinion a2, made in one piece with a'. the pinions e, fixed on'the ends of the screws c o'- c2 c3, and thus puts all these screws in uniform rotation. The mechanism serving to A drive the v*screws of the roller B is like the ed in arms one described. (The sam'ehas therefore been omitted in Fig. 1;) lt may, however, be observed that the counter-sh aft projecting from the movable bearing L.
The rotation of t-he shaft'H, which drives .the cam-.disks K by means of the worms H' and the worm-wh eels J",'is caused by the'wheel G, placed on the said shaft and gearing with the wheel E. The spirals, according to which the ribs of the cam-disks K are arranged, must be so formed that for a given angle between two radii theditference of these radii is greatest at the outer end of the curve, while 'it gradually decreases toward the inner end. The reason herefor is the following: When the speed of rotation ofthe rollers is uniform the'screws f ofthe same will also rotate uniformly. Colisequently the corrugating-rin'gs will be shifted in equal periods of time bythe same amount. Fora givenunit of this shifting motion the amount by whichthe corrugating-rings DD' D2 penetrate into the spaces between the rings C G' C2 O3 must at the beginning be greater than toward the end of the operation, because at the outset of the forming of acorrugation the increase of depth of the inflection 'Iss rollers 4the plate pass'alternately forward and backis greater than toward its completion, provided always that the corrugations are to be-produced.
by bendingonly. The form of the curve of the cam-disk may be determined by calculation or` Iby drawing.
Considering that the ad justmentof the upper roller and ofl the' corrugating-rings must take` place while the machine ism-operation, the corrugations willat'rst become taperedi. e., they will be deeper and narrower at the end ot' the plate last exposed to the action of the wIt is therefore advantageous to let ward between the rollers until the corrugations have attained 'the desired depth; For
The pinion a? gears-with thereof is mou nt- "blepnly causes no inconvenience, as the reversal need upon. Itis therefore necessary to reverse these' mechanisms in their turn after the whole machine has been reversed, so that in consequence of vsuch double reversion they will continue to 4work in the same direction. For attaining this object the wheel G, driving the worms H', is fixed on a'psleeve,xG2, the ends whereof form couplingboxes, which' can engage with the coupling-boxes l and l', respectively, fixed on the shaft H.. Moreover, a wheel, G', rotating loose on an axle, G3, and gearing with the wheel E, is provided, which may be shifted-simultaneously with the'sleeve G2 and the wheel G, but in the contrary direction,l by means of a double-armed forked lever, l2, as shown by Fig. 1. The parts being in the position represented by drawings, E actuates the shaft H in one direction by means of the wheel G and couplingbox l',while the wheel G', gearing at the edge with E, turns loose on its axle. When the lever l2 is put into its other position Gis shifted but though the motion of the rollers be' to the right, while G, being shifted to the left, j
comes out of gear with E and into gear with G', so that G will now rotate in asensey contrary to its previous rotation, provided Ev continues to turn `in thesamedirection. The left-hand into engagement with the teeth of the coupling-box l, the shaft H will also rotate again with the wheel G. e While this reversal is being carriedout the three wheelsE, G, and G' will ata certain moment all be in gear with each other. The reversal is therefore possiwhile the'machine is at rest; but this teeth of the sleeve" Gzhaving finally been put roo only b e carried outfduring the stoppage occurring vwhen the plate has arrived'with either of its ends near to the rollers, and the direction of motion .fof the latter has to be changed. Y
4The mechanism iorreversing the motion of the screw-spindles isv similar to th'e'described arrangement. The wheels a, -b,and` g correspond respectively to the wheels E,G, and G',
the lever t' to the lever l2, and the sleeve b2 to the sleeve G2, In the likle mechanismfor the roller B (which hasnot t the wheel corresponding ,tog rotates-on a pin carried by an arm cast together-with thecover ofthe bearing L. The levers of the different .reversing arrangements are by preference. so
connected'with-each other 'that they may be movedsimultaneously by a single hand-lever.
enshown in Fig; l)
As has already been stated, the decrease of distance between the corrugating-'rings and between the rollers 'passing the plate to and fro several times beduring the rolling processA lcauses the-corrugations to Abecome toa certain .degree tapering at first; but ywhen they have one en'd of 'the' engaged froml l.
into two positions,in which it will rotate with!A hpper roller remains unaltered.
. various ways.
tween the' rollers, while the adjusting mecha'nisms are stopped from operating, so that the position ot' the corrugating-rings and/of the For Vthe purpose of rendering possible such stoppage, the wheels Gr, G', and E are arranged'in such a manner that G, when being driven by E, will not immediately come into gear with G after the sleeve G2; has been'disengaged from Z,nor`
when being driven by G' will it immediately. come into gear with E after G2 has been dis- The sleeve may thus be put out causing a rotation ot' the shaft H. In an analogous manner the transferrin'glwheels ab g and the teeth of the sleeve buas well as ot' the coupling-boxes on 4the shaft o, are brought in relation to eachother, (ofcourse in respect to both rollers A and B.) Thus the cam-disks `K,'as well as the regulating-screws ofl all the corrugating-rngs, may simultaneously be put out ot' operation w-hile the rollers rotate.`
Fig. 6 shows an arrangement' for corrugating and at the same time bending plates' transversely to the ccrru'gations. The same consists, as in other machines of this kind, of a combination of two adjustable auxiliary roll ers, A and A2, with the rollers A ahdB; but the rollers A and A? are provided with movable corrgatingrings in the same manner as` the roller A.
'lbedevices for -iadjustin 0 theupperrolierfm and the corrugating-rings-may be modified in In the first place thecorrugatin g-rings may be guided'on both sides by forked slide-blocks, whichfiu their `turn are guided parallel tothe rollers, and throughwhich the regu'latih/gfscrews pass in asimilar manner as hasfbeen describedin respect to the corrugating-ringsshownin the; drawings. Moreover, these slideblocks Vmay be connected together iby a system Vof crossed levers, called lazytongs,7 the common pivot ofeach pair ot'crossed levers being tixed 4in a slide-block, while the Ajointsat the ends et' the leversare in the vertical center line of vthe space between two blocks: 11n this case but one screw on'eithcr side is-required for shit'tin g the slide-blocks, together with-the vcorrugating-rings; also, twoarmed levers might be used having arms of different length, each, of thesel levers'- acting with one end on aslide-block, while their other ends are moved uniformlybyascrew, .[Illothe arms of-these 'levers such proportions would have to be given as Aare necessary `forimriarting to the slide-blocks the requisite motionf ln some cases` the regulating-screws of the' ar,- rangement represented`by drawings may be placed inside of the rollers,'provided these be 6o' made hollow.
.Instead of the described camidisks lby which the vertical adjustment of the upper 'roller is caused,`camplates having-a rectilinear motion may be'employed, which act analogously 't0 l ating-faces of ..which vare .inclined atfagreate'r the former on the hearings L L, and the open Aangle upon the indeed, the equivalents of the o,
with the together with its appurtenances, must be so arranged that the front end of the roller B maybe made-free'in order to allow the 'tube tobe brought on the roller and to be taken ott' again; and, besides, the roller must, during this manipulation', be prevented from'droppingat its forward end by means of a sutable'support` which does'not interfere with the tube to be corrugated. When thecorrugations are to be formed by presses, straight or curved dies with projecting ribsor ledges are required, instead ofthe rollers and 'the rings ot' the machine hereinbefore described. For the rest the rangement does not substantially differ from the foregoing.V The said vribs or ledges are made movable on the body of the dies in a similarn'ianner as the coi-ru gating-rings on the rollers, and theyfare provided with screws. or other devices, such as described, for causing. them vto approach each other while the dies are being pressed together. Besides, the mechanisms by which the ledges on one hand and the dies `on the other hand. areA moved are again'so constructed and, combined thatthe corrugating operation is bending the plate, all in a like manner as has yhereinbefore been specitied in respect to the rolling-machine. I
1. Inmachines for the manufacture of corrugatedplates and tubes, the combination. with a base consisting in a roller or adie, of movable corrugatiug rings or ledges and thescrews c c c2, &c.,1and' d cZ' 6125856., by which the said 'rings .or ledges are shifted together duringthe formation of the corrugat'ions transversely to the latter, substantiall y as and for the purpose described. Y
2. The combination, with the movable corrugating rings orledges C C U2 C3 D-D' 132,850.,
IOS carried out solely-by ofthe rotating screws c c] c2 c3 d d] cl2, Src., `hav- 1 ingdiierent pitch, and operatingon the said rings or ledges, substantially as specified. 3. The combination, with` the roller B, provided with the` movable .ringsfD D" D2, the.,
vand the screws d d d2, Src., of the cam-disks K K, vor .the described' equivalent cam-plates,
act-ing on the bearings L L of the roller B, as
hereinbefore set forth..
"4. The combination, with the driving-gears,
cam-disks-K, or equivalent cam-plates, and u nu. I
` reversing mechanisms cnSisting'of a of these boxes, y toothed'. wheel,A
the adjusting-screws c c', Sac., and .d'cZ/,iSz/e., ofi
y eoimtee to thi` specification shaft -Withtwo fixed coupling-boxes and aloose scribing witnesses. eduplugsleevearranged to engage with either and-carrying fixed thereon a :VITAL BERNHRD DAELEN. w11icl1,accordng to the posi- 4 1 t'on'of the eoupling-sleeveVgears with one or ,Witnessesz the' other of two toothed wheels. rotatingvin AUGUST BACHM'EYER,
B. Rot.'
diteent directions, substantiallyas and for, the purpose deseribed. v. l
In testimony whereofl havesigued my namen in thepresence of two sub-
US266976D daelen Expired - Lifetime US266976A (en)

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US266976A true US266976A (en) 1882-11-07



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US266976D Expired - Lifetime US266976A (en) daelen

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2750985A (en) * 1953-02-06 1956-06-19 William A Scully Apparatus for convoluting thin walled articles
US2751961A (en) * 1951-09-18 1956-06-26 James P Zallea Method and apparatus for corrugating pipe sections

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2751961A (en) * 1951-09-18 1956-06-26 James P Zallea Method and apparatus for corrugating pipe sections
US2750985A (en) * 1953-02-06 1956-06-19 William A Scully Apparatus for convoluting thin walled articles

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