US2455615A - Machine for and method of cutting blooms and the like - Google Patents

Machine for and method of cutting blooms and the like Download PDF


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US2455615A US652757A US65275746A US2455615A US 2455615 A US2455615 A US 2455615A US 652757 A US652757 A US 652757A US 65275746 A US65275746 A US 65275746A US 2455615 A US2455615 A US 2455615A
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Jr Royal J Seavill
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    • B23K7/00Cutting, scarfing, or desurfacing by applying flames
    • B23K7/002Machines, apparatus, or equipment for cutting plane workpieces, e.g. plates
    • B23K7/003Machines, apparatus, or equipment for cutting long articles, e.g. cast stands, plates, in parts of predetermined length
    • Y10S266/00Metallurgical apparatus
    • Y10S266/902Blowpipes specialized to transversely cut or notch blooms, billets or bars


  • the energization of the motor 81 is controlled by the contacts 15 and the finger H. which are connected to a suitable source of electrical power through the relay panel 88.
  • the cable 63 which is connected thereto by means of the sheave 84 rotates the drum 62 and through the action of-the gear train 8! rotates the shaft 61 together with the magnet 69 carried thereby.
  • linear input produced by the motion of the framelike member 8 is reduced to a rotary motion by means of the cable 63 and its associatedparts.
  • the magnet 69 in turn tends to rotate the receptacle 69* on the end of.
  • the frame-like member together withthe torches carried thereby is made to travel in a reverse direction so as to move the torches 25 back to their initial or retracted position away from the workpiece or bloom and in position for the next cutting operation. Itwill be understood that the frame-like member 8 is moved in such reverse direction by means of the pneumatic cylinder 20 through the action of the rack 2


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Mechanical Engineering (AREA)
  • Manipulator (AREA)


Dec. 7, 1948. v JR 2,455,615
' MACHINE FOR AND METHOD oncuwme BLOQMS AND THE LIKE Original Filed Feb; 1a, 1943 4 Shets-Sheet 1 INVENTOR. Raw! 1 5601 44/11 4 Shgets-Sheet 2 IN V EN TOR.
Illll. |l|||||||||||| ||l|1| |||||l|1 l j wlq I I I I I1 Dec. 7, 1948. R. .1. SCOVILL, JR MACHINE FOR m METHOD OF cuwwme BLOOMS AND THE LIKE Original Filed Feb. 1a, 1943 Fara; 1501 44/2,
Dec. 7, 1948.
MACHINE FOR AND METHOD OF CUTTING BLOOMS AND THE LIKE 4 Sheets-Sheet 3 Original Filed Feb. 18, 1943 INVENTORQ form J fra /14,1 2,
Dec. 7, 1948. RLJ. SCOVILL, JR
MACHINE FOR AND METHOD OF CUTTING BLOOMS AND THE LIKE 4 Sheets-Sheet 4 Original Filed Feb. 18, 1945 INVENTOR. Bowl J 56014 mounted another carriage 6 having wheels 1 source of supply of oxygen and acetylene (not which cooperate with rails 4 carried by the carshown).
riage 4 to guide the carriage 6 in its movement At the front or forward end of the frame-like in a direction at right angles to that of the movemember 8 directly Opposite and below the torches ment of carriage 4. 25, there is positioned a cradle 33 consisting of a There is mounted on the carriage 6, a recp ty of Spaced apart Mellow-Shaped arms tangular-shapedi'movable frame-like member v8, 3.4 which areqi'nountedi a transversely extendsometimes called a-grasshopperl- Toward the'fori s t -l e bel -ii here is a a e ward. end thereof the frame-like member 8 is with each of the arcuate-shaped members 34, a pivotally attached at either side thereof as at 3; J=10$Spinion gear 36 which meshes preferably with a to the upper end of a pair of upwardly extending gear rack 31 diSQQSEd on the transversely exlink members 10, which in turn are securely fa ,tendi ii' g m ember 35 whereby each of the members tached to a transversely extending shaft [2 sui ama'y' be moved and adjusted along the transably journaled in the front-end of the carriage. 6'." versely; extending member 35 for a purpose here- The rear-end of the frame-like memberq is also 115 nafter to be described. The arcuate-shaped pivotally attached at eitherls detherecr as at l3 m in e fl fli re"ad p d o pp rt t e b oom to the upper ends of a pair of similar upwardly t fi b le 13, 'bec t there is o e n the extending link members l4 which are securely "extreme o ter'end o ea o e c ateaped attached to a transversely extending shaftti members; pr a y a s -p 3 re is Which is also suitably journaled in the carriage 6 20 positioned preferably n t end of t tra at the rear'end or 'thercarriaga The-link memters lv e tend ng m m at side h bers l4 extend preferably to a point below the adle, t ns-upw r ly xt d n a mk QP shaft and there .is arrangedrinwthe lower ends m mber-fiee ns h h, 3 6 @1 2 1 9 of the link membersl4 atransve-rsely extending r1 q :kI 9 1i aptedto abut soas tQPr P- I v i erly positiqn the same in the cradle. The outer ends, of, the transversely extending member 35 are-preferably.journaled as. at- 39 in suitable journals arranged in "front of the carriages '4 and 6 so that the cradle, i. e.,"the member 35 g together with thearcuate-shaped member 34 member [6. a 4 25 Thereis positioned on the carriage 6 below the frame-like member 8, preferably a double-aot ing hydraulic cylinder with the outer-end of the piston rod 18 thereof pivotally connected to the transverselyextending" member 16 as at l9. There is also arranged onf the carriage 6 below the frame-likemember 8, adouble-acting-pneu matic cylinder 20having a'gear rack-=2! disposed on the outer end of thepiston rod'22 thereof. Thereis mounted on the shaft l5fla gear segment 23, which meshes withth e'ge'ar racliflzl whereby the frame-like member 8- is moved by the pneumatic cylinder 20 in a manner and for purpose hereinafter-to be'de'scribed. There is mounted onf'a transversely extending member 24 arranged on the front end of the frame-like member 8, a plurality of spacedapart oXy-acetylene cutting torches cor blowpipes 25. Each of the torches 25 ismounted on a suitable s, b cket member 25 Each of the hj 45 there-11s positioned preferablyca pair of spaced gether with the torchfcarried therebymay We outwardlyfextendmg 1 members. adjustable both vertically'and longitudinally-cf Wh t er v fi abut agams the the transversely extending'member 24.1 'lobalwhenthe'"carn3fge moved'forwardly posltmn ance the frame-111 ber 8 and'the wei'ght t0 cut-the-bloom or articlesso that the torches 25 of the torches'25 together with the transverse 5O e' si i distance from the member theremay be prbvfded a workpiece atthe start of'the cut. It willbeunweight (not shown) I f d'erst'o'od that itis'the purpose of the-frame-like The transversely extending member 24 is prefm b 8 o W the torches 25 Carriedthgmby erably journaled in the" front end of the'frame an a a arcuate path so that the tips like member 8 as at Their-e s r e fi 51 of thenozzlesof thetorches willbe spaced subgrally with the transversely extending member stantiia-llly hen we s m from thejouter 24, preferably a pair of: SDaced-apart'upwarmy t? of .thefworkplfzge'or the bloom durmg extending arm -like membei's 28Iwith the upper t e' im Q t F t h 9 d end of each of the arm-like'members connected t rc s. 25 s m e the k mm? to the frame-like member 8,1:by ineans of alink 6o ftf d f acm an P partlany member 29. The outer nd of each of thelink argupd pgnpheryion h thereof so members 29 is pivotally connected with the u Jper i? t f z w t qih i are spaced a end of the arm-like members 28 las at 30 and p their triiaive-l at the-proper the inner end. of each ,ofthe link members 529,, is 5 d git??? ;Yf pivotally connectedqto the upwardlyueirtending d i Ker w d i members .l 0,, to either side of the.-:frame-like' 2;; g g i gz i z i i ig g P3 2 $2222 itifitittttftitszizii 12th? 3 3 :33 ;Pag ;we e: r men- ,crrie esa orlilgmembers sowas to tilt thetorches '25 carried 5 itfie' b Oi t e mg m ht of g ereby relative to the. framelike :member- 8 member fl is controlled bythe hydrauliccylinder upon movement of the same in a manner to be H me ma ter-which {will now be described described. Each-of the torches isconnected There providedjanoil or fluidsupply line 4'! to a plurality of oxygen-and acetylene supply nterconnects the oppositeeri'ds of the 111165 32 which in-turn are connected'to-a suitable cylinder I1, and there is arranged in thisoil' or carried-thereby, may beioscillated The cradle 33 oscillatedtpreferably by meansofI a double-1 acting hydraulicjcylinderfdo below the rails 3 with the outer n of th tcn in of the cy ng 3'5 derpivotally connected to the cradle 33 as at 42; ,t-There is mounted on the carriage 4 t belowv the carriage. 6, 2, double-acting hy draulic cylinder 43, withtheouter end'of thepiston-M thereof cone nected to the'front end ofthe carriage 6 as at 45 4-0 for movingmthe same-together with the frame-v like member-B and thevtorches 25carried thereby towardandizaway from the cradle ,33 and the bloom ofzwor'kpie'ce B tobecut positioned therein; Atlthev forward or front end of the carriage 6 marsh-wee maintaining .avsupply ofx 'oil continuously in'ithe ffluldflsupply tline' im a we'iL known manner. 'tII'he fiuidepressure imthe 'cyliiider fl is conthrilled bytthez movement-ofthe afra'me-like :memihemmrthroughct-ai iinkage arrangement 11 and speed seontml l rmeehanism and a timing mechanism twhixih willmowkbe described. '!Ihesp'eed control mechanism fermegu l'ating theflow of oil in the flyfifldiertil i, ias *elearlyshown in Figures 1 end 4 mfl'tthei drawings;i=is :pr'eferably loeated at the rear endmftthe apparatus andto 'one sidethereef and xennsists' zrpmeferabiy 01' L a housing or supporting mxeniberwfio in "which there is positioned a gear *itrain 281. where is earri-ed why the supporting membe1i for housing i 0, a drum GZ which is conmeme-rm tone ef the gears o'fthe "-gear train. Around he periphery of the drum BZ, thereis idtsposedwaecable which passes overand around sa ipulleymnidler sheave: 6'4 which is mounted pref L zaerablyanma'n upwardly extending arm-likememher-M5 earried by the*frame-like member B. The
iinnemend Uftthe eablekfiil is attached to the perilfihery tif thei 'drum M arid the outeriree end of "the sible is attached "preferably to the housing Mi aslat'mi. onafisha'ftifil rotatably carriedby :thethousing "60 having agearofthe gear train 6 I tdisposed thereony there is arranged an" integrator or= a-iforee d-rag tachometer "of the speedometer itype consistingwpreferably of-a magnet 69 which isildisposed preferehiy in a. "receptacle 69 which, dmturn, is disposed on the outer end of "a shaft 61 -jnurne1edi in "the lhousin g' fifl. The device func- :tioris somewhat sirrii lar to-a fluid device except that ithefimedil m through which the forces are ttransmitted ls"magnetic flux instead of a fluid. 'PheFe iS aISOarrangedon the shaft 61, a "spiral "epring n having the irmer end ther-eof eonhected :uon. I-here is also mounted on the -shaft 67, a zc'dnta'et finger or pointer'll. There is mounted tfor-"mdtative movement =preferabiy en the outer "side of- -the' housing i0, arm-annular member M between' which the-end ofthe pointer orhand T his -fiea'tir-i'g lyqnositi'cn1ed *and with WhiChiti S adapted to"mooperate: in a mannerhereinafter to be described. "There is rota'tablymounted on ashaft :N earriedbythe housing Bfl at a peint preferably enfithe outer side of the housing adjacent and to one side of the annular member fa dis e lilte -memberfl$ =ar0und= the periphery of which there is iiisposeda cable I whichalsopasses over and taround the annular member 14 whereby the disc mpemrotaitive movement thereofrotates the anznuler member -14. There is arranged with the dise'i'lfi sprferably a spiral "spring 94, one end of 'whieh is attaehed to the disc 76 and the other *end" $o ?the 'shaft 'l'fimwhich tends to rotate the disc in "oneidirectionlori the shaft 6 for a purpose "tOxhe described;
i'fliherewiswarranged on the outer side of the housing-W61) preferably at a point directly below theidisc' member 16 and the annularmember 14 iin isuitablezspaeed apart hearings 18 carried; by itherhousingaflflxa; reciprocating rod 15 having a @duwmvardlwerextendingxzeam member P80 carried whereby. L'lihe Linnemend of I-the reeiprocable rod I! isdptvotdklytonmetedattd a ilirik meniber'i fl l 1 as Mme or workpiece.
cradle 33 so as to rest in a horizontal position upon the arcuate-shaped members 34 with one :end of theworkpiece or bloom positioned against thestop member 38 arranged at one end of the cradle. When the bloom or workpiece is positionedon the cradle 33, the cradle is disposed in its most forward position and after the workpiece is positioned thereon, the cradle is oscillated or tilted rearwardly toward the torches 25 by means of the hydraulic cylinder 48 which rotates the transversely extending member 35 together with the arcuate-shaped members 34 mounted thereon. The carriage 6 together with the frame-like member 8 and torches 25 carried thereby, is then moved forwardly by means of the hydraulic cylinder 43 until the outer free ends of the arm-like members 48 strike the inner side of the bloom This positions the torches 25 initially relative to the workpiece or bloom for the start of the cutting operation.
. The frame-like member 8 together with the torches .25 carried thereby, is then set into operation and it will be understood that due to the construction and the movement of the frame-like member 8, the tips of torches 25 carried thereby, will move in an arcuate path substantially circumferentially around the top side of the workpiece or bloom when links In and [4 are of length 'equal-to the radius of the bloom, By providing such an arrangement, it will be seen that the tips of the blowpipes or torches are positioned within the required range of distance for satisf ctory. cutting from the outer surface of the bloom or workpiece throughout the travel .of the frame-like member 8 and during the entire cut- .tingperiod. The frame-like member 8 is actuated by means of the pneumatic cylinder 20 through the .action of the gear rack 2| and the gear segment 23. It will be understood that the torches 25 are supplied with a suitable source of oxygen and acetylene through the lines 32 and are lighted immediately before the frame-ilk member is set in motion for cutting.
lt. is important that the cutting operation b performed at a predetermined velocity and this is an important aspect of this machine. In other words, there is provideda predetermined cutting speed curve, 1. e., speed versus position of the blowpipes 25 relative to the varying cutting thickness of the bloom or workpiece. To obtain such cutting action, the movement of the frame-like member 8 together with the torches 25 carried thereby, is controlled by the hydraulic cylinder ll ,which counter-acts the movement of the frame-like member by the cylinder 28. It will be understood that oil is maintained in the cylinder l'l at all times by the means of lines 41, and that upon movement of the frame-like member 8, the oil is forced from the head end of the cylinder l1 by;the action of the piston lBthereof upon movement of the frame-like member 8 to which it is attached, through the line 41 and back through the control valve 48 and into the opposite end of the cylinder l1. Any differential in the volume of the oil in the line 4! and cylinder I! is compensated for by means of the supply tank or reservoir 50. When the control valve 48 is partially closed, it will be seen that the oil in the head end of the cylinder ll will not pass therefromthrough the lines 41 as fast as it would if the valve were fully opened. In other words, the frame-like member 8 will move slower when thecontrol valve 48 approaches its closed position for the reason that back pressure is built up ntn ne gena of t e cylinde l1 thereby tending to prevent outward movement of the piston [8 which in turn prevents or slows downqthe movement of the frame-like member 8 together with the torches 25 carried thereby. As has been hereinbefore explained, the opening and closing of the valve 48 is controlled by means of the motor 81, through the action of the gear reducer 89, belt 90 and the shaft 9| which is connected directly to the valve. It is the purpose of the check valve 49 to permit a free flow of the voil through the line 41 from one end of the cylinder to the opposite end thereof, when the framelike member 8 is returned quickly to its normal or starting position after the cutting operation.
The energization of the motor 81 is controlled by the contacts 15 and the finger H. which are connected to a suitable source of electrical power through the relay panel 88. When the framelike member 8 is moved, the cable 63, which is connected thereto by means of the sheave 84 rotates the drum 62 and through the action of-the gear train 8! rotates the shaft 61 together with the magnet 69 carried thereby. In otherwords linear input produced by the motion of the framelike member 8 is reduced to a rotary motion by means of the cable 63 and its associatedparts. The magnet 69 in turn tends to rotate the receptacle 69* on the end of. shaft 81 but the r0:- tation of the receptacle is oppose-d by the reaction of the spiral spring 68. The torque producedin the receptacle 69 is directly proportional to the speed of rota-tion of the magnet 69 as this torque tends to rotate the shaft 61 and the contact finger or pointer ll carried thereby limits'this rotation to the movement of the end of the pointer or con tact finger between the contacts 15. For-a given speed, if the torque produced by the magnet 69 is sufficient to over-come the counteracting'torque produced by the spring 88, the pointer will rest against one contact. If the torque produced; by the magnet is not sufficient to overcome .the torque roduced by the spring 68, the pointer will rest against the other contact. a It will also be seen that .as the frame-like member 8 moves, it in turn moves the rod 19 together with the cam carried. thereby in a, horizontal plane through the action of the linkage 8i and 84. As the cam 80 is moved, the cam surface 99 thereof moves the roller or follower 98 in a vertical lane and the disc-like member 16* is rotated by the vertical pull exerted on :the cable 98. As the disc 18? rotates, it in turn rotatesthe annular member 14 upon which the contacts 15 are positioned. It will be understood that it is the purpose of the spiral spring 94 to maintain the cam follower 98 against the cam surface 99, of the ca 88 atalltimes. I I v i The control valve 48 normally assumes apartially closed position and if the speed-of-the frame-like member or pan tograph 8 is too slow, the pointer ll through the action of the magnet 88, the shaft 81*, the gear train BI and the cable 88 will be moved into engagement with one ofthe contacts 15 of the annular members 14 so asto complete the circuit through the relay panel 88 whereby the motor 87 is energized and the control valve 48 is moved to a more fully open posi+ tion. When the valve 48 is moved toward its'open position, it will be seen that the oil pressure in the head end of the cylinder 11 decreases and.per.- mits the piston I8 thereof, togetherwith the frame-like member 8 and the torches 25.:carried thereby to move :at a greater speed. J This in.- creases the speed of the frame-like member 8 and through the action of the cable. 63, the shaft 61,
the pointer ,ednai'ts is moved out of contact with thatcontact member and moved toward .zandl into-contact with thelopposite '1 qnoves out oi -contact- -with the contact m ber', whereby the motor is deenergize be understood thatthe -cont-act flnger "ly floats between the-contact iingers I only whenthe movement ofi the tame- 8 is too fast or -t-oo slow hat the finger comes in contact withlthe contact li fto either slow down-the-movementf-of the" likemember together with the tbrches f2 thereby or to speed -uo the sa me as the Icase may be. It will-,be understood hat the cam 80 is designed so that the proper cutting speedoi torches or blowp'ipes ZS is' -obtained ior liheffpa tion-lair roundorpiece-oi-metal==adapted to cut. In the present case, there is shown a cam, for controlling the movement of the cutting torches or blow-pipes for cutting a hot bloom 18" in diameter as rolled between about 1800 to 2000 degrees F. into a plurality of individual pieces so as to form car wheel blanks. After the bloom or work-piece has been cut into a number of individual pieces, it will be seen that each of them is supported by one of the arcuate-shaped members 34 and that during the cutting operation, the flame from the torches 25 passes between the same. At the end of the cutting operation, the frame-like member together withthe torches carried thereby is made to travel in a reverse direction so as to move the torches 25 back to their initial or retracted position away from the workpiece or bloom and in position for the next cutting operation. Itwill be understood that the frame-like member 8 is moved in such reverse direction by means of the pneumatic cylinder 20 through the action of the rack 2| and the gear segment 23. After the frame-like member 8 together with the torches carried thereby is moved to a retracted position away from the bloom or workpiece, the cradle amen 33, is tilted or oscillated by means of the hydraulic cylinder 40 so that the individual pieces into which the bloom has been cut, roll over the outer or forward end of the 'arcu-ate-sh'aped members 34 and are removed from the cradle. There is positioned in front of the cradle 33, preferably any suitable receptacle for receiving the cut pieces as they roll or drop from the cradle. The machine or apparatus is now in position for receiving the next bloom or workpiece to be cut. If desired, an air or gas jet (not shown) may be incorporated with each of the arcuate-shaped members 34 for the purpose of blowing the slag clear from between the blanks at the cuts through the workpiece.
It will be understood that the length of each of the members I0 and [4 may be adjustable, as
shown in Figure 2, so that the forward end of the i frame-like member 8 can be adjusted vertically for cutting various size rounds. It is the purpose of the linkage 28 and 29, as more fully shown in Figures 5 through 9 of the drawings, to tilt the transversely extending member 24 together with the torches or blowpipes 25 carried thereby, so that the cutting flame of the torches will be disposed angularly relative to the axis of the workpiece or bloom at the start of the cutting operation and at the end thereof. It is desirable to have the linkage 2B and 29, each in itself adjustatlases wtot ensth-s t at he aneu r ty o th torches, relative tothe bloom may be varied as desired especially as thetorches approach and meve-ia mrifmm:theblo m or. wor p ece fin ana au mentr v n s in w f th metal a the bottom of, the cutthereby; providing clean square cutethrough the workpiece; It will ,be:un erst o ;thath rfn o o h ca n tea c ridacon rollina e u t s ee Wi clos mitswr akes -itpo bl to o t hot te l t requ redato c e m a piece eel Ijhis reduction in time reda essby -pra ti all th same a o, a o abl we a ions-iinrspeed for ood u t n andt tore rmdimamuchmore,accuratecontrol, Also,
apeofthe camrBll may be changed satisfy the workpiece ,being cut. oYeInent-and variable speed ofithe torches or blowpipes required for straightand cleancuttdng oizhot blooms orworkpiecesilSOO to decrease wherein the thicknessof the ntalrbeingcutis:variableishereby accomplished.
As a result of my invention it-will be seen that havemnovidcd apparatus-rim efliciently and effectively cutting blooms into a plurality of individual pieces so as to provide blanks which have perfectly straight and clean cut surfaces so as not to interfere with any future working of the blanks. While my machine is designed primarily for cutting cylindrical pieces, it will be understood that it may be used if desired for cutting a workpiece having a square, hexagonal, elliptical or other cross section.
While I have shown and described one specific embodiment of my invention, it will be understood that this embodiment is merely for the purpose of illustration and description and that various other forms may be devised within the scope of my invention, as defined in the appended claims.
I claim:
1. A machine for cutting articles of the class described comprising, a cutting torch, means for reciprocably moving the torch at a spaced distance from the workpiece to be cut and means for changing the angularity of said torch with respect to the workpiece, said means being constructed and arranged to incline said torch toward the workpiece at the beginning of the cutting stroke, to reduce the angularity thereof during the midportion of the cutting stroke and to incline said torch away from the workpiece during the latter part of the cutting stroke said latter inclination being in the same direction as the inclination at the beginning of the cutting stroke,
2. A machine for torch cutting billets and the like comprising, a cutting torch, a frame-like member reciprocably mounted on links for arouate movement, at least one link having an anularly extending arm, said link and said arm forming a bell crank, torch carrying means pivotally mounted on the forward end of said framelike member, said torch carrying means having an upwardly extending arm and a link connecting said upwardly extending arm to said bell crank arm.
3. A method of torch cutting cylindrical billets wherein the torch is moved in an arcuate path at a spaced distance from the billet characterized by the angularity of the torch being changed from an inclination towards the billet at the beginning of the out toward a vertical position during the first part of the cut and is inclined away from the billet during the latter portion of the cutting stroke s id latter inclination beinginthe same direction as the inclination at the beginning of the utting stroke.
4. A machin for torch cutting billets and the like comprising, a cutting torch, a, frame-like member pivotally mounted on links for arcuate movement, at least one link having an integral angularly extending arm forming a bell crank, torchcarrying means pivotally mounted onthe forward end of said frame-like membergsaid torch carrying means having an upwardly extending arm and a link connecting said upwardly extending arm to said bell crank.
5. A machine for torch cutting billets and the like comprising, a. frame-like member pivotally mounted on links for arcuate movement, a plurality of said links having angularly extending arms forming bell cranks, pivotally mounted members on one end of said frame,'a bar carried by said pivotally mounted members, a plurality of torches mounted on said bar, said pivotally mounted members having upwardly extending arms, and links connecting said upwardly extending arms to said bell cranks.
REFERENCES CITED The following references are of record in the file of this patent:
5 UNITED STATES PATENTS Number Name Date 1,687,001 Bishop Oct. 9, 1928 2,054,847 Anderson Sept. 22, 1936 2,259,955 Jones Oct. 21, 1941 2,259,956 Jones Oct. 21, 1941 2,267,792 Geibig et a1 Dec.- 30, 1941 2,283,345 Young May 19, 1942 2,283,346 Bucknam et a1.' May 19, 1942 1 2,289,786 Jones July 14, 1942 15 2,289,968 Jones July 14, 1942 2,302,182 Bucknam Nov. 17, 1942 2,307,442 Anderson Jan. 5, 1943 2,405,946 Ehemann, Jr Aug. 20, 1946 FOREIGN PATENTS Number Country Date Germany Oct. 2, 1915
US652757A 1943-02-18 1946-03-07 Machine for and method of cutting blooms and the like Expired - Lifetime US2455615A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US652757A US2455615A (en) 1943-02-18 1946-03-07 Machine for and method of cutting blooms and the like

Applications Claiming Priority (2)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US476346A US2404600A (en) 1943-02-18 1943-02-18 Machine for cutting blooms and the like
US652757A US2455615A (en) 1943-02-18 1946-03-07 Machine for and method of cutting blooms and the like

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
US2455615A true US2455615A (en) 1948-12-07



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US652757A Expired - Lifetime US2455615A (en) 1943-02-18 1946-03-07 Machine for and method of cutting blooms and the like

Country Status (1)

Country Link
US (1) US2455615A (en)

Cited By (1)

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Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2582329A (en) * 1948-04-13 1952-01-15 Babcock & Wilcox Tube Company Apparatus for handling continuous castings

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