US2342944A - Combination lock - Google Patents

Combination lock Download PDF


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US2342944A US42011941A US2342944A US 2342944 A US2342944 A US 2342944A US 42011941 A US42011941 A US 42011941A US 2342944 A US2342944 A US 2342944A
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Kretske Edwin
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    • E05B37/00Permutation or combination locks; Puzzle locks
    • Y10T70/00Locks
    • Y10T70/70Operating mechanism
    • Y10T70/7153Combination
    • Y10T70/7169Complex movement or puzzle type
    • Y10T70/7175Labyrinthian passage


  • Lock And Its Accessories (AREA)


. Feb' 29,.1944- A E. KRETSKE 2,342,944
COMBINATION LOCK Filed Nov. 22, 1941 2 Sheets-Sheet l INVENTOR.
Feb. 279, 1944. KRETsKE 2,342,944
coxmaINMfIoN LOCK Filed Nov. 22, 1941 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 INVENTOR.
Patented Feb. 29, 1944 UNITED STATES PATENT OFFICE COMBINATION LOCK Edwin Kretske, Chicago, Ill.
Application November 22, 1941, Serial No. 420,119.
(Cl. 'I0-230) 13 Claims.
' Mylinvention relates to combination locks forv doors and similar installations, and my main ofbject is to provide a lock which combines a conventional cylinder mechanism with a combination mechanism` in a manner to utilize the key for the cylinder mechanism as the sole control for the entire lock.
A further ob-ject of the invention is to provide a key-operated cylinder lock with a combination mechanism which is only operable when the proper key has opened the cylinder lock.
Another object of the invention is to provide a lock of thev above character which requires only the proper insertion and the rotation of the key to.v solve the combination.
An additional object of the invention is to provide a lock of the above character in which the incidents in the solution of the combination are in the form of steps and stops felt and noted when the key is rotated.
' An important object of vthe invention is to provide a lock of the above character in which the parts are few and sturdily designed, whereby to enable the lock to be produced inexpensively and to remain in good order indefinitely.
With the above objects in View and any others which may suggest themselves from the description to follow, a better understanding of the invention may be had by reference to the accompanying drawings, in whichv Fig. 1 is a fragmental elevation of the outer side of a door in which the novel lock is mounted;
Fig. 2 is a similar view showing the lock mounted on the inner side of the door;
Fig. 3 is an enlarged horizontal section of Fig. 2, with a number of parts shown in elevation;
Fig. ,4 is an enlarged view of the lock shown in Fig. 2, with the cover removed to disclose the interior; y
Fig. 5 is a section taken approximately on the line of Fig. 3, with certain parts broken away;
, Fig. 6 is a perspective View showing a control device for the lock bolt;
Fig. '7 is a perspective view in separated relation, showing units entering into the combination mechanism, and l Fig.8 is a development of the prof-lle of the combination mechanism, showing its incidents.
vReferring specifically to the drawings, i5 denotes a door to which the improved lock is attached. InsO-far as the key-operated lock is concerned, the installation is standard, such lock being contained in a large bore I6 made in the door. Essentially, the cylinder lock mechanism comprises an outer or frontal facing Il forming an, escutcheon, an internal assembly IB containingvthe cylinder I9, and a retaining plate 2U on the rear side of the door. The design of the cylinder lock is immaterial, it only being essential for the purpose of the present invention that the cylinder |19 be rotatable when the proper key has been fully inserted, and that the usual fiat with the same.
In the development of the novel lock the combination mechanism is operated by the rotatable stem 2| of the cylinder lock. It therefore follows that vthe cylinder lock must first be opened by the proper key before the combination mechanism can be actuated, so that the complete lock is a double safeguard by requiring both'the proper key for the cylinder lock andthe solution of the combinati-on before the door can be opened.. l
The combination mechanism is contained in a housing 22 of oblong form, the housing opening in the rear and receiving a lid 23 as a closure. To secure the lid, the ibase 2'4 of the housing has rearwardly extending posts 25 which are tapped in their rear ends as indicated at 2t to receive screws 2 from the lid 23.
As is customary, the tout 2s of the 10er is" slidable between the full-line and the dottedline positions indicated in Fig. 4, the corresponding end wall 29 being perforated to form a bearing for the bolt. The shank 3E) of the latter is also formed with slots 3l to receive screws E2 driven into the khousing base 2li and forming additional guides for the operation of the bolt.
A hand control for the 'bolt is showny in the form of a knob 32a projecting from the rear side vof the housing, such knob carrying a spindle 33 journaled in the front and rear walls ofy the housing. A finger 34 projects radially from the f spindle into the space ybetween a pair of ylugs 35 and E@ projecting from the rear portion of the bolt shank 30, so that the bolt may be advanced or retracted by rotatingvthe knobf accordingly. When thelblolt is in the retracted position a wire spring 3l mounted on a post 38 below the bolt is in frictional contact with the bottom of the bolt. However, when the bolt has been partly advanced, the spring 3l becomes released to exert a forward pressure on the boit and insure the full advance thereof, the position of the spring in such event changing from the full-line to the dotted-line showing in Fig. 4. z
As is the case in some conventional locks, a detent 39 serves to x the bolt in the advanced positon, so that the lock may not be jimmied. Thus, the bolt shank 3U has a shoulder 4t in its top edge which is tripped by the detent when the bolt reaches its advanced position. It is therefunction of the finger 42 being similar to that of'.
the manually-controlled finger 34. bolt 28 is in the retracted position, the forward swing of the finger 42 advances the bolt. However, when the bolt has reached its advanced position and becomes locked therein by the detent 39, the return swing of the nger 42 can have no effect on the bolt until the finger crowds a side lug 45 of the detent 39 in an upward direction, so as to lift the detent for rearward clearance by the bolt shank 3l). The detent is pivoted to the base of the housing as indicated at 46.
The aforesaid action of the finger 42 is only possible when it is in a forward position, that is, so close to the bolt shank 30 as to be in the path of the ribs 43 and 44. The combination mechanism normally retains the finger 42 well back from the bolt shank 30, so as to have no effect on the bolt when the finger swings in either direction. Ordinarily, the finger 42 is free to rotate with a hub l) having a center slot 50a which receives the rotatable stern 2| of the cylinder lock in a rearward direction.
The hub 58 is first made with a disc enlargement 5|, then with a ring reduction 52, and finally with a further reduction in the form of a drum 53, this assembly preferably being integral. The linger 42 extends from a sleeve 54 which is slidably keyed on the hub 68; and an expansive spring 55 between the housing base 24 and the sleeve 54 serves to urge the latter toward the disc 5|. However, the hub 58 receives a fork 56 between the sleeve 54 and the disc 5|, the function of the fork being to push the sleeve 54 forward against the tension of the spring 55, as will be explained in a later section. The drum 53 carries three freely mounted rings 51, 58 and 59 rearwardly of the fixed ring 52; and the rings are held together by a backing disc 58 which is fastened to the drum 53 by screws 6l.
The assembly just described is not fastened to the lock, but only supported-therein by the cylinder lock stem 2|. For this reason means have been provided to hold the assembly in place not only for functional reasons to become apparent later, but also to prevent the assembly from falling out when the lid 23 of the housing is, re-` moved. The retaining means is a cross-strap 62 freely anchored on a center vpin 53 projecting through the disc 68 from the drum 53, the medial portion of the strap being enlarged as indicated at 64 to form an ample backing for the disc 50. The terminal portions of the strap are secured by means of flush screws 65 to a pair of posts 65 projecting rearwardly from the housing base 24.
Primarily, the Aunit assembled on the center stem 2| is intended to be rotated by the same when the key is turned. As the rotation of the assembly is in steps according to a combination mechanism, these steps are defined by notches 61 in the periphery ofthe disc 58, ten of these being shown. A spring pawl 68 cooperates with the notches 51 tc definestops in the rotation of the disc manifested by pulsations or clicks as the key is turned. The spring pawl B8-is mounted pivotally on a postl projecting from the base ofy the housing. A
When the The rotary assembly in the center of the housing contains the incidents of the combination; and these are effective upon a follower 10 depending from an arm 1| which is pivoted at 12 on a housing bracket 13 to swing in a horizontal plane. Full-lines in Fig. 3 show the normal or initial position of the arm 7|, this position being at the rear and with the follower 10 practically in touch with the disc 60. l0
the follower in a forward direction, so that at The proper working of the combination is designed to impel a given point the arm 1| is in the dotted-line position of Fig. 3. When in this position, the arm lodges a pendent finger 14 against the shank 15 of the fork 55, suon shank also being pivoted on the bracket 13 as indicated at 16. The further working of the combination advances the arm 'Il to bear on the fork 55 with the effect of sliding the finger 42 in a forward direction whereby to eventually assume an operative position in relation to the bolt shank 30, as previously explained, so that it is evident that the solution of the combination must be attained before the turning of the key can operate the bolt 28.
The operation of the combination mechanism is according to a given'formula, the latter being interpreted in a series of elements projected from the disc 88, the rings 59, 58, 51 and 52, and the disc 5|. Thus, the disc 50 has a forward, ridged cam over the ring 59; and the latter has a. pair of oblique ribs 8| and 82 starting from halfway across the ring to positions over the ring 58. The rib 8| ends half-way across the ring 58, while the rib 82 ends all the way across the same; and the ribs are inclined in opposite directions. The ring 58 also carries a similarly directed pair of ribs 83 and 84, the rib 83 extending froinhalf-way across the ring 58 to the front end of the same ring; however, the rib 84 extends from half-way across the ring 58 to part-way across the ring 51. The latter also has a pair of ribs 85 and 85 having the same characteristics as the ribs 83 and 84, in respect to the rings 51 and 52, but in reverse inclination. The ring 52 has an inclined rib 81 extending forwardly to terminate in-one side of a peripheral recess 88 in the disc 5|; also the ring 52 has a very wide ridge cam 89 extending rear-V wardly over the rings 51 and 58 to terminate somewhat over the ring 5J.y
The above characteristics have been plotted in Fig. 8; and they are spaced according to the combination along a series of imaginarylines 90 denoting the steps in the rotation of the key. When the bo-lt is to be retracted from the advanced position indicated by dotted-lines in Figs. 1 and 4, it may be assumed that the ring combination assembly is situated in relation to the follower 18 as indicated in Fig. 8. Turning the assembly clockwise, as seen in Fig, 4, or to the right in Fig. 8, the ridged'cam 80 meets the follower and causes it to advance into a pocket or hook 9| of the follower, stopping the assembly. rihe latter is then turned seven steps to the left, where the rib 8| meets the follower and crowds it forward over the ring 58. The rotation of the assembly is now reversed four steps, when the rib 83 meets the follower and crowds it over the ring 51. The rotation is again reversed two steps, when the rib 85 crowds the follower over the ring 52. Now the rotation is reversed to cause the rib 81 to crowd the follower through the recess 88 of the disc 5| and leave the assembly after flexing a gate spring 92 away momentarily as indicated by dotted-lines in Fig. 8. By this time the followerhas advanced the nger 42 into operative engagement with the bolt, shank as previously described.
Thus, the continued rotation of the combination assembly allows for ample travel for the retraction and automatic locking of the bolt in the retracted position; 'but when the bolt has again been advanced by the reverse rotation of the key, a second recess 93 cornes into registration with the follower, allowing the spring 55 to back the same into the zone of the combination. Rotation of the combination assembly will, by means of the cam 8S or rib 81 back the follower further; and whichever of the remaining ribs meets the follower will crowd it back, so that it eventually reaches the position of origin indicated in Fig. 8.
As noted in Figs. 4 and 6, a top spring 9B serves to maintain the detent 39 in depressed position, and a similar spring 95 steadies the follower arm 1|. Fig. 7 shows that the rings are keyed to each other by the cooperation of studs 96 and holes 91; and the ring 59 and possibly others of the rings have a plurality of holes spaced as the steps in the combination to enable the latter to be changed.
It will be evident from the above description that the novel lock involves only the ordinary operation of a key-operated lock, plus an easy method of operating the combination. Only the complete or proper insertion of the key and no other movement or condition is required to place the lock in readiness ior the working of the combination; and the key alone sufiices for this purpose. This feature, plus the fact that no dial must be watched or pointer set, makes the novel lock quick to operate. At the same time, the advantage of a double lock is had for purposes of safety; and the lock is nolarger than the common patent lock and contains a minimum number of parts consistent with the requirements of its operation.
While I have described the improved lock along specific lines, Various minor changes o-r modifications may be made therein without departing from its general principle, and I desire to consider all such changes and modifications as coming Within the scope and spirit of the appended claims.
I claim:
1. The combination with a key-operated cylinder lock installed in a door, such lock having its cylinder` rotatable on the insertion of the proper key from one side of the door, and an axial stem of said cylinder projecting from the other side of the door; of a combination mechanism applied to such other side and operable by rotary movements according to a given formula, a door locking element controlled by the combination mechanism, and an operative connection from said stem to the combination mechanism.
2. The structure of claim l, said connection comprising a hub formed with an axial slot to slidably and non-rotatably receive said stem.
3. The structure of claim l, said element comprising a slidable bolt shank having longitudinally-spaced stops, and a nger carried by the combination mechanism and movable between the stops to actuate one or the other and move the bolt shank accordingly.
4. The structure of claim 1, said lock including a slidable bolt shank having laterally-projecting actuating means, a control for the latter carried by the combination mechanism free of said means, and other means effective on the solution of the combination to advance said control operatively in relation to said actuating means.
5. The structure of claim l, said lock including a slidable bolt shank having laterally-projecting actuating means, a control for the latter carried by the combination mechanism free of said means, and means normally resisting the advance of said control in a direction to engage said means.
6. The structure of claim l, said lock including a slidable bolt shank having laterally-projecting actuating means, a control for the latter carried by the combination mechanism free of said means, and yieldable means normally resisting the advance of said control in a direction to engage said actuating means.
7. The structure of claim l, said lock including a slidable bolt shank having laterally-projecting actuating means, a radial nger carried by the combination mechanism and slidable toward and from an operative position in relation to said actuating means, and a spring normally maintaining said flnger in a position remote from the actuating means.
8. A lock including a slidable bolt shank having longitudinally spaced and laterally-projecting stops, a rotatable drum, cam elements on the periphery o-f the drum, a follower in the path of the cam elements when the drum receives rotary movements according to a given formula, and means actuated by the follower on the concluding movement to engage one of said stops and operate said bolt.
9. A lock including a slidable bolt shank having laterally-spaced stops, a rotatable drum, cam elements on the periphery of the drum, a follower in the path of the cam elements when the drum receives rotary movements according to a given formula, said cam elements being in rows parallel to the ends of the drum and having lateral inclinations effective to advance the follower by steps on the successive movements of the drum from one end of the same to the other, and means actuated by the follower on the concluding movement to engage one of said stops and operate said bolt.
l0. The structure of claim 9, said rows being spaced, and said cam elements having directions to return the follower from row to row to the origin of its travel in case said movements are not in accordance with the formula.
11. The structure of claim 8, said means comprising a pusher engageable by the follower at the inception of the nal movement, and a radial finger carried by the drum in the path of said pusher, the advance of the finger placing it in engaging relation with said stop.
12. The structure of claim 8, said means comprising a pusher engagcable by the follower at the inception of the nal movement, a radial finger carried by the drum in the path of said pusher, the advance of the nger placing it in engaging relation with said stop, and a spring normally maintaining said finger and pusher in retracted positions.
13. The structure of claim 8, said cam elements being mounted on a series of rings which are rotatably adjustable individually around the drum to change the positions of the cam elements for a different formula.
US42011941 1941-11-22 1941-11-22 Combination lock Expired - Lifetime US2342944A (en)

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US42011941 US2342944A (en) 1941-11-22 1941-11-22 Combination lock

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US42011941 US2342944A (en) 1941-11-22 1941-11-22 Combination lock

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US2342944A true US2342944A (en) 1944-02-29



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US42011941 Expired - Lifetime US2342944A (en) 1941-11-22 1941-11-22 Combination lock

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2645925A (en) * 1948-03-11 1953-07-21 C L Gougler Machine Company Combination controlled night latch

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2645925A (en) * 1948-03-11 1953-07-21 C L Gougler Machine Company Combination controlled night latch

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