US1843931A - Apparatus for coking at low temperature - Google Patents

Apparatus for coking at low temperature Download PDF


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US1843931A US97706A US9770626A US1843931A US 1843931 A US1843931 A US 1843931A US 97706 A US97706 A US 97706A US 9770626 A US9770626 A US 9770626A US 1843931 A US1843931 A US 1843931A
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    • C10B1/00Retorts
    • C10B1/02Stationary retorts
    • C10B1/04Vertical retorts


  • FIG. 6-A APPARATUS FOR COKING AT LOW TEMPERATURE Filed March 26, 1926 7 She ets-Sheet 6 Q INVENTOR FIG. 6-A
  • My present invention relates to the art of coking coal, lignite and the like at low or medium temperatures.
  • this art it has been impossible, so far, to build structures of such compactness, capacity and low price that the coking operation was not burdened with an excessive charge for labor, interest on p investment and depreciation;
  • the retorts be of small diameter so that the coking heat is not required to penetrate great depth of coal, or the like. Otherwise an exceedingly slow penetration of heat into the center of the coal mass results and the thruput through a given installation becomes too small.
  • a group or block of 12 retorts of 6 inches diameter and feet height has a coal receiving ca acity of only 0.6 tons. This means that or every charge of 0.6 tons of coal in 12 retorts the 5 entire cycle of operations of opening covers,
  • Coke from such retorts tends to break up into little sectors. Assuming that the volume of each ofthese :0 small sectors were exactly one cubic inch, then each of these would be equipped with 1 square inch of surface which has been in contact with the heating walls. However, in a retort of 24 x 24:" width and 60" height, 1 cubic inch of coke can claim only of 1 square inch which has beenin contact with the heating walls. Since the coke, which has been lying against the heating wall is superior in density and hardness to the coke that has been formed at a greater distance from the walls, it follows that coke made in 4" retorts is decidedly better than one from a 24 retort.
  • the new low tem erature coking apparatus It is the purpose of the new low tem erature coking apparatus indicated in the (ii'awings to overcome the old objections of too small a coal capacity per unit.
  • the new apparatus can be built in lar e units containing a very great number 0 retorts, having a big combined coal receiving capacity so that with one operation many tons of coal and coke are handled, as it is done in modern high temperature plants.
  • Fig. 1 is a horizontal sectional View taken on'the line 1-1 of Fig. 2.
  • Fig. 2 is a sectional elevation through the apparatuson the line 22 of Fig. 1.
  • Fig/2a is an enlarged sectional View of the flexible connection between the surrounding setting and the lower end of the retort unit.
  • Fig. 3 is a sectional elevation taken on the line 33 of Fig. 1.
  • Fig. 4 is a plan view partly in section of the mechanism for removing the common top cover of the retorts and also of the pushing machine for discharging the coke and also of the larry car for refilling the retorts with coal.
  • Fig. 5 is a sectional elevation of the same as equipment taken on the line 55 of Figs. 1 and 6, showing also the measuring bin 2%) from which the larry car is filled.
  • Fig. 6 is a sectional elevation of the larry car.
  • Fig. 6a is an enlarged sectional view of the lowest end of one of the funnels 140 in Fig. 6 as it penetrates cover 165, taken on the lines 6-6 of Fig. 5.
  • Fig. 7 is an enlarged sectional elevation of the upper end of one of the cokepushing rods used in the pushing machine shown in Figs. 4 and 5.
  • Fig. 8 is an enlarged sectional elevation of one of the doors 2
  • I Fig. 9 is an enlarged sectional view taken on the line 99 of Fig. 1.
  • Fig. 10 is a sectional elevation of an alternative arrangement for supporting the retorts within the setting.
  • Fig. 11 is an enlarged sectional elevation of the lower and upper ends of one of the retorts shown in Fig. 10.
  • Fig. 1 shows 100 retorts 14 placed between parallel beams 15 and 16 and parallel struts be fastened in this tube sheet by welding, or
  • the curved shape of the tube sheet is the natural one which this sheet would assume under the load of the 100 tubes in case the sheet should lose most of its strength against bending. This may occur when the sheet reaches a temperature of 1000 F., or more. Under such temperature the strength ofthe sheet against tension is still very good, while of course its resistance against bending is small.
  • Beams 15 and 16 are built up of two channels of ample strength and are insulated against contact with the heating gases.
  • the struts 17, and 18, also shown in Fig. 3, are, however, in contact with the heating gases with the result that their temperaturewill be always similar to the temperature of the ,tube sheet 19. T he struts are under compression created by the weight of the retorts hanging on the tube sheet.
  • the struts When the tube sheet becomes heated and expands with the result that it would sag through under the weight of the retorts, the struts at the same time become heated also with the result that they push the beams 15 and 16 further apart from each other in proportion to their expansion. In this manner the, increased distance between beams 15 and 16 interferes with the sagging of sheet 19 and the sheet is kept substantially in the position which it held when it was cold. It is obvious that the lower side of the curved tube sheet and also the heated struts may be coveredby insulating material in order to be protected against the highest temperatures, the essential re rindment being that the temperatures of tu e sheet and struts are substantially the same. In this manner a reliable support for the 100 retorts is created, and it is possible with equal safety to support a smaller or even much larger number of retorts in this manner.
  • the retorts may have diflerent shapes, as for instance round, rectangular, elliptical, and they may be cylindrical or conical as regards their height.
  • Two or three retorts may also be cast into one small block and such block be fastened in the common tube sheet.
  • two or more nests may be placed side by side, between the parallel beams 15 and 16 with struts between the adjoining nests. Neither is it essential that the supporting curved sheet be located at the top of the retorts.
  • Fig. 10 cast. iron retorts are standing on the curved sheet.
  • the bottom sheet- 20 in Fig. 2 is straight. All retorts are welded or otherwise fastened into this sheet which is thus carried by the retorts. When heated the retorts will expand and the bottom sheet 20 move downward. This expansion is taken care of by flexible metal diaphragm 21. In Fig. 10 such allow sufficient metal in the metal sheets 19 and 20 between adjoining retorts for the purpose of fastening the retorts in these sheets.
  • the retorts are therefore grouped together like the tubes in a boiler, with no supports, brackets or beams separating them that could interfere with the passage of the heating gases. In other words they are grouped in the form of a compactest nest or in boiler tube nest fashion.
  • the bottom openings of the 100 retorts are closed by two common doors 25. These doors are fastened to shafts 26lFigz 2) which are rotatable in bearings 27 ig. 2). 'At the endof shafts 26 counterweights 28 are provided and handles 29, which permit to swing the doors from their position indicated in Fig. 3 down into the dotted position indicated at 30.
  • Each door consists of an upper plate 31 (Fig. 8) and two strata of insulating material 32- and a metal casing 33, which binds and holds the beforementioned parts together. Heat is applied between the top plate 31 and the upper insulating strata 32. This heat in the case shown in Fig. 8 is of electric origin.
  • Resistor wires 32a are placed in the space between top plate 31 and insulating strata 32. Directcontact of'the wires with the other parts of the door is avoided by insulators 35, and when the electric current is turned on the plate 31 becomes heated and communicates its heat into the layer of coal that is resting upon it. It is of course 'to be understood that while I prefer electric heat other forms of heat may be used, as for instance,
  • the door 25 is slightly moved back and forth under the retorts and adhering coke rubbedofi plates 31 and 20.
  • the doors are shown at a distance from the bottom tube sheet for the purpose that the retorts may 66 have free expansion and also for the purpose that the gases of distillation may escape from the lower part of each retort into the space 37 and from there through vapor pipe 38 into the gas condensing plant.
  • the gases which escape from the retorts upwardly gather in the. space 40. above the curved 'tube sheet, and escape through vapor pipe 41 into the same gas condensing plant.
  • a coke receiving chamber 42 which contains a coke car 43 the coke receiving chamber is closed by an upper gate 44 and a front gate 45.
  • Gate 44 is open whenthe coke is received into the car from the retorts and thereafter gate 44 is closed again and front door 45 opened and the car pulled out. In this manner the coke can be removed from the retorts without allowing the distillation gases to escape.
  • any of the other well known methods of. removing coke from the space below the retorts may be used.
  • the retorts are heated in the following manner. Coke or any other fuel, is burned in combustion chamber (Fig. 2) and the combustion gases rise through the vertical flue.
  • the shaft of theoscillating fan and the frame work of the fan is cooled by cold stack gases.
  • shaft 66 is closed on both ends and equipped with an inlet pipe for the cold gases 200 which through stuffing box 201 enter into shaft 66.
  • the cold gases pass down into the shaft and enter radial arms 205, which in combination with-vertical pipe 206 and shaft 66 form the framework of the oscillating fan 55.
  • the cold gases flow through openings 204 into arms 205 and pipe 206 and leave through openings 207 entering finally into the storage room 56 for hot space between the pipes is covered by com mon plates 208, of a material which is heat resisting, like, for instance, nickel.
  • the pipe frame work covered by -nickel plates, represents a solid wall, which swings around together with shaft 66.
  • the heating gases are reciprocated through the spacesbetween the retorts as indicated by arrows 58.
  • the port openings 58a through which the heating gases are passing back and forth extend substantially over the entire height of the retorts as far as they are filled with coal.
  • the approximate level to which the retorts are filled is indicated by letter A in Fig. 3, while B indicates the roof of the uppermost port opening 58a. A and B are approximately at the same elevation.
  • the floor of the lowest port opening 58a; is C and this floor is approximately at the same elevation with the topsurface of the bottom tube sheet 20.
  • the heating gases are allowed to sweep over the entire height of the coal in the retorts. Especially at the lower end of the retorts they sweep immediately over and. in close contact with the bottom sheet 20. No obstacle is placed in the way of these gases, that would keep them away from the bottom sheet 20.
  • the coal in the lowest portion of the retorts becomes therefore coked as fast as the coal higher up.
  • the bottom tube sheet is comparatively very thin.
  • the electrically heated door furthermore assists to complete the coking of the lowest portion of the coal in the' retorts and especially of that coal, which has entered into the open space between the bottom tube sheet 20 and the door. The entire chargein the unit is thus completed at the same time.
  • waste heating gases whichmust be re-- moved because of the introduction of new hot gases in the combustion chamber are re moved from the setting through openings into a space 71 which is intended to contain a p'reheater for the coal which is to be coked in the retorts.
  • a p'reheater for the coal which is to be coked in the retorts.
  • the mechanism for removing the common cover above the retort-s and for emptying and refilling the retorts, shown in Figs. 1, 5 and 6, is equipped with wheels 80 which run on rails 81, also shbwn in Fig. 2. These are in turn supported by beams 82. which rest on columns 83.
  • the three individual instruments for removing the cover and for emptying and fillingt-he retort-s are shown combined on one truck. which carries all of them and ispropelled'by an electric motor not shown. They may of coursev be kept each oneindependent for itself, propelled each either by hand or by electricity.
  • the mechanism for lifting the common cover consists of hooks 85, which are dependreaaem ing from levers 86 which are fastened to shafts 87, supported by bearings 88.
  • To the shafts 87 are fastenedlevers 89 with heads 90, penetrated by screw 91, which is rotatable by means'of handle 91a.
  • the screw is prevented from changing its position to the left or to the right by two ring like projections 93, which flank a bracket as standing on beam 940, which forms a portion of the truck.
  • the hangers 85 are raised and the cover 92 is lifted sufficiently to allow its bein moved to the side. In doing so, the secon mechanism, the one for emptying the retorts, is automatically brought over the retorts.
  • This pushing mechanism is shown to contain 100 pushing rods 95, all of which are centered or spaced inv the same manner as the retorts themselves, so that if the pushers are pressed downwardly, each one will enter its corresponding retort.
  • the pushing rods are guided at their lower end by a common plate 96, and fastened at the upper ends into the common pushing head 97.
  • This head forms the lowest part of a bigger structure, called piston structure, composed ,of the upright angles 98 and cross members 99, and diagonal tie rods 100.
  • This piston, structure upon its descent, will press the 100 pushing rods into the 100 retorts.
  • the piston structure is movable in a guiding frame built of vertical angles 103, horizontal members 104 and diagonal tie rods 105.
  • This guiding frame also carries the four pinions 106 which are in meshwith the four racks 107, which, are fastened to the outside of the movable piston structure.
  • the four pinions 106 are fastened to two parallel shafts 110 supported in bearings 111 and 112. These shafts 110 are in turn rotated from shaft 113 by means of beveled gears 114.
  • Shaft 113 is preferably operated. by an elec tric motor by way of sprocket 115 and a chain, which is not shown. When operating the motor the piston structure will belowered or raised and simultaneously the pushing plate 97, with its 100 pushers be, advanced into or withdrawn from the retorts.
  • each pushing rod is equipped with a special device which indicates the amount of resistance encountered by each pushing rod and limits the total pressure which can be exerted by each rod.
  • This device is shown in Fig. 7.
  • the upper end of the rod 95 is surrounded by a short piece of pipe 120 and is egipped also with a cap 121 and a ring 122.
  • etween pipe 120 and ring 122,. is a spring 123.
  • Pipe 120 and pushing head 97 are linked to each other in the following manner.
  • the pipe is equip ed with 1 or 2. bosses 124. When raising the pushing head 97 this head will strike these bosses and lift the pipe, which, by means of cap 121, will raise the rod 95.
  • the plate is also equipped with hooks 125 and the pipe with hooks 126, while links 127, of oblong shape, are slipped over these hooks, tieing hooks 125 to hooks 126. If head 97 is moved downwardly the hooks 125 and links 127 will cause the pipe 120 to follow suit, and this pipe standing on springs 123, by means of ring 122, will cause the rods to be pushed into the retorts.
  • the springs 123 are of such strength that the coke will be discharged when the springs are only partially compressed. Such compression will be indicated by the portion I of the rod protruding upwardly through pipe 120, or in other words by the increase distance between cap 121 and the upper endofpipe 120.
  • the described mechanism gives an opportunity to observe how the pushing operation proceeds. If one of the retorts is less easily emptied than the others, it will be indicated by cap 121, protruding more than all the other caps. The operator has then an opportunity by a gentle tapping of the cap to help the coke to be discharged. If he should not be successful in doing so, he can remove links 127 and withdraw the one pusher and proceed with the pushing of the 99 other retorts. After this he can fill the 99 empty retorts with fresh coal and then devote himself to the cleaning of the one retort which refused to be emptied.
  • cover 92 is equipped with -100 openings closed by plugs 92a of which only one is shown. In this manner the operator may clean one of the retorts while cover 92 is in position.
  • the mechanism for filling the retorts with fresh coal shown in Figs. 4, 5 and 6, contains 100 separate vertical containers 130, all standing on bottom plate 131, which has 100 openings. These are closed by 10 gate plates 132. The 10 gate plates are fastened to-3 connecting rods 133. The middle one of these is joined by bolt 134 to lever 135, which can be rotated around the fulcrum 136. By pulling lever 135 to the right hand all of the 10 gate plates 132 are moved to the right uncovering the bottom discharging opening of each one of the 100 coal containers. Below each container is placed a funnel 140 which has the duty to collect the coal issuing from the bottom of the container above it at the time when the gate plates are withdrawn and to guide it into the corresponding retort. In
  • small stirring rods 137 are fastened in those parts of the gate plates which close the discharge openings of the containers. These 100 stirring rods extend upwardly into the 100 containers and downwardly into the 100 funnels. By moving the lever 135 back and forth the stirring rods move back and forth in the bottom ends of the containers and in the funnels, causing the coal to discharge into the retorts. Above the 100 containers is proroom has been measured before by a metering device 220 which forms the lower part of the coal bin 221. This amount is equal to the total receiving capacity of the 100 containers.
  • the coal issues from the measuring device of the bin in a large stream and immediately fills a number of the 100 containers and of course mainly those which are nearest.
  • the rest of the coal which does not enter into the containers remains in the common store room 150, and a distributing device is provided to level this coal 0E and push it over into the containers which are still empty.
  • a plough151 has been provided which is fastened in its center by means of bolt 152 to crank 153 which is attached to the shaft 154: located in bearing 155. This bearing is lo cated above the middle of the 100 containers and supported in its position by beams 156.
  • a pair of beveled gears 157 connects horizontal shaft 158 with the plough and by r0 tating handle 159, the plough can be rotated above the 100 containers. In this manner the coal which is piled up below the metering device 220 is leveled into the containers. It is obvious that a motor can be used to rotate shaft 158 and operate the plough. The angle which the plough occupies relative to the radial crank 153 can be varied and is adjusted in such manner that the leveling of the coal is accomplished quickly.
  • a thoroughly serviceable machine has thus been created.
  • The'charging and discharging operations take little time.
  • a large amount of coal is by one single charging operation put into the retorts. For instance, when charging 100 retorts of 6 diameter and 10 height, 5 tons of coal are filled into the re torts. This coal fills the retorts to a uniform level within the reach of the coking heat.
  • the coal in the retorts is exposed from top to bottom to substantially horizontal currents of heating gases of uniform temperature with the result that the coking proceeds uniformly in each retort.
  • a heated bottom below the retorts contributes to this result by coking the very lowest portion of the coal which partly enters into the space between the common tube sheet 20 and the door 25.
  • each retort The entire coking operation in each retort is the coke frees and loosens itself from the heated walls and shrinks or contracts, with the result that it is easily discharged from the retorts.
  • the coke drops therefore immediately from the retorts and pushing will in most cases be unnecessary and the lowering of the pushing rods is essentially done for the matter of assurance that the coke has actuallydropped from the retorts.
  • the retorts in the interior of the unit are reached by the horizontally reciprocating heating gases as efiiciently as those on the outside of the unit. All retorts are therefore finished at the same time.
  • a heatin chamber a nest of vertical coking retorts 1n said chamber and held together at its top and bottom by two spacing sheets into which the retorts are fastened, both said sheets being fastened to the walls of the surrounding heating chamber, opposite wallsof said chamber having ports for heating gases, said ports extending, substantially over the full height between said two spacing sheets and means for blowing horizontal currents of hot gases substantially over the full height between said spacing sheets.
  • a stationary cokin apparatus having a plurality of substantially vertical coal containers, a common bottom member for supporting coal, means providing a passageway for the escape of gases from said containers between the lower ends of said containers and said bottom, and means for heating said bottom member.
  • a stationary coking apparatus having a plurality of coking chambers, a common bottom for supporting a charge in said chambers during coking.
  • means for heating the bottom means for loosening any coke which may adhere to the heated bottom and to the lower ends of said coking spaces. consisting in means for moving said bottom to and fro substantially horizontally, while still in its closing position, and means for swinging said bottom into and out of closing position.
  • means for completing the coking of coal in the lowest portions of the retorts substantially simultaneously with the completion of the coking operation of the bulk of the coal in said retorts comprising a thin enclosing wall attached to the lower ends of said retorts, means for supplying hot gases immediately over and iI1-(l()S( ⁇ contact with said enclosing wall and a movable heat-insulated bottom under and in close proximity to said enclosing wall.
  • a nest of substantially vertical 'retorts having a heating chamber, a bottom sheet forming a support for said retorts and separating such heating gases as may be in the heating chamber from the space outside of said chamber, means for sending currents of hot gases immediately over said sheet and a heat-insulated bottom for said retorts directly below said sheet.
  • a heating chamber containing a nest of substantially vertical retor s, a bottom sheet holding said retorts in their position at their lower ends and separating the heating chamber from the space outside thereof, means for sending currents of hot gases immediately over said sheet, a bottom directly below said sheet, and means for heating said bottom.
  • a heating chamber containing a nest of substantially vertical retorts, a bottom sheet holding said retorts in their position at their lower ends and separating any gases in the heating chamber from the space outside of said chamber, means for sending currents of hot gases immediately over said sheet. a bottom below said sheet, and means for heating said bottom.
  • a low and medium temperature coking apparatus comprising a heating chamber containing a nest of stationary, substantially vertical, parallel retorts, in spaced but compact relation, a thin spacing sheet at the bottom of the retorts for holding the retorts in their relative position and separating the heating chamber from the space outside thereof, means adapted to fill said retorts, ports for heating gases being provided in opposite walls of the heating chamber surrounding the retorts, said ports extending substantially over the full height of the coal in said retorts, means for passing heating gases in substantially horizontal currents of uniform temperature between said ports alternately in opposite directions-through the open spaces between said retorts and in close contact with said spacing sheet and removable bottom closure means for said retorts.
  • a low temperature coking apparatus comprising a heating chamber containing a nest of stationary, substantially vertical, parallel retorts, arranged in spaced compact manner, a relatively thin spacing sheet at the bottom of the retorts holding the retorts in their position and separating the heating chamber from the space outside thereof, means adapted to fill said retorts, ports for heating gases being provided in opposite walls of the heating chamber, which surrounds the retorts, said ports extending substantially over the full height of the coal in the retorts, means for passing hot gases in substantially horizontal currents of uniform temperature between said ports alternately in opposite directions through the spaces between said retorts and in close contact with said spacing sheet, removable bottom closure means for said retorts, and an open coal gas conveying space between said bottom and said spacing sheet.
  • a low or medium temperature coking apparatus comprising a heatingchambercomprising a nest of stationary, substantially vertical parallel retorts arranged in compact manner, a spacing sheet at the bottom end and at the top end of said retorts, said sheets holding the retorts in their relative positions and separating the heating chamber from the space outside thereof at least one of said spacing sheetsbeing curved for the purpose of carrying said retorts, ports for heating gases being provided on opposite sides of said nest of retorts said ports extending substantially over the full height between said spacing sheets means for passing heating gases in substantially horizontal currents of uniform temperature between said ports through the open spaces between said retorts alternately in opposite directions and in close contact with said bottom spacing sheet and removable bottom closure means for said retorts.
  • a low or medium temperature coking apparatus comprising a beating chamber containing a nest of stationary, substantially vertical parallel retorts in spaced compact arrangement, a curved spacing sheet at the top end of said retorts, to which sheet the retorts are fastened and from which they are depending, said top spacing sheet being rigidly fastened to the structure of the surrounding setting, a spacing sheet at the bottom end of said retorts, flexibly connected to the surrounding setting, said two sheets separating the heating chamber from the space outside thereof, ports for heating gases being provided on oppositesides of said nest of retorts, means for passing heating gases in substantially horizontal currents of uniform temperature between said ports through the spaces between said retorts alternately in opposite directions and in close contact with said bottom spacing sheet and removable bottom closure means for said retorts, and means for heating said bottom closure means.
  • Coking apparatus comprising .a plurality of independent vertical coking containers and common supporting means therefor comprising a tube-sheet supported at opposite sides thereof and the Weights of said containers being substantially uniformly distributed and said tube-sheet having such form that vertical sections thereof extending between the supported sides are in approximately catenary curves.
  • Coking apparatus comprising a plurality of substantially vertical horizontally spaced coking containers and supporting means therefor comprising an approximately horizontal tube-sheet supported at opposite sides thereof and engaged by said containers at uniformly distributed portions of said tube-sheet and sections of the latter trans verse to its supported sides being in approximately catenary curves.


  • Chemical & Material Sciences (AREA)
  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Oil, Petroleum & Natural Gas (AREA)
  • Materials Engineering (AREA)
  • Organic Chemistry (AREA)
  • Production Of Liquid Hydrocarbon Mixture For Refining Petroleum (AREA)


Feb. 9, 1932. F. PUENING APPARATUS FOR COKING AT LOW TEMPERATURE Filed March 26, 1926 Sheets-Sheet 1 INVENTOR QQQ ZQ QQQQ G QQQQ QQQQ Feb. 9, 1932. FpUE-Nm v 1,843,931
APPARATUS FOR COKING AT LOW TEMFERATURE Filed March 26, 1926 '7 SheetsSheet 2 INVENTOR Feb. 9, 1932. F. PUENING 1,843,931
APPARATUS FOR COKING AT LOW TEMPERATURE Filed March 2a. 1926 v Sheets-Sheet s FIG. 3
INVENTOR Feb. 9, 1932. A F. P UENl NG APPARATUS FOR COKING AT LOW TEMPERATURE Filed' March 26, 1926 -'7 Sheets-Sheet 4 lNVENTOR O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 0000000000 oooooooo'oo w OE ooooooooo-o oooooooooq O O O O O O O O O Feb. 9, 1932. F. PUENING APPARATUS FOR COKING AT LOW TEMPERATURE Filed March 2a, 1926 '7 Sheets-Sheet 5 INVENTO W V \Nm Feb. 9, 1932. F; PUENING 1,843,931
My present invention relates to the art of coking coal, lignite and the like at low or medium temperatures. In this art it has been impossible, so far, to build structures of such compactness, capacity and low price that the coking operation was not burdened with an excessive charge for labor, interest on p investment and depreciation; When coking at low or medium temperatures it is essential that the retorts be of small diameter so that the coking heat is not required to penetrate great depth of coal, or the like. Otherwise an exceedingly slow penetration of heat into the center of the coal mass results and the thruput through a given installation becomes too small. In thisindustry, therefore, retorts of 3", 6", or similar diameter have been used frequently, and it has also been proposed to combine several of such retorts into one block. Thus, for instance, 12 retorts have been combined into a group or unit. These 12 retorts were arranged in two parallel rows of 6 each, and the two rows surrounded by a common brick setting or jacket which was heated from the outside, so that the radiation from the hot brick walls struck mainly those parts of the retorts which were nearest these walls. However, those portions of the retorts which did not face; the brick walls were heated in an entirely insufficient manner, with the result that the coking speed of even such a small group of only 12 retorts was very low. The brick setting for such a unit of 12 retorts was bound and tied together by buck stays and tie rods and supported on high columns and equipped with covers and discharging bottoms. Each setting had its own heating equipment consisting of pipes, gas burners, regulating and observing devices, regenerating or recuperating equipment, etc. The complete unit comprising all the above parts was an expensive structure with a coal receiving and carbonizing capacity entirely too small for any chance of commercial success. Thus, for instance, a group or block of 12 retorts of 6 inches diameter and feet height has a coal receiving ca acity of only 0.6 tons. This means that or every charge of 0.6 tons of coal in 12 retorts the 5 entire cycle of operations of opening covers,
discharging, refilling, closing covers, etc., must be gone through. -This makes the expenditure for labor and supervision entirely too high. The result is that none of these structures is found in any standard gas work throughout the world although they were roposedand occasionally tried as early as about 1909. This is regretable because of the superior quality of the products derived from small retorts. Thus, for instance, is the coke from small retorts superior to coke from larger chambers. Small retorts contain small charges which are in contact with a proportionally large surface. For instance in a 4 diameter retort, 60" high, the volume of coke is 753 cubic inches, while the inner surface of such tube with which the cokeis in contact is 753 square inches. Coke from such retorts tends to break up into little sectors. Assuming that the volume of each ofthese :0 small sectors were exactly one cubic inch, then each of these would be equipped with 1 square inch of surface which has been in contact with the heating walls. However, in a retort of 24 x 24:" width and 60" height, 1 cubic inch of coke can claim only of 1 square inch which has beenin contact with the heating walls. Since the coke, which has been lying against the heating wall is superior in density and hardness to the coke that has been formed at a greater distance from the walls, it follows that coke made in 4" retorts is decidedly better than one from a 24 retort.
It is the purpose of the new low tem erature coking apparatus indicated in the (ii'awings to overcome the old objections of too small a coal capacity per unit. The new apparatus can be built in lar e units containing a very great number 0 retorts, having a big combined coal receiving capacity so that with one operation many tons of coal and coke are handled, as it is done in modern high temperature plants.
It is a further purpose of this invention to 05 give this big unit the compactest possible form that can be found in order to reduce the overall dimension and the cost of such unit.
whereby all retorts of this compactest unit are charged at the same time with coal to a predetermined height and to provide means whereby all the retorts in the unit are heated uniformly from top to bottom, so that the coking operation of the entire coal contents of the unit is finished at the same moment and to provide means whereby all retorts of the unit are freed of their coke contents simultaneously after the coking operation is completed. The charges for investment and labor are thus made low, and-the thruput per unit is the highest possible. Other advantages of the new structure, which are in strumenta-l to its success, will appear later.
, The new apparatus is shown on the'accompanying drawings.
Fig. 1 is a horizontal sectional View taken on'the line 1-1 of Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 is a sectional elevation through the apparatuson the line 22 of Fig. 1.
Fig/2a is an enlarged sectional View of the flexible connection between the surrounding setting and the lower end of the retort unit.
Fig. 3 is a sectional elevation taken on the line 33 of Fig. 1.
Fig. 4: is a plan view partly in section of the mechanism for removing the common top cover of the retorts and also of the pushing machine for discharging the coke and also of the larry car for refilling the retorts with coal.
Fig. 5 is a sectional elevation of the same as equipment taken on the line 55 of Figs. 1 and 6, showing also the measuring bin 2%) from which the larry car is filled.
Fig. 6 is a sectional elevation of the larry car.
Fig. 6a is an enlarged sectional view of the lowest end of one of the funnels 140 in Fig. 6 as it penetrates cover 165, taken on the lines 6-6 of Fig. 5.
Fig. 7 is an enlarged sectional elevation of the upper end of one of the cokepushing rods used in the pushing machine shown in Figs. 4 and 5.
Fig. 8 is an enlarged sectional elevation of one of the doors 2 I Fig. 9 is an enlarged sectional view taken on the line 99 of Fig. 1.
Fig. 10 is a sectional elevation of an alternative arrangement for supporting the retorts within the setting.
Fig. 11 is an enlarged sectional elevation of the lower and upper ends of one of the retorts shown in Fig. 10.
Fig. 1 shows 100 retorts 14 placed between parallel beams 15 and 16 and parallel struts be fastened in this tube sheet by welding, or
in any other desired manner. The curved shape of the tube sheet is the natural one which this sheet would assume under the load of the 100 tubes in case the sheet should lose most of its strength against bending. This may occur when the sheet reaches a temperature of 1000 F., or more. Under such temperature the strength ofthe sheet against tension is still very good, while of course its resistance against bending is small. Beams 15 and 16 are built up of two channels of ample strength and are insulated against contact with the heating gases. The struts 17, and 18, also shown in Fig. 3, are, however, in contact with the heating gases with the result that their temperaturewill be always similar to the temperature of the ,tube sheet 19. T he struts are under compression created by the weight of the retorts hanging on the tube sheet. When the tube sheet becomes heated and expands with the result that it would sag through under the weight of the retorts, the struts at the same time become heated also with the result that they push the beams 15 and 16 further apart from each other in proportion to their expansion. In this manner the, increased distance between beams 15 and 16 interferes with the sagging of sheet 19 and the sheet is kept substantially in the position which it held when it was cold. It is obvious that the lower side of the curved tube sheet and also the heated struts may be coveredby insulating material in order to be protected against the highest temperatures, the essential re uirement being that the temperatures of tu e sheet and struts are substantially the same. In this manner a reliable support for the 100 retorts is created, and it is possible with equal safety to support a smaller or even much larger number of retorts in this manner.
The retorts may have diflerent shapes, as for instance round, rectangular, elliptical, and they may be cylindrical or conical as regards their height. Two or three retorts may also be cast into one small block and such block be fastened in the common tube sheet. Or instead of one tube nest comprising lOO retorts, two or more nests may be placed side by side, between the parallel beams 15 and 16 with struts between the adjoining nests. Neither is it essential that the supporting curved sheet be located at the top of the retorts. Thus it may be located at the bottom, as indicated by 19a in Fig 10, or one curved sheet may be placed at the 'top of the retorts, and a second one at the bottom. In Fig. 10 cast. iron retorts are standing on the curved sheet. The bottom sheet- 20 in Fig. 2 is straight. All retorts are welded or otherwise fastened into this sheet which is thus carried by the retorts. When heated the retorts will expand and the bottom sheet 20 move downward. This expansion is taken care of by flexible metal diaphragm 21. In Fig. 10 such allow sufficient metal in the metal sheets 19 and 20 between adjoining retorts for the purpose of fastening the retorts in these sheets. The retorts are therefore grouped together like the tubes in a boiler, with no supports, brackets or beams separating them that could interfere with the passage of the heating gases. In other words they are grouped in the form of a compactest nest or in boiler tube nest fashion.
The bottom openings of the 100 retorts are closed by two common doors 25. These doors are fastened to shafts 26lFigz 2) which are rotatable in bearings 27 ig. 2). 'At the endof shafts 26 counterweights 28 are provided and handles 29, which permit to swing the doors from their position indicated in Fig. 3 down into the dotted position indicated at 30. Each door consists of an upper plate 31 (Fig. 8) and two strata of insulating material 32- and a metal casing 33, which binds and holds the beforementioned parts together. Heat is applied between the top plate 31 and the upper insulating strata 32. This heat in the case shown in Fig. 8 is of electric origin. Resistor wires 32a are placed in the space between top plate 31 and insulating strata 32. Directcontact of'the wires with the other parts of the door is avoided by insulators 35, and when the electric current is turned on the plate 31 becomes heated and communicates its heat into the layer of coal that is resting upon it. It is of course 'to be understood that while I prefer electric heat other forms of heat may be used, as for instance,
hot gases, or liquids or yapors, the essential being that the heat is entirely enclosed and contained inside of the movable or swinging doors which support the coal inside of the stationary retort (luring coking time. As a I result of the heat supplied to top plate 31 of the door 25 the coal resting on the plate is completely coked and the resultant coke frees itself, automatically from the plate. If in an exceptional case the coke should loosely adhere to plate 31 the entire door 25 will be moved to and fro in its horizontal closing position under the bottom tube plate 20. This can be done by usingzhandle 29 which is fastened to shaft 26. y pushing and pulling this handle in and out in the direction of the shaft 26 the door 25 is slightly moved back and forth under the retorts and adhering coke rubbedofi plates 31 and 20. The doors are shown at a distance from the bottom tube sheet for the purpose that the retorts may 66 have free expansion and also for the purpose that the gases of distillation may escape from the lower part of each retort into the space 37 and from there through vapor pipe 38 into the gas condensing plant. The gases which escape from the retorts upwardly gather in the. space 40. above the curved 'tube sheet, and escape through vapor pipe 41 into the same gas condensing plant.
Below the retorts is a coke receiving chamber 42 which contains a coke car 43 the coke receiving chamber is closed by an upper gate 44 and a front gate 45. Gate 44 is open whenthe coke is received into the car from the retorts and thereafter gate 44 is closed again and front door 45 opened and the car pulled out. In this manner the coke can be removed from the retorts without allowing the distillation gases to escape. However, any of the other well known methods of. removing coke from the space below the retorts may be used.
The retorts are heated in the following manner. Coke or any other fuel, is burned in combustion chamber (Fig. 2) and the combustion gases rise through the vertical flue.
"51, and enter the bypass flues 52 through openings 53. Before coming into contact with the retorts the gases are drawn by the swinging motion of fan 55, indicated by arrow 55a, into the storeroom for hot gases 56; when the fan has reached its end position 57 its direction is reversed and the hot gases are expelledfrom storeroom 56 and blown though the space between the retorts as indicated by arrows 58. Very uniform heating of all the retorts is thus accomplished without the use of an expensive fuel, like gas, which has heretofore always-been used in semi-coking apparatus. The shaft of the fan is supported by bearings 60 resting on beams 61, while the upper end of the shaft is centered in bearing 62. The shaft is oscillated by means of a rack 64 and pinion 65.
The shaft of theoscillating fan and the frame work of the fan is cooled by cold stack gases. For this purpose shaft 66 is closed on both ends and equipped with an inlet pipe for the cold gases 200 which through stuffing box 201 enter into shaft 66. In this manner the supply pipe 200 remains stationary while the shaft 66 is oscillating. The cold gases pass down into the shaft and enter radial arms 205, which in combination with-vertical pipe 206 and shaft 66 form the framework of the oscillating fan 55. The cold gases flow through openings 204 into arms 205 and pipe 206 and leave through openings 207 entering finally into the storage room 56 for hot space between the pipes is covered by com mon plates 208, of a material which is heat resisting, like, for instance, nickel. In this manner the pipe frame work, covered by -nickel plates, represents a solid wall, which swings around together with shaft 66. By oscillating this Wall by means of the shaft the heating gases are reciprocated through the spacesbetween the retorts as indicated by arrows 58. The port openings 58a through which the heating gases are passing back and forth extend substantially over the entire height of the retorts as far as they are filled with coal. The approximate level to which the retorts are filled is indicated by letter A in Fig. 3, while B indicates the roof of the uppermost port opening 58a. A and B are approximately at the same elevation. The floor of the lowest port opening 58a; is C and this floor is approximately at the same elevation with the topsurface of the bottom tube sheet 20. In this manner the heating gases are allowed to sweep over the entire height of the coal in the retorts. Especially at the lower end of the retorts they sweep immediately over and. in close contact with the bottom sheet 20. No obstacle is placed in the way of these gases, that would keep them away from the bottom sheet 20. The coal in the lowest portion of the retorts becomes therefore coked as fast as the coal higher up. The bottom tube sheet is comparatively very thin. The electrically heated door furthermore assists to complete the coking of the lowest portion of the coal in the' retorts and especially of that coal, which has entered into the open space between the bottom tube sheet 20 and the door. The entire chargein the unit is thus completed at the same time. i
The waste heating gases whichmust be re-- moved because of the introduction of new hot gases in the combustion chamber are re moved from the setting through openings into a space 71 which is intended to contain a p'reheater for the coal which is to be coked in the retorts. By drying and preheating the coal the operation of filling the 100 retorts is much simplified and the coking operation itself accelerated. However, instead of placing a preheater in space 71, an ordinary heat recuperator or waste heat boiler may be installed there, if this is so desired.
The mechanism for removing the common cover above the retort-s and for emptying and refilling the retorts, shown in Figs. 1, 5 and 6, is equipped with wheels 80 which run on rails 81, also shbwn in Fig. 2. These are in turn supported by beams 82. which rest on columns 83. The three individual instruments for removing the cover and for emptying and fillingt-he retort-s are shown combined on one truck. which carries all of them and ispropelled'by an electric motor not shown. They may of coursev be kept each oneindependent for itself, propelled each either by hand or by electricity.
The mechanism for lifting the common cover consists of hooks 85, which are dependreaaem ing from levers 86 which are fastened to shafts 87, supported by bearings 88. To the shafts 87 are fastenedlevers 89 with heads 90, penetrated by screw 91, which is rotatable by means'of handle 91a. The screw is prevented from changing its position to the left or to the right by two ring like projections 93, which flank a bracket as standing on beam 940, which forms a portion of the truck. By turning handle, 91a in one direction, the hangers 85 are raised and the cover 92 is lifted sufficiently to allow its bein moved to the side. In doing so, the secon mechanism, the one for emptying the retorts, is automatically brought over the retorts.
This pushing mechanism is shown to contain 100 pushing rods 95, all of which are centered or spaced inv the same manner as the retorts themselves, so that if the pushers are pressed downwardly, each one will enter its corresponding retort. For this purpose the pushing rodsare guided at their lower end by a common plate 96, and fastened at the upper ends into the common pushing head 97. This head forms the lowest part of a bigger structure, called piston structure, composed ,of the upright angles 98 and cross members 99, and diagonal tie rods 100. This piston, structure upon its descent, will press the 100 pushing rods into the 100 retorts. The piston structure is movable in a guiding frame built of vertical angles 103, horizontal members 104 and diagonal tie rods 105. This guiding frame also carries the four pinions 106 which are in meshwith the four racks 107, which, are fastened to the outside of the movable piston structure. The four pinions 106 are fastened to two parallel shafts 110 supported in bearings 111 and 112. These shafts 110 are in turn rotated from shaft 113 by means of beveled gears 114. Shaft 113 is preferably operated. by an elec tric motor by way of sprocket 115 and a chain, which is not shown. When operating the motor the piston structure will belowered or raised and simultaneously the pushing plate 97, with its 100 pushers be, advanced into or withdrawn from the retorts.
The head of each pushing rod is equipped with a special device which indicates the amount of resistance encountered by each pushing rod and limits the total pressure which can be exerted by each rod. This device is shown in Fig. 7. The upper end of the rod 95 is surrounded by a short piece of pipe 120 and is egipped also with a cap 121 and a ring 122. etween pipe 120 and ring 122,. is a spring 123. Pipe 120 and pushing head 97 are linked to each other in the following manner. The pipe is equip ed with 1 or 2. bosses 124. When raising the pushing head 97 this head will strike these bosses and lift the pipe, which, by means of cap 121, will raise the rod 95. The plate is also equipped with hooks 125 and the pipe with hooks 126, while links 127, of oblong shape, are slipped over these hooks, tieing hooks 125 to hooks 126. If head 97 is moved downwardly the hooks 125 and links 127 will cause the pipe 120 to follow suit, and this pipe standing on springs 123, by means of ring 122, will cause the rods to be pushed into the retorts. The springs 123 are of such strength that the coke will be discharged when the springs are only partially compressed. Such compression will be indicated by the portion I of the rod protruding upwardly through pipe 120, or in other words by the increase distance between cap 121 and the upper endofpipe 120. c The described mechanism gives an opportunity to observe how the pushing operation proceeds. If one of the retorts is less easily emptied than the others, it will be indicated by cap 121, protruding more than all the other caps. The operator has then an opportunity by a gentle tapping of the cap to help the coke to be discharged. If he should not be successful in doing so, he can remove links 127 and withdraw the one pusher and proceed with the pushing of the 99 other retorts. After this he can fill the 99 empty retorts with fresh coal and then devote himself to the cleaning of the one retort which refused to be emptied. For this purpose cover 92 is equipped with -100 openings closed by plugs 92a of which only one is shown. In this manner the operator may clean one of the retorts while cover 92 is in position.
The mechanism for filling the retorts with fresh coal shown in Figs. 4, 5 and 6, contains 100 separate vertical containers 130, all standing on bottom plate 131, which has 100 openings. These are closed by 10 gate plates 132. The 10 gate plates are fastened to-3 connecting rods 133. The middle one of these is joined by bolt 134 to lever 135, which can be rotated around the fulcrum 136. By pulling lever 135 to the right hand all of the 10 gate plates 132 are moved to the right uncovering the bottom discharging opening of each one of the 100 coal containers. Below each container is placed a funnel 140 which has the duty to collect the coal issuing from the bottom of the container above it at the time when the gate plates are withdrawn and to guide it into the corresponding retort. In
order to overcome any hesitancy on the part of the coal to discharge from the 100 containers and to pass through the-100 funnels below them, small stirring rods 137 are fastened in those parts of the gate plates which close the discharge openings of the containers. These 100 stirring rods extend upwardly into the 100 containers and downwardly into the 100 funnels. By moving the lever 135 back and forth the stirring rods move back and forth in the bottom ends of the containers and in the funnels, causing the coal to discharge into the retorts. Above the 100 containers is proroom has been measured before by a metering device 220 which forms the lower part of the coal bin 221. This amount is equal to the total receiving capacity of the 100 containers. The coal issues from the measuring device of the bin in a large stream and immediately fills a number of the 100 containers and of course mainly those which are nearest. The rest of the coal which does not enter into the containersremains in the common store room 150, and a distributing device is provided to level this coal 0E and push it over into the containers which are still empty. For this purpose a plough151 has been provided which is fastened in its center by means of bolt 152 to crank 153 which is attached to the shaft 154: located in bearing 155. This bearing is lo cated above the middle of the 100 containers and supported in its position by beams 156.
A pair of beveled gears 157 connects horizontal shaft 158 with the plough and by r0 tating handle 159, the plough can be rotated above the 100 containers. In this manner the coal which is piled up below the metering device 220 is leveled into the containers. It is obvious that a motor can be used to rotate shaft 158 and operate the plough. The angle which the plough occupies relative to the radial crank 153 can be varied and is adjusted in such manner that the leveling of the coal is accomplished quickly.
When charging any kind of coking retort the new coal immediately begins to give off gases, and these gases are disturbing tothe operator when they get out into the open. Also a loss in gas and tar revenue is caused age. In order to overcome such objectionable below the funnels140 which closes the open space above the retorts. The funnels 140 discharge through this cover and a lifting device is provi ied, consisting of hangers 166, levers 167 and 168, swinging around fulcrums 169, and by pulling handle 170 of lever 168 to the left, cover 165 is lifted upwardly to such a degree that the larry car may proceed unim' peded to the next retort. A similar device is provided for the bottom plate 96 of the pushing mechanism. It consists of hangers 175 and levers 176 and connecting rod 177. In the machine shown this connecting rod connects ultimately to the same levers, 167
and 168, which regulate the position of the bottom plate'165 of the larry car. B pulling the handle 170 to the left, both ottom occurrences, .a' cover 165 has been provided equipped with its own means for lifting its own cover if it is desired to keep these machines independent of each other.
A thoroughly serviceable machine has thus been created. The'charging and discharging operations take little time. A large amount of coal is by one single charging operation put into the retorts. For instance, when charging 100 retorts of 6 diameter and 10 height, 5 tons of coal are filled into the re torts. This coal fills the retorts to a uniform level within the reach of the coking heat. The coal in the retorts is exposed from top to bottom to substantially horizontal currents of heating gases of uniform temperature with the result that the coking proceeds uniformly in each retort. A heated bottom below the retorts contributes to this result by coking the very lowest portion of the coal which partly enters into the space between the common tube sheet 20 and the door 25.
' The entire coking operation in each retort is the coke frees and loosens itself from the heated walls and shrinks or contracts, with the result that it is easily discharged from the retorts. When swinging the doors down the coke drops therefore immediately from the retorts and pushing will in most cases be unnecessary and the lowering of the pushing rods is essentially done for the matter of assurance that the coke has actuallydropped from the retorts. The retorts in the interior of the unit are reached by the horizontally reciprocating heating gases as efiiciently as those on the outside of the unit. All retorts are therefore finished at the same time. A big weight of coke is thus dischargedbyone operation and a large capacity per day obtained. This results in low cost for labor and supervision. The cost of investment is also lowdue to the compactness of the unit, its simplicity and strength. For these same reasons the expense of maintenance and re- .pairs is also low.
It is of course understood that the draw- -the speed with which the new unit can be erected. Since the nest of retorts can be assembled and shipped to the plant complete and since the amount of brick work required is small in comparisonto the large coking capacity of the unit, the cost of building the plant and the time required is small. The drying and heating up of the setting can be accomplished in much shorter time than with the usual retort of such large capacity. In case a repair should become necessary the retorts and the setting can be quickly cooled and repaired. In fact the entire nest of retorts can be removed and quickly replaced by another which is held in reserve. Previously the heating up and cooling down of retorts was a very precarious operation resulting frequently in serious damage to the retorts prop er and the surrounding setting. These dangers are eliminated by the new structure.
I claim: i
1. In a coking apparatus for low and medium temperatures, a heatin chamber, a nest of vertical coking retorts 1n said chamber and held together at its top and bottom by two spacing sheets into which the retorts are fastened, both said sheets being fastened to the walls of the surrounding heating chamber, opposite wallsof said chamber having ports for heating gases, said ports extending, substantially over the full height between said two spacing sheets and means for blowing horizontal currents of hot gases substantially over the full height between said spacing sheets.
2. In a coking apparatus, a compact nest of essentially vertical retorts supported by a common curved tube sheet, beams on opposite sides of said sheet to which the latter is connected, said sheet being so shaped as to transfer the stresses created in it by the weight of the tubes in the form of tension stresses to said beams.
3. In a coking apparatus, a compact nest of essentially vertical retorts fastened in a common curved tube sheet, said tube sheet being supported on opposite sides thereof by parallel beams, and struts between the beams which operate, when heated, to increase the distance between the beams in proportion to the expansion of the common tube sheet when similarly heated.
4. In a coking apparatus, a nest of essentially parallel vertical coking retorts joined at one end into a common arched head sheet for supporting the retorts, said arched sheet being rigidly fastened to the setting surrounding the retorts, while the other end of said retorts is joined into another common head sheet which is flexibly connected to the surrounding setting by means of a flexible diaphragm.
5. In a stationary cokin apparatus having a plurality of substantially vertical coal containers, a common bottom member for supporting coal, means providing a passageway for the escape of gases from said containers between the lower ends of said containers and said bottom, and means for heating said bottom member.
6. In a stationary coking apparatus. having a plurality of coking chambers, a common bottom for supporting a charge in said chambers during coking. means for heating the bottom, means for loosening any coke which may adhere to the heated bottom and to the lower ends of said coking spaces. consisting in means for moving said bottom to and fro substantially horizontally, while still in its closing position, and means for swinging said bottom into and out of closing position.
7. In an' apparatus for coking coal at low or medium temperatures and containing a plurality of substantially vertical retorts assembled in a compact group, means for completing the coking of coal in the lowest portions of the retorts substantially simultaneously with the completion of the coking operation of the bulk of the coal in said retorts, said means comprising a thin enclosing wall attached to the lower ends of said retorts, means for supplying hot gases immediately over and iI1-(l()S(} contact with said enclosing wall and a movable heat-insulated bottom under and in close proximity to said enclosing wall.
8. In an apparatus for coking coal in a plurality of stationary retorts assembled in. a compact nest and having a heating chamber therefor, means for heating the bottom portion of each of said retorts, which comprises a thin metal sheet of only sufficient thickness for separating such heating gases as may be inside of the heating chamber from the space outside said chamber and for maintaining the spacing of said retorts, said sheet being attached to the lower end of the retorts, means for supplying heating gases unobstructedly past the lower end of each retort immediately over said sheet and in intimate touch with said sheet and removable bottom members for said retorts below said sheet and comprising heating means. 7
9. In an apparatus for coking coal, a nest of substantially vertical 'retorts having a heating chamber, a bottom sheet forming a support for said retorts and separating such heating gases as may be in the heating chamber from the space outside of said chamber, means for sending currents of hot gases immediately over said sheet and a heat-insulated bottom for said retorts directly below said sheet.
' 10. In an apparatus for coking coal, a heating chamber containing a nest of substantially vertical retor s, a bottom sheet holding said retorts in their position at their lower ends and separating the heating chamber from the space outside thereof, means for sending currents of hot gases immediately over said sheet, a bottom directly below said sheet, and means for heating said bottom.
11. In an apparatus for coking coal, a heating chamber containing a nest of substantially vertical retorts, a bottom sheet holding said retorts in their position at their lower ends and separating any gases in the heating chamber from the space outside of said chamber, means for sending currents of hot gases immediately over said sheet. a bottom below said sheet, and means for heating said bottom.
a low and medium temperature coking apparatus comprising a heating chamber containing a nest of stationary, substantially vertical, parallel retorts, in spaced but compact relation, a thin spacing sheet at the bottom of the retorts for holding the retorts in their relative position and separating the heating chamber from the space outside thereof, means adapted to fill said retorts, ports for heating gases being provided in opposite walls of the heating chamber surrounding the retorts, said ports extending substantially over the full height of the coal in said retorts, means for passing heating gases in substantially horizontal currents of uniform temperature between said ports alternately in opposite directions-through the open spaces between said retorts and in close contact with said spacing sheet and removable bottom closure means for said retorts.
13. A low temperature coking apparatus comprising a heating chamber containing a nest of stationary, substantially vertical, parallel retorts, arranged in spaced compact manner, a relatively thin spacing sheet at the bottom of the retorts holding the retorts in their position and separating the heating chamber from the space outside thereof, means adapted to fill said retorts, ports for heating gases being provided in opposite walls of the heating chamber, which surrounds the retorts, said ports extending substantially over the full height of the coal in the retorts, means for passing hot gases in substantially horizontal currents of uniform temperature between said ports alternately in opposite directions through the spaces between said retorts and in close contact with said spacing sheet, removable bottom closure means for said retorts, and an open coal gas conveying space between said bottom and said spacing sheet.
14. A low or medium temperature coking apparatus comprising a heatingchambercomprising a nest of stationary, substantially vertical parallel retorts arranged in compact manner, a spacing sheet at the bottom end and at the top end of said retorts, said sheets holding the retorts in their relative positions and separating the heating chamber from the space outside thereof at least one of said spacing sheetsbeing curved for the purpose of carrying said retorts, ports for heating gases being provided on opposite sides of said nest of retorts said ports extending substantially over the full height between said spacing sheets means for passing heating gases in substantially horizontal currents of uniform temperature between said ports through the open spaces between said retorts alternately in opposite directions and in close contact with said bottom spacing sheet and removable bottom closure means for said retorts.
15. A low or medium temperature coking apparatus comprising a beating chamber containing a nest of stationary, substantially vertical parallel retorts in spaced compact arrangement, a curved spacing sheet at the top end of said retorts, to which sheet the retorts are fastened and from which they are depending, said top spacing sheet being rigidly fastened to the structure of the surrounding setting, a spacing sheet at the bottom end of said retorts, flexibly connected to the surrounding setting, said two sheets separating the heating chamber from the space outside thereof, ports for heating gases being provided on oppositesides of said nest of retorts, means for passing heating gases in substantially horizontal currents of uniform temperature between said ports through the spaces between said retorts alternately in opposite directions and in close contact with said bottom spacing sheet and removable bottom closure means for said retorts, and means for heating said bottom closure means.
16. Coking apparatus comprising .a plurality of independent vertical coking containers and common supporting means therefor comprising a tube-sheet supported at opposite sides thereof and the Weights of said containers being substantially uniformly distributed and said tube-sheet having such form that vertical sections thereof extending between the supported sides are in approximately catenary curves.
17. In a coking apparatus, a nest of vertical retorts fastened at their upper ends to and depending from a common tube sheet, a second common bottom spacing sheet fastened to the lower ends of the retorts, a framework for surrounding said retorts, one of said sheets being rigidly connected to the surrounding framework, and meansfor. flexibly connecting the other sheet to said framework.
18. Coking apparatus comprising a plurality of substantially vertical horizontally spaced coking containers and supporting means therefor comprising an approximately horizontal tube-sheet supported at opposite sides thereof and engaged by said containers at uniformly distributed portions of said tube-sheet and sections of the latter trans verse to its supported sides being in approximately catenary curves.
19. In a coking apparatus, a compact nest of essentially vertical retorts supported by an approximately horizontal curved tubesheet, said tube-sheet being fastened to 0p posite beams, the distance between said beams being regulated by struts that are adapted to be subjected to temperature conditions substantially similar to those of said tubesheet.
US97706A 1926-03-26 1926-03-26 Apparatus for coking at low temperature Expired - Lifetime US1843931A (en)

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US97706A US1843931A (en) 1926-03-26 1926-03-26 Apparatus for coking at low temperature

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US97706A US1843931A (en) 1926-03-26 1926-03-26 Apparatus for coking at low temperature

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Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US10995274B2 (en) 2015-07-21 2021-05-04 British Columbia Biocarbon Ltd. Biocoal fuel product and processes and systems for the production thereof

Cited By (1)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US10995274B2 (en) 2015-07-21 2021-05-04 British Columbia Biocarbon Ltd. Biocoal fuel product and processes and systems for the production thereof

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