US1833746A - Tension means for warp beams and the like - Google Patents

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US1833746A US444298A US44429830A US1833746A US 1833746 A US1833746 A US 1833746A US 444298 A US444298 A US 444298A US 44429830 A US44429830 A US 44429830A US 1833746 A US1833746 A US 1833746A
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tension means
warp beams
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Hall Ernest
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    • D03WEAVING
    • D03D49/00Details or constructional features not specially adapted for looms of a particular type
    • D03D49/04Control of the tension in warp or cloth
    • D03D49/06Warp let-off mechanisms
    • D03D49/08Warp beam brakes


  • tachment I have provided a ratchet wheel'for attachmenti totheshaft; and pawls carried -bythe drumrto cooperatetherewith, provided with' externally operable q ick release or throw-outiineans for the pawls facilitating application, and removal ofQthe warpbearns from the end drums.v
  • F 1gm-e2 is aviewin side elevationofthe Figure 3 5 *dru'rni. and *brake' attachment;
  • trioitionidr'uni may be, provided, if desired; with becastintegralfwith the head connected dgeifianges l; as 'shown' in Figure 3.1 :In accordance with my present invention I b providei a band ybrakeshapedztoi said drum and embracingand', engaging the peripheral 'fac'e with-constant frictional braking ares n sure;-
  • FIG. 6 is a vertical section online"6--6 determina'tely and relatively m'o ve d position releasing pressure on the drum.
  • drum with frictionalbraking pressure having a rigid extension projecting therefrom substantially radialto said spindle and-warp beam axis, and a slotted guide fixedly ear-t ried by theloom frame and cooperating with said extension to restrain said band brake from rotation with saiddrum while ,coin;
  • a iwarp beam having'axiah spindles to be journaled on a v ljoom frame, a ratchet wheel fixed on'thespindle, ;a' brake drum turnable on the spindle, being cupped to form a recess for receiving the ratchet;
  • theratchet wheel and having a heel, a pivotal mounting forthe' pawl, crank-finger 7 in position against the heel,1 a' threadedspindle carrying said fingerand being screwed through the hub, and means outside oivthe ERNEST:


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Textile Engineering (AREA)
  • Orthopedics, Nursing, And Contraception (AREA)


=Nov.24, 193 1. 4 -E.H 1,833,746
. v I il\\\\\\\\\\\\\ TENSION MEANS FOR WARP BEAMS AND' THE LIKE Filed April 14, 1930 2 Sheets-Sheet '1 raw-J9 I. i i L734 65 a? i 2 60 12 INVENTOR WITNESS r Z;'ne6f 1%,
W Y Mit i-1:5 1 I BYv 2 2; v ATTORNEY Nov. 24, 1931. E. HALL TENSION MEANS FOR WARP BEAMS AND THE LIKE Filed April 14. 1930 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 INVENTOR Ernest jYaZl,
ATTORNEY "'20 Y 'b ea n h'ead' drum and hand brake s'hown in Figure l-f V 'i 1' V i is an-enlargedtransversevertical; section taken on-line 3j3 of Figure 2; Figurer is ayperspective rdetail of the 7 brake: guiding and restraining bracket V A 1 1 w HFigure 5 is" a front elevation of a separate' type, thusfadapting the invention, without modification of existing structure to all types of warp beams." In connection with this .at-'
tachment I have provided a ratchet wheel'for attachmenti totheshaft; and pawls carried -bythe drumrto cooperatetherewith, provided with' externally operable q ick release or throw-outiineans for the pawls facilitating application, and removal ofQthe warpbearns from the end drums.v
- These zand" other features and :o i, the invention more clearly apparient from the following; detailed description whichiis to be read in-conj unction ,with the 7 accompanying drawings forming part there- V -of-in whichEf" I "-f; g Figurel'i's a perspective View o-fa portion of astandard'loomwithIny'warpbean tem i-sioning' neansapplied'thereto,
F 1gm-e2 is aviewin side elevationofthe Figure 3 5 *dru'rni. and *brake' attachment;
w-o'f-Figureb, a I 1 p I Figures7g8-and 9 are'details of "the pawl andj ratchet mechanism;
c Inthedfiawi'ngs, Figure 1, the lower pheani l of astandard type Terry loomshown",
is provided" with the usual heads 2:,- of whichgone; only, is -shown having axial spindles 3 outstanding therefrom; i and journaling, in
"bearings 4:. on thleloofnjframe 5,= with a spac- "ingsl eeve or collar 6iinterposedybetween head "-iancl'be.aring."-
; "Qneior' botherin -106m was: 2 maybe iprovided on; itszouter' face-with a sinooth it f'faced friction dru-r'n' 7, concentric with thei axis of "the head 'and'.beamian'd which may '1 with its hub 2? by radial webs 8 -as shown in 5 Figure' The peripheralface 9 of the trioitionidr'uni may be, provided, if desired; with becastintegralfwith the head connected dgeifianges l; as 'shown' inFigure 3.1 :In accordance with my present invention I b providei a band ybrakeshapedztoi said drum and embracingand', engaging the peripheral 'fac'e with-constant frictional braking ares n sure;-
ustablv variable f This hand "brake 'is formed of two. complemental"inherently j'gid arcuate metalsections 11 and 12',- Which jrnay forifexampleg be'castings. V Theunderfacei'of each section may and preferablyis, lined witha facing strip- 13 of leather or other" 'table friction finaterial, appropriately.
eld thereto; These sections are arranged on hedruni with confronting upper ends and I withtheserends hingedlflinked soas topro-f vide' a fixed relative positiOll t Of'thesef ends pressure applyingpositiom;and a'released 1 Figure 6 isa vertical section online"6--6 determina'tely and relatively m'o ve d position releasing pressure on the drum.
- Accordingly,the"upper end of bai idisece. tion 12'is formedwit-h anenlarged head 14: having a transverse bore 15 therein; wThe" adjacent end ofband section 11 is formed with a similar andlarger' head 16 having a 7 central passageway 17*(Fi'gs. 1 and 3) and a '7 transverse'bore 18 oflarg'e diameterin which ,is journaledfa cylindrical -plug19r having a: bore 20 extending therethrough parallel to l t-S 'len itl i e axis-:1. an t- 1 the center thereof asshown in Figure: ;hinging;;1ink' 21 has its opposite-ends in Q j I bores- 151and:'QO oftheiheads f14'and16, re-
specti-vely, thus hingedly connecting V the sec- 1,
'tions112; 11". The inner end o-fafplug rotatingirod 23" occupies thepassageway1750f head 16 andis threadedintofaradial socket,
turned5 as at 22, Figure 3,.and inserted in the 24 (Figure 3) in the in'terrnediateportion of the pflug1'9 positioned so that when the rod V 23' is drawnj'downto"rest' uponfthe" face'of r 'ba'nd section 11, as shown inf'Figuresi 11 and 2, the link 21 will be positioned on thejdea'd' center, with'lthe band section-1 12 i drawn to- :ward section :11, 'contra'cting"the.- 'bandon-Q j .thedrum. 'Movement of therod'23 upward- 1y from this position willjexpand the -band' 2; the lower end ofband section 12 terminates short of the vertical radius of the drum 7and is provided with a short outwardly 'ofis'et foot 25 having a bore 7 transverselythere v through.- rThezlower' fend of the complemen- 'tal band section '11 am pointin the vertical d ameter'of'the' drum, is provided with cori j responding outwardly offset foot vportion-26 having; an alinedgrtransverse boretherei'n,
and with an elongzitiedrigid integral; flatj tenedfextension -27 a-lining therewith and de- 7 I because *the'cdnfronting 10w 7 er endsof'thebaind section's 11jand-12Qre-1 j main connected. ,As shoiwnin Figures *1 and"! Q1 7 pending in kaline radial to the axis of rotabeam "1 as: shown, ali n'ed i withthevertic'al diameter thereof; iTheshankiof a}con ne'cting bolt '28 bis inserted through the" alined ner face ofa wing nut 31 threadingc on-the and release-its clamping-pressure on the-1 l 'byfhand whenit is necessary to repair 1 ofthe oupped-hubfis o'that' theletter-maybe slid over the spindle to [enclose the ratchet Wheel thereWi-thinfl ii 2 ,v One or more' studs Mas shown, for ex 1" u npletwoin diametrically opposed relation, extend through'the ouppedlhub' 36 froni it's" I fo'uter fade to whiohjtheyj-are-i held "by niuts T. Onthe inneri'end's'ofthe sje studsv Within'i the ree'ess 37 and outwardly of'theperiphery hubs 46 01: -piivls47fivhose toothed ends 4.8
' are normally urged into engagementflwith'fi V the-teeth of the trz'itchet'iwheel by' springs intermediate coils encircling the v studs andlbpposite "ends" engaging the i'n ner' feces? of; theci pped 'hu'b and; oy'erlyingfitnd 'tensioned zigziihst' the'outeredgesof th'epawls 47 isshownin Figures i'and """Thse'pawls serve to normally :conne'et 520 dj-uinl with tli'e frzitchetivheel i3 'forlrotatiion 'ther'ewith and-the spindlefi andlwarp hearhhead2 inwarp lettingflofli directionbutfi permit the Warp beam to bereversely turned Weave;
-' 23 of Zthdlbgmdbfhke is optionally operated 7 V to} release. the. frictional of the Joand treksmedium; J I
"them; fioutwerdly when the drums are be ng mount d-onthe-s ind1eg, d it is a conV'enienee'tjofiswing them'outwerdly loyineans opie'ra'tivg from the outer fa'oeoi the drum'hub "underfsuch cond tions anda'gwhen the warp heemenditshead are reinoyedfor rep1enish{ k-ingthewarpj T f 7 75 Aceordingly-thehubs lh'of thefpziwl's :47" glareprovid d iwith rearWa'rdljz;jeXten-ding :4
theouteriace of'the hub -zidj'zteentthe studs and: provided With crank fiil g il'j l 2 on] their inner ends overlying the heels 50 of the 91mm. fRoekjar-Ins53] (Fig. 5) are'sec ured to 'he'els '50, 'and short spindles 51 e'xtendjthrough f-to causethe fingers 52-topress to'i-s'crew 'intoithehuh' 36 2x1151 the rock arms 53? I are YfiXe'd' "to the outer extremities of the be. retracted hub soifthe-warp bea'in'spinclles.
and; functioning: in connection with the pfjthe ratchet wheel 43,;2ire j-ournaled the p I I v I isiniilarrolls or be'ains requiring frictional "spindles'journaled in the loomllfrax'nefa co-" 7 7 1! pii ei r riengziging'said'dru'm'with frictional braking 1 w th said extens1on onfthe-"drum; said hingedly connected ends jf i I ing one end car'ried by a 'manuallyioscillatable' eecentric moveble from/1e fixed position of hand and drumfrictional clampingiengege 1 j nent "to a [bend loosened friction-releasing Y position permitting friction o' free rewinding of he 7 arprbeanl one of said band sections I: order toretai the pawls, so" outswungagainst r- V Jthe'tenSion-O'f theli 'sprlngs, the outerj'ends of the spindles ar'e'threaded atj5l spindles outwardly of? the hubs as by Collars; as, shown in Figure 9; 'Thus, "the paiwlsmay fromthe outer sides of thehubsf. and greatly fa ilitate the] mounting of thelj,
' ingan 1 axial recess i IIigitS.iIlnQIKfaCG 130 18- Thefillustretedphysialembodinientfofthe 1 wheel and normally held engagement V invention as deserihed herein;,representg it? l true th i htenti'onfinipreferred for-Iii but 'sinten d ed "as illustrative rather than're's'trie- We of; the f invfition, 'whose physiealf fojrm';
ently' 'ofthedrum-inth 'reverse'idireetion;
i i*. s;4
filti' b acturefxand ue1in consonance with the spirit'of the inventi u and the scope of the appended la v 1- And While the 'nvention 's' conceived for and-is of peculiar utility when applied to warp beamofftheloom, it may, from the as-j 1 p'ect of its physical drag inducing tension 'thereon.' p
j-whatl mi h a bend Jlo'rzikeenclosing and V pressure; and having lat "rigid extension pro-I jecti' g out-walrdly' therefrom" substantially with" a stationary guide" oooperatin'g to restrain said band and co-incidently' effect-hie to; permit; seid'f a' direction substantially radial to "the axis their opposite foonfrontingfends selectively; w to jva ry the frictiontlfdrag ofj'said'sec'tions being;- interc'onne'cted by a hingin'g link hav haying.thelaforesdld rigidextension integral f therewith and projecting outwardlylth r the outer ends'ofthesespindles the outei-i f at lts saldlladlu-stably Q n t d n hub 36 11nd m ay be swung-hymn v th'e pawlhe'els' 50'inwardly,"lifting the ,PElWlS from engage-fnient Wlthth fathet ivheel. Preffer ablmin anda lubricant reservoir carried by. "one band s'ectionfl.
spindle outwardly'ofthe warp beam a fricidle in-concentric relation "to said; beam hev -f eeive the ratchet rvwhel-there within. and car;
rying on itsfinnenfaeewithinsaid recess 1 a pawllpositionedf-to engage saidratchet;
mu: "rqt ati h df the warp beam,z;spi ndlegend 7 structure, be suitable for use in connection with the, Warp-beam i V1'.'In a 100m; W arp I beem having Axial 5; it
cs0; axiel frlct on drum fixedto fand rotating radial to the :iXis' of the 'drum endwarphandbrake bodily to movewith said drurri' in 11 11o of said band sections'ported'into communiew 5 7 tion with the drum oonteeti ngf.fece f. said iis' f ratchet wheel fixedtoand' concentriciwith 1w Q;
drum with frictionalbraking pressure having a rigid extension projecting therefrom substantially radialto said spindle and-warp beam axis, and a slotted guide fixedly ear-t ried by theloom frame and cooperating with said extension to restrain said band brake from rotation with saiddrum while ,coin;
cidently permitting 'bodily movement of saidband brake with the drum and 1 warp the axisof thewarp beam.
beam in a directionsubstantially radialto f "3. In tensioning' means, a, pair 0f band brake sections, heads on feachof the sections being in confrontingrelationship, one v ojfq the heads haying apassageway'anda transverse bore, a plug turnable in thehore, a a link connectedwith one offthe headsland connected ofi' center with theplug, and a rod sageway for turning the plugand thereby tightening or loosening the link.
4. In a loom, a iwarp beam having'axiah spindles to be journaled on a v ljoom frame, a ratchet wheel fixed on'thespindle, ;a' brake drum turnable on the spindle, being cupped to form a recess for receiving the ratchet;
wheel and to provide ahub, a springpressed pawl situated in the recesstoengage. 7
theratchet wheel and having a heel, a pivotal mounting forthe' pawl, crank-finger 7 in position against the heel,1 a' threadedspindle carrying said fingerand being screwed through the hub, and means outside oivthe ERNEST:
US444298A 1930-04-14 1930-04-14 Tension means for warp beams and the like Expired - Lifetime US1833746A (en)

Priority Applications (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US444298A US1833746A (en) 1930-04-14 1930-04-14 Tension means for warp beams and the like

Applications Claiming Priority (1)

Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US444298A US1833746A (en) 1930-04-14 1930-04-14 Tension means for warp beams and the like

Publications (1)

Publication Number Publication Date
US1833746A true US1833746A (en) 1931-11-24



Family Applications (1)

Application Number Title Priority Date Filing Date
US444298A Expired - Lifetime US1833746A (en) 1930-04-14 1930-04-14 Tension means for warp beams and the like

Country Status (1)

Country Link
US (1) US1833746A (en)

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2904167A (en) * 1953-07-23 1959-09-15 Joseph R Guess Intermittent feed mechanism
US3058368A (en) * 1958-07-19 1962-10-16 Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen Steering locking mechanism for motor vehicles, particularly tractors

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2904167A (en) * 1953-07-23 1959-09-15 Joseph R Guess Intermittent feed mechanism
US3058368A (en) * 1958-07-19 1962-10-16 Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen Steering locking mechanism for motor vehicles, particularly tractors

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