US1466850A - Railroad-tie-changing machine - Google Patents

Railroad-tie-changing machine Download PDF


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US1466850A US455073A US45507321A US1466850A US 1466850 A US1466850 A US 1466850A US 455073 A US455073 A US 455073A US 45507321 A US45507321 A US 45507321A US 1466850 A US1466850 A US 1466850A
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power device
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Newton C Owen
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    • E01B29/00Laying, rebuilding, or taking-up tracks; Tools or machines therefor
    • E01B29/06Transporting, laying, removing or renewing sleepers
    • E01B29/09Transporting, laying, removing or renewing sleepers under, or from under, installed rails
    • E01B29/10Transporting, laying, removing or renewing sleepers under, or from under, installed rails for inserting or removing sleepers


  • Some of the ob ects of this inventlon are to provide an improved railroad track maintenance. machine, whereby wornout railroadties may be quickly: and conveniently removed'from operative position and replaced with anew tie to provide a tie removing nrachine whereby a tiemay be removed with minimum disturbance of the road bed and a newv tie replaced with the minimum amount of-tamping; to provide a tieremoving machine which. is quickly removable along the rails longitudinally and may be quickly removed from the rail to permit of the passage of trailic; to provide in a. railroad track maintenance machine improved means for anchorage and: to provide other improvements as will appear hereinafter.
  • Figure l is a top plan view of a railroad track maintenance machineconstructed in accordance with this invention
  • Fig. 2 a side elevation of the same
  • Fig.4 a longitudinal section on the line l-lfof Fig. 3
  • Fig. 6 an enlargedfragmentary to plan view of details of this invention.
  • the frame 10 which extends transversely of the rails and projectsequallyupon oppo; sitesides of the rails a suitable distance;be yond the rails.
  • the frame 10, as vshown in the. drawings comprising two parallel channel beams ll, 12 held in fixedspacedrelaf I-beam spacers 18, 1-1 which are securely riveted or bolted to the channel beams Hand 12. removably supported upon the rails 5, 5 by- C. Owns, of
  • the frame 1O is.
  • a rigid fiat horizontal sheet metal platform For supporting any suitable power transmission or poweumechanisml a rigid fiat horizontal sheet metal platform 'is' centi'ally mountednpon andis.rigidly'seeured to the frame lO'byrivetsorbolts 36:01 by any other suitable means.
  • This platform. mav be-oblong, and rectangular in shape or: may beof any otherformsuitablefor performingthedesiried function i l l V Mounted upon the platform 35 power devicellO suitable'for performing the desired function, whichin the present case is any.
  • sminsmvama a, c03 7 is the removal of a tie.
  • apower d'e-f vlceO-wmch in the mam is of ell-known construction, and which includes; a. rigid frame li in which is rotatably arranged a vertical shaft 42 commonly'known asthe high speed plug, whichis provided. atits upper end. with a square portion/i3 adapted to receive. ahand; lever 4a. This shaft.
  • . 41-2 carries loosely mounted; thereonv axdruni errand a ratchet wheel 46 rigidwwitli the drum.
  • the drum 45 is arranged to be ro tated at acomparatively high'ra-te of speed in a well known manner by the high speed plugflacting through an internal pawl or j pawls and ratchet (not shown).
  • the frame '41 also supports a vertical shaft 50 commonly known as theliigh power plug pro vided at its LlPP6L';I1(l with a square portion-51 also adapted to receive the hand cranlt or lever; 44.
  • Thedrum 45 is commonly known as theliigh power plug pro vided at its LlPP6L';I1(l with a square portion-51 also adapted to receive the hand cranlt or lever; 44.
  • Ehis power device ":0 has been modified and V V v ;1-00 7 improved for the purpose of this invention .by the addition of a hook '55, designed for the purpose, whichis either rigidly secured to or integral with the frame ll;
  • The/power device 40' preferably rests loosely upon the platform 35, and, forthe purpose of thisinvention, may or maynot; be provided with a downwardly extending,
  • cable 60 of braidedwire or other suitable construction or material isterminally' secured at one end and is wound around the drum 45 and passes from the drum over a verticalsheave or pulley 61, which is spaced centrally between the ends of the channel beams 11 and 12 of the frame 10.
  • This pulley 61 is arrangedcentrally of-and is fixedly secured to a horizontal shaft 62 which pro- .jecls in the opposite direction therefrom and which is cylindrical inform and reduced in diameter-at each end to provide cylindri-' cal journals 63 which engage snugly but rotatably in two corresponding downward ly extending recesses 64, 65, providing bearings therefor inv the ends of the two channel beams l1, 12 of the frame 10, a pair of these recesses being provided symmetrically at each end'of the frame so that the'pulley 6i withits shaft 62 andjournals 63, may be optionally-arranged at either end of the frame 10.
  • the journals 63 To provide suitable areas of, bearing surfaces for the journals 63, the
  • inncrsides of the opposite ends of the channel beams 11, 12 are preferably reinforced by two pairs of steel plates 66, 67, 68, 69 which'are rigidly secured respectively to the corresponding channel beams by means of bolts or rivets 70 each of the plates being provided with a recess which registers with the corresponding recess 6-1, 65 of the channel beams.
  • the cable 60 extends over the periphery of the sheave 61 and then passes under the rails 5. 6 between'the rails and the upper surface of the ballast or bed and terminates in a suitable hook 71 which is rigidly secured to the cable 60 by any suitable means.
  • the hook 71 is adapted to engage in and be removable from the eye of a rigid specially constructed tie hook 73 which is designed to engage the end of a tie 7 to force itlongitudinally from its bed.
  • the tie hook 73 as shown in Figs. 3, 4 and 5 ma be formed in a single steel casting comprising an approximately straight shank 75 and an approximately straight hooked portion 76 integral with the shank and forming therewith an internal angle 7 7 which is preferably slighly obtuse.
  • the shank is substantially uniform in width throughout the major portion'of its length from its outer end and then tapers in width towards the hooked. portion 76.
  • the shank 75 tapers out-er end of the smaller hook 71 The outer end of omitted.
  • spurs'82and 83 may be For anchoring the: power puller -40 a chain .90, or other flexible securing means, is engaged atone .end by ,thechook 55 and is provided at its other end with arail hook .95 which is adapted to engage eitheron the ball 96 of a rail or under the base 97 of a rail.
  • This chain 90 or flexible connection extends loosely over a cylindrical horizontal sleeve 98 which is fixedly clamped between the two channel beams l1, 12 bymeans of a bolt 99 extending through the channel beams .and provided with a head 100 at one end and a at the otherend with-a suitable nut 101, and a lock washer.
  • This sleeve 99 and its bolt 98 are duplicated uponthe opposite side of the frame 10 so as to permit the machine to] be anchored from the right hand rail instead of the left hand rail, as shown, when the di-' rection of operation of the machine is reversed, to draw the tie to the left instead of to the right as in thedrawings.
  • the machine may be set up, as shown in the drawings, directly over the particular tie it is desired to remove, the rail spikes and tie plates of that tie having first been removed.
  • the tie hook 75 is first dis connected from the smaller book 71, to facilitate the operation, and is replaced on the smaller hook after the smaller hook 71 with the cable 60 attached has been drawn beneath the rails.
  • the hand crank or lever 44 is then reciprocated through a suitable arc,
  • a device for removing railroad ties in- 1 eluding means. adapted to be mounted upon the rails ofa railroad, and nieans includ ng power transmission means for removing, a
  • a repair device for railroads the combination with a support arrangedto be mounted upon the rails of a railroad, of power transmission means said support and freely movable with respect thereto, and anchorage'means arranged to engage one of said rails to hold said power' transmission, means against movement.
  • I 6 In a repair. device for railroads, thecombination'with a support arranged to be ;mou nted upon the railsof a railroad,of a- "power device carried by said support, an-
  • choragemeans arranged to anchor said pow er device wens of said rails, a ro-tary ele ment. carried by said "support with its low- 1 est :portion approximately in a plane with r the lower surfaces ofith'e r ils-a flexible 1 transmissionmeans arrai'iged to'eiitend over said rotary elem'ent' and to be actuated by l "4-.
  • saidipower device for removing a tiefrom sa dra1lroad.
  • a repair device for railroads the combination with a support arranged to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad, of power transmission meanscarried by said support and rotatably adjustable to apply force either in one direction or in a substantially opposite direction with respect to. said support, a rotary. element carried by said support and selectivelyadjustable with respect to said supportupon either one side or the opposite side of said rails and a flexible connector arranged to be. actuated by said transmission ,means and adjustable to be actuated over'said rotary element for removing a tie from beneath said rails.
  • a repair device for railroads the combination with a support adapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad and to project in opposite directions therefrom beyond the extremities of the ties of the road, two pairs of spaced bearings provided on said support beyond the opposite ends of said ties respectively, a rotary element providedwith spaced ournals adjustable either in. said bearings upon one side of said ,extremities or in said bearings upon the other side or said extremities and power-transmission means carried by said support and in-j eluding-a flexible connector adjustable to extend-over said rotary element.
  • mission means carried by said support and combination with a support adapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad, of a power device supported thereon. and adjustable transversely of the rails,-an anchoring connection extending from said power device and vengageablewith one or" the rails to provide an anchorage for said power device and to locate the same transversely ofjthe" support anda powertransmission connection extending from the thus anchored power device.
  • the device of claim 12 in which the. anchorage and power transmission connections are both tension elements extending in opposite directions from the power device it.
  • Thedevice of claim 12 in which the support has a rigid extension at one side projecting, beyond the rail and carrying, a
  • sheave disposed with its lower peripheral lower surface. of the rail and-in which the ,portion' approximately in the plane of the power transmission connection is a flexible tension element extending from the pOW- er device over said sheave.
  • support is arigid'beam structure on top of which the power device is slidingly mounted.
  • said support adapted to be mounted upon the'rails' ofa railroad andto project in opposite directionsfrom said I rails and beyond the ends of the usual ties upon which said rails-rest, said support be ing provided atits opposite ends respectively with two pairs of spaced bearings, a sheave provided with spaced journals rigid therewith and arranged to, be mounted either in said bearings at oneend of said support or in said bearings at the other end of said support, a power device carried by said support,
  • a repair device for: railroads,- the combination with a support adapted to be mounted transversely upon. the rails of a railroad and to project in opposite directions from said rails beyond the ends of the usual ties upon which said rails rest, said support being provided t its opposite ends respectively with twopairs of spaced bearings, a sheave provided with spaced journals rigid therewith and arranged to be mounted either in said bearings at one endof said support or in said bearings at the other end of said support, a power device carried by said support and freely movable transversely of said rails with respect to said support, a flexibleconnector arranged to be actuated by said power device and adjustable to extend over said sheave in either of its positions and beneath said rails, and means operatively connected to said. power device and adjustable tov engage one. of said rails to anchor. said power device against movement in one direction with respect to said support.
  • a support adapted to be mounted "transversely upon the rails of a railroad and to project in opposite directions from said rails beyond the ends or the usual tiesupon which said rails, rest, said support being provided at its opposite ends respectively with two pairs of spaced bearing's,.a-sh e.ave provided with spaced journals rigid therewith and arranged to be mount: edeither in said bearings at one end of said support or in said bearings at the other end ofsaid support a power device carried by said support and freely movable transversely of said railswith respect tosaid support, a flexible connector arranged to beactuated by said power device and adjustable to extend over said sheave in either of its positions and beneath said rails, and means'operativelyconnected to said power device and adjustable to engage one of saidrails to anchor said power device against movement in one direction with respect to said support, said powerQdev ice being adjustable to exert a'fpull upon. said flexible connector either in one direction or in
  • a repair device for railroads comprising. asupport adapted to be placed over the rails of a railroad and having a portion extending laterally beyond said rails, flanged wheels rotatably mounted upon said support and adapted to engage said rails to carry said support longitudinally of said rails, a
  • a repair deviceyfor railroads comprising a supportadapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad and having, a portion extending laterally and beyond said rails, a rotary element carried by said'laterally ⁇ pro ⁇ jectingportion and arranged torotate about 7 shank and forming. a slightly obtuse angle therewith, said portion being provided with means adapted to penetrate the end of a tie to hold the. hook inposition.
  • a tie hook comprising a shankand a shank, and a portion projecting from said 5 portion. projecting from said shank and forming. a slightly obtuse angle therewith, said portion-being .provided-..with means adapted to penetrate HIE 811d of team hold the-hookfin position 3 QLLA device for railroads comprising a supportarrangedv to be mounted upon the I railsof arailroad, a power device carried by said support, arotaryelementcarriedby said support, a flexible connector extending" from said power device .overjsaid rotary elev ment and arranged to be actuated by said.
  • a device for railroads comprising a rails of a railroad, a power device carried by said support, a rotary element carried by said support, a flexible connector extending from said power device'over said rotary ele- 7 support arranged to be mounted, upon the -1-15 ment and arranged to actuated by said power device. anchorage means operatively connected' with.
  • said power device and arranged to engage one of said rails to hold said power. device against movement transversely of. said rails, said rotary element'and said :flexible connector andsaid' anchorage means be- .ing arranged substantially, in a 7 vertical plane which 18 approximately perpendicular to said railsand'said powerdevice being no im ally freely movable. transversely of said rai s r a 1 '26.
  • railroads comprisingv a support arranged to mountedupon the rails of a railroad, a power-device carried by said support, a rotary element carried by said support, a flexible connector extending from said power device over said rotary element and arranged to be actuated by said power device, and anchorage means operatively connected with said power device and arranged to engage one of said rails to hold said power device against movement transversely of said rails, said rotary element and said flexible connector and said anchorage means being arranged substantially in a vertical plane which is approximately perpendicular to saidrails and. said'power device being normally freely movable transversely of said rails but being held against movement with respect to said support longitudinally of said rails.
  • a. support comprising twooppo sitely disposed beams held in fixed spaced relationship, of a platform superimposed upon said beams, a power device mounted upon said platform, a rotary element extending between said beams and arranged to rotate about an axis fixed with respect thereto and extending transversely thereof, a flexible power transmission means adjustable to extend from said power device over said rotary element, and anchorage means adjustable'to extend from said power device between said beams to engage one of said rails to hold said power device against movement in the direction of said rotary element.
  • a device for railroads the combination with a support comprising two oppositely disposed beams held in fixed spaced relationship,a platform superimposed upon said beams, a power device mounted upon said platform and freely movable with respect thereto, a rotary element extending between said beams and arranged to rotate "about an axis fixed with respect thereto and extending transversely thereof, a 'fiexible power'transmission',means adjustable to extend from'said power device over said rotary' element, and anchorage means adjustablet'o extend from said'power device between said beams to engage one of said rails to hold said power device against movement in the direction of said rotary element.
  • V i the combination with a support comprising two oppositely disposed beams held in fixed spaced relationship,a platform superimposed upon said beams, a power device mounted upon said platform and freely movable with respect thereto, a rotary element extending between said beams and arranged to rotate "about an axis fixed with respect thereto and extending transversely thereof, a
  • a repair device for railroads comprising a support including oppositely dis posed, parallel beams arranged in substantially the same horizontal plane and held in longitudinally thereof. a flexible connector operatively connected to said power device at a point approximately in a vertical plane substantially parallel to and extending between said beams. said flexible connector betively, and a flexible transmission'means arranged to extend from said powerdevice over said rotary element.
  • a repair device for railroads comprising a support adapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad and having a portion extending laterally beyond the. rails, a, rotary element carried by said laterally extending portion of the support and arranged to rotate about an axis disposed longitudinally of the rails with the lowest por-' tion of said rotary element turning approximately in a plane with the lower surfaces of the rails.
  • a p'ower device mounted onthe" support, flexible transmission means actulted bv said power device and extending over the rotary element and connecting means from the power device to one of the rails.
  • a repair device for railroads comprising a support adapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad and having a portion extended laterally beyond the rails, a rotary element carried by said laterally extending portion of the support and arranged to rotate about an axis disposed lon gitudinally of the rails with the lowest portion of said rotary element turning approximately in a plane with-the lower surfaces of the rails, a power device mounted on the support, flexible transmission means actuated by said power device and extending 35.
  • the structure of claim 33 with a tie hook engageddby the flexible transmission means, said tiehook havinga self-adjusting I holding engagement'with the ties.


  • Engineering & Computer Science (AREA)
  • Architecture (AREA)
  • Civil Engineering (AREA)
  • Structural Engineering (AREA)
  • Train Traffic Observation, Control, And Security (AREA)


Filed March 24, 1921 2 Sheets-Sheet 1 I "WE/wan H18 ,4 TTORIVEY Sept. 4, 1923. 1,466.850
' I N. c. OWEN RAILROAD TIE CHANGING MACHINE Filed March 24, 1921 2 Sheets-Sheet 2 nlanrromvzr x A A I tionship by means Fatented st eless.
n nwron o. ownnfjor wIi xnssAnsn, gnni nsy'nv LII-2 rissisnoit To; OWEN;
nnnnsynvnnm commiss on, or wanes-Bean neuron or rnnnsvnvenrai itain oann npnnnsrriefamounts.
Applicatieir nea; Mama 2 To all who-m it may concern.
Be it known that I, NEWTON 7 li illies Barre, county of Luzern-e, and State of Pennsylvania, a citizen of-the United States of America, have invented certain new anduseful Improvements in Railroad- Tie-Changing Machines, of whichthe fol-:
lowing isha specification.
Some of the ob ects of this inventlon are to provide an improved railroad track maintenance. machine, whereby wornout railroadties may be quickly: and conveniently removed'from operative position and replaced with anew tie to provide a tie removing nrachine whereby a tiemay be removed with minimum disturbance of the road bed and a newv tie replaced with the minimum amount of-tamping; to provide a tieremoving machine which. is quickly removable along the rails longitudinally and may be quickly removed from the rail to permit of the passage of trailic; to provide in a. railroad track maintenance machine improved means for anchorage and: to provide other improvements as will appear hereinafter.
In the accompanying drawings Figure l is a top plan view of a railroad track maintenance machineconstructed in accordance with this invention; Fig. 2 a side elevation of the same;.Fig. 35am enlarged front elevation of a tie hook forming part 1 this invention; Fig.4 a longitudinal section on the line l-lfof Fig. 3; Fig. 5. an
end elevation ofthe hoolrshown inFigs. 3v
and at; and Fig. 6 an enlargedfragmentary to plan view of details of this invention.
..\eferring to the drawings one embodie ment of this invention is shown mounted upon the usual railroad. rails whichare supported upon theusual tie plates 6 mount ed on railroad ties 7 imbedded in theusual ballast or road bed 8. the rails being-see cured in positionby the usual 'rail-spikeslh This form of this invention comprises a,
rigid frame 10 which extends transversely of the rails and projectsequallyupon oppo; sitesides of the rails a suitable distance;be yond the rails. The frame 10, as vshown in the. drawings comprising two parallel channel beams ll, 12 held in fixedspacedrelaf I-beam spacers 18, 1-1 which are securely riveted or bolted to the channel beams Hand 12. removably supported upon the rails 5, 5 by- C. Owns, of
The frame 1O is.
4, well Serial no. 455,073. 7
two pairs of flanged wheels 15, 16, 1 7, 1&
which are rotatably mounted "respectively 7 upon two pairsof axles '20, 21, 22, -I hese four axles are fixedly secured respectively in four pairs of rigidlyrackets 25, 25, 26, 26,
2 7, 27, 28, 28, which are-rigidly secured-to the frame 10.
For supporting any suitable power transmission or poweumechanisml a rigid fiat horizontal sheet metal platform 'is' centi'ally mountednpon andis.rigidly'seeured to the frame lO'byrivetsorbolts 36:01 by any other suitable means. This platform. mav be-oblong, and rectangular in shape or: may beof any otherformsuitablefor performingthedesiried function i l l V Mounted upon the platform 35 power devicellO suitable'for performing the desired function, whichin the present case is any.
sminsmvama a, c03 7 is the removal of a tie. In the drawings there shown for this-purpose apower d'e-f vlceO-wmch in the mam is of ell-known construction, and which includes; a. rigid frame li in which is rotatably arrangeda vertical shaft 42 commonly'known asthe high speed plug, whichis provided. atits upper end. with a square portion/i3 adapted to receive. ahand; lever 4a. This shaft.
. 41-2 carries loosely mounted; thereonv axdruni errand a ratchet wheel 46 rigidwwitli the drum. The drum 45 is arranged to be ro tated at acomparatively high'ra-te of speed in a well known manner by the high speed plugflacting through an internal pawl or j pawls and ratchet (not shown). The frame '41 also supports a vertical shaft 50 commonly known as theliigh power plug pro vided at its LlPP6L';I1(l with a square portion-51 also adapted to receive the hand cranlt or lever; 44. Thedrum 45. may also be rotated in a well known manner at a comparatively slow rate by the shaftor high power plugiO acting through theintermediary of a plurality of'pawls (not shown) acting externally upon the ratchetwheeleti. Ehis power device ":0 has been modified and V V v ;1-00 7 improved for the purpose of this invention .by the addition of a hook '55, designed for the purpose, whichis either rigidly secured to or integral with the frame ll;
The/power device 40' preferably rests loosely upon the platform 35, and, forthe purpose of thisinvention, may or maynot; be provided with a downwardly extending,
king pin 56 rigid therewith which is ar ranged to'enga'ge loosely in an elongated aperture 57 provided-therefor through the platform 35 and arranged longitudlnally For the transmissionbf .power from the power puller 4:0 to one of the ties 7 to remove the same from its ballast or bed 8, a
cable 60 of braidedwire or other suitable construction or material isterminally' secured at one end and is wound around the drum 45 and passes from the drum over a verticalsheave or pulley 61, which is spaced centrally between the ends of the channel beams 11 and 12 of the frame 10. This pulley 61 is arrangedcentrally of-and is fixedly secured to a horizontal shaft 62 which pro- .jecls in the opposite direction therefrom and which is cylindrical inform and reduced in diameter-at each end to provide cylindri-' cal journals 63 which engage snugly but rotatably in two corresponding downward ly extending recesses 64, 65, providing bearings therefor inv the ends of the two channel beams l1, 12 of the frame 10, a pair of these recesses being provided symmetrically at each end'of the frame so that the'pulley 6i withits shaft 62 andjournals 63, may be optionally-arranged at either end of the frame 10. To provide suitable areas of, bearing surfaces for the journals 63, the
inncrsides of the opposite ends of the channel beams 11, 12 are preferably reinforced by two pairs of steel plates 66, 67, 68, 69 which'are rigidly secured respectively to the corresponding channel beams by means of bolts or rivets 70 each of the plates being provided with a recess which registers with the corresponding recess 6-1, 65 of the channel beams. The cable 60 extends over the periphery of the sheave 61 and then passes under the rails 5. 6 between'the rails and the upper surface of the ballast or bed and terminates in a suitable hook 71 which is rigidly secured to the cable 60 by any suitable means. The hook 71 is adapted to engage in and be removable from the eye of a rigid specially constructed tie hook 73 which is designed to engage the end of a tie 7 to force itlongitudinally from its bed.
The tie hook 73 as shown in Figs. 3, 4 and 5 ma be formed in a single steel casting comprising an approximately straight shank 75 and an approximately straight hooked portion 76 integral with the shank and forming therewith an internal angle 7 7 which is preferably slighly obtuse. The shank is substantially uniform in width throughout the major portion'of its length from its outer end and then tapers in width towards the hooked. portion 76. The shank 75 tapers out-er end of the smaller hook 71 The outer end of omitted.
the old tie until the in thickness from the hooked portion .76 out wardly, and is provided; with an oblong'rec tangular eye 78, and, atits other end with an internal recess 79;-adapted to receive the hooked portion 76i'sbracedby two ribs 80, 8l foi'mingextensions on the side walls of the shank. 75,;a-nd is provided near its outer end with 'twospurs' 82,88, integral with or rigidly secured thereto to engage in the the tie to hold the hook securely in position. The. spurs'82and 83 may be For anchoring the: power puller -40 a chain .90, or other flexible securing means, is engaged atone .end by ,thechook 55 and is provided at its other end with arail hook .95 which is adapted to engage eitheron the ball 96 of a rail or under the base 97 of a rail. This chain 90 or flexible connection extends loosely over a cylindrical horizontal sleeve 98 which is fixedly clamped between the two channel beams l1, 12 bymeans of a bolt 99 extending through the channel beams .and provided with a head 100 at one end and a at the otherend with-a suitable nut 101, and a lock washer. This sleeve 99 and its bolt 98 are duplicated uponthe opposite side of the frame 10 so as to permit the machine to] be anchored from the right hand rail instead of the left hand rail, as shown, when the di-' rection of operation of the machine is reversed, to draw the tie to the left instead of to the right as in thedrawings.
In the operation of this improved machine for changing ties, the machine may be set up, as shown in the drawings, directly over the particular tie it is desired to remove, the rail spikes and tie plates of that tie having first been removed. In passing the cable 60 beneath the rails, the tie hook 75 is first dis connected from the smaller book 71, to facilitate the operation, and is replaced on the smaller hook after the smaller hook 71 with the cable 60 attached has been drawn beneath the rails. The hand crank or lever 44 is then reciprocated through a suitable arc,
suitably adjusted to permit the cable 60 to izo be: quickly unwound. The free end of the cable is drawn through the recess left by free end. of the cable comes opposite the outer end of a new tie whereupon the tie hook 73, whichhas been removed from the cable to facilitate the operation of the passing of the cable under the rail is again secured to the end of the cable and is arranged to engage the outer end of a new tie, whereupon the power puller 40 and anchored to one" rail by the'chain messes, j
is again adjusted and the'power is applied than the improved. remover. above described.
It has been found possible with thistie ma chine to remove a tie ofgiven width and re-v place it with .a tie of considerably greater cess made by the old tie.
When it is desired to reverse the opera tion of this improved tie. puller the hook is released fromthe rail 95 and the framev ll of the power puller 40 is rotated through degrees. The sheave Gland its bearings are then transferred from the right handside of the frame 10 to the left hand side of.
is not limited to the specific construction shown in the drawings and as heretofore described, as many changes-might be made in the details of'construction to adapt the invention to various purposes. For instance,
instead of the hand power device40, any
other well known or suitable hand pulling device might be used, or any other suitable means for providing the necessary power,- such as a drum rotated by a gasoline eng ne,
an electric motor, a steam engine, orany other form of power device for supplying power to the cable 60 might be substituted for the device 40 shown. 7
It is also to be understood that instead of anchoring the power device 40 toonly one of the rails, as shown in the drawings,it might be' advantageous in-some cases to anchor to-both rails at the same time For instance, instead of having the power'device 40 loosely mounted upon the platform and hook 95, the power device ddmight be fixedly secured to the platform 35 andin that case theframe with its platform might be anchoredwinthone or 'more chains for hooks or other similar devices to eithereone or both of the rails,"an d the power, device 40- might in this case be arranged sothat it could be detachably rotatable to 180 degrees more or less as might be found desirable, for
changingthedirect-idh ,ofeotion' of the power hold said power device, Without. istur i g I the an hori g means.
These and, various other. changes and ifica ns m ht be m de in h i111: proved machine without departing from the pi it of h inventio or h s ope f t pp n e laims- H ving thus desc b d my i v n iomw at I I claim and desire. to. ecure by Letters Bat ent is 1. A device for removing railroad ties in; cluding supporting means' adapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad and .means including power transmission means widthiwithout previously enlarging the res. carried by said first mentionedFmea-ns for,
2. A device for removing railroad ties in- 1 eluding means. adapted to be mounted upon the rails ofa railroad, and nieans includ ng power transmission means for removing, a
tie from beneath saidrails, and means for.
directly anchoring said power. transmission means to, one of said rails. i
3. In a repair device'for railroads, the.
combination with a support adapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad, of i power transmission means carried by said support and freely movable transversely of said rails with respect to said support and means actuated by said power transmission I means for removing a tie from beneath said rails.
' is 4. In a repair device for railroads, the
combination with a support arranged to be mounted uponthe-rails of axrailroad, of"
power transmission means carried by. said support and anchorage means directly C011.
,ne'ctedwith said power transmission means" and arranged to engage one of said rails to transmission means against movement.
5. In a repair device for railroads, the combination with a support arrangedto be mounted upon the rails of a railroad, of power transmission means said support and freely movable with respect thereto, and anchorage'means arranged to engage one of said rails to hold said power' transmission, means against movement.
I 6: In a repair. device for railroads, thecombination'with a support arranged to be ;mou nted upon the railsof a railroad,of a- "power device carried by said support, an-
choragemeans arranged to anchor said pow er device wens of said rails, a ro-tary ele ment. carried by said "support with its low- 1 est :portion approximately in a plane with r the lower surfaces ofith'e r ils-a flexible 1 transmissionmeans arrai'iged to'eiitend over said rotary elem'ent' and to be actuated by l "4-. Ina repair device for} railroads, the
saidipower device for removing a tiefrom sa dra1lroad.
combination with a support arrangd to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad, of a power device carried by said support, anchorage means arranged to anchor said power device to one of said rails, a rotary element carried by said support, a flexible transmission means arranged to extend over said rotary element andto be actuated by said power device for removing a tie from said railroad, said rotary element being arcombination with a supportarranged to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad, of power transmission means-carried by said support and adjustable to apply force either in one'directi'on or in a substantially oppo site direction with respect tosaid'support, a rotary element carried by said support and selectively adjustable with respect to said support upon either one side or the opposite side of said rails and a flexible connector arranged to be actuated by said transmission means and adjustable to be actuated over said rotry element forremoving a tie from beneath said rails 9. In a repair device for railroads, the combination with a support arranged to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad, of power transmission meanscarried by said support and rotatably adjustable to apply force either in one direction or in a substantially opposite direction with respect to. said support, a rotary. element carried by said support and selectivelyadjustable with respect to said supportupon either one side or the opposite side of said rails and a flexible connector arranged to be. actuated by said transmission ,means and adjustable to be actuated over'said rotary element for removing a tie from beneath said rails.
10. In a repair device for railroads, the combination with a support adapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad and to project in opposite directions therefrom beyond the extremities of the ties of the road, two pairs of spaced bearings provided on said support beyond the opposite ends of said ties respectively, a rotary element providedwith spaced ournals adjustable either in. said bearings upon one side of said ,extremities or in said bearings upon the other side or said extremities and power-transmission means carried by said support and in-j eluding-a flexible connector adjustable to extend-over said rotary element.
11. In a repair devicefor railroads, the
combination with a support adapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad and to project in opposite directions therefrom beyond the extremities of the ties of the road,
of two pairs of spaced bearings provided 011.- said supportbeyond the opposite ends of said ties respectively, a rotaryelement provided with spaced journals adjustable either in said bearings upon one side of said extremities, or in said bearings upon the other side of said extremities,- power trans:
mission means carried by said support and combination with a support adapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad, of a power device supported thereon. and adjustable transversely of the rails,-an anchoring connection extending from said power device and vengageablewith one or" the rails to provide an anchorage for said power device and to locate the same transversely ofjthe" support anda powertransmission connection extending from the thus anchored power device.
13. .The device of claim 12 in which the. anchorage and power transmission connections are both tension elements extending in opposite directions from the power device it. Thedevice of claim 12 in which the support has a rigid extension at one side projecting, beyond the rail and carrying, a
sheave disposed with its lower peripheral lower surface. of the rail and-in which the ,portion' approximately in the plane of the power transmission connection is a flexible tension element extending from the pOW- er device over said sheave.
15. The structureof claim 14 in which a tie hook is detachably engaged with the power transmission connection.
16. The device of'claim. 12 in which the,
support is arigid'beam structure on top of which the power device is slidingly mounted.
17. In a repair device {for railroads, the
combination with a support adapted to be mounted upon the'rails' ofa railroad andto project in opposite directionsfrom said I rails and beyond the ends of the usual ties upon which said rails-rest, said support be ing provided atits opposite ends respectively with two pairs of spaced bearings, a sheave provided with spaced journals rigid therewith and arranged to, be mounted either in said bearings at oneend of said support or in said bearings at the other end of said support, a power device carried by said support,
a flexible connector arranged to be actuated by. said power device and adjustable to extend over said sheave in either of its positions and beneath said rails, and means oper: ,atively connected to isaid power, device and adjustable to engageone of said rails to an- 1: I
in onedirection.
.chor said power device against movement 18. Ina repair device for: railroads,- the combination with a support adapted to be mounted transversely upon. the rails of a railroad and to project in opposite directions from said rails beyond the ends of the usual ties upon which said rails rest, said support being provided t its opposite ends respectively with twopairs of spaced bearings, a sheave provided with spaced journals rigid therewith and arranged to be mounted either in said bearings at one endof said support or in said bearings at the other end of said support, a power device carried by said support and freely movable transversely of said rails with respect to said support,a flexibleconnector arranged to be actuated by said power device and adjustable to extend over said sheave in either of its positions and beneath said rails, and means operatively connected to said. power device and adjustable tov engage one. of said rails to anchor. said power device against movement in one direction with respect to said support.
19. In a repair device for railroads, the combination with a support adapted to be mounted "transversely upon the rails of a railroad and to project in opposite directions from said rails beyond the ends or the usual tiesupon which said rails, rest, said support being provided at its opposite ends respectively with two pairs of spaced bearing's,.a-sh e.ave provided with spaced journals rigid therewith and arranged to be mount: edeither in said bearings at one end of said support or in said bearings at the other end ofsaid support a power device carried by said support and freely movable transversely of said railswith respect tosaid support, a flexible connector arranged to beactuated by said power device and adjustable to extend over said sheave in either of its positions and beneath said rails, and means'operativelyconnected to said power device and adjustable to engage one of saidrails to anchor said power device against movement in one direction with respect to said support, said powerQdev ice being adjustable to exert a'fpull upon. said flexible connector either in one direction or in a substantially opposite direction.
20. A repair device for railroads comprising. asupport adapted to be placed over the rails of a railroad and having a portion extending laterally beyond said rails, flanged wheels rotatably mounted upon said support and adapted to engage said rails to carry said support longitudinally of said rails, a
power. device adjustably carried by said support, a. rotary element carried by said laterally extending portion and arranged to rotate with respect thereto about an axis extendinglongitudinally of said rails, a flexible connector arranged to be actuated by said power device and extending over said rotary element and beneath said rails, a tie hook carried by. said connector, and means directly connectedto said power deviceand arranged to engage. a rail of said road to anchor said power device; 7
21.. A repair deviceyfor railroads compris ing a supportadapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad and having, a portion extending laterally and beyond said rails, a rotary element carried by said'laterally {pro} jectingportion and arranged torotate about 7 shank and forming. a slightly obtuse angle therewith, said portion being provided with means adapted to penetrate the end of a tie to hold the. hook inposition. i
23. A tie hook comprising a shankand a shank, and a portion projecting from said 5 portion. projecting from said shank and forming. a slightly obtuse angle therewith, said portion-being .provided-..with means adapted to penetrate HIE 811d of team hold the-hookfin position 3 QLLA device for railroads comprising a supportarrangedv to be mounted upon the I railsof arailroad, a power device carried by said support, arotaryelementcarriedby said support, a flexible connector extending" from said power device .overjsaid rotary elev ment and arranged to be actuated by said.
power device, an anchorage means opera tively connected with said power device and arranged toengage one of said rails to hold said power device against move-. ment transversely of said rails, saidrotary element and'said flexible connector and said anchorage means being arranged sub-- stantially in a verticallplane which'is approximatelyperpendicular to saidrailsv 25. A device for railroads comprising a rails of a railroad, a power device carried by said support, a rotary element carried by said support, a flexible connector extending from said power device'over said rotary ele- 7 support arranged to be mounted, upon the -1-15 ment and arranged to actuated by said power device. anchorage means operatively connected' with. said power device and arranged to engage one of said rails to hold said power. device against movement transversely of. said rails, said rotary element'and said :flexible connector andsaid' anchorage means be- .ing arranged substantially, in a 7 vertical plane which 18 approximately perpendicular to said railsand'said powerdevice being no im ally freely movable. transversely of said rai s r a 1 '26. A. *device for.
railroads comprisingv a support arranged to mountedupon the rails of a railroad, a power-device carried by said support, a rotary element carried by said support, a flexible connector extending from said power device over said rotary element and arranged to be actuated by said power device, and anchorage means operatively connected with said power device and arranged to engage one of said rails to hold said power device against movement transversely of said rails, said rotary element and said flexible connector and said anchorage means being arranged substantially in a vertical plane which is approximately perpendicular to saidrails and. said'power device being normally freely movable transversely of said rails but being held against movement with respect to said support longitudinally of said rails.
27. In adevice for railroads, the combination with a. support, comprising twooppo sitely disposed beams held in fixed spaced relationship, of a platform superimposed upon said beams, a power device mounted upon said platform, a rotary element extending between said beams and arranged to rotate about an axis fixed with respect thereto and extending transversely thereof, a flexible power transmission means adjustable to extend from said power device over said rotary element, and anchorage means adjustable'to extend from said power device between said beams to engage one of said rails to hold said power device against movement in the direction of said rotary element.
; 7 28. In a device for railroads, the combination with a support comprising two oppositely disposed beams held in fixed spaced relationship,a platform superimposed upon said beams, a power device mounted upon said platform and freely movable with respect thereto, a rotary element extending between said beams and arranged to rotate "about an axis fixed with respect thereto and extending transversely thereof, a 'fiexible power'transmission',means adjustable to extend from'said power device over said rotary' element, and anchorage means adjustablet'o extend from said'power device between said beams to engage one of said rails to hold said power device against movement in the direction of said rotary element. V i
29. A repair device for railroads. comprising a support including oppositely dis posed, parallel beams arranged in substantially the same horizontal plane and held in longitudinally thereof. a flexible connector operatively connected to said power device at a point approximately in a vertical plane substantially parallel to and extending between said beams. said flexible connector betively, and a flexible transmission'means arranged to extend from said powerdevice over said rotary element. v
30. In arepair device for railroads, the combination with a support adapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad, ofa power device carried by said support, a flexible anchorage connection extending from said power device toward one of the rails and provided with means for securing the saine to said rail and a flexible pulling connection extending from the power device in the opposite direction toward the otherrail.
31. In a repair device for railroad ties, the combination of a support adapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad, of
power transmission'means carried by said support and freely movable transversely of said rails with repect to said support, and means actuated by said power transmission 'means for removing and replacing a tie of relationship, of a power device supported. upon said beams, a rotary element ournaled on the beams, a flexible power transmission connection extending from the power de 'vice over said rotary element and adjustable anchorage means extending from the power device and provided with means for securing the same, to one of'the rails ofa railroad. 1
33. A repair device for railroads, comprising a support adapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad and having a portion extending laterally beyond the. rails, a, rotary element carried by said laterally extending portion of the support and arranged to rotate about an axis disposed longitudinally of the rails with the lowest por-' tion of said rotary element turning approximately in a plane with the lower surfaces of the rails. a p'ower device mounted onthe" support, flexible transmission means actulted bv said power device and extending over the rotary element and connecting means from the power device to one of the rails.
34 A repair device for railroads, comprising a support adapted to be mounted upon the rails of a railroad and having a portion extended laterally beyond the rails, a rotary element carried by said laterally extending portion of the support and arranged to rotate about an axis disposed lon gitudinally of the rails with the lowest portion of said rotary element turning approximately in a plane with-the lower surfaces of the rails, a power device mounted on the support, flexible transmission means actuated by said power device and extending 35. The structure of claim 33 with a tie hook engageddby the flexible transmission means, said tiehook havinga self-adjusting I holding engagement'with the ties.
V In testimony whereof I hereunto affix my 20 I signature.
US455073A 1921-03-24 1921-03-24 Railroad-tie-changing machine Expired - Lifetime US1466850A (en)

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US455073A US1466850A (en) 1921-03-24 1921-03-24 Railroad-tie-changing machine

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US455073A US1466850A (en) 1921-03-24 1921-03-24 Railroad-tie-changing machine

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US455073A Expired - Lifetime US1466850A (en) 1921-03-24 1921-03-24 Railroad-tie-changing machine

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Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2989926A (en) * 1954-12-20 1961-06-27 Fairmont Railway Motors Inc Railway tie handling apparatus
RU208140U1 (en) * 2021-07-08 2021-12-06 Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Сибирский государственный университет путей сообщения" (СГУПС) Single sleeper changer

Cited By (2)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2989926A (en) * 1954-12-20 1961-06-27 Fairmont Railway Motors Inc Railway tie handling apparatus
RU208140U1 (en) * 2021-07-08 2021-12-06 Федеральное государственное бюджетное образовательное учреждение высшего образования "Сибирский государственный университет путей сообщения" (СГУПС) Single sleeper changer

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