US1067067A - Mechanism for imposing and registering printing-plates. - Google Patents

Mechanism for imposing and registering printing-plates. Download PDF


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US1067067A US69986212A US1912699862A US1067067A US 1067067 A US1067067 A US 1067067A US 69986212 A US69986212 A US 69986212A US 1912699862 A US1912699862 A US 1912699862A US 1067067 A US1067067 A US 1067067A
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gage bar
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Karl M Schlueter
Ferdinand Schlueter Jr
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    • B41B1/00Elements or appliances for hand composition; Chases, quoins, or galleys


  • KARI. M. Sonnun'rnn and l nnnmimn Sonnet-trim, Jr. citizens of the United States, and residents of the city of New York, borough of lilanhattan, county and State of New York. have invented a certain new and usetul Mechanism for Imposing and Registering Printingllates, of which the following a specitication.
  • This invention is a mechanism for im )osing and registering printing plates. and the purpose of the inmntion is to permit of the expeditious and accurate adjustment of such plates on a printing base of one form or other.
  • the bases of printing plates of a given size vary to a. considerable degree, as well as the bevels extending from the lower edges of the base upwardly, due, mainly, to distortions in the plate.
  • the present invention overcomes the disadvantages specified, as well as others, in that it embodies a device for accurately and mechanically fixing the head, back and cut margins of any desired dimensions, for any shape of plate, and for any given size of paper, and accurately maintains the same throughout the entire form. It thus obviates the present method of making register while torn is on press. The work is ac complished with very considerably greater speed than was possible heretofore, with absolute accuracy, and with practically unskilled help.
  • the salient feature of the present invention speaks trom a structural standpoint, consists in the employment of a suitable means. such as a gage bar, in conjunction with certain gage mechanism, preferably a plurality of gages, the said gage bar and gages having their lower edges in substantially the same plane and slightly above the printing base, and to such distance above said bed that said lower edges contact with the sides of the type metal portions of the printing plate.
  • the gage bar is supported or carried by movable devices positioned at the respective sides of the printing base whereby said gage bar and gages cooperating therewith may be shifted to ditl'erent operative positions with respect to the printing base.
  • the gage bar and the gages are capable of being moved toward and away from the printing base whereby they may be accommodated to the varying thicknesses of printing plates.
  • Figure 1 is a plan view of our new mechanism for registering a series of printing plates imposed upon a tlat printing block or base.
  • Fig. 2 is an elevation of the parts shown in Fig. 1 looking at the loweredge ot the printing block or base.
  • Fig. 2 is a detail plan view of the graduated plate which forms a. part of the gage bar.
  • Fig. 3 is an end view looking at the left of Fig. 1.
  • Fig. 4: is an enlarged view of the gage bar and one of the gages, illustrating the same in operative relation to two of the edges of the type metal part of the printing plate.
  • Fig. 5 is a detail view through a part of one of the gages, illustrating the means for locking said gage in fixed relation to the gage bar.
  • Fig. 6 is a cross section on the line (3( of Fig. Fig. 7 is a detail view through one of the supporting bearings for the gage bar, showinganore particularly a m ans for moving the gage bar toward or from the surface of a printing base.
  • Fig. 8 is a horizontal seetion on the line Ft--S ot Fig. T.
  • Figs. 9 and 10 are enlarged detail views of parts of our new gage.
  • Figs. ll aml 12 are a side view and an end view, re-
  • gage meehanism is eonstrueted for use in eonneetion with a e vlindrieal printing base; and Fig. '13 is an enlarged seetion on the line l t--11 of Fig. ll.
  • the new gage embodies a gage bar B, a desired number of gages (,supporting bearings 1 l) for the gage bar, and devices cooperating with the aforesaid parts whereby said parts are adapted for determining with preeision the position of printing plates X imposed upon the top grooved surface of the printing base or block.
  • the supporting bearings employed in the present invention are adapted to be positioned at the respective sides of the printing block or base, and said supporting hearings, in a preferred embodiment of the invention, are shiftable to predetermined positions along the respeetive edges of base A.
  • the bearings are in the form of hollow posts, as shown in Fig. 7, eaeh bearing having a base (I.
  • the under t'aee ot' the base 1/ of eaeh bearing is cut away so as to provide an under faee d, see Fig. 9, and at one side of the under face the supporting bearing is provided with a longitudinal groove d.
  • the bearing face d is positioned to rest upon the upper grooved surface of base A, whereby the supporting bearing is positioned to rest. upon the base and to be shiftable along the edge of said base.
  • E, E are guide bars which are positioned at the respeetive sides of base A, said guide bars extending through the grooves in supporting bearings D, I).
  • the guide bars are parallel to the side edges of the base, and it is preferred to rigidly fasten said guide bars at one end thereof to the base, the means for attaehing the guide bars consisting of plates 0 having slots 9 to receive binding screws Each plate is fastened in a suitable way to an end portion of one guide bar in sueh manner-that the plate will extend or lap over the grooved fare of the base, and
  • the guide bars hi, hi are provided at their inner edges withnotehes or teeth f, whiel are engaged by loeking spindles F.
  • the lot-king spindle passes transverselt through base 1/, and this loeking spindle is eut awa v at f intermediate its ends so as to provide a tooth f spindle to the guide bar. whereby the tooth f is positioned for engagement with a noteh f of said guide bar.
  • the spindle is pressed in one direetion by a spring f. tor the purpose of retaining the tooth f in loelting en gagement with a noteh of said guide bar.
  • the yokes t are movable within the supporting bearings by the operation of adjusting serews H, eaeh serewhaving a swiveled eonneetion at its lower end to the head of the volte, as indieated at 7b in Fig. 7, thus operatively eonneeting the slidahle yokes to the adjusting serews.
  • the serews are. provided with milled heads 7t and with eheek nuts it.
  • Gage bar B is of such length as to extend entirely' aeross the. grooved bloek, and as shown in Figs. 1 and 2, the end portions of said gage bar extend through supporting l *arings 1'), I) and the movable ⁇ 'ol ⁇ 'es t whieh are slidably supported within said bearings l), l).
  • the gage bar is providet' in its top faee with a reeess whieh reeeiws a graduated plate. 1, the latter being eomposed.
  • the gage bar is provided with grooves I), said grooves being formed in the respeetive side t'aees of said bar 13, pret'erably below the top edge thereof. and said grooves running tor praetieally the entire length ot the gage bar.
  • the respeetive side taees ol the gage bar near the lower edge thereof are cut away as at b, and into these cutaway portions extend the flanges 9' provided on the legs of the yoke G at the lower ends thereof, whereby the yokes G have interlocking engagement with the gage bar so as to insure movement of the gage bar with the yokeswhen the latter are adjusted within the vertical spaces g of supportin bearings D, D.
  • the yokes G and screws 1% are operable for moving the gage bar toward or from the upper surface of the grooved base block A, and when the bar shall have been adjusted to the desired position, it is retained in fixed relation to supporting bearings I), I) by operating clamping screws J one of'said clamping screws being mounte, in each of the supporting hearings in a position to pass through a slot G in one leg of the yoke G, see Fig. 7, the end of said screw engaging with the gage bar for rigidly clamping said bar directly by the screw, thus preventing both vertical and sidewise displacement of the gage bar.
  • Gage bar B carries or supports a desired number of gages t, each gagc being constructed as follows:
  • the gage proper consists of a plate which may be of the form shown more particularly in Figs. 4, 5 and 6, said plate being provided with a saddle (.l', the: gage and the saddle being constructed with a vertical slot- 0 which opens (l0WI1 ⁇ 'ardly, as shown in Fig. 5, whereby the gage and its saddle may be positioned upon the gage bar.
  • the walls of the slot 0 in the gage and the saddle fit snugly to the side and top faces of the gage bar so that the gage will be re ained firmly in position upon said gage bar, the gage practically straddling the gage bar.
  • the bottom edge of the gage (l, and the bottom edge of gage bar I) are in the same horizontal plane, in other words, the bottom edges of the two parts mentioned are substantially flush with each other; and, furthermore, the gage bar is supported in bearings D, D so that the bottom edges ot' the gage bar and the gages will be positioned a short distance above the top surface of the grooved base 13.
  • This construction and organization enables us to use the gage bar and the gages for determining the position of the printing plate upon the grooved .basc, for the reason that the lower edges of.
  • the gage bar and the gages are, supported by the bearings above the base, and the said lower edges of'bar B and gages C are adapted to contact, respectively, with two of the edges of the type metal part of the printing plate; in other words, the lower part of gage bar.B is positioned for engagementwith one side edge of the type metal part of the printing plate X, as shown in Fig. 4, whereas the corresponding lower edge of one gage (7 is adapted to contact with another edge of the type metal part of said printing plate, whereby the two lower edges of bar B and gage C are adapted for engagement simultaneously with two lat eral edges of the type metal part of the printing plate.
  • Each gage is positioned transversely of the gage bar, and provision is made for locking said gage to the gage bar, the gage being slidable along the gage bar lengthwise thereof, whereby the gage may be positioned at a. desired point intermediate the ends of the bar according to the sizes of the printing plates, the positions of which are to be deterl'i'iincd upon the base block.
  • Various forms of locking devices may be employed, but as shown more particularly in Figs. 5 and 6, said locking device is a spring-actuated spindle K, the same bcing slidably fitted in a transverse opening l which is provided in saddle (J of the gage.
  • the spindle provided in its under edge with a notch In, and at one side of this notch the wall thereof is so formed as to produce a tooth Z.
  • the gage bar B is provided on one or both of its said faces above the channels or grooves I) with a series of notches Z, with one of which notches Z of said gage bar is adapted to engage the tooth l of the locking spindle K.
  • said spindle is adapted to straddle or tit over the top edge of gage bar B, but the length of slot it" exceeds the width of the gage bar so that spindle K is capable of a limited movement transversely to the gage bar.
  • a pressure spring L acting-to impel the locking spindle in the direction of its length, whereby the tooth Z of the spindle is normally engaged with notch l in the gage bar, thus retaining the locking spindle in fixed engagement with the gage bar, and precluding movement of the gage relative to said gage bar.
  • One end of the spindle is exposed outside of the saddle so as to practically form a push-button.
  • the mode of using the gage thus far de- 1 ing bearings D, D, the gage bar B and the scribed is as follows:
  • the guide bars E, E are positioned at the respective sides of the bed and detachably clamped thereto .by the screws 1: which are supported in plates (1. whereby said guide bars E, E are fixed relative to the bed.
  • the gage har l5 carrying gages C and provided with supporting hearings D, I) are now positioned over the bed, the grooves ll of said bearings I), 1.) fitting over the guide bars I). E. respectively.
  • the locking spindles I are pressed inwardly and the supporting hearings D, I) are moved to a desired position relative to the grooved block.
  • gage bar 15 is thus supported in a fixed position across the groovtal block with the lower edge of said gage bar lifted a suitable distant-e above and free from contact with the grooved face of the block; and thus gage bar 1) supports or carries the gages (J so that the lower edges of said' gages will occupy the same relation to the upper surface of the grooved base that said lower edge of the gage bar occupies thereto, '1'. 0., the lower edges of the gages are lifted somewhat above the grooved face of the block, such elevation of the gage bar and the.
  • gages being equal substantially to the thicknesses of the bases'of the printing plates X.
  • Gages G are adjusted along the gage bar so that two of said gages will be spaced a distance between the headings required to be left between the printed matter on the pages. the several gages being positioned in the required manner and at the proper distances apart which the printing plates are to occupy upon the. grooved base block.
  • the proper number of printing plates X such as the four shown in Fig. 1, are imposed upon the grooved base. each printing plate X being adjusted so that one edge tiereof will engage with the lower edge of the gage bar and another edge will engage with the l'ower edge of the gage.
  • said lower edges of the gagevand the gag-e bar are in contact with the type metal part of the printing plate.
  • suitable locking devices Z are placed within the grooves a of the block A and in contact with the beveled .edges of the base of the printing plate, a sufficient number of these locking devices Z being engaged with the two free edges of the printing plate so as to retain the latter fixedly in position upon the grooved base block.
  • the new gage is capable of use for accurately determining the several margins for the reason that two of the gages shown are easily adjustable on the bar to determine the cut margin, and the two other gages shown are adjustable relative to the two first named gages to determine the head margins.
  • the device is adjustable, also, to determine the back margins, and the several changes in the relative posit-ions'of the various parts enable the gage mechanism to be used in connection with any size or shape of plate and for any given size. of paper. And. furthermore. when once the gages are adjusted. the sameaccuracy and precision in the imposition and register of the plates is maintained throughout the entire form.
  • gage har B a series of gages C and supporting hearings D all constructed substantially as hereinbefore described, except that gagesC and bearings I) are curved in order to have them conform to the cylindrical surface of the. printiugbas'e A. Bearings I)'-, only one of which is shown in Fig.
  • the supporting bearing is provided with the yoke G adapted to be adjusted by the operating 1 screw H for the purpose of moving the gage bar B toward and from the surface of grooved cylindrical block A, all as hereinbefore described. In addition to the fore going parts.
  • the free end of this arm is connected by a pivot n to another arm N, the latter being provided with sleeve 0 which is fitted upon a supporting rod 0 of the press frame.
  • the rod and the two arms operate to retain the supporting bearing in position upon the press bearer, and the two supporting bearings carry the gage bar and the gages in operative relation to the grooved cylindrical block A, the supporting bearings D" being locked by locking spindles to the guide bars E ⁇ Vhen assembling printing plates upon the grooved cylindrical base, the gage bar is adjusted to the desired position, the arms M and Npermitting the desired adjustment of the supporting bearings D whereby the gage bar may be moved within certain limits relative to the grooved surface of the cylindrical base A
  • the printing plates are assembled upon the cylindrical base by positioning them so that two vertical edges of the type metal part of each printing plate will contact with the lower ed es of the gage bar and the gage, respective y, after which the printing plate is locked in position upon thd cylinder, this operation being repeated in
  • a gage bar the lower straight edge of which is positioned for contact with the sides of the type metal portions of a plurality of printing plates, a support for said gage bar, and a plurality of gages carried by said gage bar, the lower edges of said gages being in substantially the same plane as the lower straight edge of the gage bar, whereby the gages are positioned for contact individually with the type metal portions of a plurality of printing plates.
  • a gagebar the lower straight edge of which is positioned for contact with the type metal portion of a printing plate
  • supports for said gage bar adapted to be positioned at the respective sides of the printing base of a press
  • means operable at will for raising within the supports and a plurality of gages the bottom portions of which are in substantially the same plane as the lower straight edge of the gage bar, said gages being carried by the gage bar.
  • a gage bar the lower straight edge of which is positioned for contact with the type metal portion of a printing plate
  • shiftable supports cooperating with said gage bar, said supports eing positioned at, and shit'table along, the respective sides of the printing base of a press
  • a plurality of gages can ried by the gage bar, the bottom portions of said gages being in substantially the same plane as the lower straight edge of the gage bar.
  • a gage bar the lower edge of which is positioned for contact with the type metal portion of a printing plate
  • supports for said gage bar said supports being positioned at the respective sides of the printing base of a press
  • means for predetermining the positions of said support-s relative to the printing base means for predetermining the positions of said support-s relative to the printing base.
  • a plurality of gages carried by the gage bar the bottom portions of said gages being in substantially the same plane as the lower straight edge of the gage bar, and means for locking the gages individually to the gage bar at predetermined positions thereon.
  • a gage bar In mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of a gage bar, means for supporting said gage bar in a position for one of the longitudinal edges thereof to contact with one side edge of each of a plurality of printing plates, and a plurality of gage devices carried by said gage bar, each gage device extending outwardly from the gage bar and said gage device having an operative edge in substantially the plane of that longitudinal edge of the gage bar which is adapted for contact with the printing plates, said operative edges of the gage devices being positioned for contact individually with edges of the printing plates other than those/engaged by the longitudinal edge of the gage bar.
  • gage bar the lowercdge portion of which is positioned for contact with the type metal of a printing plate
  • supporting devices for the gage bar.
  • gage mechanism carried by and shiftable with the gage bar, said gage mechanisin andthe gage bar being positioned for contact simultaneously with different sides of the type metal portions of a plurality of printing plates.
  • a gage bar means for supporting said gage bar in a position free from engagement with the surfaceof a base, and gages supported by said gage bar, the lower portion of each gage being in substantially the same plane as the lower portion of the gage bar, wherebythe lower portions of the gage bar and the gages are positioned for contact simultaneously with two edges of the raised type metal parts of one or more printing'plates.
  • a gage bar means for supporting said gage. bar in a position free from engagement with the surface of a base, and gages supported by said gage bar, each gage being slidable in the direction of the length of the gage bar, the lower portion of each gage being in substantially the same. plane as the lower portion of the gage bar, whereby the lower portions of the gage bar and the gages are positioned for contact simultaneously with two edges of the raised type metal parts of one or more printing plates.
  • a gage bar means for supporting said gage bar in a position free from engagement with the surface of a base, and gages supported by said gage bar, each gage being slidable in the direction of the length of the gage bar, means for locking each gage in a predetermined position' upon the gagebar, the lower portion of each gage. being in substantially the same plane as the lower portion of the gage bar, whereby the lower portions of the gage bar and the gagesare positioned for contact simultaneously with two edges of the raised type metal parts of one or more. printing plates.
  • the combination of guide bars adaptedto be positioned at the respective sides of a grooved base, supporting members fitted for slidable movement upon said guide bars, means for locking the supporting members in predetermined positions to said guide bars, a gage bar su ported by said supporting members, a nuniber of gages carried by said gage bar, the lower portions of said gage bar and thegages being in the same plane, whereby the gage bar and the gages are positioned to contact simultaneously with the respective edges of the type metal parts of the printing plates.
  • a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates the combination of aplurality of supporting members adapted to be positioned at the respectivesides of a grooved base, a gage bar supported by said members in a raised position over, and in spaced relation to, the upper surface of said grooved base, a plurality of gages fitted upon the gage bar, the lower edge of the gage bar and the lower edges of the gages being in substantially the same horizontal plane, and means for separately locking the gages to the gage bar.
  • a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates the combination of supporting members adapted to be positioned in operative relation to a grooved base, a gage bar fitted in said members and supported thereby in spaced relation to the outer surface of said, base, a number ol gages titted upon the gage bar, the lower portions of the gage bar and the gages being in substantially the same horizontal plane and adapted for contact simultaneously with a plurality of printing plates. and locking spindles each carried by one of said gages and positioned for locking engagementwith the gage bar.
  • the combination of supporting members adapted to be positioned in operative relation to a grooved 'ase, a gage bar titted in said members and supported thereby .in spaced relation to the outer surface of said base.
  • a number of gages each provided with a saddle and with a slot, which slot opens downwardly, whereby the gage and the saddle thereof is adapted to straddle the gage bar, the lower portions of the gage and the gage bar being in substantially the same horizontal plane, and a locking device supported on the saddle of each gage for cooperation with the gage bar.
  • a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates the combination of supporting members adapted to be positioned in operative relation to a grooved base, a gage bar supported by said members in a. position spaced with respect to the surtaco of said grooved base, said gage bar being graduated. gages carried by the gage bar and shittable relative, to the gage bar and the graduations thereon, and means tor locking the gages in predetermined positions upon the bar, the lower edges of the gages and the gage bar being in substantiallythe same horizontal plane and adapted for contact simultaneously with a plurality of printing plates, said gage bar contacting with one edge of said plates and the gages having contact individually with another edge of said plates.
  • a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates the combination of a notched graduated gage bar, a plurality of gages supported by the gage bar, each gage bemg movable relativclyto the gage bar and the-graduations thereof, and the lower edges of the gages and the gage bar being in substantially the same horizontal plane, lllcttlis on the gages and cooperating with the notches ot' the gage bar for locking the gages in predetermined positions, and means separate trom the gages for supporting the gage bar in a position spaced with respect to a grooved bed, said gage bar being positioned for contact with one edge of a plurality of printing plates and the gages being arranged for contact individually with other edges of said printing plates.
  • the combination of guide bars adapted to be positioned at. the respective sides of a grooved bed, said guide bars being separate from said bed, a gage bar, supporting members titted to said gage bar for removal therewith, said supporting members being provided with notches adapted to be titted over the guide bars, means for locking the supporting members to the guide bars, and gages carried by the gage bar, the lower edges of the gages and the bar being in substantially the same horizontal plane, said gage bar being positioned for contact with one edgeot' a pluralityot' printing plates and the gages being arranged for contact individuall with other edges of said printing plates.
  • the combination oit graduated guide bars adapted to be positioned at the respective sides of agrooved bed, said guide bars being separate from the bed, supporting members slidablv retained upon said guide bars and slidable relative to the graduations thereon, means vtor locking the supporting members to the guide bars, a gage bar supported in the supporting members, and gages carried by the gage bar, the lower edges of the gage bar and the gages being positioned for contact simultaneously with a plurality of printing plates.


  • Screen Printers (AREA)


LQWTAUHK Patented July 8, 1913.
APPLICATION FILED MAY27, 1912v LQGLUG'YQ Patented July 8, 1913.
1 6%? Patentefii July 8,1913.
KQPLM. chbue%eh URS wand Fer-'diinaz d fichluei zev, fl
' Specification of Letters Patent.
Application filed May 27, 1912.
Patented July 8, 1913.
Serial No. 699.862.
To all whom it may concern 1:0 it known that we, KARI. M. Sonnun'rnn and l nnnmimn Sonnet-trim, Jr., citizens of the United States, and residents of the city of New York, borough of lilanhattan, county and State of New York. have invented a certain new and usetul Mechanism for Imposing and Registering Printingllates, of which the following a specitication.
This invention is a mechanism for im )osing and registering printing plates. and the purpose of the inmntion is to permit of the expeditious and accurate adjustment of such plates on a printing base of one form or other.
Heretofore the imposition and registration of printing plates was accomplished by skilled labor, and. even under ,these conditions, was not effected with the desired precision, and, moreover, required very considerable time. l urthermore, in some instances, this work necessitated suspending the operation of the press, with consequent loss of production therefrom.
As is well known, the bases of printing plates of a given size vary to a. considerable degree, as well as the bevels extending from the lower edges of the base upwardly, due, mainly, to distortions in the plate.
,The type metal portions of the plates, how-' ever, are usually uniform and regular. As a. result of the conditions specified, it is very ditticult, it not practically impossible in many instances. even with high grade cmployees. to position a series of such printing plateson the printing press base with anything like precise or accurate register.
The present invention overcomes the disadvantages specified, as well as others, in that it embodies a device for accurately and mechanically fixing the head, back and cut margins of any desired dimensions, for any shape of plate, and for any given size of paper, and accurately maintains the same throughout the entire form. It thus obviates the present method of making register while torn is on press. The work is ac complished with very considerably greater speed than was possible heretofore, with absolute accuracy, and with practically unskilled help.
The salient feature of the present invention. speaking trom a structural standpoint, consists in the employment of a suitable means. such as a gage bar, in conjunction with certain gage mechanism, preferably a plurality of gages, the said gage bar and gages having their lower edges in substantially the same plane and slightly above the printing base, and to such distance above said bed that said lower edges contact with the sides of the type metal portions of the printing plate. The result is that the location or position of such plate is determined with unerring precision. The gage bar is supported or carried by movable devices positioned at the respective sides of the printing base whereby said gage bar and gages cooperating therewith may be shifted to ditl'erent operative positions with respect to the printing base. The gage bar and the gages are capable of being moved toward and away from the printing base whereby they may be accommodated to the varying thicknesses of printing plates.
Further features of the invention, and the atlval'itages thereof, will appear from the following detailed description.
in the accompanying drawings. we have illustrated difl'crent practical embodiments of the invention, but the constructions shown therein are to be understood as illustrative, only. and not as defining the limits of the. invention.
Figure 1 is a plan view of our new mechanism for registering a series of printing plates imposed upon a tlat printing block or base. Fig. 2 is an elevation of the parts shown in Fig. 1 looking at the loweredge ot the printing block or base. Fig. 2 is a detail plan view of the graduated plate which forms a. part of the gage bar. Fig. 3 is an end view looking at the left of Fig. 1. Fig. 4: is an enlarged view of the gage bar and one of the gages, illustrating the same in operative relation to two of the edges of the type metal part of the printing plate. Fig. 5 is a detail view through a part of one of the gages, illustrating the means for locking said gage in fixed relation to the gage bar. Fig. 6 is a cross section on the line (3( of Fig. Fig. 7 is a detail view through one of the supporting bearings for the gage bar, showinganore particularly a m ans for moving the gage bar toward or from the surface of a printing base. Fig. 8 is a horizontal seetion on the line Ft--S ot Fig. T. Figs. 9 and 10 are enlarged detail views of parts of our new gage. Figs. ll aml 12 are a side view and an end view, re-
speetivel v, of another embodiment of the I the eut-awav portion f ;u-eonun alating the invention, wherein the gage meehanism is eonstrueted for use in eonneetion with a e vlindrieal printing base; and Fig. '13 is an enlarged seetion on the line l t--11 of Fig. ll.
'e will first. proeeetl to deseribe the embodiment of the invention illustrated in Figs. 1 to 10, inehisive, ot' the drawings. wherein the new gage met-hanism is eonstrueted for use in eonneetion with a flat substantialtv reetangular printing base or bloek A, the latter being usually provided with a marginal tlange 1/, and with a series of inelined grooves a, the top surl'aee ot the inarginal flange a. being in a plane below the top grooved surfaee of the lJlOt'k Si aking generally, the new gage embodies a gage bar B, a desired number of gages (,supporting bearings 1 l) for the gage bar, and devices cooperating with the aforesaid parts whereby said parts are adapted for determining with preeision the position of printing plates X imposed upon the top grooved surface of the printing base or block. The supporting bearings employed in the present invention are adapted to be positioned at the respective sides of the printing block or base, and said supporting hearings, in a preferred embodiment of the invention, are shiftable to predetermined positions along the respeetive edges of base A. The bearings are in the form of hollow posts, as shown in Fig. 7, eaeh bearing having a base (I. The under t'aee ot' the base 1/ of eaeh bearing is cut away so as to provide an under faee d, see Fig. 9, and at one side of the under face the supporting bearing is provided with a longitudinal groove d. The bearing face d is positioned to rest upon the upper grooved surface of base A, whereby the supporting bearing is positioned to rest. upon the base and to be shiftable along the edge of said base. E, E are guide bars which are positioned at the respeetive sides of base A, said guide bars extending through the grooves in supporting bearings D, I). The guide bars are parallel to the side edges of the base, and it is preferred to rigidly fasten said guide bars at one end thereof to the base, the means for attaehing the guide bars consisting of plates 0 having slots 9 to receive binding screws Each plate is fastened in a suitable way to an end portion of one guide bar in sueh manner-that the plate will extend or lap over the grooved fare of the base, and
6!; through this plate passes a binding .serew FL,
the lower end of whieh is engaged with the walls of a groove o. of the base. The guide bars hi, hi are provided at their inner edges withnotehes or teeth f, whiel are engaged by loeking spindles F. The lot-king spindle passes transverselt through base 1/, and this loeking spindle is eut awa v at f intermediate its ends so as to provide a tooth f spindle to the guide bar. whereby the tooth f is positioned for engagement with a noteh f of said guide bar. The spindle is pressed in one direetion by a spring f. tor the purpose of retaining the tooth f in loelting en gagement with a noteh of said guide bar. but when it is desired to adjust the supporting bearing along the guide bar, the operator presses the spindle in a direetion against the tension of the spring. and to t'oree the tooth away from the noteh f. whereby the spindle is released from lot-king engagement with the guide bar. and the supporting l *aring may be moved by hand along the bed and the guide bar, so that the supporting bear ings and the gage bar will assume new operative positions intermediate the ends of the bed. liar-h supporting bearing l or I is provided with a vertieal spare 1 and in the walls of this vertieal spare are formed grooves 1 see Fig. 8. The vertieal spa e 5 aeeommodates a vol e (l. the respeetive legs of whieh are titted in the grooves y, whereby the yoke is guided for vertieal movement within the supporting bearing. The yokes t are movable within the supporting bearings by the operation of adjusting serews H, eaeh serewhaving a swiveled eonneetion at its lower end to the head of the volte, as indieated at 7b in Fig. 7, thus operatively eonneeting the slidahle yokes to the adjusting serews. The serews are. provided with milled heads 7t and with eheek nuts it. said serews having threaded bearings in the up perv ends of the supporting bearings I). l) Gage bar B is of such length as to extend entirely' aeross the. grooved bloek, and as shown in Figs. 1 and 2, the end portions of said gage bar extend through supporting l *arings 1'), I) and the movable \'ol\'es t whieh are slidably supported within said bearings l), l). The gage bar is providet' in its top faee with a reeess whieh reeeiws a graduated plate. 1, the latter being eomposed. preferably, of a single pieee ot' hardened steel having the desired graduations on its top faee. The graduated or eale plate I is eonntersunk in the top 't'aeeot' gage bar lt. in addition to the groove for receiving the seale plate I, the gage bar is provided with grooves I), said grooves being formed in the respeetive side t'aees of said bar 13, pret'erably below the top edge thereof. and said grooves running tor praetieally the entire length ot the gage bar. The respeetive side taees ol the gage bar near the lower edge thereof are cut away as at b, and into these cutaway portions extend the flanges 9' provided on the legs of the yoke G at the lower ends thereof, whereby the yokes G have interlocking engagement with the gage bar so as to insure movement of the gage bar with the yokeswhen the latter are adjusted within the vertical spaces g of supportin bearings D, D. The yokes G and screws 1% are operable for moving the gage bar toward or from the upper surface of the grooved base block A, and when the bar shall have been adjusted to the desired position, it is retained in fixed relation to supporting bearings I), I) by operating clamping screws J one of'said clamping screws being mounte, in each of the supporting hearings in a position to pass through a slot G in one leg of the yoke G, see Fig. 7, the end of said screw engaging with the gage bar for rigidly clamping said bar directly by the screw, thus preventing both vertical and sidewise displacement of the gage bar. Gage bar B carries or supports a desired number of gages t, each gagc being constructed as follows: The gage proper consists of a plate which may be of the form shown more particularly in Figs. 4, 5 and 6, said plate being provided with a saddle (.l', the: gage and the saddle being constructed with a vertical slot- 0 which opens (l0WI1\ 'ardly, as shown in Fig. 5, whereby the gage and its saddle may be positioned upon the gage bar. The walls of the slot 0 in the gage and the saddle fit snugly to the side and top faces of the gage bar so that the gage will be re ained firmly in position upon said gage bar, the gage practically straddling the gage bar. As heretofore pointed out, the bottom edge of the gage (l, and the bottom edge of gage bar I) are in the same horizontal plane, in other words, the bottom edges of the two parts mentioned are substantially flush with each other; and, furthermore, the gage bar is supported in bearings D, D so that the bottom edges ot' the gage bar and the gages will be positioned a short distance above the top surface of the grooved base 13. This construction and organization enables us to use the gage bar and the gages for determining the position of the printing plate upon the grooved .basc, for the reason that the lower edges of. the gage bar and the gages are, supported by the bearings above the base, and the said lower edges of'bar B and gages C are adapted to contact, respectively, with two of the edges of the type metal part of the printing plate; in other words, the lower part of gage bar.B is positioned for engagementwith one side edge of the type metal part of the printing plate X, as shown in Fig. 4, whereas the corresponding lower edge of one gage (7 is adapted to contact with another edge of the type metal part of said printing plate, whereby the two lower edges of bar B and gage C are adapted for engagement simultaneously with two lat eral edges of the type metal part of the printing plate. Each gage is positioned transversely of the gage bar, and provision is made for locking said gage to the gage bar, the gage being slidable along the gage bar lengthwise thereof, whereby the gage may be positioned at a. desired point intermediate the ends of the bar according to the sizes of the printing plates, the positions of which are to be deterl'i'iincd upon the base block. Various forms of locking devices may be employed, but as shown more particularly in Figs. 5 and 6, said locking device is a spring-actuated spindle K, the same bcing slidably fitted in a transverse opening l which is provided in saddle (J of the gage. The spindle provided in its under edge with a notch In, and at one side of this notch the wall thereof is so formed as to produce a tooth Z. The gage bar B is provided on one or both of its said faces above the channels or grooves I) with a series of notches Z, with one of which notches Z of said gage bar is adapted to engage the tooth l of the locking spindle K. By forming the slot It" in spindle K, said spindle is adapted to straddle or tit over the top edge of gage bar B, but the length of slot it" exceeds the width of the gage bar so that spindle K is capable of a limited movement transversely to the gage bar. In one end of the opening is in saddle C is positioned a pressure spring L, the latter acting-to impel the locking spindle in the direction of its length, whereby the tooth Z of the spindle is normally engaged with notch l in the gage bar, thus retaining the locking spindle in fixed engagement with the gage bar, and precluding movement of the gage relative to said gage bar. One end of the spindle is exposed outside of the saddle so as to practically form a push-button. to which pressure may be applied for the purpose of pressing the spindle inwardly against the tension of spring L, thereby releasing tooth Z from the notch in the gage bar, so that the gage is freed from locking engagement with the gage bar, whereupon the gage may be adjusted lengthwise of the. gage bar to a desired position according to the length of the printing plate, the position of which is to be determined upon the bed. It will be noted that adjacent gages C are fitted to gage bar B in positions reversed to each other, so that spindle K of one gage extends outwardly in-one direction fronibar B, whereas-the next spindle extends in opposite direction from bar B, see Fig.1. Each spindle is so formed that one end wall of slot 7. forms a guide member below tooth l, which guide member enters one groove or channel I) of the gage bar. the guide members on the spindles of two adjacent gages entering the channels I) in the respective faces of the gage bar. The spindles K of the gages are thus connected to the grooved gage bar to retain the gages thereon, and said spindles operate to lock the gages in predetcrmiutal positions upon the gage bar.
The mode of using the gage thus far de- 1 ing bearings D, D, the gage bar B and the scribed is as follows: The guide bars E, E are positioned at the respective sides of the bed and detachably clamped thereto .by the screws 1: which are supported in plates (1. whereby said guide bars E, E are fixed relative to the bed. The gage har l5 carrying gages C and provided with supporting hearings D, I) are now positioned over the bed, the grooves ll of said bearings I), 1.) fitting over the guide bars I). E. respectively. The locking spindles I are pressed inwardly and the supporting hearings D, I) are moved to a desired position relative to the grooved block. after which the spindles are released so that the teeth j" will engage with notches f in the guide bars. thus locking the supporting hearings to said guide bars. The gage bar 15 is thus supported in a fixed position across the groovtal block with the lower edge of said gage bar lifted a suitable distant-e above and free from contact with the grooved face of the block; and thus gage bar 1) supports or carries the gages (J so that the lower edges of said' gages will occupy the same relation to the upper surface of the grooved base that said lower edge of the gage bar occupies thereto, '1'. 0., the lower edges of the gages are lifted somewhat above the grooved face of the block, such elevation of the gage bar and the. gages being equal substantially to the thicknesses of the bases'of the printing plates X. Gages G are adjusted along the gage bar so that two of said gages will be spaced a distance between the headings required to be left between the printed matter on the pages. the several gages being positioned in the required manner and at the proper distances apart which the printing plates are to occupy upon the. grooved base block. The proper number of printing plates X, such as the four shown in Fig. 1, are imposed upon the grooved base. each printing plate X being adjusted so that one edge tiereof will engage with the lower edge of the gage bar and another edge will engage with the l'ower edge of the gage. it being noted that said lower edges of the gagevand the gag-e bar are in contact with the type metal part of the printing plate. After the position of the plate is determined, suitable locking devices Z, of any preferred form, are placed within the grooves a of the block A and in contact with the beveled .edges of the base of the printing plate, a sufficient number of these locking devices Z being engaged with the two free edges of the printing plate so as to retain the latter fixedly in position upon the grooved base block. This operation of, positioning the printing plate is carried out in connection with each of said plates, and after all the printing plates of one series shall have been determined by the gage and locked by the devices Z, then the operator proceeds to shift the supportgages C to another position with respect to the grooved base, whereupon the operations heretofore described are "repeated.
The new gage is capable of use for accurately determining the several margins for the reason that two of the gages shown are easily adjustable on the bar to determine the cut margin, and the two other gages shown are adjustable relative to the two first named gages to determine the head margins. The device is adjustable, also, to determine the back margins, and the several changes in the relative posit-ions'of the various parts enable the gage mechanism to be used in connection with any size or shape of plate and for any given size. of paper. And. furthermore. when once the gages are adjusted. the sameaccuracy and precision in the imposition and register of the plates is maintained throughout the entire form.
ln Figs ll, 12 and 13 of the drawings there is shown an en'ibodiment of the invention adapted for use in connection with a cylindrical base A, the same being provided with grooves a. Said gage embodies gage har B, a series of gages C and supporting hearings D all constructed substantially as hereinbefore described, except that gagesC and bearings I) are curved in order to have them conform to the cylindrical surface of the. printiugbas'e A. Bearings I)'-, only one of which is shown in Fig. 11, although the duplicate of said bearing is to be provided at the opposite end of the cylindrical base, is adapted to bear or rest upon the bearer A of the press, and upon this bearer is secured a curved guide bar 11 the latter being provided with notches f. the parts E and f being the equivalent of the notched guide bar adapted for cooperation with the supporting hearing. The supporting bearing is provided with the yoke G adapted to be adjusted by the operating 1 screw H for the purpose of moving the gage bar B toward and from the surface of grooved cylindrical block A, all as hereinbefore described. In addition to the fore going parts. we provide means for retaining the supporting bearings D in operative position upon the bearer A of the press, said retaining means permitting of a limited adjustment of the su porting hearings D and the gage bar B relative to the surface of the cylindrical block A. As shown, we employ an arm M which is connected pivotally by a screw m to the supporting bearing, and
' and lowering the gage b:
the free end of this arm is connected by a pivot n to another arm N, the latter being provided with sleeve 0 which is fitted upon a supporting rod 0 of the press frame. The rod and the two arms operate to retain the supporting bearing in position upon the press bearer, and the two supporting bearings carry the gage bar and the gages in operative relation to the grooved cylindrical block A, the supporting bearings D" being locked by locking spindles to the guide bars E \Vhen assembling printing plates upon the grooved cylindrical base, the gage bar is adjusted to the desired position, the arms M and Npermitting the desired adjustment of the supporting bearings D whereby the gage bar may be moved within certain limits relative to the grooved surface of the cylindrical base A The printing plates are assembled upon the cylindrical base by positioning them so that two vertical edges of the type metal part of each printing plate will contact with the lower ed es of the gage bar and the gage, respective y, after which the printing plate is locked in position upon thd cylinder, this operation being repeated in connection with each plate. The gage devices may be lifted slightly with reference to the cylinder, and said cylinder may be turned so that the gage devices will assume a new operative relation thereto, after which the described operations of assembling, positioning, and locking a series of printing plates are repeated.
Having thus fully described the invention, What we claim. as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent is:
1. In a mechanism for imposing and reg istering printing plates, the combination of a. gage bar the lower straight edge of which is positioned for contact with the sides of the type metal portions of a plurality of printing plates, a support for said gage bar, and a plurality of gages carried by said gage bar, the lower edges of said gages being in substantially the same plane as the lower straight edge of the gage bar, whereby the gages are positioned for contact individually with the type metal portions of a plurality of printing plates.
2. In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of a gagebar, the lower straight edge of which is positioned for contact with the type metal portion of a printing plate, supports for said gage bar adapted to be positioned at the respective sides of the printing base of a press, means operable at will for raising within the supports, and a plurality of gages the bottom portions of which are in substantially the same plane as the lower straight edge of the gage bar, said gages being carried by the gage bar.
3. In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of a gage bar, the lower straight edge of which is positioned for contact with the type metal portion of a printing plate, shiftable supports cooperating with said gage bar, said supports eing positioned at, and shit'table along, the respective sides of the printing base of a press, and a plurality of gagescan ried by the gage bar, the bottom portions of said gages being in substantially the same plane as the lower straight edge of the gage bar.
4. In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of a gage bar, the lower edge of which is positioned for contact with the type metal portion of a printing plate, supports for said gage bar, said supports being positioned at the respective sides of the printing base of a press, means for predetermining the positions of said support-s relative to the printing base. a plurality of gages carried by the gage bar, the bottom portions of said gages being in substantially the same plane as the lower straight edge of the gage bar, and means for locking the gages individually to the gage bar at predetermined positions thereon.
In mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of a gage bar, means for supporting said gage bar in a position for one of the longitudinal edges thereof to contact with one side edge of each of a plurality of printing plates, and a plurality of gage devices carried by said gage bar, each gage device extending outwardly from the gage bar and said gage device having an operative edge in substantially the plane of that longitudinal edge of the gage bar which is adapted for contact with the printing plates, said operative edges of the gage devices being positioned for contact individually with edges of the printing plates other than those/engaged by the longitudinal edge of the gage bar.
6. In a mechanism for imposing and reg.
istering printing plates. the combination of a gage bar, the lowercdge portion of which is positioned for contact with the type metal of a printing plate, supporting devices for the gage bar. means for moving the gage bar vertically with respect to the supporting devices, and gage mechanism carried by and shiftable with the gage bar, said gage mechanisin andthe gage bar being positioned for contact simultaneously with different sides of the type metal portions of a plurality of printing plates.
7. In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of a gage bar, means for supporting said gage bar in a position free from engagement with the surfaceof a base, and gages supported by said gage bar, the lower portion of each gage being in substantially the same plane as the lower portion of the gage bar, wherebythe lower portions of the gage bar and the gages are positioned for contact simultaneously with two edges of the raised type metal parts of one or more printing'plates.
8. In a. mechanism for imposing and reg istering printing plates, the combination of a gage bar, means for supporting said gage. bar in a position free from engagement with the surface of a base, and gages supported by said gage bar, each gage being slidable in the direction of the length of the gage bar, the lower portion of each gage being in substantially the same. plane as the lower portion of the gage bar, whereby the lower portions of the gage bar and the gages are positioned for contact simultaneously with two edges of the raised type metal parts of one or more printing plates.
9. In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of a gage bar, means for supporting said gage bar in a position free from engagement with the surface of a base, and gages supported by said gage bar, each gage being slidable in the direction of the length of the gage bar, means for locking each gage in a predetermined position' upon the gagebar, the lower portion of each gage. being in substantially the same plane as the lower portion of the gage bar, whereby the lower portions of the gage bar and the gagesare positioned for contact simultaneously with two edges of the raised type metal parts of one or more. printing plates. I
10. In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of guide bars adaptedto be positioned at the respective sides of a grooved base, supporting members fitted for slidable movement upon said guide bars, means for locking the supporting members in predetermined positions to said guide bars, a gage bar su ported by said supporting members, a nuniber of gages carried by said gage bar, the lower portions of said gage bar and thegages being in the same plane, whereby the gage bar and the gages are positioned to contact simultaneously with the respective edges of the type metal parts of the printing plates.
11. In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of guide bars adapted to be positioned at the respective sides of a grooved base, supporting members fitted for slidable movement upon said guide bars, means for locking the supporting members in predetermined positions to said guide bars, a gage bar supported by said supporting members, a number of gages carried by said gage bar, the lower portions of said gage bar and the gages being in the same plane, whereby the gage porting members slidably' retained in' engagement with said guide bars, means operable at will for locking the supporting members to said guide bars, a gage bar carried by the supporting members, and shiftable therewith relative to the guide bars, and a plurality of gages supported on the gage bar, the lower edge of the gage bar and the lower edges of the gages being in substantially the same horizontal plane for contact with the several edges of the type metal portions of printing plates adapted to be imposed upon the top surface of the grooved base.
13. In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of notched g'uide'bars adapted to be posi tioned at the respective sides of a grooved base, said guide bars being separate from the grooved base and removable therefrom at, will, supporting members slidably retained in engagement with the guide bars, a
locking pin supported in each member and positioned for engagement with one of the notched guide bars, a gage bar carried by the supporting members and shiftable therewith relative to the guide bars, and gages supported by the gage bar, the lower edge of the gage bar and the lower edges of the gages being in substantially the same horizontal plane and positioned for contact with the type metal portions of printing plates ladapted to be imposed upon the grooved ase. 1
14. In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of aplurality of supporting members adapted to be positioned at the respectivesides of a grooved base, a gage bar supported by said members in a raised position over, and in spaced relation to, the upper surface of said grooved base, a plurality of gages fitted upon the gage bar, the lower edge of the gage bar and the lower edges of the gages being in substantially the same horizontal plane, and means for separately locking the gages to the gage bar. i i
15. In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of supporting members adapted to be positioned in operative relation to a grooved base, a gage bar fitted in said members and supported thereby in spaced relation to the outer surface of said, base, a number ol gages titted upon the gage bar, the lower portions of the gage bar and the gages being in substantially the same horizontal plane and adapted for contact simultaneously with a plurality of printing plates. and locking spindles each carried by one of said gages and positioned for locking engagementwith the gage bar.
16-. In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of supporting members adapted to be positioned in operative relation to a grooved 'ase, a gage bar titted in said members and supported thereby .in spaced relation to the outer surface of said base. a number of gages each provided with a saddle and with a slot, which slot opens downwardly, whereby the gage and the saddle thereof is adapted to straddle the gage bar, the lower portions of the gage and the gage bar being in substantially the same horizontal plane, and a locking device supported on the saddle of each gage for cooperation with the gage bar.
17 In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of supporting members adapted to be positioned in operative relation to av grooved base, a gage bar fitted in said members and supported thereby in spaced relation to the outer surface of said base, a number of gages fitted upon the gage bar, the lower portions of the gage bar and the gages being in substantially the same horizontal plane, and means for moving the gage bar within the supporting members, whereby the gage bar and the gages may be moved toward or from the surface of the grooved base.
18. In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of supporting members adapted to be positioned in operative relation to a grooved base, a gage bar supported by said members in a. position spaced with respect to the surtaco of said grooved base, said gage bar being graduated. gages carried by the gage bar and shittable relative, to the gage bar and the graduations thereon, and means tor locking the gages in predetermined positions upon the bar, the lower edges of the gages and the gage bar being in substantiallythe same horizontal plane and adapted for contact simultaneously with a plurality of printing plates, said gage bar contacting with one edge of said plates and the gages having contact individually with another edge of said plates.
It). In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of a notched graduated gage bar, a plurality of gages supported by the gage bar, each gage bemg movable relativclyto the gage bar and the-graduations thereof, and the lower edges of the gages and the gage bar being in substantially the same horizontal plane, lllcttlis on the gages and cooperating with the notches ot' the gage bar for locking the gages in predetermined positions, and means separate trom the gages for supporting the gage bar in a position spaced with respect to a grooved bed, said gage bar being positioned for contact with one edge of a plurality of printing plates and the gages being arranged for contact individually with other edges of said printing plates.
20. In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination of guide bars adapted to be positioned at. the respective sides of a grooved bed, said guide bars being separate from said bed, a gage bar, supporting members titted to said gage bar for removal therewith, said supporting members being provided with notches adapted to be titted over the guide bars, means for locking the supporting members to the guide bars, and gages carried by the gage bar, the lower edges of the gages and the bar being in substantially the same horizontal plane, said gage bar being positioned for contact with one edgeot' a pluralityot' printing plates and the gages being arranged for contact individuall with other edges of said printing plates.
21. In a mechanism for imposing and re istering printing plates. the combination oit graduated guide bars adapted to be positioned at the respective sides of agrooved bed, said guide bars being separate from the bed, supporting members slidablv retained upon said guide bars and slidable relative to the graduations thereon, means vtor locking the supporting members to the guide bars, a gage bar supported in the supporting members, and gages carried by the gage bar, the lower edges of the gage bar and the gages being positioned for contact simultaneously with a plurality of printing plates.
In a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates. the combination of supporting members adapted to be posilioned atthe respective sides of a grooved bed, a movable yoke titted in each support ing member, a gage bar embraced by said yolies of the supporting me1nbers,means for moving the yokes so. as to position the gage bar with respect to the surface of the grooved bed, and gages supported by the ga bar.
2 3. in a mechanism for imposing and registering printing plates, the combination ot supporting members adapted to be positinned at the respective sides of a grooved bed, a movable yoke fitted in each supporting member, a gage bar, embraced by said names to this specification in the presence yokes of the supportlng members, means of two SllbSCI'lblIlg wltnesses.
for moving the yokes so as to position the I w a gage bar with respect to the surface of the fgi I grooved bed, means for clamping the gage J 1 bar in fixed relation to the supporting n1e1n- \Vitnesses: hers, amt gages supported by the gage bar. M. C. RODRIQUEZ,
In testnnony whereof We have signed our H. I. BERNHARD.
US69986212A 1912-05-27 1912-05-27 Mechanism for imposing and registering printing-plates. Expired - Lifetime US1067067A (en)

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Application Number Priority Date Filing Date Title
US69986212A US1067067A (en) 1912-05-27 1912-05-27 Mechanism for imposing and registering printing-plates.

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US69986212A US1067067A (en) 1912-05-27 1912-05-27 Mechanism for imposing and registering printing-plates.

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US69986212A Expired - Lifetime US1067067A (en) 1912-05-27 1912-05-27 Mechanism for imposing and registering printing-plates.

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Cited By (5)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2688803A (en) * 1949-11-14 1954-09-14 Huck Co Mechanism for preregistering printing and other plates
US2810204A (en) * 1954-02-08 1957-10-22 Arnold L Imshaug Color plate register gauge device
US2929149A (en) * 1958-10-28 1960-03-22 Denway H Lawson Gauge for registering printing plates
US3281946A (en) * 1963-05-22 1966-11-01 John P Walsh Printing apparatus
US5546669A (en) * 1994-07-12 1996-08-20 Brennan; Thomas M. Cylinder positioning apparatus for offset presses and duplications

Cited By (6)

* Cited by examiner, † Cited by third party
Publication number Priority date Publication date Assignee Title
US2688803A (en) * 1949-11-14 1954-09-14 Huck Co Mechanism for preregistering printing and other plates
US2810204A (en) * 1954-02-08 1957-10-22 Arnold L Imshaug Color plate register gauge device
US2929149A (en) * 1958-10-28 1960-03-22 Denway H Lawson Gauge for registering printing plates
US3281946A (en) * 1963-05-22 1966-11-01 John P Walsh Printing apparatus
US5546669A (en) * 1994-07-12 1996-08-20 Brennan; Thomas M. Cylinder positioning apparatus for offset presses and duplications
US5636573A (en) * 1994-07-12 1997-06-10 Brennan; Thomas M. Cylinder positioning apparatus for offset presses and duplicators

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